Suddenly, a stranger-looking disciple of Jialuo Temple suddenly attacked Wuchen, and Wuchen was furious!

But before Wu Chenshou could wait, the disciple's body suddenly exploded, and this disciple actually had the strength of half a step to the holy realm.

The half-step saint level expert self-destructed. The power was so powerful that Wuchen was immediately blown away. The remaining Jialuo Temple disciples were all blown into powder on the spot, leaving only four people, and they were all strangers.

Wuchen was slightly injured. She knew that these four people were definitely not disciples of Jialuo Temple, but invading enemies!

One of the four grabbed the little Chenghuan on the ground and ran away into the distance. Wuchen immediately caught up with him, but someone rushed over and blew himself up without hesitation. Wuchen was stopped in his tracks.

The outside finally calmed down, and Ying Yue and others rushed in. Although none of them were injured, they were all in a very embarrassed state.

It turns out that there was no real battle going on outside at all. After a group of weirdos entered the Jialuo Temple, they did not fight anyone head-on, but simply blew themselves up when they saw anyone.

All of these people have good combat prowess, at least at the Half-Step Saint Realm. A strong man of this level self-destructed, causing heavy casualties to the Jialuo Temple!

This is basically a conspiracy. A group of people attracted the attention of Ying Yue and others, while others pretended to be disciples of the Jialuo Temple and attacked Xiao Chenghuan. The entire Jialuo Temple was in a panic, and no one paid attention to them for a while. is fake.

"Immediately send an order, all personnel are dispatched to launch a pursuit, and we must bring Xiao Chenghuan back no matter what!" Ying Yue said sternly.

Suddenly the entire Jialuo Temple started to move, and even some elders who had been in seclusion all year round could not sit still and started to pursue them.

Little Chenghuan is the hope of the Jialuo Temple. She has put so much effort into it, and this little girl is so lovable. In their hearts, little Chenghuan is not only a disciple, nor a saint, but their relative and their heart and soul. Darling, they will never allow anything to happen to little Chenghuan!

But unfortunately, when they chased out of the temple, they were immediately ambushed by many masters, and the result was the same. These masters were not given a chance to fight, and they blew themselves up when they saw someone.

With this level of self-destruction, even the strong ones in the Holy Realm had to retreat selectively, preventing their pursuit. In the end, not only did they fail to find Xiao Chenghuan, but they also caused heavy casualties to many temple disciples!

For a whole day and night, we were thousands of miles away from Jialuo Temple and not far from Ten Thousand Ghost Cave.

A young man with a gloomy face looked at the little Chenghuan in his hand, gave a ferocious smile, and said: "We are far away from the Jialuo Temple. The mission has been successfully completed. You must return to the Lord in advance!"

These people are naturally the masters of Hydra. Those masters who self-destruct are all the undead warriors newly developed by Hydra. They have only one purpose, to turn themselves into human bombs and carry out suicidal self-destruction attacks. However, there are absolutely terrifying things. effect.

If it weren't for these suicide bombs, it would have been impossible to rush into the Jialuo Temple and bring people out!

After passing the order, the young man took Xiao Chenghuan and prepared to continue on the road and rush back to the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave, but then something happened. There was a trace of blood in the demonic energy emanating from Xiao Chenghuan's eyes, and he stretched out his little hand to grab it. To that young man's head!

Click - click!

No one would have thought that a little girl of only five years old would be like this

Horrifyingly, this grab actually directly took off the young man's head. Before the blood could spurt out, his body suddenly burst into flames and turned into a pile of ashes in an instant.

Everyone in Qi Yu suddenly looked shocked, and a young man said in a deep voice: "Plan A failed, implement Plan B and kill her immediately!"

In an instant, a dozen weirdos rushed over, surrounded Xiao Chenghuan, and his body exploded quickly!

They actually wanted to kill Xiao Chenghuan in this way!

Although little Chenghuan is miraculous, she is still too young after all. A self-destruction with such horrific lethality would hurt even a strong person in the Holy Realm. How could she withstand it?

Destructive power erupted from these dozen people, and Xiao Chenghuan was bound to die!


Golden light suddenly appeared, and a long stick like a golden dragon fell from the sky. The unparalleled force suppressed it. Those masters who were about to self-destruct had no time to do anything, and were crushed into pieces by this tyrannical force. Nothing left!

