If they took action now, they might not even be able to save Ji Tianqi and the others.

However, in an instant, the broken sword in the hands of Nie Qingcheng, who was fighting in the air, suddenly turned into a stream of light and shot directly at the half-step holy master who was holding Ji Tianlin. No one could have imagined that Nie Qingcheng, who was fighting a powerful enemy, would give up the weapon in his hand and attack others. .

Without any precautions, and Nie Qingcheng's sword was too fast, poof!

The broken sword was inserted straight into the neck of the half-step holy master. The half-step holy master's face was full of sluggishness. He never thought that he was dead after all, and he died so suffocatingly. Qu, because the way Nie Qingcheng killed him was nothing more than convenient.

There's a life-and-death battle going on, and if I throw a broken sword over and kill you, what else is it if it's not smooth?

Since everyone was dead, Ji Tianlin could no longer be caught. After landing, Sayazi ran towards Wu Chang.

Yun Baihe was immediately furious. Nie Qingcheng could kill people when he was fighting with her. Anyone who dared to blame him would become furious.

"Catch those four brats and leave the rest alone!" Yun Lily said sharply.

With an order, the Nine-Headed Insect masters immediately dispatched to attack Wu Chang and others. How could two half-step Saint Realm experts be able to block them? Wu Chang desperately resisted, and Ji Zangfeng and Lin Tianzhao were in danger.

Nie Qingcheng has reached the sacred realm of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect. It doesn't make much difference whether he has a sword in his hand or not. With a finger of his backhand, a sword edge flies out, and the sword light cuts across the air. Several nine-headed insects are immediately there. The master was directly cut in half.

Yun Baihe was so angry that her demonic energy surged into the sky, and she pressed towards Nie Qingcheng. A fierce battle broke out again, but Nie Qingcheng no longer had time to take care of Wu Chang and others.

The most important targets this time were Ji Tianlin and Ji Tianqi. The two half-step Saint Realm masters did not join the battle rashly. Instead, they ducked over to Ji Tianlin and Ji Tianqi and caught them in their hands.

The miserable Ji Tianlin just ran back and was caught again. He bared his teeth and yelled: "Old man, you old fool, just wait for me. My father will beat you to death when he comes back!"

Ji Tianqi was also lifted up in the air. He was so frightened that he cried loudly and said: "Dad...Dad, Mom...Mom...I'm afraid..."

Hearing Ji Tianqi's cries, Nie Qingcheng's heart was as sharp as a knife, and his attacks became more fierce. However, Yun Lily's magic power had already been completed. Even if Nie Qingcheng could not be suppressed, it would be difficult to escape in a short time!

At this time, in the eastern region, Ji Wufeng was in an ice coffin, his whole body covered in scales, as if he was in a huge cocoon. He suddenly started to shake slightly, and then the shaking became more and more severe.

After Shangguan Yao, who had been standing by, discovered it, he immediately called others in panic. When everyone arrived, they found that the entire cocoon was shaking violently.

Ye Linglong's face suddenly changed slightly and said: "Quickly retreat!"

Along with the violent shaking of the cocoon, an extremely fierce evil spirit slowly rose up. No matter what state Ji Wufeng was in now, his chest was definitely full of hostility and he had a monstrous murderous intention.

"Tianqi, Tianqi..."

A shout rang out in the cocoon, and it was Ji Wufeng's voice. The voice revealed endless murderous intent, accompanied by extremely anxious emotions.

Ye Linglong knew that because of the power of chaos, there was a mysterious connection between Ji Wufeng and Ji Tianqi. Now that Ji Wufeng was restless, there must be something wrong with Ji Tianqi.



There was no sound of cracking, the scales covering Ji Wufeng's body actually cracked, and a ray of breath came out from the cracks. Bang, there was a mutual sound, and the ice coffin was shattered by the bombardment of this ray of breath. The ice coffin was made of hard Made of bulletproof glass, it was so strong that it couldn't even block Ji Wufeng's breath.

"Everyone get out!"

Ye Linglong immediately said that Ji Wufeng's aura was too terrifying. If it burst out, no one of these people could bear it.


A violent explosion occurred, and as expected, it produced horrific destructive power as Ye Linglong said. The entire base almost collapsed. Fortunately, Ye Linglong had taken precautions, so it did not cause too many casualties.

The fierce battle between Nie Qingcheng and Yun Lily continued. The cries of Ji Tianqi and Ji Tianlin made it impossible for Nie Qingcheng to fight against the enemy with all her strength. Yun Lily's magic skills were so overbearing that she was almost injured several times.

Nie Qingcheng was angry. She could endure Lily Yun's persecution of her, but she would never allow her to harm her relatives.

