Even if it won't be mass-produced, there will definitely not be only one Gu Mingxiu. It doesn't take too many, just three of them, hitting a powerful blow at the same time, will cause a fatal blow to a true holy realm powerhouse.

This is definitely heart-stopping bad news. Once a war breaks out, the consequences will be inestimable.

"I have said what I should say, you can take action!" Gu Mingxiu said.

Although Gu Mingxiu had become like this, if he wanted to escape, everyone would be worried about Ji Wufeng's safety and would not be able to keep him, but Gu Mingxiu chose to die. ??

Ye Linglong's eyes softened and she said, "You must be feeling helpless and have some difficulties, right?"

The news told by Gu Mingxiu is really important. If he is really the same as Gu Yunfei, he will never tell this secret. It shows that unlike other people in the Gu family, he at least still retains a trace of conscience.

"There is no reason for it, it's just that there is an obsession in my heart that is difficult to get rid of." Gu Mingxiu sighed.

Obsession? What obsession could he have? But everyone was a warrior, and they immediately understood that his obsession was the holy realm!

This is not only the obsession of Gu Mingxiu, but also the obsession of all warriors. Gu Mingxiu has touched the threshold of the holy realm, but he is already over seventy years old and has no hope of taking a step forward in this life. The reason why he chose to take action is, I just couldn’t resist stepping into the “holy realm”!

Gu Mingxiu's eyes were full of regret, and he said: "For a ray of false obsession, I actually did such a thing that destroyed humanity. I really have no shame in continuing to live in this world."

He was not a heinous person. He attacked Ji Wufeng in the Shura battlefield because he was from the Gu family and it was understandable to attack the family's enemies. This time, he acted because he could not resist the temptation of the "holy realm".

Ye Linglong said: "You can go. Since you already know that you have done something wrong, you should find a way to make up for your mistake, and you should not die to escape!"

Gu Mingxiu has become like this and is no longer a threat. The fact that he told such a shocking secret shows that he still has a conscience. If he really wants to do good things, he can help a lot with his energy. people.

Gu Mingxiu was shocked. He didn't expect that Ye Linglong would let him go. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Haha... You are so broad-minded at a young age. Even men are not as good as you. Yes, it is better to use the rest of your life to make up for what you have done before by escaping with death. I will tell you another secret. Gu Yunfei already has five man-made holy realm experts like me, but Yunfei has always been very cautious. From what I know about him, the real number is at least no less than Ten!"

Ten powerful people in the artificial holy realm?

If the three combined can deal with a real strong man in the holy realm, it means that Gu Yunfei has at least three combat abilities comparable to those in the holy realm.

This secret is definitely no less important than the first secret. If no precautions are taken in advance, there will definitely be a huge disaster once the war begins.

"Thank you, senior!" Ye Linglong said solemnly.

Gu Mingxiu waved his hand and sighed: "There is no need to thank me, I just want to make up for my mistakes, even though this is far from enough."

After Gu Mingxiu finished speaking, he dragged his rickety body towards the depths of the Flash Demon. Half a year later, a Chinese medicine shop appeared in Yueqiu City. The medicine shop was not for profit. In addition to being able to maintain a basic life, it relied on a small amount of money.

, without any other fees.

This is Gu Mingxiu's choice. He has witnessed with his own eyes the evil deeds committed by the Gu family in Yueqiu. He will spend the rest of his life helping the people of Yueqiu get rid of their illnesses to make up for the harm the Gu family has brought to Yueqiu.

The Gu family's undead warrior base was completely controlled by Ye Linglong. However, everyone searched the base but could not find Long Wei. The anxious Xuanzi group almost went berserk.

Ye Linglong said directly: "No need to look for it, Long Wei is not here at all. If my guess is correct, he must still be in China now."

"Then let's go back quickly." The people in the Xuanzi group said anxiously.

"Gu Tianyang will never hand him over easily, but you don't have to worry too much. Long Wei is too important to him, and he will never hurt him easily." Ye Linglong said decisively.

She didn't expect that Gu Yunfei had devoted himself to research for twenty years, and had even reached the point where he could create a strong man in the holy realm. In this way, Long Wei became even more important, because it was very likely that he could find someone in his body. Solve the problem that the strong man in the artificial holy realm can only deliver the most powerful blow.

