Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1850 The Nie family were cultivators

"I'll help you do whatever you want to do. I'll help you find anyone you want to see." Ji Wufeng said.

At this time, Nie Changkong's skills were exhausted and he was not much better than an ordinary old man. He was really worried about letting him go out like this.

It was originally a sign of filial piety, but Nie Changkong raised his eyebrows, glared and cursed: "Fuck you, do you need you to do my job for me? Did you invite the people I met? I'm special Why do you want to see your grandma? She has been dead for decades. Now go underground and invite her up for me!"

The old man's anger made Ji Wufeng so frightened that he shut his mouth.

Qin Yi asked: "Dad, where is mom's tomb? Let's go and pay homage."

"Grandpa, you haven't even told us about grandma."

"Yeah, how did you meet back then? Was it you who chased her? Or did she chase you?" ??

When everyone asked this question, the old man's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to be energized as if he had been given chicken blood. He said: "Your grandma, she was a golden flower in the martial arts back then. I don't know how many young heroes and people. Zhonglongfeng is watching, but who am I? Unparalleled, invincible, who dares to compete with me? As for who chases whom? Is it necessary for me to chase her? She was the one who cried and shouted that she wanted to be my wife. , pestered me for quite some time, and I reluctantly agreed to her."

Ji Wufeng's eyes widened. Damn it, this old guy is pretty good at showing off, even better than himself. Could it be that this ability to show off is really passed down from his genes?

In the end, Nie Changkong left, but Ji Hongtu and his son walked together. After leaving Yuzhou, three generations of grandparents went straight to Mount Tai.

Looking at the ladder to heaven that has been remembered in primary school textbooks since childhood, it is indeed very steep for ordinary people, but for those who practice martial arts, it is just a steep staircase.

The three of them did not fly up, but gradually walked up the ladder to heaven. Nie Changkong specifically told Ji Wufeng: "Perceive with your heart and see if you can comprehend anything."

It’s just a flight of stairs, what can you feel?

Nie Changkong saw Ji Wufeng's disinterested look and said, "Have you ever heard of Mount Tai's Feng Chan?"

Ji Wufeng nodded. Of course he had heard of it. From ancient times to the present, countless emperors have visited Mount Tai to perform Buddhist rituals. Mount Tai should be known as the most dangerous mountain. After climbing the mountain, you can see all the small mountains and the whole world is at your feet.

Nie Changkong added: "If the purpose of conferring Zen on Mount Tai is just for the purpose of conferring Zen, then you are wrong. The purpose of everyone coming to Mount Tai is to climb the ladder to heaven!"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Is it possible to really reach the sky by taking the ladder to heaven?"

Indeed, if one can really reach heaven by climbing the ladder to heaven, wouldn’t all the people who come to Mount Tai become heavenly beings?

However, Nie Changkong said: "Except for the soul wandering to Taixu, there are indeed people who have entered the world of cultivation on the ladder to heaven!"


Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly widened with a dull look on his face. Cultivation world? Nie Changkong actually knows about the world of cultivation?

Nie Changkong's expression suddenly dimmed and he said: "If we could have found the way to the world of cultivation in Mount Tai back then, we wouldn't have made you suffer so much and let your soul wander to the world of cultivation."

"What did you say?" Ji Wufeng jumped up.

Listening to the meaning of this, when he was persecuted to death, it was actually the method of Nie Changkong and others.

The purpose is to get him to enter the world of cultivation. Isn't this too nonsense?

Ji Wufeng turned to look at Ji Hongtu. Ji Hongtu's eyes dodge and said: "What he said is true. Our Nie family is actually a cultivator!"

Ji Wufeng was completely confused. Are the Nie family cultivators themselves?

"The Qianlong Ascension Technique is powerful because it is not an ordinary skill at all, but a cultivation mystical skill. The reason why the Nie family's bloodline is powerful is because of their cultivation physique, and the power of qi and blood far exceeds the power of ordinary bloodline! "

Ji Wufeng didn't believe it and said, "Then why aren't you cultivators?"

"Who says we are not? The reason why you think we are not is because we do not have true energy, but now look at whether your true energy is gradually transforming into true energy?" Nie Changkong said.

Ji Wufeng tried it, and sure enough, although the true energy in his body was still strong, it gradually lost its surface signs, and became more and more like true energy.

"That's because the earth's spiritual energy is lacking, and the skills you have cultivated are not enough spiritual energy, so it is greatly reduced. The basic true energy is very similar, but there are differences in essence."

