Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1756 Killing the Holy Realm with a Stick

One of the old men was so angry that his beard almost stood up. Yunfeng's expression changed and he said, "Fifth brother, what's the matter?"

The old man's face was ashen and he said: "Nie Qingcheng will not come. News came from Tiangong that Nie Qingcheng led a large number of masters to enter Tiangong!"

"What did you say?" Yunfeng jumped as high as he could on his tail.

Yun Rong was almost crippled by Yun Zhen, and also lost several strong men from the Holy Realm. Now he sent two more Holy Realms. The Tiangong is now empty inside. Nie Qingcheng is now leading people to attack the Tiangong. Yun Rong's lineage is not there at all. Way to resist!

"We will fight back immediately!" Yunfeng said.

The old man shook his head and said: "It's too late. Even if we rush back now, there is nothing we can do to save the day."

"Then what should we do?" Yunfeng panicked.

Nie Qingcheng is very popular among the older generation of Tiangong, and I believe that the situation will be stabilized soon. When Yunzhen steps forward again, they will no longer have a foothold.

The old man stared at Ji Wufeng with murderous eyes and said, "Now this kid is the only bargaining chip in our hands."

Yes, if Ji Wufeng is in his hands, he can check and balance Nie Qingcheng. Even if he threatens her to withdraw from the Heavenly Palace, I believe it will not be too difficult.

Seeing that he was being stared at like a little lamb, Ji Wufeng felt miserable. My auntie, even if you wanted to take action, it would be a little late. It's good now, your eldest nephew can't run away even if he wants to.

His Dragon-Subduing Stick still has a certain deterrent effect on Qianye Zhi and the others, but now that the three major holy realms are coming, it has little effect.

"You little bastard, you'd better just go ahead and capture him, so you can avoid the pain of your flesh and blood!" the old man said, staring at Ji Wufeng.

The old man's name is Yun Wuyang. He is a strong man at the holy level. He is also Yun Rong's brother and his most loyal supporter.

One of the other two is a dwarf, and the other is a Westerner. You don't need to guess to know that they are the powerful saints from the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court respectively.

Let me be captured without any help? Thinking too much!

If his skills were still there, he might be able to escape from the hands of the three holy realms, but in his current state, the chance of escaping was almost zero.

"Stop talking nonsense and capture him first!"

The masters of the Holy Court couldn't wait to rush towards Ji Wufeng, and the Sakura Temple was not willing to lag behind, and rushed forward together. They all wanted to control Ji Wufeng in their hands, and now whoever grabs it first will get it!

And now capturing Ji Wufeng alive was also very important to Tiangong, so Yun Wuyang also took action at the same time.

Ji Wufeng's heart fell to the bottom. Since he couldn't run away, the person who pulled a support before his death suddenly disappeared. When he appeared, he was already in front of Yunfeng.

He could still hit the last stick, so he used Yunfeng to attack.

"Old Yun Gou, you must accept your life!" Ji Wufeng raised his stick and hit Yun Feng on the head.

Yunfeng was completely unprepared. When he saw Ji Wufeng suddenly rushing in front of him, his face turned green with fright. He turned around and ran away. If he didn't run away, his fate would be sealed here today.

How could Ji Wufeng still let Ji Wufeng kill someone when Yun Wuyang and the other three were here?

"You little bitch, you are asking for death!"

The three holy realms immediately rushed towards Ji Wufeng, but at this moment, a black figure rushed out from the darkness like lightning, with violent murderous intent bursting out of his body, and his target was Qianye Zhi, who was also injured!

Sakura Shrine

The man's face suddenly changed, and he quickly changed direction to rescue Qianye Zhi. A strong man in the Holy Realm, even the Sakura Temple cannot afford to lose!

At the same time, another figure pounced on Rusev.

The powerful man in the Holy Court was immediately furious, gave up on Ji Wufeng, and rushed towards Rusev!

However, the incident did not stop there. Nie Wufeng, who had been watching the show, suddenly burst out with aura. He rose into the air and punched Yun Wuyang, who was chasing Ji Wufeng.

boom! boom! boom!

The six people had a fierce collision at the same time, and the two secret assailants revealed themselves. It was Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao. However, they were not the opponents of the powerful Saint Realm. They were blown away by a blow and spit out. Blood!

Obviously, their purpose was not to assassinate, but to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, and to gain a chance for Ji Wufeng.

However, what everyone never expected was that Nie Wufeng actually blocked Yun Wuyang's footsteps. After a confrontation, the two of them flew out at the same time, and they were evenly matched!

The expressions of a group of people suddenly changed. They were really unfamiliar with Nie Wufeng, and had never even heard of or seen him. However, this unknown guy actually had an astonishing combat power that was not weaker than a strong man in the Holy Realm!

how can that be possible? Such an amazing person is actually unknown!