Everyone was aware of this, and their nerves were tense. They wanted to immediately set off to snatch Long Wei back. Ye Linglong sneered and said, "What's the rush? It's not that easy to crack my research."

Three days later, Ji Wufeng's terrifying self-healing ability came into play, and under the treatment of the advanced equipment at the Undead Warrior Base, all the injuries on his body were healed, and his body functions basically returned to normal.

But Ji Wufeng never woke up, as if he was sleeping soundly. Everyone was anxious. Could it be that he had become a vegetative state like Lu Shuangshuang?

In the past three days, Ye Linglong looked at Ji Wufeng sleeplessly, but could not find the problem.

"I warn you, this matter must not be leaked. Don't blame me for not reminding you. If this matter is leaked, you will all be the object of my suspicion. I don't have the energy to find out who it is. I would rather kill by mistake. A thousand, and I won’t let one go!”

Ye Linglong was full of murderous aura, and the cold light in his eyes was like a sharp sword, looking directly at everyone. It was not that Ye Linglong was too domineering, but that he had to be like this.

If the news that Ji Wufeng was seriously injured and unconscious spreads out, Gu Tianyang will definitely take action. At the same time, Qianye Yu and Lucas will definitely not stand idly by and miss this great opportunity to get rid of Ji Wufeng.

It may even trigger the outbreak of war in advance!

Everyone could understand Ye Linglong's mood. Xiao Feng said solemnly: "Then what should we do now? If Brother Feng never wakes up, it will be a matter of time before he is exposed."

"Then we can hide it for a day, until he wakes up."

After receiving everyone's approval, Ye Linglong sneered: "Four major tribes? I want to see if you can stop me, Miss Linglong!"

The matter at the Immortal Warrior Base has come to an end, and the Yueqiu tribe has lost its threat. Ye Linglong and her group have become the benefactors of the entire Yueqiu. It is time for her to launch the energy plan. However, the first thing she has to solve is the four major tribes.

At the same time, Qianye Yu and Lucas in China were not in a good mood. They mobilized almost all the forces within China, but they could not find any clues about Long Wei, or Gu Tian Yangzang was too secretive. , or that news is simply false news. Even if there is no mass production, there will definitely not be only one Gu Mingxiu. It doesn’t take too many, as long as three of them hit the strongest blow at the same time, which will cause a fatal blow to a true holy realm powerhouse.

This is definitely heart-stopping bad news. Once a war breaks out, the consequences will be inestimable.

"I have said what I should say, you can take action!" Gu Mingxiu said.

Although Gu Mingxiu had become like this, if he wanted to escape, everyone would be worried about Ji Wufeng's safety and would not be able to keep him, but Gu Mingxiu chose to die.

Ye Linglong's eyes softened and she said, "You must be feeling helpless and have some difficulties, right?"

The news told by Gu Mingxiu is really important. If he is really the same as Gu Yunfei, he will never tell this secret. It shows that unlike other people in the Gu family, he at least still retains a trace of conscience.

"There is no reason for it, it's just that there is an obsession in my heart that is difficult to get rid of." Gu Mingxiu sighed.

Obsession? What obsession could he have? But everyone was a warrior, and they immediately understood that his obsession was the holy realm!

This is not only the obsession of Gu Mingxiu, but also the obsession of all warriors. Gu Mingxiu has touched the threshold of the holy realm, but he is already over seventy years old and has no hope of taking a step forward in this life. The reason why he chose to take action is, I just couldn’t resist stepping into the “holy realm”!

Gu Mingxiu's eyes were full of regret, and he said: "For a ray of false obsession, I actually did such a thing that destroyed humanity. I really have no shame in continuing to live in this world."

He was not a heinous person. He attacked Ji Wufeng in the Shura battlefield because he was a member of the Gu family. There was nothing wrong with attacking his family's enemies. This time, he acted because he could not resist the temptation of the "holy realm".

Ye Linglong said: "You can go. Since you already know that you have done something wrong, you should find a way to make up for your mistake, and you should not die to escape!"

Gu Mingxiu has become like this and is no longer a threat. The fact that he told such a shocking secret shows that he still has a conscience. If he really wants to do good things, he can help a lot with his energy. people.

