Because once he really falls into the hands of the three holy places, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Yun Fan grabbed Ji Wufeng's palm and sneered: "Want to ask for death? I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't satisfy you yet!"

Click - click!

Ji Wufeng's palm was directly twisted off by Yunfan, and then he flew up with a kick. Ji Wufeng was kicked out and fell to the ground like a broken sack.

Yun Fan chased after him again, stepped directly on Ji Wufeng's face with one foot, and said with a ferocious look on his face: "Don't worry, you won't die yet, but what should I do with you? Okay, let's put your My hands and feet are cut off, and I put you in an iron bucket. How many days you can survive depends on your luck."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Fan took out a sword and chopped off Ji Wufeng's arm!

"I kill you!"

When Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao saw Ji Wufeng in crisis, they roared to the sky, but they were entangled by Qianye Yu and Lucas and could not escape at all.

As for Nie Wufeng, he could challenge the three holy realms by himself. He could not protect himself, let alone come to rescue Ji Wufeng.

Seeing that the sword was cut down, Ji Wufeng's heart was filled with despair. Damn it, I can survive even if I die, but I'm afraid I won't have a chance this time.

He closed his eyes, and the shadows of Ji Tianqi, Ji Tianlin, Qin Yi, Lu Shuangshuang, Liu Qingqing... and others flashed in his mind. What would happen to them if they died like this?


But after waiting for a long time, Ji Wufeng didn't feel any pain, but he heard a miserable howl. When he opened his eyes, he saw Yunfan's mouth spurting blood, flying out like a dead dog.

Uh, what's going on?

Before Ji Wufeng could react, the soft and warm palm gently pressed against his back, and a soft but majestic force slowly poured into his body.

Someone is giving him power, who? He wanted to turn his head to take a look, but he was too exhausted and seriously injured and couldn't even turn his head.

The skill that poured into his body was boundless and very powerful. He was probably a strong man in the Holy Realm. It was great that he finally had strong support.

What surprised him even more was that the visitor's skill was also full of spirituality. For a cultivator, every time he was seriously injured or his skill was overdrawn, the best way to recover was to swallow a large amount of elixir. The purpose was to To absorb the spiritual energy in the elixir.

The person who came now was very spiritual in his skills, and he was able to recover and heal Ji Wufeng's skills and injuries exponentially, which made him extremely happy.

"Thank you, senior!" Ji Wufeng said sincerely. This time it was a desperate situation.

The person who came didn't say anything, and Ji Wufeng didn't know who he was, but he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, which made him tremble in his heart. It turned out to be her?

No one expected that someone would come to rescue Ji Wufeng. Yunfan shouted sharply: "Kill him quickly!"

The young masters from the three holy places rushed up instantly. They all saw that Ji Wufeng was terrifying and they must not let him recover his skills, otherwise there would be no way for them to survive.

When Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao saw someone coming to save Ji Wufeng, their faces were full of surprise. They actually received a heavy blow from Qianye Yu and Lucas. After being seriously injured, they rushed towards Ji Wufeng covered in blood. .

Sword energy filled the sky, and fist shadows flew across the sky. Anyone who came within ten steps of Ji Wufeng would be attacked by the two men like crazy demons.

"You're really looking for death!"

Qianye Yu flew over and slapped Murong Wuji's sword energy away with one palm. He slapped his chest mercilessly with the other palm. Murong Wuji couldn't resist and flew out, spraying a rain of blood in the air.

Lucas was more direct. The angel sword in his hand was sharp. With one strike of the sword, one of Wen Jingtao's arms was cut off directly. The sword edge pierced his chest and blood spilled wildly!

Qianye Yu and Lucas both regard Ji Wufeng as their life and death enemy. They will never miss this God-given opportunity. Today, Ji Wufeng will either be captured alive by them or be killed directly. If they want to escape, they will never miss it. possible!

Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao were seriously injured and their combat power was greatly reduced, but they were unwilling to take a step back and stood in front of Ji Wufeng, looking forward to death!

Ji Wufeng's eyes turned red and he said sternly: "You guys should leave quickly!"

We are now in a desperate situation. If Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao don't leave, they will die directly!

Murong Wuji was holding a long sword, his mouth was bleeding, and he said with a ferocious look on his beautiful face: "As a disciple, I have abandoned my master. Why is such an ungrateful person waiting to reach the pinnacle of martial arts?"

