But Gu Tianyang did not move, but looked directly at her. But in an instant, Tong Xin strangely found that her movements had slowed down, almost to a standstill.

Yes, she is still!

Gu Tianyang stretched out his palm and gently stroked Tong Xin's cheek. His face was full of tenderness and he said: "What a beautiful woman. What a pity."

His palm slipped from Tong Xin's cheek, and then he patted Tong Xin's head. Wisps of black gas penetrated into Tong Xin's body along his palm, and Tong Xin suddenly looked in pain.

Gradually, the painful expression on Tong Xin's face disappeared, and her eyes were empty and filled with deathly silence.

"My lord!" Tong Xin said with a cold voice.

The last divine light in Gu Tianyang's eyes dissipated, and he murmured to himself: "Ji Wufeng, our final battle has finally begun."

Three days passed quickly, and Ji Wufeng made no progress. He couldn't help but feel an ominous premonition in his heart. He knew he couldn't wait any longer, not even a moment longer. .??.??

But he didn't know how to take action. Han Zhong couldn't wait to take action, but doing so would undoubtedly lead to death.

At this time, An Jiling came, but An Jiling did not come alone.

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the voluptuous blonde beauty with such a hot figure that she was about to explode.

"My most ideal harem prince, you don't seem to want to see me!"

Catherine came over and pressed her body against Ji Wufeng's arm. She exhaled fragrant hot breath and said, "Are you angry because I haven't given you a chance to kiss Fangze until now? Why don't you do it today?" nighttime then."

Ji Wufeng stared at Catherine with a sly expression, and said with a smile: "Okay, they say you Western beauties are as wild as lionesses. I want to know how wild you are."

Catherine, one of the most outstanding descendants of the Dark Holy See, had previously cooperated with Jackson to trick Lucas. Catherine did not show up, and she did not expect to appear here.

"The lioness is a carnivore, but she can eat people." Catherine blinked her big eyes and said, her blue eyes seemed to be able to discharge electricity. If her will was slightly weak, she might not be able to control herself.

"It doesn't matter, if you want to eat it, you'd better swallow it whole!" Ji Wufeng said with eyes wide open.

Catherine turned to look at the expressionless Shangguan Yao, and said with waning interest: "Disappointment, I seduced your man in front of you, aren't you angry?"

She understood that China was a traditional country, and if her man was seduced by another woman, the woman would definitely become jealous, but Shangguan Yao didn't seem to care at all.

Shangguan Yao said coldly: "The average woman can't seduce him even if she takes off her clothes. The women who can seduce him are usually not simple women."

"Do you think I am not a simple woman?" Catherine asked.

"Big breasts, big butt." Shangguan Yao said.

Catherine has a proud face and standard big breasts and wide butt. Isn’t this the most fascinating figure for men?

"You are dissolute!" Shangguan Yao said again.

Ji Wufeng, who was drinking tea, squirted out the tea in one gulp, but not a drop was wasted. It all sprayed on An Jiling's face. The corners of Nie Tianfeng's mouth twitched non-stop. People who knew him well knew that he was laughing now, but But he endured it.

To say so bluntly that a woman is very loose, Nie Tianfeng

I feel that Shangguan Yao is usually cold, but speaks very straightforwardly.

Catherine didn't take it seriously and said: "What's wrong with being dissolute? If you don't be dissolute, how can you seduce a man?"

Shangguan Yao thought for a while and said: "But as long as I am willing, between the two of us, he will only choose to sleep with me!"

When Ji Wufeng heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "Really?"

After being together with Guan Yao for so long, the two of them have never had anything to do with each other, and they are almost trying to hold him back.


Ji Wufeng flew out and howled: "Why are you so angry?"

After the fuss, everyone calmed down, and Catherine's face turned cold as she said, "Jackson is dead!"

Jackson is dead?

Ji Wufeng was suddenly shocked. Jackson and Catherine were both the strongest disciples of the Dark Vatican. Although they were not as stunning as Yun Shang and others, they were absolutely invincible among young people. They were actually dead?

"I need you to help me!"

In the battle of Shenzhou Tongtian Peak, the Holy Court suffered heavy casualties and its vitality was severely damaged. This was a God-given opportunity for the Dark Holy See. However, just when the Dark Holy See was about to take action, Gabriel led a group of masters directly into the Dark Holy See. 's headquarters.

Nearly half of the elder masters of the Dark Holy See were slaughtered, and Jackson was cut into two pieces by Gabriel's sword.

