But the result is that the woman in white has improved her swordsmanship at a rapid pace. Three years have passed and the woman in white has completely recovered from her injuries. However, her swordsmanship is even more astonishing. It actually allows him to fight repeatedly. Repeated defeats.

This is really hell, he is respected as a sword master and is undoubtedly the number one person in the swordsmanship today, but in front of the woman in white, he feels that his talent is like an idiot.

It was time to part ways, but he was unwilling to leave because he found that he had become completely obsessed with the woman in white, and this obsession even exceeded his obsession with the sword.

The woman in white stood up and left, saying at the entrance of the cave: "Lin Chaoran, if I, Nie Jue, remain determined, I will repay your three years of friendship!"

The man in green shirt wanted to catch up, but he stopped because the tone of the woman in white was not as aloof as before, and she did not mean to be thousands of miles away from him. This change made him realize that the woman in white no longer needed him. Now, meeting again is just a time for him to repay the favor.

Outside the cave, Nie Rufeng said: "Auntie, I think the guy named Lin is pretty good. Why don't you..."

"Lin Chaoran is extremely talented. If it weren't for these three years, he might have reached the top. I shouldn't hold him back anymore."

The woman in white sighed and asked, "Where is the most serious situation now?"

"The eastern region is stable, Wufeng has entered the transformation, and the problem is not big. I'm afraid something will happen in Yuzhou." Nie Rufeng said.

"Then go to Yuzhou."

In the cave, the man in green shirt drank the wine in the pot in one gulp and stumbled away. He did not find the strange man sealed in the ice, but his eyelids trembled slightly.

"Wow wow wow..."

At the foot of the Jialuo Temple Mountain, a loud cry of a baby suddenly sounded in the quiet thatched house. Wuchen, who was pale and exhausted, struggled to sit up and said: "Master, please take a look at it quickly!"

Qingyue handed over the baby in her hand, and Wuchen looked at the newly born baby girl in front of her. Her heart was full of mixed feelings, and she couldn't explain the feeling. This child was very unfamiliar to her, but she had a strange feeling. This child is the most important person in his life.

The baby was still crying loudly, but when it came into contact with Wuchen's gaze, it immediately calmed down. It rolled its big black eyes and looked at Wuchen, suddenly shook its little hands, grinned and giggled.

Wuchen also smiled. The baby's smile seemed to be the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in the world.

"Master, give me a hug!" Wuchen reached out and hugged the child, and the child suddenly became even happier.

Wuchen originally had some resistance in his heart, but seeing the child smiling so cutely, he couldn't help but feel an indescribable feeling of happiness in his heart, and said: "Master, please give her a name."

Qingyue nodded and said: "She is the little princess of Jialuo Temple. I hope that she will be carefree and happy throughout her life, so let's call her Chenghuan!"

But as soon as she finished speaking, an angry voice sounded, saying: "Evil breeder!"

Wuchen and Qingyue were immediately shocked. The door was pushed open, and an old woman with a stooped figure walked in with a gloomy expression.


"Grandma Grandma!"

Wuchen and Qingyue were both panicked. Wuchen hugged the baby girl tightly, lowering his head and not daring to look directly at the old woman.

"Hmph, what a good thing you two beasts have done, leave this bastard to me!" the old woman said sternly.


br\u003e "I...Master, the child is innocent, please let her go." Qingyue begged with a look on her face.

"Evil beast!"

The old woman suddenly became furious and said: "As a saint of the Jialuo Temple, she had an affair with an outsider and gave birth to an evil child. How dare you ask me to let her go?"


Wuchen struggled to get off the bed, knelt at the old woman's feet, and begged in a pleading voice: "Grandma Grandma, this is all my fault and has nothing to do with the child. If Grandma Grandma wants to punish, then punish Wuchen, but Please let the child go!"

"You have done such a scandal, and if you keep your life, you will only dishonor the Jialuo Temple. Okay, I will help you!"

The old woman's eyes were cold, and she slapped Wuchen's forehead with a palm.


Qingyue was shocked and rushed over. The old woman sternly said: "Get out of here. As a master, you have the unshirkable responsibility for a disciple to do such a thing. Do you want me to kill you as well?"

This old woman is Qingyue's master, the Supreme Holy Master of the Jialuo Temple. She has not been involved in world affairs for decades. Even when Qingyue was kicked out of the Jialuo Temple, she did not show up. But this time because Wuchen She finally showed up.