Wen Jingtao was even more seriously injured and did not speak, but his handsome face was as fierce as a ghost.

The two of them were obviously ready to die on the spot!

"Huh, since I don't know whether to live or die, I will help you!"

Qianye Yu snorted coldly, and struck out with another horizontal palm. Murong Wuji waved his sword to block, but he could no longer block it, and his body flew out again. Lucas slashed out with his sword, and Wen Jingtao flew away. , the white clothes were stained with blood, as bright as blood.

Suffering heavy injuries one after another, the two of them were exhausted. They fell to the ground for a long time before getting up. Ji Wufeng felt that his brain was about to explode and shouted sternly: "I order you as a master to get out of here right away!"

They are master and apprentice in name, but they are brothers, and Ji Wufeng is not willing to watch them die.

Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao stopped looking at him at all. After getting up, they jumped out again, but were knocked away again!

They are not Ji Wufeng, they are not cultivators, and they do not have super self-healing abilities. Every time they fall to the ground, they suffer fatal injuries. If it were not for their strong will, they would have died long ago.

Seeing that Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao were hit hard again and again, their bodies were in pieces, but they refused to take a step back, Ji Wufeng's eyes turned red, and bitter and salty liquid dripped down.

A man does not shed tears easily, but as long as he is still alone, even if his body is as steely as iron, his heart will always be soft and he will feel pain!


Ji Wufeng was roaring, and his heart was bleeding. Seeing someone close to him die for him was undoubtedly the most painful torture in the world.


Lucas stabbed Wen Jingtao in the chest with his sword, which was the heart. Wen Jingtao was finally unable to move anymore, his heart was broken, and the source of his life would be extinguished!


Qianye Yu slapped Murong Wuji's chest with his palm, and it collapsed instantly. Such a severe injury, all the internal organs were shattered. Murong Wuji held the long sword in his hand and slowly fell to the ground on one knee.


Ji Wufeng felt that his brain had finally exploded. It was like being struck by thunder. An extremely violent aura rose into the sky. His black hair instantly turned silver, and his pupils disappeared, leaving only the whites of his eyes! Because once he really falls into the hands of the three holy places, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Yun Fan grabbed Ji Wufeng's palm and sneered: "Want to ask for death? I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't satisfy you yet!"

Click - click!

Ji Wufeng's palm was directly twisted off by Yunfan, and then he flew up with a kick. Ji Wufeng was kicked out and fell to the ground like a broken sack.

Yun Fan chased after him again, stepped directly on Ji Wufeng's face with one foot, and said with a ferocious look on his face: "Don't worry, you won't die yet, but what should I do with you? Okay, let's put your My hands and feet are cut off, and I put you in an iron bucket. How many days you can survive depends on your luck."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Fan took out a sword and chopped off Ji Wufeng's arm!

"I kill you!"

When Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao saw Ji Wufeng in crisis, they roared to the sky, but they were entangled by Qianye Yu and Lucas and could not escape at all.

As for Nie Wufeng, he could challenge the three holy realms by himself. He could not protect himself, let alone come to rescue Ji Wufeng.

Seeing that the sword was cut down, Ji Wufeng's heart was filled with despair. Damn it, I can survive even if I die, but I'm afraid I won't have a chance this time.

He closed his eyes, and the shadows of Ji Tianqi, Ji Tianlin, Qin Yi, Lu Shuangshuang, Liu Qingqing... and others flashed in his mind. What would happen to them if they died like this?


But after waiting for a long time, Ji Wufeng didn't feel any pain, but he heard a miserable howl. When he opened his eyes, he saw Yunfan's mouth spurting blood, flying out like a dead dog.

Uh, what's going on?

Before Ji Wufeng could react, the soft and warm palm gently pressed against his back, and a soft but majestic force slowly poured into his body.

Someone is giving him power, who? He wanted to turn his head to take a look, but he was too exhausted and seriously injured and couldn't even turn his head.

The skill that poured into his body was boundless and very powerful. He was probably a strong man in the Holy Realm. It was great that he finally had strong support.

What surprised him even more was that the visitor's skill was also full of spirituality. For a cultivator, every time he was seriously injured or his skill was overdrawn, the best way to recover was to swallow a large amount of elixir. The purpose was to To absorb the spiritual energy in the elixir.

