Just before the little monk had time to make a sound, a black shadow suddenly flashed past and disappeared in an instant.

Kong Ming didn't see anything, but his heart skipped a beat. He turned around and looked back, but didn't find anything unusual. He muttered, "What's going on? Am I dazzled?"

There are dozens of monks coming this time, and if one or two are missing, it will be difficult to find them suddenly.

Everyone continued on their way, and suddenly Kong Ming suddenly turned his head again and shouted sharply: "How many people are here this time?"

When he asked this question, someone immediately answered that there were forty young monks in total this time, but after careful inspection, there were only thirty-six left. A young monk's face changed instantly and said: "Senior Brother Kongming, Kongming The four junior brothers Ming and Kongliang are missing."

Kong Ming's eyes suddenly flashed with sharpness, and he shouted coldly: "Since you are already here, then show up, otherwise don't blame the young monk for being rude."

The monks were suddenly shocked. Could there be an enemy approaching?

A group of people slowly walked out of the woods. They were all young men and women. The leader was a sickly pale young man. He stared at Kong Ming and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he is the most outstanding successor of the Buddhist sect, and he is much more useful than the successor of the Zhengqi sect! "

The successor of Zhengqimen? It's Xia Luofeng.

"What happened to Xia Luofeng?" Kong Ming asked with an evil look on his face.

Having dated Ji Wufeng before, Kong Ming and the other four young masters had formed very deep friendships with each other. If something happened to Xia Luofeng, how could Kong Ming not be worried?

"Jiejie, don't worry, he's not dead yet, but he should be close, so he's half dead!" the sickly young man said with a ferocious smile.

Kong Ming's expression suddenly froze, and he shouted: "Vajra Demon Subduing Formation!"

A group of monks immediately took action, forming a formation and rising from the ground with a tyrannical momentum.

These monks are all the most outstanding young disciples of Jinlong Temple. Once the Vajra Demon-Suppressing Formation is set up, it will be difficult to break it even if a master from the Holy Realm comes to it.

But the sick young man turned a blind eye and said with a sinister smile: "Kong Ming, I know that you are the most outstanding successor of Jinlong Temple. The Lord has an order. As long as you are willing to submit, you will be spared from death!"

Kong Ming's eyes were sharp and he said in a cold voice: "You are really brazen. You actually dare to recruit me, the Buddha, to surrender. Junior brothers, listen to your orders and Vajra subdues demons!"


With a violent roar, the Vajra Demon-Suppressing Formation moved, and its powerful aura spread out, sweeping towards the group of young men and women crazily!

The huge force came across, and the sickly young man was the first to bear the brunt. His body was instantly torn to pieces by this powerful force. The monks were all surprised. They thought he was an extremely powerful enemy, but they never expected that he could be defeated so easily. Lost.

A young monk looked at the other young men and women, clasped his palms together and said: "Amitabha, the young monk advises all donors to put down their butcher knives and become a Buddha immediately. Otherwise, the Buddha will be angry when he is angry!"

The leader was killed on the spot. Instead of showing any fear, the other young men and women all sneered with disdain on their faces, looking at the young monk as if they were looking at a dead man.

Kong Ming felt something was not quite right, because he noticed a cold evil aura from these young men and women, mixed with a strong smell of blood. He was very familiar with this aura, immortal warrior!

"Kong Ling, be careful!" Kong Ming reminded loudly.

But it was too late. The mutilated body of the sick young man who had been killed on the ground moved strangely again.

They stood up and finally regrouped, their blood-red eyes opened, and they stretched out their pale claws to grab the young monk closest to them.


Before the young monk could react, his head was already caught in his palms. He screamed and his whole body twitched continuously.

In an instant, a living flesh and blood body turned into a mummy, which was thrown to the ground and broke into several pieces.

After dealing with the young monk, the sick young man shook his neck. The wounds on his body were recovering at a terrifying speed. They were completely healed in the blink of an eye. He said with a ferocious smile: "Yes, the power of Buddhist disciples is indeed very pure and easy to digest!"

All the monks suddenly felt chills running down their spines. Damn it, what kind of monsters are these people? He actually sucked a living person into a human being.

It’s easy to digest. Is this using living people as food rations?

These young monks were all frightened, but Kong Ming laughed coldly and said: "The demons are so evil and so audacious that they dare to provoke the Buddha and send you to death!"

Kong Ming was furious. He recognized these people as undead warriors, but these undead warriors were a little different. They were more powerful than before, and they had almost no mental flaws. Except for the evil spirit on their bodies, they were no different from ordinary people. No big difference.

