Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1709 Fighting against the Holy Realm

Perhaps no one would have thought that the news that Ji Wufeng had a problem was spread by himself, because he had already expected that once the news spread, experts would come, and sure enough, Lin Tianqi came.

When he woke up and learned that the situation was so serious, he wanted to leave immediately to return to China, especially the fall of Yuzhou, which made him anxious, but Ye Linglong stopped him.

Even if he goes back now, what's the use? It is impossible for him to kill all the enemies. On the contrary, he will be surrounded by enemies and find himself in a desperate situation.

It is better to simply drop bait in the eastern region and attract the enemy. Now that the China War has broken out, it is impossible to send out a large number of masters. It can only be a small number. As long as there are not many masters, they can easily win.

Looking at Lin Tianqi's group, Ji Wufeng wanted to kill them all on the spot, but he knew he couldn't do this because Ye Linglong's experiment had shown signs of success. These people had other uses, especially Lin Tianqi, who had to be captured alive. .

Ji Wufeng killed a half-step Saint Realm expert with one punch, which shocked the Nine-Headed Insects. But when they heard his arrogant words, they instantly became angry again. Although Ji Wufeng was powerful, he was too young after all. What he did just now The death of a half-step Saint Realm powerhouse was just a result of carelessness. If one had taken precautions, it was not certain who would die.

Even if Ji Wu Feng can kill half a step into the Holy Realm, there is Lin Tianqi, a genuine Holy Realm powerhouse in front of him, and the martial arts realm is one step at a time. No matter how evil Ji Wu Feng is, it is impossible for him to directly cross this insurmountable gap and directly kill the enemy. .

Moreover, there is another title for a strong person in the Holy Realm, that is, a Martial Saint. Because he has become a saint, he cannot be matched by ordinary warriors. The gap between a half-step Saint Realm expert and a truly strong Saint Realm person is immeasurable!

"Ji Wufeng, even if you have stepped into the holy realm, you still don't have the arrogance. I will kill you just like crushing an ant." Lin Tianqi said coldly, with two cold gleams in his eyes, revealing endless murderous intent.

"Sir, I'm arrogant, but it's better than you shameless old dogs."

Ji Wufeng stretched out his finger and tapped their noses one by one, his face full of contempt and said: "Look at yourselves, at your age, you still bully a junior like me, do you still have the shame?"

Yes, all the people present were experts, and they were all elderly. The youngest was probably in his forties. It was a bit shameful for so many people to bully a young man under twenty years old.

But what they didn't know was that the guy in front of them looked like a teenager, but he had actually been practicing in the world of cultivation for thousands of years.

"Killing me is as easy as crushing an ant?"

Ji Wufeng's laughter was full of sarcasm, and he said: "Then try it if you have the ability, Gu Yunfei's dog slave!"

This sentence immediately and completely angered Lin Tianqi. Thinking that he was a strong man in the Holy Realm, serving Gu Yunfei was not a dishonorable thing in itself, but it damaged the reputation of the Holy Realm. Now he was directly called a dog slave by Ji Wufeng. , he was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe.

Lin Tianqi sneered and said: "I thought you were just a little better than ordinary people, but I didn't expect that you really exceeded everyone's expectations. You actually stepped into the half-step holy realm so quickly. In a few years, you will definitely It’s another Ji Hongtu, but it’s a pity that you may never have such an opportunity again.”


Ji Wufeng sneered and said: "You old brat can't compare with you, just do it. Why are you chirping? I'm not scared of your grandfather."

Lin Tianqi had nothing to say. He held a long sword in his hand and struck Ji Wufeng with one strike. The sword light, which was more than ten meters long, shot down across the sky, covering the sky with its sharp edge.

Although Ji Wufeng was confident, he did not dare to be careless in the face of a true Saint Realm powerhouse. He waved his palm and a long knife with a shimmering edge flew towards him.

His sword, Guiwei, was taken away by Yun Feiyang when he was in Dongyang. This was a knife that Ye Linglong helped him re-forge. Although it did not have the spirituality of Guiwei, it was made with Ye Linglong's most sophisticated instruments and was extremely sharp. Extremely scary.

Holding the long knife in his hand, he slashed across the air. The blazing sword light surged out and collided with Lin Tianqi's sword light, bursting out with blazing light.

Immediately, Ji Wufeng rose into the air, hovering in the air, facing Lin Tianqi from a distance. An invisible force was constantly stirring between the two. Although outsiders could not see anything with their naked eyes, they all felt a terrible oppression.