"I said, you old woman, why are you doing this? Even if you have resentment in your heart, you shouldn't vent it on your child." There was a sigh outside the door.

The old woman suddenly trembled, her turbid eyes were filled with fierce power, and her whole body was bursting with cold evil energy. She gritted her teeth and said, "Li Potian!"

An old man strode in. It was Boss Li. He looked directly at the old woman and said in an extremely soft voice: "Yingyue, I'm here to see you!"

"Suffer death!"

The old woman's eyes were full of resentment, and she slapped Boss Li with a palm. Boss Li dodged and said: "Yingyue, I know you hate me. If you kill me, I will eliminate the resentment in your heart. I will definitely do it." I’ll help you, but please let this child go!”

"Li Potian, do you still have the nerve to negotiate terms with me?" the old woman said sharply.

"If I want to take the child away, can you stop me?"

Boss Li said softly: "I failed you fifty years ago, and I will repay you fifty years later. I will exchange my life for this child's life!"

"Okay, as long as I kill you, I will let this scoundrel go!"


Li Potian flew out and knelt on one knee on the ground. Blood overflowed and dyed the white beard on his chest red.

"Hmph, Li Potian, I'm afraid it won't be that easy for you to die. You seem to care about this little bastard. Will killing her cause you more pain than killing you?"

The old woman did not continue, but looked at Cheng Huan in Wu Chen's arms.

"Yingyue, are you going to break your promise?" Li Potian's expression changed and he said angrily.

"Li Potian, are you worthy of telling me that you broke your promise? It seems that you were the one who broke your promise fifty years ago, right?" The old woman said coldly.

"Indeed, I was the one who broke my promise at the beginning. It should be me you hate. Why would you involve an innocent child?"

Li Potian was angry and said: "For a woman with a heart like yours, it's a good thing that I ran away back then. Gou Ze, if I really want to marry you home, my ancestors of the Li family will still be angry and jump out of the grave." come out?"

"Li Potian, do you dare to say that I have a heart of snakes and scorpions?"

"Am I wrong? You can even attack a newborn child. You are said to be light-hearted!" But the result is that the woman in white has improved her swordsmanship at a rapid pace. She has made rapid progress in three years. Time passed, and the woman in white's injuries had completely healed, but her swordsmanship was even more astonishing, causing him to lose in repeated battles.

This is really hell, he is respected as a sword master and is undoubtedly the number one person in the swordsmanship today, but in front of the woman in white, he feels that his talent is like an idiot.

It was time to part ways, but he was unwilling to leave because he found that he had become completely obsessed with the woman in white, and this obsession even exceeded his obsession with the sword.

The woman in white stood up and left, saying at the entrance of the cave: "Lin Chaoran, if I, Nie Jue, remain determined, I will repay your three years of friendship!"

The man in green shirt wanted to catch up, but he stopped because the tone of the woman in white was not as aloof as before, and she did not mean to be thousands of miles away from him. This change made him realize that the woman in white no longer needed him. Now, meeting again is just a time for him to repay the favor.

Outside the cave, Nie Rufeng said: "Auntie, I think the guy named Lin is pretty good. Why don't you..."

"Lin Chaoran is extremely talented. If it weren't for these three years, he might have reached the top. I shouldn't hold him back anymore."

The woman in white sighed and asked, "Where is the most serious situation now?"

"The eastern region is stable, Wufeng has entered the transformation, and the problem is not big. I'm afraid something will happen in Yuzhou." Nie Rufeng said.

"Then go to Yuzhou." ??

In the cave, the man in green shirt drank the wine in the pot in one gulp and stumbled away. He did not find the strange man sealed in the ice, but his eyelids trembled slightly.

"Wow wow wow..."

At the foot of the Jialuo Temple Mountain, a loud cry of a baby suddenly sounded in the quiet thatched house. Wuchen, who was pale and exhausted, struggled to sit up and said: "Master, please take a look at it quickly!"

Qingyue handed over the baby in her hand, and Wuchen looked at the newly born baby girl in front of her. Her heart was full of mixed feelings, and she couldn't explain the feeling. This child was very unfamiliar to her, but she had a strange feeling. This child is the most important person in his life.

