Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1789 Do you have to pay for food?

In the end, when the old lady of the Jiang family made this decision that no one could refute, Jiang Xinyue was assassinated!

Even after Jiang Xinyue finally took that position, there were still many people with bad intentions who secretly wanted to overthrow her.

But in the end, Jiang Xinyue stood firm, and the fundamental reason was her relationship with Ji Gongguan.

Ji Wufeng's Tianfeng Group had an arm-wrestle with the Yuanzheng Group before. Jiang Xinyue decisively chose to support the Tianfeng Group. At that time, the Tianfeng Group was at a disadvantage. Except for the old lady, the entire Jiang family was angrily opposed.

However, the final result was that Tianfeng Group won, and Jiangshi Group never became the closest partner with Tianfeng Group. When it set foot in a new corporate field, Jiangshi Group's strength suddenly skyrocketed.

Tianfeng Group is at its peak, and the Jiang Group has also developed rapidly. In five years, Jiang Xinyue has become the most dazzling business queen in China besides Jiang Ruoshui!

"Mr. Jiang, it's very late, why not take a rest?" Jiang Xinyue's assistant saw that she was a little tired and persuaded her.

"I see!"

Jiang Xinyue nodded, stood up, rubbed her temples and walked to the window. She looked at the feasting and prosperity outside the window, and felt the aura of seeing all the mountains in her heart. There is no doubt that she is now the queen of this land. .

Suddenly letting out a sigh, Jiang Xinyue shook her head helplessly. The assistant knew what she was thinking and said, "Mr. Jiang, please don't worry about it anymore. Five years have passed. Maybe that person has..."

She didn't dare to say the word "death", which would only bring Jiang Xinyue's anger.

"No, no one in the world can kill him!"

Jiang Xinyue said firmly, "Let's go!"

The assistant helped her clean up the office and was about to turn off the computer when a news picture jumped into her eyes. It was of an extremely weird young man carrying a little fairy-like girl on his back.

The assistant couldn't help but said: "There is such a strange father and daughter!"

Jiang Xinyue never paid too much attention to these so-called online news. However, when she took a casual glance, she was stunned for an instant, rushed to the computer, and clicked on the news pictures with trembling fingers.

"It's really him, he's back..." Jiang Xinyue suddenly murmured excitedly, and her body began to tremble.

The assistant was frightened by her appearance. She didn't know why Jiang Xinyue was so excited. In the past five years, even after reaching a cooperation agreement worth hundreds of millions, Jiang Xinyue had never had any particularly excited mood swings.

"Go down immediately and find him. No matter what the cost, we must find him..." Jiang Xinyue almost screamed these words.

In the restaurant, the meals were served, and they were all very expensive dishes, of course, only for ordinary people.

Maybe it was because Xiao Chenghuan was used to eating thousand-year-old ginseng and ten-thousand-year-old blood lingzhi. The taste of these dishes felt very fresh and he ate them with gusto.

At first, Xiao Nizi wanted to pretend to be a lady and eat her meal in an elegant and decent manner, but her style changed as she ate. She just picked up the plate and started feasting, which was almost like the reincarnation of a starving ghost.

"Hey, while you're at it, hurry up and eat!" Xiao Chenghuan's mouth was full of food, and shreds of meat spurted out of his mouth as he spoke.

Xiao Nizi has always been noticed by the guests present. She is so cute, but now her face is covered with black lines. Why does such a delicate and cute little girl eat so shamelessly? Could it be that he was a refugee who had escaped somewhere?

Ji Wufeng also started, and everyone was shocked again. This guy was even more ruthless. He grabbed the plate and stuffed it into his mouth. The huge chicken drumstick went into his mouth without even spitting out the bones.

I'm a good boy, what on earth are these two? Did you travel through time during the Great Famine sixty years ago?

Ji Wufeng usually has a big appetite, but he hasn't eaten anything in the past five years. When he ate delicious food, it was already good that he didn't chew up the whole plate and swallow it.

Seeing Ji Wufeng eating so fast, Xiao Chenghuan turned green and said, "Hey, can you please slow down and leave some more for me?"

Almost in the blink of an eye, a table full of food was eaten by two people. Xiao Chenghuan patted the table and said: "One more table!"

