"Gu Yunfeng, you should die!"

As soon as Qianye Xiao finished speaking, Charles had already charged towards Gu Yunfeng.

Lin Tianqi ran away, and all Gu Yunfeng's men were killed first. Only Commander Guan Er was left. He almost cried when he faced the masters of the two holy places alone.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the two holy places to calm down and explain, but now he is explaining with a hammer. He will probably be killed before he can speak. He should run away first. If he doesn't run, he won't be able to escape!

In the end, Gu Yunfeng ran away. If a powerful man in the Holy Realm wanted to escape, the chance of keeping him was really slim. Besides, Qianye Xiao and Charles had no intention of keeping him. They had no intention of keeping him. I want to let him go!

Only if Gu Yunfeng cannot be caught and cannot be asked about the exact situation can the two holy places be more cautious and continue to hate the Nine-Headed Insect.

In front of Xiao Pojun's tomb, Gu Yunfei had received the latest news. Silently, the mobile phone in his hand had turned into a ball of powder. His face was still calm, but he could not hide the anger in his heart.

"Lao Wu, what an unparalleled trick, what a counter-intentional trick!" Gu Yunfei chuckled.

The two Holy Lands plus the Nine-Headed Insect were supposed to be in a certain death situation, but they did not expect that the situation would be reversed in just an instant, and the attack was so straightforward. It not only disintegrated the alliance between the three parties, but also made the three parties have a clear tendency to turn against each other.

He didn't know why Lin Tianqi rebelled, but he knew that except for his unpredictable brother Chu Tianshu, the Master of Tianshu, no one in the world could do this.

This counter-intuitive plan is so wonderful that it makes people feel chilled!

Chu Tianshu shook his head and said with a smile: "You are wrong, this is not my masterpiece."

"Who else could it be if not you?"

Gu Yunfei frowned slightly and said in shock: "Did Ji Wufeng do this?"

"You said that he still needs time and has not really grown up yet. It seems that you may have been wrong." Chu Tianshu said with a smile on his face.

"It seems that I still underestimated him after all."

Gu Yunfei sighed, looked at Nie Qingcheng with a complicated expression and said, "Qingcheng, you saw it, I just did it as a last resort."

As a last resort? Gu Yunfei didn't need to explain clearly. The murderous intent revealed in his eyes already made the answer clear. Ji Wufeng had already posed a threat to him, and he was finally going to take action against Ji Wufeng.


Nie Qingcheng's broken sword was unsheathed, and the sharp sword energy rose from the ground, saying: "Don't you have to do this as a last resort?"

Gu Yunfei had murderous intentions against Ji Wufeng, but how could Nie Qingcheng allow it? She will kill anyone who dares to touch a hair of her nephew!

"One day you will understand my painstaking efforts now!" Gu Yunfei had no intention of taking action.

"Yes, I understand your painstaking efforts. Everything you do is for China. You want to push China to the supreme position, is that right?" Nie Qingcheng's tone was full of sarcasm.

"Isn't it true? China was still a kingdom of heaven thousands of years ago, and all nations came to court, but what kind of humiliation has China suffered in the past hundred years? Nowadays, China is becoming more and more powerful, but it is still timid and inferior in the eyes of others. This is China’s shame!”

Gu Yunfei said angrily: "As long as I achieve my goal, I can reverse everything. I want China to become the supreme being."

Today, I want to make the Chinese people the most noble nation in the world, and I want everyone to crawl at my feet! "

Gu Yunfei had an extraordinary temperament, but when he said these words, his face was full of ferocity.

Nie Qingcheng shook his head and said, "You are crazy."

Gu Yunfei actually wants to dominate the entire world. People who have such thoughts are indeed very crazy.

"I'm not crazy, this is my ideal!" Gu Yunfei corrected.

Chu Tianshu smiled and said: "What a great ideal, but what happens after you realize your ideal? Are you going to dominate everything, and everyone will become your slave, and everyone's life, death, and destiny will depend on you." Will it be in your hands?”

"Isn't it right? Natural selection, survival of the fittest, and the strong should dominate everything. Why are there gods in the world? Gods don't exist at all. Gods are just the incarnation of the strongest!"

Gu Yunfei looked excited and said: "Qingcheng, Lao Wu, Yun Xin, come with me, you will all become the supreme gods!"

"Of course gods are not real gods. They are just the most powerful people. But why are they respected as gods? That's because they are respected by future generations. And what about you, Gu Yunfei?"

