
Ji Wufeng did not act impulsively. The sword Guiwei in his hand cut a path of blood. The nine people quickly rushed to the side of Kuangdao and the others. The most important thing now was to ensure the safety of these seriously injured seniors.

Looking at the heads of Aojian and others on the ground, Ji Wufeng fell to his knees with a plop and said sadly: "Senior, I'm late!"

Although he was a generation of Immortal King, he did not pay attention to the Four Jue of Zhongzhou at first. However, since they met, several old people have shown great care for him, treating him as their nephew and descendant, and have repeatedly defended him. comprehensive.

This has nothing to do with status. Aojian and others are seniors worthy of his respect.

However, Ao Jian's head was missing, and he felt extremely sad and angry.

Seeing the heads of the others on the ground, Yun Shang and the other eight people also knelt down silently. They were not familiar with these people, but that was not important at all. What was important was what these people had done. They were real heroes, no matter what they were doing. Everyone should be in awe.

Under the current situation, it is impossible to take several seriously injured and dying people away safely. The ghost cry in Ji Wufeng's hand cuts through his palm, and blood spurts to the dying people. He wants to use the blood and energy contained in his body to... Save everyone's life.

These people have already given too much and sacrificed too much, and they should not be harmed in the slightest at this time.

Crazy Blade's eyebrows immediately stood up, and he cursed sternly: "Little bastard, what are you doing?"

Zou Huairen was also angry. If he hadn't been unable to move because of his serious injury, he would have jumped up. He glared and cursed: "Little bastard, this is a critical moment, are you crazy?"

Others also stamped their feet anxiously and said: "Little donor, you are so stupid. It is related to the safety of the people. How could you ruin a big thing for a few of us who are about to die!"

"Young man, you can't do this!"

"If you don't kill people at this time, why bother with a few of us who are more than half dead? Get out!"

A group of old guys are hot-tempered and yelling. Now there are many powerful enemies. Whether they can escape alive is still a question. Ji Wufeng wastes his own blood for these useless people. This will cause the loss of combat power, which is not wise. Lift.

Yun Shang and others also felt that something was wrong, but they did not stop it.

Ji Wufeng's spilled blood had an immediate effect under the action of the true energy. Crazy Sword and the others were already exhausted, but now they are full of life again.

"You little bastard, if you don't stop, believe it or not, I will kill you right in front of you?" Crazy Knife roared in a stern voice, completely losing his temper.

Zou Huairen also got angry and said: "Stop it quickly, or I will die in front of you!"

Others were also shouting, threatening to commit suicide on the spot in front of Ji Wufeng if he didn't stop.

Ji Wufeng had no choice but to stop. He knew how strong these people's willpower was, and it was really possible for them to commit suicide on the spot.

However, although they were seriously injured and it was impossible to recover in a short time, Ji Wufeng's blood just now was able to save their lives, so there was no problem for the time being.

At this time, the undead army had already come to kill them. Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and shouted: "It's time for us to take action."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng stamped his foot on the ground, and an unparalleled force surged from the ground.

Then he jumped out and rushed into the undead army. The violent energy penetrated the undead warrior's body and exploded directly!

Nie Tianfeng took action at the same time, and Kuangba's fist flew out across the air. The undead warriors were blasted away by him, and were burned to ashes before they even landed on the ground.

The source of the power of these undead warriors is the power of the Nie family's bloodline. Therefore, the two have restraint against these undead warriors. Unless their strength exceeds theirs by too much, they cannot stop them at all.

Tian Wuxin, Yun Shang and others also took action. Although they did not have the blood restraint of Ji Wufeng and could not achieve the same effect as the two of them, they were too strong. These undead warriors were also no match for them. Any means would seem so in front of absolute power. Powerless.

The nine people took action forcefully, and immediately a whirlwind of energy blew up, sweeping wildly.

Ji Wufeng shouted: "Brother Feng, split up!"

Some of the comrades in the Shenzhou Wulin could no longer resist. The first thing they had to do was to rescue everyone, otherwise they would soon be killed by the undead army.

Everyone was smart, and they already knew what Ji Wufeng was thinking without further explanation. Yun Shang and the other eight people were divided into seven groups, like eight steel knives inserted straight into the heart of the undead army.

Wuchen's eyes were sharp, and when he waved the long sword in his hand, it was like the arrival of a peerless swordsman. With every sword strike, a large number of undead warriors were chopped into several pieces by the sharp sword energy, and their corpses flew everywhere.

