Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1816 Kneel down for me honestly

The old man touched Ji Tianqi's head, then turned to look at Gu Mingtang, and said in a strange tone: "Ah, old boss, you're not dead yet?"

Perhaps because they were afraid of Ji Tianqi's safety, Ji Tianlin, Lu Shuangshuang and others all followed. When they heard the old man's words, everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Greeting people as soon as you meet them is really unethical.

The corner of Gu Mingtang's mouth twitched, possibly because he wanted to curse, but in the end he did not curse, but sighed: "I didn't want to die before, but now I don't dare!"

The old man in black said coldly: "It's okay that you're not dead. You still have arms and legs. You're really fucking blind!"

After scolding, the old man in black stopped talking to Gu Mingtang, stared at Ji Wufeng and said, "You grandson, why don't you come over and kowtow when you see grandpa?"

Everyone suddenly fainted. They opened their mouths and called people grandsons, and even made people kowtow. I guess someone with a bad temper slapped him on the spot with a big mouth, right?

Everyone thinks that Ji Wufeng is shameless and thick-skinned. In fact, Ji Wufeng also thinks that his character is a bit bad, but he finally found out the reason today.

If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, the seeds you sow will produce the same kind of fruit. If you scatter soybeans in the ground, the ones that will grow will definitely be soybeans. They will definitely not be peas, let alone snow peas.

Although his heart was full of dissatisfaction, Ji Wufeng didn't make the slightest move. China's ancestral etiquette must not be abolished!


Ji Wufeng knelt on the ground obediently.

Except for Gu Mingtang, Gu Yunxin and Nie Wufeng, everyone else was shocked. Ji Wufeng actually knelt down.

Seeing Ji Wufeng kneeling down, the old man in black was still not satisfied. He stared and said, "You kowtow, and are you mute? You can't open your mouth!"

Ji Wufeng's eyebrows almost stood up. He lowered his stiff neck and said, "Grandpa..."

\u003e Lu Shuangshuang and others were shocked at the sound of "grandfather". When they saw Ji Wufeng kneeling down willingly, they also guessed that this old man must have a close relationship with Ji Wufeng, but they never imagined that he turned out to be Ji Wufeng's grandfather.

They knew very little about Ji Wufeng's grandfather. They only knew a little about it from Nie Qingcheng, who disappeared when she was a child.

A person has been missing for decades, and there is basically no possibility of him being alive, but he never thought that he would come back alive and kicking.

That's right, this mighty old man is Ji Wufeng's grandfather, Ji Hongtu's father-in-law, Nie Changkong of the Nie family, the master of the Dragon Summoning Order who dominated the world back then!

"Quick, quick, quick, come here quickly!"

Lu Shuangshuang immediately called everyone over, and a group of people rushed to Nie Changkong, pulling several children to kneel on the ground and saying, "This is Grandpa, hurry up and kneel down and kowtow!"

Several children were confused and wanted to kneel down. Nie Changkong shouted: "Oh, honey, what are you doing? Get up quickly, they are all skinny and tender. What if your legs are broken?" And this baby girl is so beautiful. I hope you can add more babies to the Nie family. Kneeling too much will be bad for the legs, and it will have an impact on confinement in the future..."

Ji Wufeng's eyes darkened. What impact would kneeling a few times have on confinement?

Nie Changkong pulled everyone up one by one, and when he saw a lot of beautiful granddaughter-in-laws and cute children in front of him, the old man was so happy that he grinned from the corners of his mouth to his ears.

Everyone came out. This old man who once dominated the world loved these people in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

Ji Wufeng was about to get up from the ground, but Nie Changkong looked like he had eyes on his back.

Eyebrows said: "Did I tell you to get up? Kneel down for me!"

Ji Wufeng was unhappy and said, "Why?"

"It doesn't depend on anything, just because I am the grandfather and you are the grandson. The grandson is destined to kneel down to his grandpa when he is born!" Nie Changkong said confidently.

Ji Wufeng was going crazy, but he didn't dare to stand up. As a grandson, he really didn't have the right to stand up. Seeing his wife and children standing there properly, he felt very unhappy in his heart.


A black iron plate flew over and was inserted directly in front of Ji Wufeng. It looked like an ordinary iron plate. Apart from the engraved image of an Eastern dragon with fangs and claws, there was nothing surprising about it.

But Ji Wufeng trembled when he looked at the iron sign. He knew what it meant.

"Wait until you want to pick up this sign and stand up again."

After Nie Changkong said this, he took Ji Tianqi and Xiao Chenghuan's hands and said with a smile: "Ah, my little darling is so beautiful. Grandpa will go and play with you!"

The Supreme Emperor spoke, and everyone could only leave. Ji Wufeng looked at the iron sign in front of him and felt heavy in his heart.

He didn't know how important this iron plate was. He only knew that Nie Changkong had been missing for decades because of this plate, and Ji Hongtu had been missing for more than ten years because of this plate. If he picked up this plate, he would How many years have you been missing?

The sky was getting dark, Ji Wufeng was still kneeling there, no one dared to come over, Nie Changkong didn't say anything, no one had the courage to ask Ji Wufeng to get up, if he wanted to stand up, he had to stand up by himself.

But the sign in front of him was too heavy. He didn't know if he could straighten his back after picking up the sign.

The sound of slight footsteps gradually approached, and Ji Wufeng knew who it was by smelling it.


"I wanted Shuangshuang to come over, but Shuangshuang said it would be more appropriate for me to come." Jiang Ruoshui said.

Jiang Ruoshui gently sat next to Ji Wufeng, rested her head on his shoulder, and chuckled: "Do you know? When I saw you at that time, I felt that all the men in the world were dead. I won’t even look at you twice.”

Ji Wufeng also laughed. When Lu Shuangshuang was in coma, Jiang Ruoshui came to investigate and regarded him as a scumbag, and he was so arrogant. It was absolutely impossible for a peerless beauty with both beauty and wisdom like Jiang Ruoshui. Will take a fancy to him.

Stretching out his hand and hugging Jiang Ruoshui gently, he said, "But aren't you still conquered by my temperament?"

"In the beginning, because you helped me, I am grateful for your kindness!"

"You are very powerful, like an omnipotent protector. I am in awe of you!"

"But that's not why I fell in love with you!"

Ji Wufeng said proudly: "That's because I'm so handsome."

"You are wrong. The reason why I fell in love with you is because you are a hero!"

Jiang Ruoshui said with divine light in his eyes: "You have justice in your heart and national justice. No matter how heavy the burden is on your shoulders, you have never escaped. Because of your responsibilities, you have given up too much, even your own life." No matter what, you are a great hero who sacrifices himself for others and stands upright!"

If someone usually praised him like this, his tail would have been raised, but now his heart suddenly sank.

"Don't you regret it?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Jiang Ruoshui shook his head with a smile and said, "You have been missing for five whole years. Although I don't want to admit it, I have actually accepted the answer I didn't want to accept in my heart. I am very painful, but I have never regretted it. Because even if my man dies, he is still an unparalleled hero, and this is the pride and honor of my life!"

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