But who is Kong Ming? The previous young supremes were all dormant, and now the four most powerful young men are respected. Even though Kong Ming has not broken through to the holy realm, his combat power is comparable to the masters of the holy realm, and is no worse than the original young supremes. How can you be afraid of these small characters?

"Suppress the demon!"

Kong Ming roared violently, and golden light burst out from his whole body. He looked solemn and precious, like a Vajra Arhat descended from the sky, and punched the sick young man.


The chest of the sick young man was directly punched through, and the violent force hit a mountain peak through the sick chest, causing the mountain to collapse instantly.

He was punched through the chest, which was a fatal injury. However, the strange thing was that there was a cruel smile on his sickly face, saying: "You are indeed very strong, but it's a pity that you can't kill me!"

Kong Ming was immediately stunned. This was not the first time he had faced off against an undead warrior. There were three ways to kill an undead warrior. The first choice was to blow off the head, the second was to chop the person into pieces, and the last was to blow out the heart. , but this guy’s heart has been blown out, but he’s still alive.

What made Kong Ming's scalp numb was that after the sick young man finished speaking, the chest that had obviously been punched was healing bit by bit. In an instant, the big hole in the chest was completely healed, and the skin was not broken. !

"Jie Jie, Kong Ming, you four young and powerful people are now the targets that the Lord wants to recruit. As long as you recognize the promotion, you can avoid death. When the Lord rules the world in the future, you will be one person below ten thousand people! "The sick young man said ferociously.

Kong Ming immediately understood that in this ambush, he was not the only one to be targeted. Maybe Xia Luofeng, Shi Yi and others were also targeted. Even all the masters of the younger generation were ambushed.

"Nima, Buddha's boss is the Buddha of the West. Who is your bullshit master?" Kong Ming scolded.

"Jie Jie, since you are so ignorant of praise, you can't blame me!"

The morbid expression suddenly turned ferocious, and he said: "Kill, no chickens or dogs will be spared!"

In an instant, all the young men and women behind him burst out with soaring evil energy, and rushed towards a group of young monks. A young monk roared loudly, and the eyebrow-level stick in his hand directly pierced the chest of a young man. Just before the little monk had time to make a sound, a black shadow suddenly flashed past and disappeared in an instant.

Kong Ming didn't see anything, but his heart skipped a beat. He turned around and looked back, but didn't find anything unusual. He muttered, "What's going on? Am I dazzled?"

There are dozens of monks coming this time, and if one or two are missing, it will be difficult to find them suddenly.

Everyone continued on their way, and suddenly Kong Ming suddenly turned his head again and shouted sharply: "How many people are here this time?"

When he asked this question, someone immediately answered that there were forty young monks in total this time, but after careful inspection, there were only thirty-six left. A young monk's face changed instantly and said: "Senior Brother Kongming, Kongming The four junior brothers Ming and Kongliang are missing."

Kong Ming's eyes suddenly flashed with sharpness, and he shouted coldly: "Since you are already here, then show up, otherwise don't blame the young monk for being rude."

The monks were suddenly shocked. Could there be an enemy approaching?

A group of people slowly walked out of the woods. They were all young men and women. The leader was a sickly pale young man. He stared at Kong Ming and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he is the most outstanding successor of the Buddhist sect, and he is much more useful than the successor of the Zhengqi sect! "

The successor of Zhengqimen? It's Xia Luofeng.

"What happened to Xia Luofeng?" Kong Ming asked with an evil look on his face.

Having dated Ji Wufeng before, Kong Ming and the other four young masters had formed very deep friendships with each other. If something happened to Xia Luofeng, how could Kong Ming not be worried?

"Jiejie, don't worry, he's not dead yet, but he should be close, so he's half dead!" the sickly young man said with a ferocious smile.

Kong Ming's expression suddenly froze, and he shouted: "Vajra Demon Subduing Formation!"

A group of monks immediately took action, forming a formation and rising from the ground with a tyrannical momentum.

These monks are all the most outstanding young disciples of Jinlong Temple. Once the Vajra Demon-Suppressing Formation is set up, it will be difficult to break it even if a master from the Holy Realm comes to it.

But the sickly young man turned a blind eye and said with a sinister smile: "Kong Ming, I know that you are the most outstanding descendant of Jinlong Temple. The Lord has an order. As long as you are willing to submit, you will be spared from death!"