Everyone stared nervously at the sky. Lin Tianqi was a strong man in the Saint Realm. Ji Wufeng had just killed a half-step Saint Realm man with one punch. The battle between the two was enough to touch people's hearts. The two people confronting each other suddenly left a trail of residue on the spot. Ying's body was like two bolts of lightning, flashing high in the sky and changing dozens of directions in an instant.

Ji Wufeng suddenly appeared in front of Lin Tianqi, slashing down with his long sword. Lin Tianqi's body shattered in an instant. Ji Wufeng knew that it was not Lin Tianqi's real body, but just an afterimage.

He immediately reversed the long sword and struck it behind him. The hot sword light shot out quickly, making bursts of sharp roars.


The long knife hit Lin Tianqi's long sword hard, and the long sword exuded a cold edge flew out and returned to Lin Tianqi's side in the distance.

It was only a short moment, but the two people had already collided several times. Everyone was dumbfounded. What shocked them was that Ji Wufeng was actually able to block Lin Tianqi's attack.

This is too weird. According to common sense, if a half-step Saint Realm player fights against a true Saint Realm powerhouse, even if he can withstand a few moves without dying, he will definitely be in an extremely embarrassing situation.

But the current situation is that the two are evenly matched, and Ji Wufeng is fully capable of fighting Lin Tianqi.

The ones who felt the deepest were the remaining three half-step Saint Realm experts. They were in the same realm as Ji Wufeng, but they felt great pressure from Ji Wufeng. That was only from the true Saint Realm experts. Only then can you feel the pressure.

They were all trembling in their hearts. Ji Wufeng was not arrogant. Even though he was only in the realm of half-step holy realm, he still had the fighting power to fight against the real strong men in the holy realm. The half-step holy realm just now was killed by Ji Wufeng with one punch. It was by no means an accident. , but an absolutely overwhelming instant kill.

These people are all of the same generation as Ji Hongtu, and some of them have even fought against Ji Hongtu. They have witnessed with their own eyes how Hongtu was so rampant in the world at that time, with such a domineering attitude, even though the news of Ji Hongtu's death has now been spread. It is also difficult to erase in their hearts.

Now Ji Wufeng still puts a lot of pressure on them, and they are unwilling to accept it. It doesn't matter if they are not as good as me, now even their son can suppress them. Perhaps no one would have thought that the news that Ji Wufeng had a problem was spread by himself, because he had already expected that once the news spread, experts would come, and sure enough, Lin Tianqi came.

When he woke up and learned that the situation was so serious, he wanted to leave immediately to return to China, especially the fall of Yuzhou, which made him anxious, but Ye Linglong stopped him.

Even if he goes back now, what's the use? It is impossible for him to kill all the enemies. On the contrary, he will be surrounded by enemies and find himself in a desperate situation.

It is better to simply drop bait in the eastern region and attract the enemy. Now that the China War has broken out, it is impossible to send out a large number of masters. It can only be a small number. As long as there are not many masters, they can easily win.

Looking at Lin Tianqi's group, Ji Wufeng wanted to kill them all on the spot, but he knew he couldn't do this because Ye Linglong's experiment had shown signs of success. These people had other uses, especially Lin Tianqi, who had to be captured alive. .

Ji Wufeng killed a half-step Saint Realm expert with one punch, which shocked the Nine-Headed Insects. But when they heard his arrogant words, they instantly became angry again. Although Ji Wufeng was powerful, he was too young after all. What he did just now The death of a half-step Saint Realm powerhouse was just a result of carelessness. If one had taken precautions, it was not certain who would die.

Even if Ji Wu Feng can kill half a step into the Holy Realm, there is Lin Tianqi, a genuine Holy Realm powerhouse in front of him, and the martial arts realm is one step at a time. No matter how evil Ji Wu Feng is, it is impossible for him to directly cross this insurmountable gap and directly kill the enemy. .

Moreover, there is another title for a strong person in the Holy Realm, that is, a Martial Saint. Because he has become a saint, he cannot be matched by ordinary warriors. The gap between a half-step Saint Realm expert and a truly strong Saint Realm person is immeasurable!

"Ji Wufeng, even if you have stepped into the holy realm, you still don't have the arrogance. I will kill you just like crushing an ant." Lin Tianqi said coldly, with two cold gleams in his eyes, revealing endless murderous intent.

"Sir, I'm arrogant, but it's better than you shameless old dogs."

Ji Wufeng stretched out his finger and tapped their noses one by one, his face full of contempt and said: "Look at yourselves, at your age, you still bully a junior like me, do you still have the shame?"

