Ji Tianqi was very cute, but at this moment, he looked arrogant and domineering, like a little tiger. He stamped his legs on the ground, and his body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the powerful master.

Everyone present was dumbfounded. Isn't this kid too courageous? Facing a powerful enemy, not only did he not have the slightest fear, he even took the initiative to meet the enemy. From the looks of it, he didn't take the peak master at all.

After five years of war, although the two holy places and the Nine-Headed Insect were repelled, the vitality of the Chinese martial arts world was also damaged.

Moreover, everyone believed that the two holy places and the nine-headed worm would definitely make a comeback, so almost all the masters of the major sects issued mountain closure orders and concentrated on training to cope with the coming war.

As a result, strong men above the level of kingly warriors are almost impossible to hide, which is extremely rare. Strong masters are usually the strongest people that the world can see, and are almost invincible.

A kid who was only five years old dared to be so arrogant, which immediately made the peak master extremely angry.

Looking at Ji Tianqi who was rushing toward him, the peak-level master showed murderous intent and said with a ferocious smile: "Little bastard, I'll send you back to the west!"

He opened his big hand and suddenly grabbed Ji Tianqi. With his fighting power, even an innate strong man could kill him with one strike!

But Ji Tianqi had already rushed in front of him, and suddenly disappeared strangely, and the master at the peak of his powers simply missed him.

It’s a step to the sky!

Out of the protection of Ji Tianqi and a group of other children, over the years, everyone has urged them to devote themselves to practicing Tatianbu, with the purpose of hoping that they can escape smoothly when they encounter danger.

Although Ji Tianqi is young, he is already proficient in Tiantianbu and is very slippery. Unless the kingly space of a kingly warrior is accurately locked, it will be difficult to catch his traces!

The master at the peak missed the target with one strike and was stunned. Before he could react, Ji Tianqi appeared strangely behind him and kicked him hard on the butt.

"Hahaha... You're so shameless, just beat the crap out of a bad dog!" Ji Tianqi laughed.


The top master was completely on guard and received a solid kick on the butt.

But it's a pity that Ji Tianqi is too young after all, and he is facing a strong man who is too strong on him. This kick did not knock the evil dog kicked by the peak master, but only staggered his feet.

Ji Tianqi's little face suddenly darkened, and he said, "I can't even kick you down. Is there an iron sheet tied to your butt?"

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the result of his kick.

The peak-level master's eyebrows suddenly stood up, his face turned red and turned purple again, his anger shot straight into Tian Lingge'er, and his facial features became distorted.

A kingly warrior cannot hide, and a master at the peak of his powers is invincible, but to have his butt kicked by a little brat in public, this is a great shame and humiliation.

"You little bastard, I'll kill you!"

The top master was so furious that he pounced on Ji Tianqi like a mad dog, wanting to eat him alive.

"Ah, ah, I am so shameless and crazy..."

Ji Tianqi screamed, stamped his foot, and his body disappeared again. When he reappeared, he was already standing beside the peak master. He stretched out his little hand and slapped him with a big mouth.


The top master received a big slap in the face. An attack of this level could not cause any harm to him, but compared to

The front kick made him feel even more humiliated.

"Go to hell!"

The peak master turned over and struck out with a blast. Ji Tianqi disappeared again and appeared not far away, sitting with his tongue hanging out and making a face, saying: "Lululu...can't hit, can't hit..."

The top master went crazy and rushed forward to attack Ji Tianqi indiscriminately.

Then, a jaw-dropping scene appeared. The master at the peak was attacking crazily, but Ji Tianqi was too slippery, like a loach. He seemed to have caught it, but it slipped through his fingers again.

Everyone was stunned. The viciousness in Zhuo Zhengping's eyes became even stronger, and murderous intent loomed. Ji Wufeng was already a monster. Unexpectedly, Ji Tianqi became even more evil.

At only five or six years old, he can already compete with the master at the peak of his power. What will happen when he grows up? Unimaginable!

With a gesture, a man in black standing behind him immediately stood up, raised his gun and pulled the trigger on Ji Tianqi.


The bullet was fired at Ji Tianqi. Ji Tianqi suddenly became furious and shouted: "Shameless, you even used a gun. You don't have martial ethics!"

