Blood spurted from the young man's mouth and he shouted loudly: "The Soaring Dragon of China!"


The young man's body suddenly exploded, bursting out with terrifying power and blasting a dozen undead warriors around him into powder.


Xia Luofeng roared with tears in his eyes. He was a disciple of the Zhengqi Sect. Although his cultivation was not the highest, his talent was among the strongest among his peers. He was only fifteen years old this year and was still just a child. He had a bright future. Life is frozen here, coming to an end, with no chance to shine more dazzlingly. .??.

"Senior Brother Kong Ming, if you can go back alive, remember to tell Master that I have stolen his wine several times." After a young monk who was definitely no more than sixteen years old said to Kong Ming, he resolutely rushed to Kong Ming. Entered the battlefield.

After a fierce fight, the young monk killed more than a dozen undead warriors, and finally his body exploded.

"Senior Sister Yiren, I'm going too. Please take good care of Master in the future!" The disciples from Shennong Valley were saying goodbye to Shi Yiren.

"Senior Brother Tiannan, tell Second Senior Sister that I have liked her for a long time and hope she can be happy!" A green-faced boy from Kunlun Mountain said to Lin Tiannan.

"Senior brother Luo Feng, go back and tell your junior sister that I deliberately peeped at her bathing. If I don't die, I will definitely marry her when I come back!"

"Second brother, treat your second sister-in-law well. If you make her suffer, I will definitely turn her into your sister-in-law when I come back!"

One by one, young men and women with green and childish faces said goodbye to their senior brothers and sisters. This was probably the most important thing they wanted to say in their lives.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a series of violent explosions, and the undead warriors fell in pieces. One by one, the young and strong men resolutely chose to blow themselves up to kill the enemy.

They were young, they were proud, and they all dreamed of becoming unparalleled strong men. However, at this time, they chose to sacrifice their young lives.

They hated it, but he had no regrets!

Just for that sentence: Dragon Soaring from China!

They paved a path with their own blood and lives, allowing the stronger ones to complete their unfinished wishes!

"Junior Brother Xuan Sheng!"

Kong Ming knelt on the ground and looked up to the sky and cried loudly. They all said that people in Buddhism would not touch the world of mortals, and all four elements would be empty, but who could do that?

Xia Luofeng cried like a child, and Lin Tiannan, a tough man, had tears all over his face and his whole body was shaking.

On the other hand, although Shi Yiren couldn't stop crying, her face was full of coldness and coldness, saying: "Their blood will not be shed in vain. Although they have never been dazzling, today will be the most glorious moment in their lives!"

The disciples of Tiangong, Demon Sect, and Jialuo Temple also joined the battle. Wuchen became a tearful person. Tian Wuxin and Yun Shang had no expression on their faces, and even their eyes were not red, but the tears on their faces were beyond their control. .

Ji Wufeng couldn't help himself. He quietly wiped away the tears that had flowed to his chin and shouted loudly: "Let's go!"

Nie Wufeng did not move and said to Ji Wufeng: "I'm afraid Fatty can't handle it alone, so I'll stay and help him!"

Ji Wufeng nodded. He knew what Nie Wufeng was thinking. Even though he had already prepared for some things, it might still be difficult to make a decision when it comes time to face it.


The dragon subduing stick flew into Nie Wufeng's hand. Nie Wufeng was stunned and said: "This is something from the Nie family."

"You are originally from the Nie family!"

Ji Wufeng, Nie Tianfeng, Tian Wuxin, Yun Shang, Wu Chen, Kong Ming, Xia Luofeng, Lin Tiannan

, Shi Yiren, and the nine of them looked back at the battlefield behind them for the last time, jumped up, and flew away.

"Still want to leave? It's not that easy. Leave them here!" Lu Zixuan said sternly.

These nine people are the strongest among the young generation. His mission is to stop these nine people. If he cannot stop them, he will fail the mission.

Thousands of undead warriors rushed towards the nine people crazily, trying to drag them away. Tian Wuxin said coldly: "Kill!"

With a powerful palm shot, the undead warriors were instantly reduced to ashes. However, there were too many undead warriors to kill them all.

A black stick emitting a faint light rose into the sky, curling up a dragon-shaped force and slashing down across the sky! .??.??


A group of undead warriors were swept away by Qi Jin, and Nie Wufeng came flying over with the Dragon Subduing Staff, saying: "I'll break up the rear, and you guys get going!"

Although no one had any interaction with Nie Wufeng, they were all slightly moved at this moment. Lin Tiannan said: "Take care!"

The nine people no longer hesitated and left quickly!

Lu Zixuan was furious and shouted: "Kill them all!"

Click - click!

A dazzling bolt of lightning struck down from the air and hit Lu Zixuan's chest. Lu Zixuan flew out. His chest felt as if it had been burned by fire, and his flesh and blood quickly turned into coke.

Lu Zixuan flew back, his injured chest quickly healed, he stared at Ma Tianlin and said, "Seeking death!"

Ma Tianlin waved his palms that were still glowing with electricity, and the Sky-blasting Curse bombarded down. Groups of undead warriors were struck by thunder and fell to the ground and turned into charcoal.

"Lu Zixuan, do you still remember how you and that pretty boy Yu Longfei tricked me?"

Today I want you to be struck by thunder and wiped out into ashes! Ma Tianlin said coldly.

"Jie Jie... Ma Tianlin, I want to see who was wiped out in ashes today!"

Lu Zixuan was furious, and the skin on his body began to change, with patches of black scales appearing, and he let out a loud roar, like a black dragon rushing towards Ma Tianlin.

Ma Tianlin yelled: "Five thunder curses!"


The cloudless sky suddenly made a dull roar, and traces of electricity flashed in the air!

At the same time, the bloody battle at Tongtian Peak was equally brutal. The Dragon Guards who participated in the battle were already strong men in the Holy Realm. Now they have been turned into corpse slaves, and their combat power has increased dramatically!

Ji Hongtu punched Xiao Pojun's chest. There was no blood splattering, but he saw that the wound on Xiao Pojun's chest was healing at a terrifying speed.

Not only Xiao Pojun, but also the rest of the corpse slaves recovered at the same amazing speed after being injured.

Everyone immediately understood that these people were not only corpse slaves, but had also been refined into undead warriors. What was even more frightening was that now Gu Yunfei's undead warrior plan had matured, and these corpse slaves had a variety of powerful elements integrated into their bodies. Bloodline.

Not only is the combat power terrifying, but it also has terrifying self-healing power.

Such an enemy could not be killed at all. In an instant, a large number of Chinese warriors were killed, almost all of them died at the hands of their elders.

This is Gu Yunfei's poisonous plan. These people themselves are the best materials for refining corpse slaves, and they can also engage in psychological warfare against the enemy.

Take Xiao Pojun as an example. With the strength of Yun Feiyang and Ji Hongtu, it is not too difficult to kill him. However, facing their former brothers and years of guilt, how can they bear to really kill him? Be ruthless.

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