But this could not completely kill the undead warrior. After Wuchen slashed with his sword, countless strands of energy exploded instantly, crushing the corpse to pieces with no possibility of recovery.

In comparison, Yun Shang's methods were more domineering than Wu Chen's. The unparalleled sword light struck across the sky, directly cutting the undead warrior's body into pieces.

Yun Shang has begun to take on the style of a holy master, a female war goddess. With a wave of her hand, everything turns into ashes.

Tian Wuxin is really like a great demon god now. The huge demonic shadow behind him rises into the sky. A huge Fang Tian painted halberd appears in his hand. The sky shakes and the earth shakes when he swings it. The undead warrior has been crushed by the demonic power before he even gets close to him. Crushed into ashes, nothing was left after being blown away by the wind.

It has to be said that Tian Wuxin's understanding of martial arts is great. Two black wings spread out behind the huge demonic shadow. With the wave, the undead warriors were thrown away, and then the demonic energy eroded them and turned them into mummies.

At this time, how could Kong Ming still look like a compassionate Buddhist?

Covered in blood, he tore the undead warrior's body apart with his bare hands. With a violent expression on his face, he looked even more like a demon than Tian Wuxin.

Xia Luofeng and Lin Tiannan were also crazy, and the undead army was instantly defeated. Shi Yiren seemed to have forgotten that she was a girl, and no longer had the state of being a fairy, just like a female Shura.

Although the nine people were all young, they were too strong. They joined forces to attack. There was no single general in the undead army. Qianye Yunying shouted loudly: "The Eight Heavenly Dragon Tribes, stop them!"

The army of the Sakura Temple has also arrived. Today is an extremely important battle. Almost all the strong men have arrived to participate in the battle. The Eight Heavenly Dragons are the eight strongest Saint Realm masters under the Sakura God. Their strength is as far away as Chiba. Above the level of strong men like Xiao.

The Eight Saint Realms took action with overwhelming momentum. Nie Tianfeng was the first to stand up and shouted: "Kill——!"

"Kill!" Tian Wuxin couldn't hold it any longer, and his mighty demonic body swatted towards the eight holy realms.

Gabriel also said coldly: "Holy Dragon Knight, kill!" "Save!"

Ji Wufeng did not act impulsively. The sword Guiwei in his hand cut a path of blood. The nine people quickly rushed to the side of Kuangdao and the others. The most important thing now was to ensure the safety of these seriously injured seniors.

Looking at the heads of Aojian and others on the ground, Ji Wufeng fell to his knees with a plop and said sadly: "Senior, I'm late!"

Although he was a generation of Immortal King, he did not pay attention to the Four Jue of Zhongzhou at first. However, since they met, several old people have shown great care for him, treating him as their nephew and descendant, and have repeatedly defended him. comprehensive.

This has nothing to do with status. Aojian and others are seniors worthy of his respect.

However, Ao Jian's head was missing, and he felt extremely sad and angry.

Seeing the heads of the others on the ground, Yun Shang and the other eight people also knelt down silently. They were not familiar with these people, but that was not important at all. What was important was what these people had done. They were real heroes, no matter what they were doing. Everyone should be in awe.

Under the current situation, it is impossible to take several seriously injured and dying people away safely. The ghost cry in Ji Wufeng's hand cuts through his palm, and blood spurts to the dying people. He wants to use the blood and energy contained in his body to... Save everyone's life.

These people have already given too much and sacrificed too much, and they should not be harmed in the slightest at this time.

Crazy Blade's eyebrows immediately stood up, and he cursed sternly: "Little bastard, what are you doing?"

Zou Huairen was also angry. If he hadn't been unable to move because of his serious injury, he would have jumped up. He glared and cursed: "Little bastard, this is a critical moment, are you crazy?"

Others also stamped their feet anxiously and said: "Little donor, you are so stupid. It is related to the safety of the people. How could you ruin a big thing for a few of us who are about to die!"

"Young man, you can't do this!"

"If you don't kill people at this time, why bother with a few of us who are more than half dead? Get out!"

A group of old guys are hot-tempered and yelling. Now there are many powerful enemies. Whether they can escape alive is still a question. Ji Wufeng wastes his own blood for these useless people. This will cause the loss of combat power, which is not wise. Lift.

Yun Shang and others also felt that something was wrong, but they did not stop it.

Ji Wufeng's spilled blood had an immediate effect under the action of the true energy. Crazy Sword and the others were already exhausted, but now they are full of life again.