The bullet hit the ground, punching a hole in the ground. It failed to injure Ji Tianqi at all, allowing him to dodge in time.

However, because he dodged bullets, his movement trajectory was restricted. Suddenly, his neck tightened and he was caught in the hands of the top master.

"Little bastard, why didn't you run away?" The face of the peak master was full of ferocity. Being humiliated and teased like this, he wanted to chop Ji Tianqi into pieces.

"I bother!"

Ji Tianqi spat in the face of the peak master, kicked his calves wildly, and cursed: "You shameless man, let someone shoot me and sneak up on me, you will die badly!"

Seeing Ji Tianqi being caught, the ears of the big black man who was fighting with a group of bodyguards at the side immediately stood up, his forehead opened, revealing two rows of white fangs.


It stretched out its front paws to grab a bodyguard in front of it, and a terrifying scene occurred. The bodyguard's chest was scratched to pieces and disemboweled!

This is Dahei's true combat power. He can kill the group of bodyguards in front of him in an instant. However, there is a happy event in Ji Mansion today, so he did not do anything harsh. Seeing blood is unlucky. He is a sensible dog!

But the little master was in danger, and Dahei no longer had any scruples.

Zhuo Zhengping knew how terrifying Dahei was, and immediately shouted: "Kill it, kill it quickly!"

A group of bodyguards immediately rushed towards Dahei, but how could these people stop it? It was as if it were made of paper. When Dahei touched down his claws, he stirred up a blood wolf.

Zhuo Zhengping immediately cast a sinister look at the peak master, and the peak master immediately understood.

"Little bastard, I'll send you to reincarnation." The peak master's eyes showed murderous intent, and he slapped Ji Tianqi's head hard with his palm.

Ji Tianqi is too scary. If he is not eliminated as soon as possible, who else will be his opponent once he grows up?


Mei Yingxue and the others were immediately shocked. How could they watch Ji Wufeng's child die in front of them.

However, how could they possibly stop the Grandmaster at his peak?

Ji Tianqi also realized the danger, and finally became anxious. He kicked his legs wildly, clawed his hands, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Ji Dapao, where did you die? Come and save me!" Ji Tianqi looked very cute, but at this time he He had an arrogant and domineering look on his face, like a little tiger. He stamped his legs on the ground, and his body turned into an afterimage and pounced on the powerful master.

Everyone present was dumbfounded. Isn't this kid too courageous? Facing a powerful enemy, not only did he not have the slightest fear, he even took the initiative to meet the enemy. From the looks of it, he didn't take the peak master at all.

After five years of war, although the two holy places and the Nine-Headed Insect were repelled, the vitality of the Chinese martial arts world was also damaged.

Moreover, everyone believed that the two holy places and the nine-headed worm would definitely make a comeback, so almost all the masters of the major sects issued mountain closure orders and concentrated on training to cope with the coming war.

As a result, strong men above the level of kingly warriors are almost impossible to hide, which is extremely rare. Strong masters are usually the strongest people that the world can see, and are almost invincible.

A kid who was only five years old dared to be so arrogant, which immediately made the peak master extremely angry.

Looking at Ji Tianqi who was rushing toward him, the peak-level master showed murderous intent and said with a ferocious smile: "Little bastard, I'll send you back to the west!"

He opened his big hand and suddenly grabbed Ji Tianqi. With his fighting power, even an innate strong man could kill him with one strike!

But Ji Tianqi had already rushed in front of him, and suddenly disappeared strangely, and the master at the peak of his powers simply missed him.

It’s a step to the sky!

Out of the protection of Ji Tianqi and a group of other children, over the years, everyone has urged them to devote themselves to practicing Tatianbu, with the purpose of hoping that they can escape smoothly when they encounter danger.

Although Ji Tianqi is young, he is already proficient in Tiantianbu and is very slippery. Unless the kingly space of a kingly warrior is accurately locked, it will be difficult to catch his traces!

The master at the peak missed the target with one strike and was stunned. Before he could react, Ji Tianqi appeared strangely behind him and kicked him hard on the butt.

"Hahaha... You're so shameless, just beat the crap out of a bad dog!" Ji Tianqi laughed.


The top master was completely on guard and received a solid kick on the butt.

But it's a pity that Ji Tianqi is too young after all, and he is facing a strong man who is too strong on him. This kick did not knock the evil dog kicked by the peak master, but only staggered his feet.