Ji Wufeng still didn't believe it, thinking this was too unbelievable.

Nie Changkong added: "And your Hidden Dragon Ascension Technique, which is a ancestral skill of the Nie family. How did you get it? Do you still remember it?"

Ji Wufeng fell into deep thought. Indeed, he could not remember how he obtained the Hidden Dragon Ascension Technique. In the impression, he seemed to know it, but this was absolutely impossible.

But Hidden Dragon's Ascension Technique is a mysterious skill passed down from the Nie family. If it wasn't passed down to him by the Nie family, how could he possibly do it?

Nie Changkong said: "That's because when you died and your soul left the body, I forcibly put the mark into your soul, leaving the mark, as well as the memory of your dissociation, all by means of means. Down."

Ji Wufeng narrowed his eyes. Although he found it incredible, he knew that what Nie Changkong said was true.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Ji Wufeng's eyes gradually turned cold.

When he died, his soul wandered away. Although the subsequent sufferings of Qin Yi and others were all fake, they caused real harm to him, which he couldn't bear.

Nie Changkong sighed and said: "Everything is done as a last resort. If I didn't do this, I'm afraid no one will survive today. You are the most talented person in the Nie family for thousands of years, and you are also the most promising to enter the world of cultivation." of."

Everything was for this war, and Nie Changkong actually used this method to send Ji Wufeng into the world of cultivation, allowing him to be reborn and become the amazing soldier he is today.

Ji Hongtu said: "Although I object, I had anticipated today's war. Perhaps this is your only way to survive."

Indeed, if the previous battle was defeated, everyone would die. This was a disguised way of finding a way out for Ji Wufeng.

Nie Changkong looked at Ji Wufeng, shook his head, and staggered away. Ji Wufeng did not step forward, and he could not let go.

Ji Hongtu looked up to the sky and sighed, saying: "Although you suffered a lot back then, it was not easy for him, because once he failed, he would be destroyed in an instant. Although he succeeded in the end, he was still exhausted and seriously injured. It took more than twenty years to recover.”

Ji Wufeng knew that Ji Hongtu wanted to forgive Nie Changkong, but he couldn't do it in a short period of time, so he asked: "Tell me about the Nie family." "I will help you do whatever you want to see. What do you want to see?" I'll go find him for you," Ji Wufeng said.

At this time, Nie Changkong's skills were exhausted and he was not much better than an ordinary old man. He was really worried about letting him go out like this.

It was originally a sign of filial piety, but Nie Changkong raised his eyebrows, glared and cursed: "Fuck you, do you need you to do my job for me? Did you invite the people I met? I'm special Why do you want to see your grandma? She has been dead for decades. Now go underground and invite her up for me!"

The old man's anger made Ji Wufeng so frightened that he shut his mouth.

Qin Yi asked: "Dad, where is mom's tomb? Let's go and pay homage."

"Grandpa, you haven't even told us about grandma."

"Yeah, how did you meet back then? Was it you who chased her? Or did she chase you?"

When everyone asked this question, the old man's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to be energized as if he had been given chicken blood. He said: "Your grandma, she was a golden flower in the martial arts world back then. I don't know how many young heroes and people. Zhonglongfeng is watching, but who am I? Unparalleled, invincible, who dares to compete with me? As for who chases whom? Is it necessary for me to chase her? She was the one who cried and shouted that she wanted to be my wife. , pestered me for quite some time, and I reluctantly agreed to her."

Ji Wufeng's eyes widened. Damn it, this old guy is pretty good at showing off, even better than himself. Could it be that this ability to show off is really passed down from his genes?

In the end, Nie Changkong left, but Ji Hongtu and his son walked together. After leaving Yuzhou, three generations of grandparents went straight to Mount Tai.

Looking at the ladder to heaven that has been remembered in primary school textbooks since childhood, it is indeed very steep for ordinary people, but for those who practice martial arts, it is just a steep staircase.

The three of them did not fly up, but gradually walked up the ladder to heaven. Nie Changkong specifically told Ji Wufeng: "Perceive with your heart and see if you can comprehend anything."

It’s just a flight of stairs, what can you feel?

Nie Changkong saw Ji Wufeng's disinterested look and said, "Have you ever heard of Mount Tai's Feng Chan?"

Ji Wufeng nodded. Of course he had heard of it. From ancient times to the present, countless emperors have visited Mount Tai to perform Buddhist rituals. Mount Tai should be known as the most dangerous mountain. After climbing the mountain, you can see all the small mountains and the whole world is at your feet.