"You little bastard, if you don't stop, believe it or not, I will kill you right in front of you?" Crazy Knife roared in a stern voice, completely losing his temper.

Zou Huairen also got angry and said: "Stop it quickly, or I will die in front of you!"

Others were also shouting, threatening to commit suicide on the spot in front of Ji Wufeng if he didn't stop.

Ji Wufeng had no choice but to stop. He knew how strong these people's willpower was, and it was really possible for them to commit suicide on the spot.

However, although they were seriously injured and it was impossible to recover in a short time, Ji Wufeng's blood just now was able to save their lives, so there was no problem for the time being.

At this time, the undead army had already come to kill them. Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and shouted: "It's time for us to take action."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng stamped his foot on the ground, and an unparalleled force surged from the ground.

Then he jumped out and rushed into the undead army. The violent energy penetrated the undead warrior's body and exploded directly!

Nie Tianfeng took action at the same time, and Kuangba's fist flew out across the air. The undead warriors were blasted away by him, and were burned to ashes before they even landed on the ground.

The source of the power of these undead warriors is the power of the Nie family's bloodline. Therefore, the two have restraint against these undead warriors. Unless their strength exceeds theirs by too much, they cannot stop them at all.

Tian Wuxin, Yun Shang and others also took action. Although they did not have the blood restraint of Ji Wufeng and could not achieve the same effect as the two of them, they were too strong. These undead warriors were also no match for them. Any means would seem so in front of absolute power. Powerless.

The nine people took action forcefully, and immediately a whirlwind of energy blew up, sweeping wildly.

Ji Wufeng shouted: "Brother Feng, split up!"

Some of the comrades in the Shenzhou Wulin could no longer resist. The first thing they had to do was to rescue everyone, otherwise they would soon be killed by the undead army.

Everyone was smart, and they already knew what Ji Wufeng was thinking without further explanation. Yun Shang and the other eight people were divided into seven groups, like eight steel knives inserted straight into the heart of the undead army.

Wuchen's eyes were sharp, and when he waved the long sword in his hand, it was like the arrival of a peerless swordsman. With every sword strike, a large number of undead warriors were chopped into several pieces by the sharp sword energy, and their corpses flew everywhere.

But this could not completely kill the undead warrior. After Wuchen slashed with his sword, countless strands of energy exploded instantly, crushing the corpse to pieces with no possibility of recovery.

In comparison, Yun Shang's methods were more domineering than Wu Chen's. The unparalleled sword light struck across the sky, directly cutting the undead warrior's body into pieces.

Yun Shang has begun to take on the style of a holy master, a female war goddess. With a wave of her hand, everything turns into ashes.

Tian Wuxin is really like a great demon god now. The huge demonic shadow behind him rises into the sky. A huge Fang Tian painted halberd appears in his hand. The sky shakes and the earth shakes when he swings it. The undead warrior has been crushed by the demonic power before he even gets close to him. Crushed into ashes, nothing was left after being blown away by the wind.

It has to be said that Tian Wuxin's understanding of martial arts is great. Two black wings spread out behind the huge demonic shadow. With the wave, the undead warriors were thrown away, and then the demonic energy eroded them and turned them into mummies.

At this time, how could Kong Ming still look like a compassionate Buddhist?

Covered in blood, he tore the undead warrior's body apart with his bare hands. With a violent expression on his face, he looked even more like a demon than Tian Wuxin.

Xia Luofeng and Lin Tiannan were also crazy, and the undead army was instantly defeated. Shi Yiren seemed to have forgotten that she was a girl, and no longer had the state of being a fairy, just like a female Shura.

Although the nine people were all young, they were too strong. They joined forces to attack. There was no single general in the undead army. Qianye Yunying shouted loudly: "The Eight Heavenly Dragon Tribes, stop them!"

The army of the Sakura Temple has also arrived. Today is an extremely important battle. Almost all the strong men have arrived to participate in the battle. The Eight Heavenly Dragons are the eight strongest Saint Realm masters under the Sakura God. Their strength is as far away as Chiba. Above the level of strong men like Xiao.

The Eight Saint Realms took action with overwhelming momentum. Nie Tianfeng was the first to stand up and shouted: "Kill——!"

"Kill!" Tian Wuxin couldn't hold it any longer, and his mighty demonic body swatted towards the eight holy realms.

Gabriel also said coldly: "Holy Dragon Knight, kill!"

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