Ji Tianqi's little face suddenly darkened, and he said, "I can't even kick you down. Is there an iron sheet tied to your butt?"

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the result of his kick.

The peak-level master's eyebrows suddenly stood up, his face turned red and turned purple again, his anger shot straight into Tian Lingge'er, and his facial features became distorted.

A kingly warrior cannot hide, and a master at the peak of his powers is invincible, but to have his butt kicked by a little brat in public, this is a great shame and humiliation.

"You little bastard, I'll kill you!"

The top master was so furious that he pounced on Ji Tianqi like a mad dog, wanting to eat him alive.

"Ah, ah, I am so shameless and crazy..."

Ji Tianqi screamed, stamped his foot, and his body disappeared again. When he reappeared, he was already standing beside the peak master. He stretched out his little hand and slapped him with a big mouth.


The top master received a big slap in the face. An attack of this level could not cause any harm to him, but compared to

The front kick made him feel even more humiliated.

"Go to hell!"

The peak master turned over and struck out with a blast. Ji Tianqi disappeared again and appeared not far away, sitting with his tongue hanging out and making a face, saying: "Lululu...can't hit, can't hit..."

The top master went crazy and rushed forward to attack Ji Tianqi indiscriminately.

Then, a jaw-dropping scene appeared. The master at the peak was attacking crazily, but Ji Tianqi was too slippery, like a loach. He seemed to have caught it, but it slipped through his fingers again.

Everyone was stunned. The viciousness in Zhuo Zhengping's eyes became even stronger, and murderous intent loomed. Ji Wufeng was already a monster. Unexpectedly, Ji Tianqi became even more evil.

At only five or six years old, he can already compete with the master at the peak of his power. What will happen when he grows up? Unimaginable!

With a gesture, a man in black standing behind him immediately stood up, raised his gun and pulled the trigger on Ji Tianqi.


The bullet was fired at Ji Tianqi. Ji Tianqi suddenly became furious and shouted: "Shameless, you even used a gun. You don't have martial ethics!"

The bullet hit the ground, punching a hole in the ground. It failed to injure Ji Tianqi at all, allowing him to dodge in time.

However, because he dodged bullets, his movement trajectory was restricted. Suddenly, his neck tightened and he was caught in the hands of the top master.

"Little bastard, why didn't you run away?" The face of the peak master was full of ferocity. Being humiliated and teased like this, he wanted to chop Ji Tianqi into pieces.

"I bother!"

Ji Tianqi spat in the face of the peak master, kicked his calves wildly, and cursed: "You shameless man, let someone shoot me and sneak up on me, you will die badly!"

Seeing Ji Tianqi being caught, the ears of the big black man who was fighting with a group of bodyguards at the side immediately stood up, his forehead opened, revealing two rows of white fangs.


It stretched out its front paws to grab a bodyguard in front of it, and a terrifying scene occurred. The bodyguard's chest was scratched to pieces and disemboweled!

This is Dahei's true combat power. He can kill the group of bodyguards in front of him in an instant. However, there is a happy event in Ji Mansion today, so he did not do anything harsh. Seeing blood is unlucky. He is a sensible dog!

But the little master was in danger, and Dahei no longer had any scruples.

Zhuo Zhengping knew how terrifying Dahei was, and immediately shouted: "Kill it, kill it quickly!"

A group of bodyguards immediately rushed towards Dahei, but how could these people stop it? It was as if it were made of paper. When Dahei touched down his claws, he stirred up a blood wolf.

Zhuo Zhengping immediately cast a sinister look at the peak master, and the peak master immediately understood.

"Little bastard, I'll send you to reincarnation." The peak master's eyes showed murderous intent, and he slapped Ji Tianqi's head hard with his palm.

Ji Tianqi is too scary. If he is not eliminated as soon as possible, who else will be his opponent once he grows up?


Mei Yingxue and the others were immediately shocked. How could they watch Ji Wufeng's child die in front of them.

However, how could they possibly stop the Grandmaster at his peak?

Ji Tianqi also realized the danger, and finally became anxious. He kicked his legs wildly, opened his teeth and claws with his hands, and howled at the top of his voice: "Ji Dapao, where did you die? Come and save me!"

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