Nie Changkong added: "If the purpose of conferring Zen on Mount Tai is just for the purpose of conferring Zen, then you are wrong. The purpose of everyone coming to Mount Tai is to climb the ladder to heaven!"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Is it possible to really reach the sky by taking the ladder to heaven?"

Indeed, if one can really reach heaven by climbing the ladder to heaven, wouldn’t all the people who come to Mount Tai become heavenly beings?

However, Nie Changkong said: "Except for the soul wandering to Taixu, there are indeed people who have entered the world of cultivation on the ladder to heaven!"


Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly widened with a dull look on his face. Cultivation world? Nie Changkong actually knows about the world of cultivation?

Nie Changkong's expression suddenly dimmed and he said: "If we could have found the way to the world of cultivation in Mount Tai back then, we wouldn't have made you suffer so much and let your soul wander to the world of cultivation."

"What did you say?" Ji Wufeng jumped up.

Listening to the meaning of this, when he was persecuted to death, it was actually the method of Nie Changkong and others.

The purpose is to get him to enter the world of cultivation. Isn't this too nonsense?

Ji Wufeng turned to look at Ji Hongtu. Ji Hongtu's eyes dodge and said: "What he said is true. Our Nie family is actually a cultivator!"

Ji Wufeng was completely confused. Are the Nie family cultivators themselves?

"The Qianlong Ascension Technique is powerful because it is not an ordinary skill at all, but a cultivation mystical skill. The reason why the Nie family's bloodline is powerful is because of their cultivation physique, and the power of qi and blood far exceeds the power of ordinary bloodline! "

Ji Wufeng didn't believe it and said, "Then why aren't you cultivators?"

"Who says we are not? The reason why you think we are not is because we do not have true energy, but now look at whether your true energy is gradually transforming into true energy?" Nie Changkong said.

Ji Wufeng tried it, and sure enough, although the true energy in his body was still strong, it gradually lost its surface signs, and became more and more like true energy.

"That's because the earth's spiritual energy is lacking, and the skills you have cultivated are not enough spiritual energy, so it is greatly reduced. The basic true energy is very similar, but there are differences in essence."

Ji Wufeng still didn't believe it, thinking this was too unbelievable.

Nie Changkong added: "And your Hidden Dragon Ascension Technique, which is a ancestral skill of the Nie family. How did you get it? Do you still remember it?"

Ji Wufeng fell into deep thought. Indeed, he could not remember how he obtained the Hidden Dragon's Ascension Technique. In the impression, he seemed to know it, but this was absolutely impossible.

But Hidden Dragon's Ascension Technique is a mysterious skill passed down from the Nie family. If it wasn't passed down to him by the Nie family, how could he possibly do it?

Nie Changkong said: "That's because when you died and your soul left the body, I forcibly put the mark into your soul, leaving the mark, as well as the memory of your dissociation, all by means of means. Down."

Ji Wufeng narrowed his eyes. Although he found it incredible, he knew that what Nie Changkong said was true.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Ji Wufeng's eyes gradually turned cold.

When he died, his soul wandered away. Although the subsequent sufferings of Qin Yi and others were all fake, they caused real harm to him, which he couldn't bear.

Nie Changkong sighed and said: "Everything is done as a last resort. If I didn't do this, I'm afraid no one will survive today. You are the most talented person in the Nie family for thousands of years, and you are also the most promising to enter the world of cultivation." of."

Everything was for this war, and Nie Changkong actually used this method to send Ji Wufeng into the world of cultivation, allowing him to be reborn and become the amazing soldier he is today.

Ji Hongtu said: "Although I object, I had anticipated today's war. Perhaps this is your only way to survive."

Indeed, if the previous battle was defeated, everyone would die. This was a disguised way of finding a way out for Ji Wufeng.

Nie Changkong looked at Ji Wufeng, shook his head, and staggered away. Ji Wufeng did not step forward, and he could not let go.

Ji Hongtu looked up to the sky and sighed, saying: "Although you suffered a lot back then, it was not easy for him, because once he failed, he would be destroyed in an instant. Although he succeeded in the end, he was still exhausted and seriously injured. It took more than twenty years to recover.”

Ji Wufeng knew that Ji Hongtu wanted him to forgive Nie Changkong, but he couldn't do it in a short period of time, so he asked, "Tell me about the Nie family."

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