The person who came now was very spiritual in his skills, and he was able to recover and heal Ji Wufeng's skills and injuries exponentially, which made him extremely happy.

"Thank you, senior!" Ji Wufeng said sincerely. This time it was a desperate situation.

The person who came didn't say anything, and Ji Wufeng didn't know who he was, but he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, which made him tremble in his heart. It turned out to be her?

No one expected that someone would come to rescue Ji Wufeng. Yunfan shouted sharply: "Kill him quickly!"

The young masters from the three holy places rushed up instantly. They all saw that Ji Wufeng was terrifying and they must not let him recover his skills, otherwise there would be no way for them to survive.

When Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao saw someone coming to save Ji Wufeng, their faces were full of surprise. They actually received a heavy blow from Qianye Yu and Lucas. After being seriously injured, they rushed towards Ji Wufeng covered in blood. .

Sword energy filled the sky, and fist shadows flew across the sky. Anyone who came within ten steps of Ji Wufeng would be attacked by the two men like crazy demons.

"You're really looking for death!"

Qianye Yu flew over and slapped Murong Wuji's sword energy away with one palm. He slapped his chest mercilessly with the other palm. Murong Wuji couldn't resist and flew out, spraying a rain of blood in the air.

Lucas was more direct. The angel sword in his hand was sharp. With one strike of the sword, one of Wen Jingtao's arms was cut off directly. The sword edge pierced his chest and blood spilled wildly!

Qianye Yu and Lucas both regard Ji Wufeng as their life and death enemy. They will never miss this God-given opportunity. Today, Ji Wufeng will either be captured alive by them or be killed directly. If they want to escape, they will never miss it. possible!

Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao were seriously injured and their combat power was greatly reduced, but they were unwilling to take a step back and stood in front of Ji Wufeng, looking forward to death!

Ji Wufeng's eyes turned red and he said sternly: "You guys should leave quickly!"

We are now in a desperate situation. If Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao don't leave, they will die directly!

Murong Wuji was holding a long sword, his mouth was bleeding, and he said with a ferocious look on his beautiful face: "As a disciple, I have abandoned my master. Why is such an ungrateful person waiting to reach the pinnacle of martial arts?"

Wen Jingtao was even more seriously injured and did not speak, but his handsome face was as fierce as a ghost.

The two of them were obviously ready to die on the spot!

"Humph, since I don't know whether to live or die, I will help you!"

Qianye Yu snorted coldly, and struck out with another horizontal palm. Murong Wuji waved his sword to block, but he could no longer block it, and his body flew out again. Lucas slashed out with his sword, and Wen Jingtao flew away. , the white clothes were stained with blood, as bright as blood.

After suffering heavy injuries one after another, the two of them were exhausted. They fell to the ground for a long time before getting up. Ji Wufeng felt that his brain was about to explode and shouted sternly: "I order you as a master to get out of here right now!"

They are master and apprentice in name, but they are brothers, and Ji Wufeng is not willing to watch them die.

Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao stopped looking at him at all. After getting up, they jumped out again, but were knocked away again!

They are not Ji Wufeng, they are not cultivators, and they do not have super self-healing abilities. Every time they fall to the ground, they suffer fatal injuries. If it were not for their strong will, they would have died long ago.

Seeing that Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao were hit hard again and again, their bodies were in pieces, but they refused to take a step back, Ji Wufeng's eyes turned red, and bitter and salty liquid dripped down.

A man does not shed tears easily, but as long as he is still alone, even if his body is as steely as iron, his heart will always be soft and he will feel pain!


Ji Wufeng was roaring, and his heart was bleeding. Seeing someone close to him die for him was undoubtedly the most painful torture in the world.


Lucas stabbed Wen Jingtao in the chest with his sword, which was the heart. Wen Jingtao was finally unable to move anymore, his heart was broken, and the source of his life would be extinguished!


Qianye Yu slapped Murong Wuji's chest with his palm, and it collapsed instantly. Such a severe injury, all the internal organs were shattered. Murong Wuji held the long sword in his hand and slowly fell to the ground on one knee.


Ji Wufeng felt that his brain had finally exploded. It was like being struck by thunder. An extremely violent aura rose into the sky. His black hair instantly turned silver, and his pupils disappeared, leaving only the whites of his eyes!

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