Chu Tianshu shook his head and said: "You go against heaven, bring harm to the common people, and are enemies of the world. Not only will you not become a god, you will also become the second Sheele. Your fate will not be any different from his." !”

It's absolutely true that Hiller once tried to become the only master in the world, and he did have that kind of strength, but he ultimately failed. The reason for his failure was very simple, that is, he became a public enemy!

No matter how strong a person is, he cannot be the opponent of everyone. Water can carry and capsize a boat. The reason is very simple. When you become a public enemy, your failure is still doomed.

Isn’t what Gu Yunfei is doing now a repeat of Shearer’s past?

Gu Yunfei left calmly. It was impossible for them to start a fight. A melee between the four powerful men of the Holy Realm was no small matter.

Although Chu Tianshu was rumored to be a weak scholar, Gu Yunfei understood very well that the talent of this fifth brother was no weaker than that of any other person. He just believed that wisdom was stronger than fists. If he could solve problems with his brain, he would never use fists. , that's just the stupid behavior of a reckless man.

The battle situation turned around dramatically, and Chu Tianshu was also surprised. He did not lie to Gu Yunfei. Such a grand gesture was indeed not his masterpiece. He was just cooperating with Ji Wufeng.

He invited Gu Yunfei here today just to lure him away. If Gu Yunfei was present, this brilliant counter-intentional plan would not be successful at all.

"You brat, you did a good job!" Chu Tianshu nodded with satisfaction.

"Of course, I didn't look at whose nephew it was." Nie Qingcheng curled her lips.

Chu Tianshu smiled. He hadn't seen him for more than ten years. His little sister was no longer the innocent little girl she used to be. She had a broken sword in her hand and the sky was stained with blood. But when it came to his descendants, Nie Qingcheng actually had another one. A shadow of the past.

This is the unique motherhood of a woman. For her nephew, under the influence of motherhood, no matter how kind a woman is, she can raise the butcher's knife. Similarly, no matter how cruel a woman is, she can become the kindest person in the world.

After the war between the two holy places ended, the three parties suffered numerous casualties and turned against each other. However, the Nine-Headed Insect did not retaliate, but instead tried its best to find Lin Tianqi, just because the Ji Tianlin brothers were too important. "Gu Yunfeng, you should die!"

As soon as Qianye Xiao finished speaking, Charles had already charged towards Gu Yunfeng.

Lin Tianqi ran away, and all Gu Yunfeng's men were killed first. Only Commander Guan Er was left. He almost cried when he faced the masters of the two holy places alone.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the two holy places to calm down and explain, but now he is explaining with a hammer. He will probably be killed before he can speak. He should run away first. If he doesn't run, he won't be able to escape!

In the end, Gu Yunfeng ran away. If a powerful man in the Holy Realm wanted to escape, the chance of keeping him was really slim. Besides, Qianye Xiao and Charles had no intention of keeping him. They had no intention of keeping him. I want to let him go! ??

Only if Gu Yunfeng cannot be caught and cannot be asked about the exact situation can the two holy places be more cautious and continue to hate the Nine-Headed Insect.

In front of Xiao Pojun's tomb, Gu Yunfei had received the latest news. Silently, the mobile phone in his hand had turned into a ball of powder. His face was still calm, but he could not hide the anger in his heart.

"Lao Wu, what an unparalleled trick, what a counter-intentional trick!" Gu Yunfei chuckled.

The two Holy Lands plus the Nine-Headed Insect were supposed to be in a certain death situation, but they did not expect that the situation would be reversed in just an instant, and the attack was so straightforward. It not only disintegrated the alliance between the three parties, but also made the three parties have a clear tendency to turn against each other.

He didn't know why Lin Tianqi rebelled, but he knew that except for his unpredictable brother Chu Tianshu, the Master of Tianshu, no one in the world could do this.

This counter-intuitive plan is so wonderful that it makes people feel chilled!

Chu Tianshu shook his head and said with a smile: "You are wrong, this is not my masterpiece."

"Who else could it be if not you?"

Gu Yunfei frowned slightly and said in shock: "Did Ji Wufeng do this?"

"You said that he still needs time and has not really grown up yet. It seems that you may have been wrong." Chu Tianshu said with a smile on his face.

"It seems that I still underestimated him after all."

Gu Yunfei sighed, looked at Nie Qingcheng with a complicated expression and said, "Qingcheng, you saw it, I just did it as a last resort."