Two rays of light suddenly burst out from his eyes, an impulse to kill surged from his heart, and the aura on his body became more fierce. The broken sword in his hand inspired the sword light, but it was almost substantial!


Nie Qingcheng shouted loudly, his hair dancing, and the sword in his hand slashed towards Yun Lily with an unstoppable force. The bright sword light seemed like a divine punishment. With this unstoppable sword, the whole sky seemed to All will be pierced.

Yun Baihe's face changed slightly, her magic power surged, and she slashed with a slash, drawing a black edge towards Nie Qingcheng.

Although this sword was blocked, Nie Qingcheng had a second sword. The sword in her hand was as fast as lightning, and she slashed towards Yun Lily with one sword after another.

The edge of the sword became more and more fierce, like thunder on a rainy night, lighting up the night sky. Yun Lily was forced to retreat continuously. The superiority was already clear, and Yun Lily was always just a hair away.

"This is impossible, there is no way I will be weaker than you!" Yun Lily yelled with a look of unwillingness.

Nie Qingcheng doesn't care what Yun Lily thinks at all. Several children are being persecuted, and no one can stop her, not even gods and Buddhas!

Taking advantage of the victory to pursue, he stepped forward resolutely. Every time he took a step, a sword with a sharp edge was cut out!

boom! boom! boom!

After three consecutive blows, Yun Baihe's face turned pale. Even if she possessed unparalleled magic power and would not be defeated in a short time, it would only be a matter of time. She was no match for Nie Qingcheng.

Nie Qingcheng had already taken the fourth step. At that moment, the broken sword in his hand seemed to really turn into a divine punishment from the sky, like a blazing sun shining in the sky, so dazzling that no one could look directly at it.

Unparalleled power surged between heaven and earth, and the brilliant sword finally came out. Not only Yun Lily, but everyone present was full of horror. What a terrifying sword. Is this woman really the sword fairy in the sky? ?


There was a loud noise that shook the sky, and in the blazing light, Yun Lily was pushed back for more than ten steps. Her chest was shaking, and her face was full of disbelief. Nie Qingcheng was better than her. She had to admit this, but she would never It could be so far apart.

She was very confident that her strength had increased dramatically through practicing magic skills. However, Nie Qingcheng was seriously injured and had been idle for more than ten years. There was no way he could be her opponent. However, she found that she was wrong. If they took action now, they might not even be able to save Ji Tianqi and the others.

However, in an instant, the broken sword in the hands of Nie Qingcheng, who was fighting in the air, suddenly turned into a stream of light and shot directly at the half-step holy master who was holding Ji Tianlin. No one could have imagined that Nie Qingcheng, who was fighting a powerful enemy, would give up the weapon in his hand and attack others. .

Without any precautions, and Nie Qingcheng's sword was too fast, poof!

The broken sword was inserted straight into the neck of the half-step holy master. The half-step holy master's face was full of sluggishness. He never thought that he was dead after all, and he died so suffocatingly. Qu, because the way Nie Qingcheng killed him was nothing more than convenient.

There's a life-and-death battle going on, and if I throw a broken sword over and kill you, what else is it if it's not smooth?

Since everyone was dead, Ji Tianlin could no longer be caught. After landing, Sayazi ran towards Wu Chang.

Yun Baihe was immediately furious. Nie Qingcheng could kill people when he was fighting with her. Anyone who dared to blame him would become furious.

"Catch those four brats and leave the rest alone!" Yun Lily said sharply.

With an order, the Nine-Headed Insect masters immediately dispatched to attack Wu Chang and others. How could two half-step Saint Realm experts be able to block them? Wu Chang desperately resisted, and Ji Zangfeng and Lin Tianzhao were in danger.

Nie Qingcheng has reached the sacred realm of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect. It doesn't make much difference whether he has a sword in his hand or not. With a finger of his backhand, a sword edge flies out, and the sword light cuts across the air. Several nine-headed insects are immediately there. The master was directly cut in half.

Yun Baihe was so angry that her demonic energy surged into the sky, and she pressed towards Nie Qingcheng. A fierce battle broke out again, but Nie Qingcheng no longer had time to take care of Wu Chang and others.

The most important targets this time were Ji Tianlin and Ji Tianqi. The two half-step Saint Realm masters did not join the battle rashly. Instead, they ducked over to Ji Tianlin and Ji Tianqi and caught them in their hands.

The miserable Ji Tianlin just ran back and was caught again. He bared his teeth and yelled: "Old man, you old fool, just wait for me. My father will beat you to death when he comes back!"

Ji Tianqi was also lifted up in the air. He was so frightened that he cried loudly and said: "Dad...Dad, Mom...Mom...I'm afraid..."