Yes, all the people present were experts, and they were all elderly. The youngest was probably in his forties. It was a bit shameful for so many people to bully a young man under twenty years old.

But what they didn't know was that the guy in front of them looked like a teenager, but he had actually been practicing in the world of cultivation for thousands of years.

"Killing me is as easy as crushing an ant?"

Ji Wufeng's laughter was full of sarcasm, and he said: "Then try it if you have the ability, Gu Yunfei's dog slave!"

This sentence immediately and completely angered Lin Tianqi. Thinking that he was a strong man in the Holy Realm, serving Gu Yunfei was not a dishonorable thing in itself, but it damaged the reputation of the Holy Realm. Now he was directly called a dog slave by Ji Wufeng. , he was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe.

Lin Tianqi sneered and said: "I thought you were just a little better than ordinary people, but I didn't expect that you really exceeded everyone's expectations. You actually stepped into the half-step holy realm so quickly. In a few years, you will definitely It’s another Ji Hongtu, but it’s a pity that you may never have such an opportunity again.”


Ji Wufeng sneered and said: "You old brat can't compare with you, just do it. Why are you chirping? I'm not scared of your grandfather."

Lin Tianqi had nothing to say. He held a long sword in his hand and struck Ji Wufeng with one strike. The sword light, which was more than ten meters long, shot down across the sky, covering the sky with its sharp edge.

Although Ji Wufeng was confident, he did not dare to be careless in the face of a true Saint Realm powerhouse. He waved his palm and a long knife with a shimmering edge flew towards him.

His sword, Guiwei, was taken away by Yun Feiyang when he was in Dongyang. This was a knife that Ye Linglong helped him re-forge. Although it did not have the spirituality of Guiwei, it was made with Ye Linglong's most sophisticated instruments and was extremely sharp. Extremely scary.

Holding the long knife in his hand, he slashed across the air. The blazing sword light surged out and collided with Lin Tianqi's sword light, bursting out with blazing light.

Immediately, Ji Wufeng rose into the air, hovering in the air, facing Lin Tianqi from a distance. An invisible force was constantly stirring between the two. Although outsiders could not see anything with their naked eyes, they all felt a terrible oppression.

Everyone stared nervously at the sky. Lin Tianqi was a strong man in the Saint Realm. Ji Wufeng had just killed a half-step Saint Realm man with one punch. The battle between the two was enough to touch people's hearts. The two people confronting each other suddenly left a trail of residue on the spot. Ying's body was like two bolts of lightning, flashing high in the sky and changing dozens of directions in an instant.

Ji Wufeng suddenly appeared in front of Lin Tianqi, slashing down with his long sword. Lin Tianqi's body shattered in an instant. Ji Wufeng knew that it was not Lin Tianqi's real body, but just an afterimage.

He immediately reversed the long sword and struck it behind him. The hot sword light shot out quickly, making bursts of sharp roars.


The long knife hit Lin Tianqi's long sword hard, and the long sword exuded a cold edge flew out and returned to Lin Tianqi's side in the distance.

It was only a short moment, but the two people had already collided several times. Everyone was dumbfounded. What shocked them was that Ji Wufeng was actually able to block Lin Tianqi's attack.

This is too weird. According to common sense, if a half-step Saint Realm player fights against a true Saint Realm powerhouse, even if he can withstand a few moves without dying, he will definitely be in an extremely embarrassing situation.

But the current situation is that the two are evenly matched, and Ji Wufeng is fully capable of fighting Lin Tianqi.

The ones who felt the deepest were the remaining three half-step Saint Realm experts. They were in the same realm as Ji Wufeng, but they felt great pressure from Ji Wufeng. That was only from the true Saint Realm experts. Only then can you feel the pressure.

They were all trembling in their hearts. Ji Wufeng was not arrogant. Even though he was only in the realm of half-step holy realm, he still had the fighting power to fight against the real strong men in the holy realm. The half-step holy realm just now was killed by Ji Wufeng with one punch. It was by no means an accident. , but an absolutely overwhelming instant kill.

These people are all of the same generation as Ji Hongtu, and some of them have even fought against Ji Hongtu. They have witnessed with their own eyes how Hongtu was so rampant in the world at that time, with such a domineering attitude, even though the news of Ji Hongtu's death has now been spread. It is also difficult to erase in their hearts.

Now Ji Wufeng still puts a lot of pressure on them, and they are unwilling to accept it. It doesn't matter if they are not as good as me, now even their son can suppress them.

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