As a last resort? Gu Yunfei didn't need to explain clearly. The murderous intent revealed in his eyes already made the answer clear. Ji Wufeng had already posed a threat to him, and he was finally going to take action against Ji Wufeng.


Nie Qingcheng's broken sword was unsheathed, and the sharp sword energy rose from the ground, saying: "Don't you have to do this as a last resort?"

Gu Yunfei had murderous intentions against Ji Wufeng, but how could Nie Qingcheng allow it? She will kill anyone who dares to touch a hair of her nephew!

"One day you will understand my painstaking efforts now!" Gu Yunfei had no intention of taking action.

"Yes, I understand your painstaking efforts. Everything you do is for China. You want to push China to the supreme position, is that right?" Nie Qingcheng's tone was full of sarcasm.

"Isn't it true? China was still a kingdom of heaven thousands of years ago, and all nations came to court, but what kind of humiliation has China suffered in the past hundred years? Nowadays, China is becoming more and more powerful, but it is still timid and inferior in the eyes of others. This is China’s shame!”

Gu Yunfei said angrily: "As long as I achieve my goal, I can reverse everything. I want China to become the supreme being."

Today, I want to make the Chinese people the most noble nation in the world, and I want everyone to crawl at my feet! "

Gu Yunfei had an extraordinary temperament, but when he said these words, his face was full of ferocity.

Nie Qingcheng shook his head and said, "You are crazy."

Gu Yunfei actually wants to dominate the entire world. People who have such thoughts are indeed very crazy.

"I'm not crazy, this is my ideal!" Gu Yunfei corrected.

Chu Tianshu smiled and said: "What a great ideal, but what happens after you realize your ideal? Are you going to dominate everything, and everyone will become your slave, and everyone's life, death, and destiny will depend on you." Will it be in your hands?”

"Isn't it right? Natural selection, survival of the fittest, and the strong should dominate everything. Why are there gods in the world? Gods don't exist at all. Gods are just the incarnation of the strongest!"

Gu Yunfei looked excited and said: "Qingcheng, Lao Wu, Yun Xin, come with me, you will all become the supreme gods!"

"Of course gods are not real gods. They are just the most powerful people. But why are they respected as gods? That's because they are respected by future generations. And what about you, Gu Yunfei?"

Chu Tianshu shook his head and said: "You go against heaven, bring harm to the common people, and are enemies of the world. Not only will you not become a god, you will also become the second Sheele. Your fate will not be any different from his." !”

It's absolutely true that Hiller once tried to become the only master in the world, and he did have that kind of strength, but he ultimately failed. The reason for his failure was very simple, that is, he became a public enemy!

No matter how strong a person is, he cannot be the opponent of everyone. Water can carry and capsize a boat. The reason is very simple. When you become a public enemy, your failure is still doomed.

Isn’t what Gu Yunfei is doing now a repeat of Shearer’s past?

Gu Yunfei left calmly. It was impossible for them to start a fight. A melee between the four powerful men of the Holy Realm was no small matter.

Although Chu Tianshu was rumored to be a weak scholar, Gu Yunfei understood very well that the talent of this fifth brother was no weaker than that of any other person. He just believed that wisdom was stronger than fists. If he could solve problems with his brain, he would never use fists. , that's just the stupid behavior of a reckless man.

The battle situation turned around dramatically, and Chu Tianshu was also surprised. He did not lie to Gu Yunfei. Such a grand gesture was indeed not his masterpiece. He was just cooperating with Ji Wufeng.

He invited Gu Yunfei here today just to lure him away. If Gu Yunfei was present, this brilliant counter-intentional plan would not be successful at all.

"You brat, you did a good job!" Chu Tianshu nodded with satisfaction.

"Of course, I didn't look at whose nephew it was." Nie Qingcheng curled her lips.

Chu Tianshu smiled. He hadn't seen him for more than ten years. His little sister was no longer the innocent little girl she used to be. She had a broken sword in her hand and the sky was stained with blood. But when it came to his descendants, Nie Qingcheng actually had another one. A shadow of the past.

This is the unique motherhood of a woman. For her nephew, under the influence of motherhood, no matter how kind a woman is, she can raise the butcher's knife. Similarly, no matter how cruel a woman is, she can become the kindest person in the world.

After the war between the two holy places ended, the three parties suffered numerous casualties and turned against each other. However, the Nine-Headed Insect did not retaliate, but instead tried its best to find Lin Tianqi, just because the Ji Tianlin brothers were too important.

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