Hearing Ji Tianqi's cries, Nie Qingcheng's heart was as sharp as a knife, and his attacks became more fierce. However, Yun Lily's magic power had already been completed. Even if Nie Qingcheng could not be suppressed, it would be difficult to escape in a short time!

At this time, in the eastern region, Ji Wufeng was in an ice coffin, his whole body covered in scales, as if he was in a huge cocoon. He suddenly started to shake slightly, and then the shaking became more and more severe.

After Shangguan Yao, who had been standing by, discovered it, he immediately called others in panic. When everyone arrived, they found that the entire cocoon was shaking violently.

Ye Linglong's face suddenly changed slightly and said: "Quickly retreat!"

Along with the violent shaking of the cocoon, an extremely fierce evil spirit slowly rose up. No matter what state Ji Wufeng was in now, his chest was definitely full of hostility and he had a monstrous murderous intention.

"Tianqi, Tianqi..."

A shout rang out in the cocoon, and it was Ji Wufeng's voice. The voice revealed endless murderous intent, accompanied by extremely anxious emotions.

Ye Linglong knew that because of the power of chaos, there was a mysterious connection between Ji Wufeng and Ji Tianqi. Now that Ji Wufeng was restless, there must be something wrong with Ji Tianqi.



There was no sound of cracking, the scales covering Ji Wufeng's body actually cracked, and a ray of breath came out from the cracks. Bang, there was a mutual sound, and the ice coffin was shattered by the bombardment of this ray of breath. The ice coffin was made of hard Made of bulletproof glass, it was so strong that it couldn't even block Ji Wufeng's breath.

"Everyone get out!"

Ye Linglong immediately said that Ji Wufeng's aura was too terrifying. If it burst out, no one of these people could bear it.


A violent explosion occurred, and as expected, it produced horrific destructive power as Ye Linglong said. The entire base almost collapsed. Fortunately, Ye Linglong had taken precautions and did not cause too many casualties.

The fierce battle between Nie Qingcheng and Yun Lily continued. The cries of Ji Tianqi and Ji Tianlin made it impossible for Nie Qingcheng to fight against the enemy with all her strength. Yun Lily's magic skills were so overbearing that she was almost injured several times.

Nie Qingcheng was angry. She could endure Lily Yun's persecution of her, but she would never allow her to harm her relatives.

Two rays of light suddenly burst out from his eyes, an impulse to kill surged from his heart, and the aura on his body became more fierce. The broken sword in his hand inspired the sword light, but it was almost substantial!


Nie Qingcheng shouted loudly, his hair dancing, and the sword in his hand slashed towards Yun Lily with an unstoppable force. The bright sword light seemed like a divine punishment. With this unstoppable sword, the whole sky seemed to All will be pierced.

Yun Baihe's face changed slightly, her magic power surged, and she slashed with a slash, drawing a black edge towards Nie Qingcheng.

Although this sword was blocked, Nie Qingcheng had a second sword. The sword in her hand was as fast as lightning, and she slashed towards Yun Lily with one sword after another.

The edge of the sword became more and more fierce, like thunder on a rainy night, lighting up the night sky. Yun Lily was forced to retreat continuously. The superiority was already clear, and Yun Lily was always just a hair away.

"This is impossible, there is no way I will be weaker than you!" Yun Lily yelled with a look of unwillingness.

Nie Qingcheng doesn't care what Yun Lily thinks at all. Several children are being persecuted, and no one can stop her, not even gods and Buddhas!

Taking advantage of the victory to pursue, he stepped forward resolutely. Every time he took a step, a sword with a sharp edge was cut out!

boom! boom! boom!

After three consecutive blows, Yun Baihe's face turned pale. Even if she possessed unparalleled magic power and would not be defeated in a short time, it would only be a matter of time. She was no match for Nie Qingcheng.

Nie Qingcheng had already taken the fourth step. At that moment, the broken sword in his hand seemed to really turn into a divine punishment from the sky, like a blazing sun shining in the sky, so dazzling that no one could look directly at it.

Unparalleled power surged between heaven and earth, and the brilliant sword finally came out. Not only Yun Lily, but everyone present was full of horror. What a terrifying sword. Is this woman really the sword fairy in the sky? ?


There was a loud noise that shook the sky, and in the blazing light, Yun Lily was pushed back for more than ten steps. Her chest was shaking, and her face was full of disbelief. Nie Qingcheng was better than her. She had to admit this, but she would never It could be so far apart.

She was very confident that her strength had increased dramatically through practicing magic skills. However, Nie Qingcheng was seriously injured and had been idle for more than ten years. There was no way he could be her opponent. However, she found that she was wrong.

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