The deeper the skill, the more miraculous the speed of Tianbu. Ji Tianlin's skill is not comparable to Ji Tianqi's, and the speed is naturally also different.

The peak master smashed an afterimage. Although he was shocked, an even more shocking scene happened next.

Suddenly, three figures of Ji Tianlin appeared at the same time, attacking the top master at the same time with lightning speed.

The peak master was shocked and immediately launched a very fast attack. An afterimage was shattered, but it was not an entity. The second afterimage was shattered, but it was also not!

Is it the third way?

The eyes of the peak master were full of murderous intent, and he frantically blasted towards the third afterimage! .??.

Ji Tianlin's head was directly hit and exploded, but there was no blood splashing. It was not real!

Suddenly, an unprecedented sense of crisis arose in my heart, but it was already too late. In order to kill Ji Tianlin, the three strikes of the peak master were all powerful strikes, and they were struck continuously without any chance to breathe. It was enough to make him a little exhausted!

Without warning, the peak-level master suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was a delicate dagger that had been completely pierced into his body, leaving only the handle outside.

Immediately, the palm on the handle gradually appeared, and finally Ji Tianlin's figure was revealed.

Ji Tianlin grinned and said disdainfully: "Old fool, I fooled you with three afterimages. You are so good!"

That's right, the three afterimages are all fake. The purpose is to make the top master strike three times in a row, causing him to be exhausted. Once exhausted, his reaction ability will definitely decline, giving him the opportunity to attack secretly.

The master at the peak of his powers was instantly furious and said sternly: "You little bastard, I'll kill you!"

He raised his palm, intending to kill Ji Tianlin on the spot, but after he raised his palm, it felt as if he had been struck by lightning and it was not chopped down for a long time.

"You've ruined my martial arts?" the peak master said sharply.

Ji Tianlin's dagger directly pierced his Qihai, and his skills

If you pay in vain, you will never be able to cultivate your true energy again in this life.

"Today is my aunt's happy day. It's a happy day and it's not appropriate to kill. Otherwise, you won't be able to protect your head!" Ji Tianlin smiled coldly, turned around and left.

Zhuo Zhengping and others were all stunned, their expressions looked like they had seen a ghost.

Oh my god, that is a master at the peak of his powers, and as you know, Ji Tianlin is only ten years old this year.

A ten-year-old kid crippled a master who was at the peak of his powers. This was something that had never happened before. It was simply a fantasy.

But it really happened. It happened in front of their eyes. They saw it with their own eyes and couldn't fake it.

He's only ten years old and he's already so scary. How scary will he be when he grows up in the future?

"Moms, let's go in." Ji Tianlin smiled at Mei Yingxue and the others.

Mei Yingxue and the others had not yet reacted, and walked into the door of Ji Mansion with dull expressions.

Standing at the door, Ji Tianlin turned to Zhuo Zhengping and sneered: "You are guests from afar today. For the sake of my aunt, I won't care about it for the time being, but I will get this debt back one day!"

Zhuo Zhengping and others looked at Ji Tianlin's back, their teeth almost bursting with hatred. The older one couldn't fight, and the younger one was almost growing up.

He wished he could immediately order the killing of these two brats to avoid future troubles, but he knew that there were many experts in Ji Mansion at this time, and if he touched the two brothers, he would not be able to leave alive.

Therefore, he did not give any verbal orders to the top master and the black gunner just now, but only made gestures in order to avoid getting involved.

As long as there is no conclusive evidence, Ji Gongguan can't do anything to him!

However, he misjudged Ji Tianlin's

Character, no evidence? Do I need evidence? Doubt you, you are!

It's a happy event today, so it's not appropriate to pursue it, but you can wait for my young master's revenge afterwards!

"Boss, is this all?" Wang Mingyang and Chen Feifan said with resentment on their faces.

Zhuo Zhengping laughed sinisterly and said, "Don't worry, they won't live long."

At the same time, everyone in the lobby breathed a long sigh of relief as they had a panoramic view of the scene outside the door.

The brothers Ji Tianlin and Mei Yingxue walked in. When they saw Qin Yi, their eyes immediately turned red and they stepped forward and said, "Aunt Qin!"

Qin Yi liked these children very much at that time. After not seeing each other for several years, she was very moved. She hugged the three of them and said with red eyes: "Okay, okay, good children, you have all grown up!"

A group of people gathered around to reminisce about the past with Mei Yingxue and the others. Ji Tianlin ran up to Nie Qingcheng and said with a smile: "Auntie, how are you? I'm not bad at this, right?" ??

More than just good?

At just ten years old, he was able to destroy a master at the peak of his powers. This was an incredible achievement!

He didn't kill anyone, he just abolished his martial arts, and he didn't take revenge in time, which shows that he was thoughtful and took the overall situation into consideration!

Threatening to settle the score afterwards shows that he is neither humble nor arrogant, but full of blood!

Although Ji Tianlin usually looks very out of place, but to sum up, he is almost perfect and worthy of a big job!

However, Nie Qingcheng's face darkened and he said, "Do you know that if he also has superior body skills, you may be the one who is crippled?"

That's right, in terms of real combat power, Ji Tianlin is definitely not comparable to that powerful master at the peak.

The reason why he was able to win easily was because the top master didn't have superior body skills and couldn't capture Ji Tianlin's movement trajectory, so he had nowhere to use his power.

If Ji Tianlin meets a strong master who also possesses the art of multiplication, he will definitely lose.


Ji Tianlin is very good, but arrogance will lead to defeat. You must not get used to his arrogant and complacent character, otherwise, you will suffer big losses in the future!

"What about me? Grandma, where about me?" Ji Tianqi also ran over.

Normally Nie Qingcheng is very tolerant of Ji Tianqi, but today, Nie Qingcheng said with a stern face: "Starting from tomorrow, the practice time will be doubled. If you can't finish it, you won't be allowed to eat!"

Lu Shuangshuang suddenly felt distressed and said: "Aunt..."

Nie Qingcheng said indifferently: "Tianqi has grown up, we can no longer treat him as a child."

She used to be tolerant to Ji Tianqi because he was still a child, but now she can no longer treat him as a child.

As she said before, as a boy of the Nie family, he is destined to endure more than children from other families.

The auspicious time was getting closer and closer, and more and more guests arrived. When Zhuo Zhengping appeared in front of everyone, it immediately caused a sensation.

The Southeast Prince is one of the most powerful people nowadays. In an instant, countless people came forward to say hello and want to get close to this thick thigh.

For a moment, Zhuo Zhengping was like a star holding the moon, so beautiful!

Immediately, a group of people appeared outside the gate. The leader was very handsome, with almost perfect figure and appearance. He instantly captured everyone's attention!

"It's Wan Jinglei, the eldest son of the Wan family!"

"What is the eldest son of the Wan family? Don't you know that now Yuzhou and even the entire central region call him the prince?"

After Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang disappeared one after another, Nalan Tianyu, Luo Tianhong, Wan Jinglei and Zhuo Zhengping emerged.

The high-profile Zhuo Zhengping is known as the prince in the southeast, and others naturally cannot show weakness and all call him prince.

With Yuzhou as the center, Wan Jinglei's power swept across the entire central region. Although he did not announce it to the world, many people secretly called him the Prince of the Central Region!

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