The waiters in the hotel have been paying attention to them for a long time. They don't dress like people who have enough money to eat here, and their appearance is more like refugees. They are so fierce when eating that they probably haven't eaten for several days. Well, 90% of the time, I’m here to eat a freeloader meal!

"I'm sorry, kid, our store's rule is that you have to pay first when ordering for the second time!" The waiter from before came over and said.

"Paying the bill? What is paying the bill?" Xiao Chenghuan was confused. She had never even gone out to Jialuo Temple, let alone spent money. She had no idea what paying the bill was.

A young woman smiled and said, "Little sister, she just wants you to give me the money first."

"Uh... Do I still have to pay for food?"

Little Chenghuan didn't understand even more, but she felt that she didn't need to understand at all. She slapped the table arrogantly and said: "Give me money? I will be the most beautiful woman in the world in the future. It is your blessing to eat something from you. Still want me to give you money?"

Suddenly, the faces of all the waiters in the hotel turned green. Although you are good-looking, your face cannot be used as money. It is absolutely not allowed to eat for free.

"Security, come quickly and send them both to the police station!" the previous waiter shouted.

Now that we have determined that they are here to eat freeloaders, there is no need to be polite and go directly to the police station.

Immediately, two security guards rushed in, and one of them reached out to grab Xiao Chenghuan. A cold light suddenly appeared in Ji Wufeng's eyes, and he raised the stick in his hand.


A security guard was thrown into the air, knocking over two tables and several guests eating at the tables, and then fell to the ground unconscious.

Perhaps subconsciously, Ji Wufeng didn't want to be too cruel and bloody in front of Xiao Chenghuan, so he didn't hit hard, and the security guard didn't die.

But this time, everyone present was shocked. Oh my God, they were all fighting. A stick can knock people away. Run away quickly, otherwise you will be accidentally injured later and your head will be opened by a stick. Hey, who can I talk to to reason with you?

In an instant, the whole hotel was in a panic, and diners fled the scene one after another. A group of waiters were so anxious that they almost cried, stamping their feet and shouting: "Don't leave, you can't leave, you didn't pay the bill!"

But no one paid attention to her at all. Her life was threatened. She didn't ask you for mental damage compensation. It was considered cheap. Why did she pay for a hammer? In the end, when the old lady of the Jiang family made this decision that no one could refute, Jiang Xinyue was assassinated!

Even after Jiang Xinyue finally took that position, there were still many people with bad intentions who secretly wanted to overthrow her.

But in the end, Jiang Xinyue stood firm, and the fundamental reason was her relationship with Ji Gongguan.

Ji Wufeng's Tianfeng Group had an arm-wrestle with the Yuanzheng Group before. Jiang Xinyue decisively chose to support the Tianfeng Group. At that time, the Tianfeng Group was at a disadvantage. Except for the old lady, the entire Jiang family was angrily opposed.

However, the final result was that Tianfeng Group won, and Jiangshi Group never became the closest partner with Tianfeng Group. When it set foot in a new corporate field, Jiangshi Group's strength suddenly skyrocketed.

Tianfeng Group is at its peak, and the Jiang Group has also developed rapidly. In five years, Jiang Xinyue has become the most dazzling business queen in China besides Jiang Ruoshui!

"Mr. Jiang, it's very late, why not take a rest?" Jiang Xinyue's assistant saw that she was a little tired and persuaded her.

"I see!"

Jiang Xinyue nodded, stood up, rubbed her temples and walked to the window. She looked at the feasting and prosperity outside the window, and felt the aura of seeing all the mountains in her heart. There is no doubt that she is now the queen of this land. .

Suddenly letting out a sigh, Jiang Xinyue shook her head helplessly. The assistant knew what she was thinking and said, "Mr. Jiang, please don't worry about it anymore. Five years have passed. Maybe that person has..."

She didn't dare to say the word "death", which would only bring Jiang Xinyue's anger.

"No, no one in the world can kill him!"

Jiang Xinyue said firmly, "Let's go!"

The assistant helped her clean up the office and was about to turn off the computer when a news picture jumped into her eyes. It was of an extremely weird young man carrying a little fairy-like girl on his back.

The assistant couldn't help but said: "There is such a strange father and daughter!"

Jiang Xinyue never paid too much attention to these so-called online news. However, when she took a casual glance, she was stunned for an instant, rushed to the computer, and clicked on the news pictures with trembling fingers.