But no one had time to shock Nie Wufeng's surprise. Instead, they were completely shocked by another thing.

Yunfeng was seriously injured, and his speed was far slower than Ji Wufeng. Yun Wuyang and the other three were blocked, but Ji Wufeng, who had no obstacles, caught up effortlessly. The phantom of the divine dragon on the Dragon Subduing Stick did not count as hovering, but it whizzed right in the middle of Yunfeng's forehead. !


There is no big scene of earth-shattering, just like an iron rod hitting a watermelon, it explodes!

Yunfeng fell to the ground, blood and brains flowing everywhere, his eyes widened, his body twitched for a while, and then he died.

There was a deathly silence at the scene!

Apart from the sound of breathing, no other sounds could be heard. They all stared blankly at Yunfeng's body. That was a strong man in the Holy Realm. He was beaten to death with a stick like this?

Many people couldn't believe it, but the real scene in front of them told them that this was the truth. Ji Wufeng had indeed killed a strong man in the Holy Realm with a stick.

Damn, this is crazy!

Tian Wuxin and others asked themselves that they were unparalleled and arrogant among their peers. Even if they knew that they had combat power comparable to that of a strong man in the holy realm, they would never dare to think of actually killing a strong man in the holy realm, because a strong man in the holy realm It's just too powerful.

If you don't reach that level, defeating the strong ones in the holy realm is an insurmountable chasm!

Tian Wuxin's mouth opened wide and his eyes were bigger than a bull's eye. Although the expressions of Yun Shang and Gu Tianyang were not that exaggerated, they were still in disbelief.

As for Qianye Yu and Lucas, in addition to being shocked, their eyes were full of fear. They were thinking that if Yun Shang hadn't snatched Ji Wufeng away, then they would have faced Ji Wufeng. Can they survive facing Ji Wufeng's stick? ?

Yun Fan and other young masters from the three holy places turned pale with fright. They were not as good as Tian Wuxin and others. For them, the deterrent effect of the strong men from the holy realm was even more powerful. The scene of Ji Wufeng killing Yunfeng brought them Unacceptable impact.


Yun Wuyang was so angry that he was already hundreds of years old. After so many years of brotherhood, his affection was definitely far beyond that of other people. Yun Wuyang went berserk! One of the old men was so angry that his beard almost stood up. Yunfeng's expression changed and he said, "Fifth brother, what's the matter?"

The old man's face was ashen and he said: "Nie Qingcheng will not come. News came from Tiangong that Nie Qingcheng led a large number of masters to enter Tiangong!"

"What did you say?" Yunfeng jumped as high as he could on his tail.

Yun Rong was almost crippled by Yun Zhen, and also lost several strong men from the Holy Realm. Now he sent two more Holy Realms. The Tiangong is now empty inside. Nie Qingcheng is now leading people to attack the Tiangong. Yun Rong's lineage is not there at all. Way to resist!

"We will fight back immediately!" Yunfeng said.

The old man shook his head and said: "It's too late. Even if we rush back now, there is nothing we can do to save the day."

"Then what should we do?" Yunfeng panicked.

Nie Qingcheng is very popular among the older generation of Tiangong, and I believe that the situation will be stabilized soon. When Yunzhen steps forward again, they will no longer have a foothold.

The old man stared at Ji Wufeng with murderous eyes and said, "Now this kid is the only bargaining chip in our hands."

Yes, if Ji Wufeng is in his hands, he can check and balance Nie Qingcheng. Even if he threatens her to withdraw from the Heavenly Palace, I believe it will not be too difficult.

Seeing that he was being stared at like a little lamb, Ji Wufeng felt miserable. My auntie, even if you wanted to take action, it would be a little late. It's good now, your eldest nephew can't run away even if he wants to.

His Dragon-Subduing Stick still has a certain deterrent effect on Qianye Zhi and the others, but now that the three major holy realms are coming, it has little effect.

"You little bastard, you'd better just go ahead and capture him, so you can avoid the pain of your flesh and blood!" the old man said, staring at Ji Wufeng.

The old man's name is Yun Wuyang. He is a strong man at the holy level. He is also Yun Rong's brother and his most loyal supporter.

One of the other two is a dwarf, and the other is a Westerner. You don't need to guess to know that they are the powerful saints from the Sakura Temple and the Holy Court respectively.

Let me be captured without any help? Thinking too much!

If his skills were still there, he might be able to escape from the hands of the three holy realms, but in his current state, the chance of escaping was almost zero.

"Stop talking nonsense and capture him first!"

