"And your relatives and friends, I want you to see with your own eyes how their heads fell to the ground!"

Finally, your children, I will make them all slaves that are worse than dogs, hahaha..."

Ji Wufeng's eyes were about to burst, and he shouted sternly: "Qianye Yu, you bastard, kill me if you dare, otherwise I will definitely make your death worse..."

Qianye Yu slapped Ji Wufeng's head with his palm, and a trace of black air penetrated into Ji Wufeng's head along his palm. Ji Wufeng finally couldn't bear it any longer, and his whole body began to twitch, and he let out an extremely cruel howl.

He is not afraid of physical torture, and physical pain will not cause him pain at all, but no one can bear this kind of pain that twists the soul, including him!

"Hahaha……" .??.??

Ji Wufeng was roaring in pain, while Qianye Yu was laughing like a maniac.

Ji Wufeng finally stopped roaring and his body stopped twitching. Qianye Yu stopped because he really didn't want Ji Wufeng to die like this.

Now Ji Wufeng was only dying and fell into a coma. Fortunately, he had a special physique, otherwise he would have died long ago even in the holy realm.

"Hmph, I said I would let you live for the time being, but it depends on how you survive. Even if you don't have limbs, you won't die."

Qianye Yu planned to cut off Ji Wufeng's hands and feet. Even if Ji Wufeng was allowed to live, he would not be allowed to live like a normal person.


He grabbed one of Ji Wufeng's arms and was about to pull it off directly, but at this moment, Ji Wufeng, who was in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes. There was no life in them, and his eyes were empty and lifeless, filled with deathly silence.

For no reason, Qianye Yu's heart suddenly beat wildly. He dropped Ji Wufeng and his body retreated instantly.

Threat, he felt threatened by death!

But how is this possible? Ji Wufeng had lost 90% of his life, but he could still feel a strong sense of crisis?

But soon, he knew where this sense of crisis came from.

Two strands of black energy appeared in Ji Wufeng's lifeless eyes, and the two wisps of black energy slowly spread out, covering Ji Wufeng's entire body.

A head of black hair suddenly turned into snow white, moving with the wind, and the two pupils also turned into silver white, the black was disappearing little by little, and it was covered with traces of black air.

Qianye Yu looked at Ji Wufeng's eyes and couldn't help but tremble in his heart. Are those still the eyes of a living person? They are clearly eyes, but they seem to communicate with the Nine Nether Hells.

"How could this happen?" Qianye Yu shouted in his heart.

At this moment, Ji Wufeng's whole body was filled with demonic energy. In Qianye Yu's eyes, that obviously broken body was like the body of an unattainable demon god.

"Are you surprised?"

Ji Wufeng made a sharp and harsh voice, and said indifferently and full of disdain: "I told you that you are just a running dog of Gu Tianyang, a dog slave, and you are only worth being used by him!"

Click - click!

One of Ji Wufeng's eyes was shattered. No, no, it wasn't that the eyeball was really shattered. It was the black energy covering it that shattered, emitting a dazzling golden light.


Along with the golden light, there was also a domineering aura, like a nine-day dragon, making a thundering roar.

The golden light suddenly appeared, and when he looked at Ji Wufeng's eyes, Qianye Yu couldn't help but tremble, and the overwhelming aura of terror rushed over, almost making Qianye Yu want to worship him.

Qianye Yu had the illusion that those eyes were not the eyes of mortals at all, but the eyes of gods, which were sacred and inviolable!

But Ji Wufeng's other eye is still full of demonic energy, like the eyes of a demon. One of the two eyes is extremely sacred, and the other is filled with demonic energy. They are completely opposite!

How is this possible? How could one person have two completely opposite auras? Qianye Yu thought this was too unscientific.

Click - click!

This time it was not the sound of bones breaking, but the sound of Ji Wufeng's flesh and blood breaking. After being tortured by Qianye Yu, all his flesh and blood turned into a layer of fleshy mud wrapped around his body, forming a layer of blood scab. The blood scab turned out to be There were cracks and tears, but no fresh blood flowed out.

It was like a cocoon bursting open, revealing fresh flesh and blood, like a newborn baby.

Qianye Yu was extremely shocked. Ji Wufeng was reborn and his body was transformed!

Ji Wufeng's life source has once again emerged. His previous body is like an old cicada, which will be replaced by a new body, and the new body will be many times more powerful than the previous body!