Kong Ming's eyes were sharp and he said in a cold voice: "What a shameless boast. You actually dare to recruit me, the Buddha, to surrender. Junior brothers, listen to your orders and Vajra subdues demons!"


With a violent roar, the Vajra Demon-Suppressing Formation moved, and its powerful aura spread out, sweeping towards the group of young men and women crazily!

The huge force came across, and the sickly young man was the first to bear the brunt. His body was instantly torn to pieces by this powerful force. The monks were all surprised. They thought he was an extremely powerful enemy, but they never expected that he could be defeated so easily. Lost.

A young monk looked at the other young men and women, clasped his palms together and said: "Amitabha, the young monk advises all donors to put down their butcher knives and become a Buddha immediately. Otherwise, the Buddha will be angry when he is angry!"

The leader was killed on the spot. Instead of showing any fear, the other young men and women all sneered with disdain on their faces, looking at the young monk as if they were looking at a dead man.

Kong Ming felt something was not quite right, because he noticed a cold evil aura from these young men and women, mixed with a strong smell of blood. He was very familiar with this aura, immortal warrior!

"Kong Ling, be careful!" Kong Ming reminded loudly.

But it was too late. The mutilated body of the sick young man who had been killed on the ground moved strangely again.

They stood up and finally regrouped, their blood-red eyes opened, and they stretched out their pale claws to grab the young monk closest to them.


Before the young monk could react, his head was already caught in his palms. He screamed and his whole body twitched continuously.

In an instant, a living flesh and blood body turned into a mummy, which was thrown to the ground and broke into several pieces.

After dealing with the young monk, the sick young man shook his neck. The wounds on his body were recovering at a terrifying speed. They were completely healed in the blink of an eye. He said with a ferocious smile: "Yes, the power of Buddhist disciples is indeed very pure and easy to digest!"

All the monks suddenly felt chills running down their spines. Damn it, what kind of monsters are these people? He actually sucked a living person into a human being.

It's easy to digest. Is this using living people as food rations?

These young monks were all frightened, but Kong Ming laughed coldly and said: "The demons are so evil and so bold that they dare to provoke the Buddha and send you to death!"

Kong Ming was furious. He recognized these people as undead warriors, but these undead warriors were a little different. They were more powerful than before, and they had almost no mental flaws. Except for the evil spirit on their bodies, they were no different from ordinary people. No big difference.

But who is Kong Ming? The previous young supremes were all dormant, and now the four most powerful young men are respected. Even though Kong Ming has not broken through to the holy realm, his combat power is comparable to the masters of the holy realm, and is no worse than the original young supremes. How can you be afraid of these small characters?

"Suppress the demon!"

Kong Ming roared violently, and golden light burst out from his whole body. He looked solemn and precious, like a Vajra Arhat descended from the sky, and punched the sick young man.


The chest of the sick young man was directly punched through, and the violent force hit a mountain peak through the sick chest, causing the mountain to collapse instantly.

He was punched through the chest, which was a fatal injury. However, the strange thing was that there was a cruel smile on his sickly face, saying: "You are indeed very strong, but it's a pity that you can't kill me!"

Kong Ming was immediately stunned. This was not the first time he had faced off against an undead warrior. There were three ways to kill an undead warrior. The first choice was to blow off the head, the second was to chop the person into pieces, and the last was to blow out the heart. , but this guy’s heart has been blown out, but he’s still alive.

What made Kong Ming's scalp numb was that after the sick young man finished speaking, the chest that had obviously been punched was healing bit by bit. In an instant, the big hole in the chest was completely healed, and the skin was not broken. !

"Jie Jie, Kong Ming, you four young and powerful people are now the targets that the Lord wants to recruit. As long as you recognize the promotion, you can avoid death. When the Lord rules the world in the future, you will be one person below ten thousand people! "The sick young man said ferociously.

Kong Ming immediately understood that in this ambush, he was not the only one to be targeted. Maybe Xia Luofeng, Shi Yi and others were also targeted. Even all the masters of the younger generation were ambushed.

"Nima, Buddha's boss is the Buddha of the West. Who is your bullshit master?" Kong Ming scolded.

"Jie Jie, since you are so ignorant of praise, you can't blame me!"

The morbid expression suddenly turned ferocious, and he said: "Kill, no chickens or dogs will be spared!"

In an instant, all the young men and women behind him burst out with soaring evil energy, and rushed towards a group of young monks. A young monk roared loudly, and the eyebrow-level stick in his hand directly pierced the chest of a young man.

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