A burly young man flew through the air, standing proudly in the sky, his piercing eyes sweeping around. The remaining young men suddenly started to tremble. It was so scary. How tyrannical is this person?

One eye shines with a sacred and inviolable light, like a god from the sky descending to earth, but the other eye is like a black hole leading to the deepest part of hell, with a trace of devilish aura in the hair, like a devil coming!

That's right, it was Ji Wufeng who arrived!

"You..." A young man trembled in fear.

Ji Wufeng's eyes rolled, and he shot out with a horizontal palm. The remaining young people were instantly swept away by a black energy. Once the black energy was contaminated on their bodies, it was like black magic flames, which instantly caught fire and howled tragically. The cry turned to ashes.

After getting rid of these people lightly, Ji Wufeng looked at Xiao Chenghuan with his sacred and terrifying eyes, and unexpectedly stretched out his palm to gently touch her little face.

However, at the moment when his palm and cheek touched, the completely different light in Ji Wufeng's eyes disappeared. At the same time, strangely, the devilish energy in Xiao Chenghuan also dissipated.

After regaining consciousness, Xiao Chenghuan woke up, rubbed his watery eyes, looked around, widened his eyes and asked curiously: "Uh, where is this? Why am I here?"

The little girl turned around and found Ji Wufeng in front of her. For some reason, she felt a sense of security that she had never felt before and said, "Uncle, who are you?"

Ji Wufeng was no different from ordinary people at this time. His eyes were even a little dull. He scratched his head and said, "I don't seem to know who I am."

Xiao Nizi suddenly said with sympathy on her face: "It turns out that uncle has lost his memory. He is so pitiful!"

Although Xiao Nizi was unconventional, she was extremely smart. She immediately realized that Ji Wufeng didn't even know who she was, so he must have lost his memory.

"Haha..." Ji Wufeng looked at Xiao Chenghuan and giggled, his expression showing an inexplicable sense of satisfaction and happiness.

"Then do you know who your parents are?" Xiao Chenghuan asked again.

Ji Wufeng shook his head, and Xiao Chenghuan said: "So you don't know who your father is? I'm just like you. We are colleagues in the world. Don't worry, buddy. Since we are in the same way, I will protect you from now on. I'm following you!" Suddenly, a stranger-looking disciple of Jialuo Temple suddenly attacked Wuchen, and Wuchen was furious!

But before Wu Chenshou could wait, the disciple's body suddenly exploded, and this disciple actually had the strength of half a step to the holy realm.

The half-step saint level expert self-destructed. The power was so powerful that Wuchen was immediately blown away. The remaining Jialuo Temple disciples were all blown into powder on the spot, leaving only four people, and they were all strangers.

Wuchen was slightly injured. She knew that these four people were definitely not disciples of Jialuo Temple, but invading enemies!

One of the four grabbed the little Chenghuan on the ground and ran away into the distance. Wuchen immediately caught up with him, but someone rushed over and blew himself up without hesitation. Wuchen was stopped in his tracks.

The outside finally calmed down, and Ying Yue and others rushed in. Although none of them were injured, they were all in a very embarrassed state. ??

It turns out that there was no real battle going on outside at all. After a group of weirdos entered the Jialuo Temple, they did not fight anyone head-on, but simply blew themselves up when they saw anyone.

All of these people have good combat prowess, at least at the Half-Step Saint Realm. A strong man of this level self-destructed, causing heavy casualties to the Jialuo Temple!

This is basically a conspiracy. A group of people attracted the attention of Ying Yue and others, while others pretended to be disciples of the Jialuo Temple and attacked Xiao Chenghuan. The entire Jialuo Temple was in a panic, and no one paid attention to them for a while. is fake.

"Immediately send an order, all personnel are dispatched to launch a pursuit, and we must bring Xiao Chenghuan back no matter what!" Ying Yue said sternly.

Suddenly the entire Jialuo Temple started to move, and even some elders who had been in seclusion all year round could not sit still and started to pursue them.

Little Chenghuan is the hope of the Jialuo Temple. She has put so much effort into it, and this little girl is so lovable. In their hearts, little Chenghuan is not only a disciple, nor a saint, but their relative and their heart and soul. Darling, they will never allow anything to happen to little Chenghuan!

But unfortunately, when they chased out of the temple, they were immediately ambushed by many masters, and the result was the same. These masters were not given a chance to fight, and they blew themselves up when they saw someone.