Pieces of broken blood scabs fell from Ji Wufeng's body, and pieces of new flesh and blood grew back.

Ji Wufeng twisted his neck and said calmly: "Only through hard work can one be invincible. Gu Tianyang has given me a big gift!"

Hearing this, Qianye Yu seemed to have noticed something, and said in disbelief: "Did he already know it?"

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said: "I told you, you are just a lackey, and a stupid dog at that. If it weren't for the help of you and Lucas, how could I have transformed so perfectly?"

Although it has not been confirmed, Ji Wufeng is so sure that Gu Tianyang deliberately sent Qianye Yu and Lucas to come, not to kill him at all, but to help him.

When Gu Tianyang wanted to devour the Demon Lord, he never expected that the power of chaos in Ji Wufeng's body would be aroused and half of it would be taken away. Ji Wufeng's body not only possessed his own power, but also possessed the Demon Lord's supreme magic power!

During this period of time, Ji Wufeng did not simply suffer from amnesia, but his body was controlled by the Demon Lord's power and was forcibly suppressed.

Now Ji Tianqi, the power in Xiao Chenghuan's body, and the power outside the world have been absorbed by him, their skills have skyrocketed, and the demon master's magic skills have been suppressed, and Ji Wufeng has regained his sanity.

Although the breakthrough was successful, the magic power was still suppressed. At this moment, Qianye Yu and Lucas appeared. In order to fight, Ji Wufeng burned the power of his bloodline and all the power in his body.

At that time, Ji Wufeng was actually in a state of death. It was the Nirvana blood in his body that had the miraculous effect of Nirvana and rebirth. Everything started all over again!

The moment Ji Wufeng opened his eyes, all the power in his body was revived.

The power of the Nie family's blood, the power of chaos, the blood of Nirvana, and the supreme magic power of the Demon Lord!

"This is impossible..." Qianye Yu screamed. He didn't believe that he was being used by Gu Tianyang, let alone that he had done Ji Wufeng a huge favor.

In fact, he didn't know what happened. Suddenly, the relationship between the Sakura Temple and the Nine-Headed Insect became extremely close. It was not too surprising that the two sides were allies. "And your relatives and friends, I want you to see with your own eyes how their heads fell to the ground!"

Finally, your children, I will make them all slaves that are worse than dogs, hahaha..."

Ji Wufeng's eyes were about to burst, and he shouted sternly: "Qianye Yu, you bastard, kill me if you dare, otherwise I will definitely make your death worse..."

Qianye Yu slapped Ji Wufeng's head with his palm, and a trace of black air penetrated into Ji Wufeng's head along his palm. Ji Wufeng finally couldn't bear it any longer, and his whole body began to twitch, and he let out an extremely cruel howl.

He is not afraid of physical torture, and physical pain will not cause him pain at all, but no one can bear this kind of pain that twists the soul, including him! ??


Ji Wufeng was roaring in pain, while Qianye Yu was laughing like a maniac.

Ji Wufeng finally stopped roaring and his body stopped twitching. Qianye Yu stopped because he really didn't want Ji Wufeng to die like this.

Now Ji Wufeng was only dying and fell into a coma. Fortunately, he had a special physique, otherwise he would have died long ago even in the holy realm.

"Hmph, I said I would let you live for the time being, but it depends on how you survive. Even if you don't have limbs, you won't die."

Qianye Yu planned to cut off Ji Wufeng's hands and feet. Even if Ji Wufeng was allowed to live, he would not be allowed to live like a normal person.


He grabbed one of Ji Wufeng's arms and was about to pull it off directly, but at this moment, Ji Wufeng, who was in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes. There was no life in them, and his eyes were empty and lifeless, filled with deathly silence.

For no reason, Qianye Yu's heart suddenly beat wildly. He dropped Ji Wufeng and his body retreated instantly.

Threat, he felt threatened by death!

But how is this possible? Ji Wufeng had lost 90% of his life, but he could still feel a strong sense of crisis?

But soon, he knew where this sense of crisis came from.

Two strands of black energy appeared in Ji Wufeng's lifeless eyes, and the two wisps of black energy slowly spread out, covering Ji Wufeng's entire body.

A head of black hair suddenly turned into snow white, moving with the wind, and the two pupils also turned into silver white, the black was disappearing little by little, and it was covered with traces of black air.