"It's really him, he's back..." Jiang Xinyue suddenly murmured excitedly, and her body began to tremble.

The assistant was frightened by her appearance. She didn't know why Jiang Xinyue was so excited. In the past five years, even after reaching a cooperation agreement worth hundreds of millions, Jiang Xinyue had never had any particularly excited mood swings.

"Go down immediately and find him. No matter what the cost, we must find him..." Jiang Xinyue almost screamed these words.

In the restaurant, the meals were served, and they were all very expensive dishes, of course, only for ordinary people.

Maybe it was because Xiao Chenghuan was used to eating thousand-year-old ginseng and ten-thousand-year-old blood lingzhi. The taste of these dishes felt very fresh and he ate them with gusto.

At first, Xiao Nizi wanted to pretend to be a lady and eat her meal in an elegant and decent manner, but her style changed as she ate. She just picked up the plate and started feasting, which was almost like the reincarnation of a starving ghost.

"Hey, while you're at it, hurry up and eat!" Xiao Chenghuan's mouth was full of food, and shreds of meat spurted out of his mouth as he spoke.

Xiao Nizi has always been noticed by the guests present. She is so cute, but now her face is covered with black lines. Why does such a delicate and cute little girl eat so shamelessly? Could it be that he was a refugee who had escaped somewhere?

Ji Wufeng also started, and everyone was shocked again. This guy was even more ruthless. He grabbed the plate and stuffed it into his mouth. The huge chicken drumstick went into his mouth without even spitting out the bones.

I'm a good boy, what on earth are these two? Did you travel through time during the Great Famine sixty years ago?

Ji Wufeng usually has a big appetite, but he hasn't eaten anything in the past five years. When he ate delicious food, it was already good that he didn't chew up the whole plate and swallow it.

Seeing Ji Wufeng eating so fast, Xiao Chenghuan turned green and said, "Hey, can you please slow down and leave some more for me?"

Almost in the blink of an eye, a table full of food was eaten by two people. Xiao Chenghuan patted the table and said: "One more table!"

The waiters in the hotel have been paying attention to them for a long time. They don't dress like people who have enough money to eat here, and their appearance is more like refugees. They are so fierce when eating that they probably haven't eaten for several days. Well, 90% of the time, I’m here to eat a freeloader meal!

"I'm sorry, kid, our store's rule is that you have to pay first when ordering for the second time!" The waiter from before came over and said.

"Paying the bill? What is paying the bill?" Xiao Chenghuan was confused. She had never even gone out to Jialuo Temple, let alone spent money. She had no idea what paying the bill was.

A young woman smiled and said, "Little sister, she just wants you to give me the money first."

"Uh... Do I still have to pay for food?"

Little Chenghuan didn't understand even more, but she felt that she didn't need to understand at all. She slapped the table arrogantly and said: "Give me money? I will be the most beautiful woman in the world in the future. It is your blessing to eat something from you. Still want me to give you money?"

Suddenly, the faces of all the waiters in the hotel turned green. Although you are good-looking, your face cannot be used as money. It is absolutely not allowed to eat for free.

"Security, come quickly and send them both to the police station!" the previous waiter shouted.

Now that we have determined that they are here to eat freeloaders, there is no need to be polite and go directly to the police station.

Immediately, two security guards rushed in, and one of them reached out to grab Xiao Chenghuan. A cold light suddenly appeared in Ji Wufeng's eyes, and he raised the stick in his hand.


A security guard was thrown into the air, knocking over two tables and several guests eating at the tables, and then fell to the ground unconscious.

Perhaps subconsciously, Ji Wufeng didn't want to be too cruel and bloody in front of Xiao Chenghuan, so he didn't hit hard, and the security guard didn't die.

But this time, everyone present was shocked. Oh my God, they were all fighting. A stick can knock people away. Run away quickly, otherwise you will be accidentally injured later and your head will be opened by a stick. Hey, who can I talk to to reason with you?

In an instant, the whole hotel was in a panic, and diners fled the scene one after another. A group of waiters were so anxious that they almost cried, stamping their feet and shouting: "Don't leave, you can't leave, you didn't pay the bill!"

But no one paid attention to her at all. Her life was threatened. She didn't ask you for mental damage compensation. It was considered cheap. Why did she pay for a hammer?

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