With this level of self-destruction, even the strong ones in the Holy Realm had to retreat selectively, preventing their pursuit. In the end, not only did they fail to find Xiao Chenghuan, but they also caused heavy casualties to many temple disciples!

For a whole day and night, we were thousands of miles away from Jialuo Temple and not far from Ten Thousand Ghost Cave.

A young man with a gloomy face looked at the little Chenghuan in his hand, gave a ferocious smile, and said: "We are far away from the Jialuo Temple. The mission has been successfully completed. You must return to the Lord in advance!"

These people are naturally the masters of Hydra. Those masters who self-destruct are all the undead warriors newly developed by Hydra. They have only one purpose, to turn themselves into human bombs and carry out suicidal self-destruction attacks. However, there are absolutely terrifying things. effect.

If it weren't for these suicide bombs, it would have been impossible to rush into the Jialuo Temple and bring people out!

After passing the order, the young man took Xiao Chenghuan and prepared to continue on the road and rush back to the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave, but then something happened. There was a trace of blood in the demonic energy emanating from Xiao Chenghuan's eyes, and he stretched out his little hand to grab it. To that young man's head!

Click - click!

No one would have thought that a little girl of only five years old would be like this

Horrifyingly, this grab actually directly took off the young man's head. Before the blood could spurt out, his body suddenly burst into flames and turned into a pile of ashes in an instant.

Everyone in Qi Yu suddenly looked shocked, and a young man said in a deep voice: "Plan A failed, implement Plan B and kill her immediately!"

In an instant, a dozen weirdos rushed over, surrounded Xiao Chenghuan, and his body exploded quickly!

They actually wanted to kill Xiao Chenghuan in this way!

Although little Chenghuan is miraculous, she is still too young after all. A self-destruction with such horrific lethality would hurt even a strong person in the Holy Realm. How could she withstand it?

Destructive power erupted from these dozen people, and Xiao Chenghuan was bound to die!


Golden light suddenly appeared, and a long stick like a golden dragon fell from the sky. The unparalleled force suppressed it. Those masters who were about to self-destruct had no time to do anything, and were crushed into pieces by this tyrannical force. Nothing left!

A burly young man flew through the air, standing proudly in the sky, his piercing eyes sweeping around. The remaining young men suddenly started to tremble. It was so scary. How tyrannical is this person?

One eye shines with a sacred and inviolable light, like a god from the sky descending to earth, but the other eye is like a black hole leading to the deepest part of hell, with a trace of devilish aura in the hair, like a devil coming!

That's right, it was Ji Wufeng who arrived!

"You..." A young man trembled in fear.

Ji Wufeng's eyes rolled, and he shot out with a horizontal palm. The remaining young people were instantly swept away by a black energy. Once the black energy was contaminated on their bodies, it was like black magic flames, which instantly caught fire and howled tragically. The cry turned to ashes.

After getting rid of these people lightly, Ji Wufeng looked at Xiao Chenghuan with his sacred and terrifying eyes, and unexpectedly stretched out his palm to gently touch her little face.

However, at the moment when his palm and cheek touched, the completely different light in Ji Wufeng's eyes disappeared. At the same time, strangely, the devilish energy in Xiao Chenghuan also dissipated.

After regaining consciousness, Xiao Chenghuan woke up, rubbed his watery eyes, looked around, widened his eyes and asked curiously: "Uh, where is this? Why am I here?"

The little girl turned around and found Ji Wufeng in front of her. For some reason, she felt a sense of security that she had never felt before and said, "Uncle, who are you?"

Ji Wufeng was no different from ordinary people at this time. His eyes were even a little dull. He scratched his head and said, "I don't seem to know who I am."

Xiao Nizi suddenly said with sympathy on her face: "It turns out that uncle has lost his memory. He is so pitiful!"

Although Xiao Nizi was unconventional, she was extremely smart. She immediately realized that Ji Wufeng didn't even know who she was, so he must have lost his memory.

"Haha..." Ji Wufeng looked at Xiao Chenghuan and giggled, his expression showing an inexplicable sense of satisfaction and happiness.

"Then do you know who your parents are?" Xiao Chenghuan asked again.

Ji Wufeng shook his head, and Xiao Chenghuan said: "So you don't know who your father is? I'm just like you. We are colleagues in the world. Don't worry, buddy. Since we are in the same way, I will protect you from now on. Holding you!"

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