The masters of the Holy Court couldn't wait to rush towards Ji Wufeng, and the Sakura Temple was not willing to lag behind, and rushed forward together. They all wanted to control Ji Wufeng in their hands, and now whoever grabs it first will get it!

And now capturing Ji Wufeng alive was also very important to Tiangong, so Yun Wuyang also took action at the same time.

Ji Wufeng's heart fell to the bottom. Since he couldn't run away, the person who pulled a support before his death suddenly disappeared. When he appeared, he was already in front of Yunfeng.

He could still hit the last stick, so he used Yunfeng to attack.

"Old Yun Gou, you must accept your life!" Ji Wufeng raised his stick and hit Yun Feng on the head.

Yunfeng was completely unprepared. When he saw Ji Wufeng suddenly rushing in front of him, his face turned green with fright. He turned around and ran away. If he didn't run away, his fate would be sealed here today.

How could Ji Wufeng still let Ji Wufeng kill someone when Yun Wuyang and the other three were here?

"You little bitch, you are asking for death!"

The three holy realms immediately rushed towards Ji Wufeng, but at this moment, a black figure rushed out from the darkness like lightning, with violent murderous intent bursting out of his body, and his target was Qianye Zhi, who was also injured!

Sakura Shrine

The man's face suddenly changed, and he quickly changed his direction to rescue Qianye Zhi. A strong man in the Holy Realm, even the Sakura Temple cannot afford to lose!

At the same time, another figure pounced on Rusev.

The powerful man in the Holy Court was immediately furious, gave up on Ji Wufeng, and rushed towards Rusev!

However, the incident did not stop there. Nie Wufeng, who had been watching the show, suddenly burst out with aura. He rose into the air and punched Yun Wuyang, who was chasing Ji Wufeng.

boom! boom! boom!

The six people had a fierce collision at the same time, and the two secret assailants revealed themselves. It was Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao. However, they were not the opponents of the powerful Saint Realm. They were blown away by a blow and spit out. Blood!

It was obvious that their purpose was not to assassinate, but to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, so as to gain a chance for Ji Wufeng.

However, what everyone never expected was that Nie Wufeng actually blocked Yun Wuyang's footsteps. After a confrontation, the two of them flew out at the same time, and they were evenly matched!

The expressions of a group of people suddenly changed. They were really unfamiliar with Nie Wufeng, and had never even heard of or seen him. However, this unknown guy actually had an astonishing combat power that was not weaker than a strong man in the Holy Realm!

how can that be possible? Such an amazing person is actually unknown!

But no one had time to shock Nie Wufeng's surprise. Instead, they were completely shocked by another thing.

Yunfeng was seriously injured, and his speed was far slower than Ji Wufeng. Yun Wuyang and the other three were blocked, but Ji Wufeng, who had no obstacles, caught up effortlessly. The phantom of the divine dragon on the Dragon Subduing Stick did not count as hovering, but it whizzed right in the middle of Yunfeng's forehead. !


There is no big scene of earth-shattering, just like an iron rod hitting a watermelon, it explodes!

Yunfeng fell to the ground, blood and brains flowing everywhere, his eyes widened, his body twitched for a while, and then he died.

There was a deathly silence at the scene!

Apart from the sound of breathing, no other sounds could be heard. They all stared blankly at Yunfeng's body. That was a strong man in the Holy Realm. He was beaten to death with a stick like this?

Many people couldn't believe it, but the real scene in front of them told them that this was the truth. Ji Wufeng had indeed killed a strong man in the Holy Realm with a stick.

Damn, this is crazy!

Tian Wuxin and others asked themselves that they were unparalleled and arrogant among their peers. Even if they knew that they had combat power comparable to that of a strong man in the holy realm, they would never dare to think of actually killing a strong man in the holy realm, because a strong man in the holy realm It's just too powerful.

If you don't reach that level, defeating the strong ones in the holy realm is an insurmountable chasm!

Tian Wuxin's mouth opened wide and his eyes were bigger than a bull's eye. Although the expressions of Yun Shang and Gu Tianyang were not that exaggerated, they were still in disbelief.

As for Qianye Yu and Lucas, in addition to being shocked, their eyes were full of fear. They were thinking that if Yun Shang hadn't snatched Ji Wufeng away, then they would have faced Ji Wufeng. Can they survive facing Ji Wufeng's stick? ?

Yun Fan and other young masters from the three holy places turned pale with fright. They were not as good as Tian Wuxin and others. For them, the deterrent power of the strong men from the holy realm was even more powerful. The scene of Ji Wufeng killing Yunfeng brought them Unacceptable impact.


Yun Wuyang was so angry that he was already hundreds of years old. After so many years of brotherhood, his affection was definitely far beyond that of other people. Yun Wuyang went berserk!

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