Qianye Yu looked at Ji Wufeng's eyes and couldn't help but tremble in his heart. Are those still the eyes of a living person? They are clearly eyes, but they seem to communicate with the Nine Nether Hells.

"How could this happen?" Qianye Yu shouted in his heart.

At this moment, Ji Wufeng's whole body was filled with demonic energy. In Qianye Yu's eyes, that obviously broken body was like the body of an unattainable demon god.

"Are you surprised?"

Ji Wufeng made a sharp and harsh voice, and said indifferently and full of disdain: "I told you that you are just a running dog of Gu Tianyang, a dog slave, and you are only worth being used by him!"

Click - click!

One of Ji Wufeng's eyes was shattered. No, no, it wasn't that the eyeball was really shattered. It was the black energy covering it that shattered, emitting a dazzling golden light.


Along with the golden light, there was also a domineering aura, like a nine-day dragon, making a thundering roar.

The golden light suddenly appeared, and when he looked at Ji Wufeng's eyes, Qianye Yu couldn't help but tremble, and the overwhelming aura of terror rushed over, almost making Qianye Yu want to worship him.

Qianye Yu had the illusion that those eyes were not the eyes of mortals at all, but the eyes of gods, which were sacred and inviolable!

But Ji Wufeng's other eye is still full of demonic energy, like the eyes of a demon. One of the two eyes is extremely sacred, and the other is filled with demonic energy. They are completely opposite!

How is this possible? How could one person have two completely opposite auras? Qianye Yu thought this was too unscientific.

Click - click!

This time it was not the sound of bones breaking, but the sound of Ji Wufeng's flesh and blood breaking. After being tortured by Qianye Yu, all his flesh and blood turned into a layer of fleshy mud wrapped around his body, forming a layer of blood scab. The blood scab turned out to be There were cracks and tears, but no fresh blood flowed out.

It was like a cocoon bursting open, revealing fresh flesh and blood, like a newborn baby.

Qianye Yu was extremely shocked. Ji Wufeng was reborn and his body was transformed!

Ji Wufeng's life source has once again emerged. His previous body is like an old cicada, which will be replaced by a new body, and the new body will be many times more powerful than the previous body!

Pieces of broken blood scabs fell from Ji Wufeng's body, and pieces of new flesh and blood grew back.

Ji Wufeng twisted his neck and said calmly: "Only through hard work can one be invincible. Gu Tianyang has given me a big gift!"

Hearing this, Qianye Yu seemed to have noticed something, and said in disbelief: "Did he already know it?"

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said: "I told you, you are just a lackey, and a stupid dog at that. If it weren't for the help of you and Lucas, how could I have transformed so perfectly?"

Although it has not been confirmed, Ji Wufeng is so sure that Gu Tianyang deliberately sent Qianye Yu and Lucas to come, not to kill him at all, but to help him.

When Gu Tianyang wanted to devour the Demon Lord, he never expected that the power of chaos in Ji Wufeng's body would be aroused and half of it would be taken away. Ji Wufeng's body not only possessed his own power, but also possessed the Demon Lord's supreme magic power!

During this period of time, Ji Wufeng did not simply suffer from amnesia, but his body was controlled by the Demon Lord's power and was forcibly suppressed.

Now Ji Tianqi, the power in Xiao Chenghuan's body, and the power outside the world have been absorbed by him, their skills have skyrocketed, and the demon master's magic skills have been suppressed, and Ji Wufeng has regained his sanity.

Although the breakthrough was successful, the magic power was still suppressed. At this moment, Qianye Yu and Lucas appeared. In order to fight, Ji Wufeng burned the power of his bloodline and all the power in his body.

At that time, Ji Wufeng was actually in a state of death. It was the Nirvana blood in his body that had the miraculous effect of Nirvana and rebirth. Everything started all over again!

The moment Ji Wufeng opened his eyes, all the power in his body was revived.

The power of the Nie family's blood, the power of chaos, the blood of Nirvana, and the supreme magic power of the Demon Lord!

"This is impossible..." Qianye Yu screamed. He didn't believe that he was being used by Gu Tianyang, let alone that he had done Ji Wufeng a huge favor.

In fact, he didn't know what happened. Suddenly, the relationship between the Sakura Temple and the Nine-Headed Insect became extremely close. It was not too surprising that the two sides were allies.

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