The baby was still crying loudly, but when it came into contact with Wuchen's gaze, it immediately calmed down. It rolled its big black eyes and looked at Wuchen, suddenly shook its little hands, grinned and giggled.

Wuchen also smiled. The baby's smile seemed to be the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in the world.

"Master, give me a hug!" Wuchen reached out and hugged the child, and the child suddenly became even happier.

Wuchen originally had some resistance in his heart, but seeing the child smiling so cutely, he couldn't help but feel an indescribable feeling of happiness in his heart, and said: "Master, please give her a name."

Qingyue nodded and said: "She is the little princess of Jialuo Temple. I hope that she will be carefree and happy throughout her life, so let's call her Chenghuan!"

But as soon as she finished speaking, an angry voice sounded, saying: "Evil breeder!"

Wuchen and Qingyue were immediately shocked. The door was pushed open, and an old woman with a stooped figure walked in with a gloomy expression.


"Grandma Grandma!"

Wuchen and Qingyue were both panicked. Wuchen hugged the baby girl tightly, lowering his head and not daring to look directly at the old woman.

"Hmph, what a good thing you two beasts have done, leave this bastard to me!" the old woman said sternly.


br\u003e "I...Master, the child is innocent, please let her go." Qingyue begged with a look on her face.

"Evil beast!"

The old woman suddenly became furious and said: "As a saint of the Jialuo Temple, she had an affair with an outsider and gave birth to an evil child. How dare you ask me to let her go?"


Wuchen struggled to get off the bed, knelt at the old woman's feet, and begged in a pleading voice: "Grandma Grandma, this is all my fault and has nothing to do with the child. If Grandma Grandma wants to punish, then punish Wuchen, but Please let the child go!"

"You have done such a scandal, and if you keep your life, you will only dishonor the Jialuo Temple. Okay, I will help you!"

The old woman's eyes were cold, and she slapped Wuchen's forehead with a palm.


Qingyue was shocked and rushed over. The old woman sternly said: "Get out of here. As a master, you have the unshirkable responsibility for a disciple to do such a thing. Do you want me to kill you as well?"

This old woman is Qingyue's master, the Supreme Holy Master of the Jialuo Temple. She has not been involved in world affairs for decades. Even when Qingyue was kicked out of the Jialuo Temple, she did not show up. But this time because Wuchen She finally showed up.

"I said, you old woman, why are you doing this? Even if you have resentment in your heart, you shouldn't vent it on your child." There was a sigh outside the door.

The old woman suddenly trembled, her turbid eyes were filled with fierce power, and her whole body was bursting with cold evil energy. She gritted her teeth and said, "Li Potian!"

An old man strode in. It was Boss Li. He looked directly at the old woman and said in an extremely soft voice: "Yingyue, I'm here to see you!"

"Suffer death!"

The old woman's eyes were full of resentment, and she slapped Boss Li with a palm. Boss Li dodged and said: "Yingyue, I know you hate me. If you kill me, I will eliminate the resentment in your heart. I will definitely do it." I’ll help you, but please let this child go!”

"Li Potian, do you still have the nerve to negotiate terms with me?" the old woman said sharply.

"If I want to take the child away, can you stop me?"

Boss Li said softly: "I failed you fifty years ago, and I will repay you fifty years later. I will exchange my life for this child's life!"

"Okay, as long as I kill you, I will let this scoundrel go!"


Li Potian flew out and knelt on one knee on the ground. Blood overflowed and dyed the white beard on his chest red.

"Hmph, Li Potian, I'm afraid it won't be that easy for you to die. You seem to care about this little bastard. Will killing her cause you more pain than killing you?"

The old woman did not continue, but looked at Cheng Huan in Wu Chen's arms.

"Yingyue, are you going to break your promise?" Li Potian's expression changed and he said angrily.

"Li Potian, are you worthy of telling me that you broke your promise? It seems that you were the one who broke your promise fifty years ago, right?" The old woman said coldly.

"Indeed, I was the one who broke my promise at the beginning. It should be me you hate. Why would you involve an innocent child?"

Li Potian was angry and said: "For a woman with a heart like yours, it's a good thing that I ran away back then. Gou Ze, if I really want to marry you home, my ancestors of the Li family will still be angry and jump out of the grave." come out?"

"Li Potian, do you dare to say that I have a heart of snakes and scorpions?"

"Am I wrong? You can even attack a newborn child. You are said to be a snake-hearted person!"

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