Gu Mingxiu was shocked. He didn't expect that Ye Linglong would let him go. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Haha... You are so broad-minded at a young age. Even men are not as good as you. Yes, it is better to use the rest of your life to make up for what you have done before by escaping with death. I will tell you another secret. Gu Yunfei already has five man-made holy realm experts like me, but Yunfei has always been very cautious. From what I know about him, the real number is at least no less than Ten!"

Ten powerful people in the artificial holy realm?

If the three combined can deal with a real strong man in the holy realm, it means that Gu Yunfei has at least three combat abilities comparable to those in the holy realm.

This secret is definitely no less important than the first secret. If no precautions are taken in advance, there will definitely be a huge disaster once the war begins.

"Thank you, senior!" Ye Linglong said solemnly.

Gu Mingxiu waved his hand and sighed: "There is no need to thank me, I just want to make up for my mistakes, even though this is far from enough."

After Gu Mingxiu finished speaking, he dragged his rickety body towards the depths of the Flash Demon. Half a year later, a Chinese medicine shop appeared in Yueqiu City. The medicine shop was not for profit. In addition to being able to maintain a basic life, it relied on a small amount of money.

, without any other fees.

This is Gu Mingxiu's choice. He has witnessed with his own eyes the evil deeds committed by the Gu family in Yueqiu. He will spend the rest of his life helping the people of Yueqiu get rid of their illnesses to make up for the harm the Gu family has brought to Yueqiu.

The Gu family's undead warrior base was completely controlled by Ye Linglong. However, everyone searched the base but could not find Long Wei. The anxious Xuanzi group almost went berserk.

Ye Linglong said directly: "No need to look for it, Long Wei is not here at all. If my guess is correct, he must still be in China now."

"Then let's go back quickly." The people in the Xuanzi group said anxiously.

"Gu Tianyang will never hand him over easily, but you don't have to worry too much. Long Wei is too important to him, and he will never hurt him easily." Ye Linglong said decisively.

She didn't expect that Gu Yunfei had devoted himself to research for twenty years, and had even reached the point where he could create a strong man in the holy realm. In this way, Long Wei became even more important, because it was very likely that he could find someone in his body. Solve the problem that the strong man in the artificial holy realm can only deliver the most powerful blow.

Everyone was aware of this, and their nerves were tense. They wanted to immediately set off to snatch Long Wei back. Ye Linglong sneered and said, "What's the rush? It's not that easy to crack my research."

Three days later, Ji Wufeng's terrifying self-healing ability came into play, and under the treatment of the advanced equipment at the Undead Warrior Base, all the injuries on his body were healed, and his body functions basically returned to normal.

But Ji Wufeng never woke up, as if he was sleeping soundly. Everyone was anxious. Could it be that he had become a vegetative state like Lu Shuangshuang?

In the past three days, Ye Linglong looked at Ji Wufeng sleeplessly, but could not find the problem.

"I warn you, this matter must not be leaked. Don't blame me for not reminding you. If this matter is leaked, you will all be the object of my suspicion. I don't have the energy to find out who it is. I would rather kill by mistake. A thousand, and I won’t let one go!”

Ye Linglong was full of murderous aura, and the cold light in his eyes was like a sharp sword, looking directly at everyone. It was not that Ye Linglong was too domineering, but that he had to be like this.

If the news that Ji Wufeng was seriously injured and unconscious spreads out, Gu Tianyang will definitely take action. At the same time, Qianye Yu and Lucas will definitely not stand idly by and miss this great opportunity to get rid of Ji Wufeng.

It may even trigger the outbreak of war in advance!

Everyone could understand Ye Linglong's mood. Xiao Feng said solemnly: "Then what should we do now? If Brother Feng never wakes up, it will be a matter of time before he is exposed."

"Then we can hide it for a day, until he wakes up."

After receiving everyone's approval, Ye Linglong sneered: "Four major tribes? I want to see if you can stop me, Miss Linglong!"

The matter at the Immortal Warrior Base has come to an end, and the Yueqiu tribe has lost its threat. Ye Linglong and her group have become the benefactors of the entire Yueqiu. It is time for her to launch the energy plan. However, the first thing she has to solve is the four major tribes.

At the same time, Qianye Yu and Lucas in China were not in a good mood. They mobilized almost all the forces within China, but they could not find any clues about Long Wei, or Gu Tian Yangzang was too secretive. , or that news is simply false news.

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