Because the Holy Court knew that its vitality was seriously damaged and knew that the Dark Holy See was ready to make a move, it actually struck first and killed nearly half of the Dark Holy See's masters with the power of thunder.

As a result, the Dark Holy See is also unable to suppress the Holy Court.

"Give me a reason." Ji Wufeng stared at Catherine, his eyes cold and ruthless.

In the battle of Tongtian Peak, the Dark Holy See, as an ally, did not participate in the war, but chose to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. The purpose was to wait for the Holy Court's strength to be damaged and then want to reap the benefits. It is so unethical and so destructive. After a big loss, he came to Ji Wufeng for help again. Did he really lose his face?

Catherine knew that Ji Wufeng had resentment in his heart, and lowered his head and said: "I know that the Dark Holy See has no regard for morality and it is difficult for people to accept it. No amount of explanations are meaningful, but as long as you are willing to help me this time, I am willing to pay any price!"

"At all costs?"

Ji Wufeng sneered and said: "Do you think you have a price to pay attention to me? If you are talking about yourself, what Shangguan Yao said just now is right. If you two take off your clothes and lie on the bed at the same time, then I will definitely By choosing her, do you think you have the leverage to let me take action?"

"Now that I have entered the holy realm, I am willing to make a blood oath to you. As long as you are willing to help me avenge my brother, I am willing to be a slave for life!"

Who would trust any oath these days? Will there really be a thunderstorm after breaking the oath? That's all nonsense. The oath is just an insurance policy against a lie. But since it's already a lie, what's the point of adding insurance?

However, the oath has extraordinary significance to cultivators. What is a cultivator?

By cultivating one's own body, obtaining or utilizing the power between heaven and earth, and moving from a mortal body to a divine body, this is an act that defies nature. Such a person must have a strong mind and a rock-solid belief!

If a powerful cultivator violates his oath, although he will not be struck by lightning, his own beliefs will definitely be affected. At least he will not be able to take a step forward in this life, or at worst he will plant the seeds of inner demons in his heart. If he breaks out, , the consequences will be disastrous! But Gu Tianyang did not move, but looked directly at her. But in an instant, Tong Xin strangely found that her movements had slowed down, almost to a standstill.

Yes, she is still!

Gu Tianyang stretched out his palm and gently stroked Tong Xin's cheek. His face was full of tenderness and he said: "What a beautiful woman. What a pity."

His palm slipped from Tong Xin's cheek, and then he patted Tong Xin's head. Wisps of black gas penetrated into Tong Xin's body along his palm, and Tong Xin suddenly looked in pain.

Gradually, the painful expression on Tong Xin's face disappeared, and her eyes were empty and filled with deathly silence.

"My lord!" Tong Xin said with a cold voice.

The last divine light in Gu Tianyang's eyes dissipated, and he murmured to himself: "Ji Wufeng, our final battle has finally begun."

Three days passed quickly, and Ji Wufeng made no progress. He could not help but feel an ominous premonition in his heart. He knew that he could not wait any longer, not even a moment longer. ??

But he didn't know how to take action. Han Zhong couldn't wait to take action, but doing so would undoubtedly lead to death.

At this time, An Jiling came, but An Jiling did not come alone.

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the voluptuous blonde beauty with such a hot figure that she was about to explode.

"My most ideal harem prince, you don't seem to want to see me!"

Catherine came over and pressed her body against Ji Wufeng's arm. She exhaled fragrant hot breath and said, "Are you angry because I haven't given you a chance to kiss Fangze until now? Why don't you do it today?" nighttime then."

Ji Wufeng stared at Catherine with a sly expression, and said with a smile: "Okay, they say you Western beauties are as wild as lionesses. I want to know how wild you are."

Catherine, one of the most outstanding successors of the Dark Holy See, had previously cooperated with Jackson to trick Lucas. Catherine did not show up, and she did not expect to appear here.

"The lioness is a carnivore, but she can eat people." Catherine blinked her big eyes and said, her blue eyes seemed to be able to discharge, and if her will was slightly weak, she might not be able to control herself.

"It doesn't matter, if you want to eat it, you'd better swallow it whole!" Ji Wufeng said with eyes wide open.

Catherine turned to look at the expressionless Shangguan Yao, and said with waning interest: "Disappointment, I seduced your man in front of you, aren't you angry?"

She understood that China was a traditional country, and if her man was seduced by another woman, the woman would definitely become jealous, but Shangguan Yao didn't seem to care at all.

Shangguan Yao said coldly: "The average woman can't seduce him even if she takes off her clothes. The women who can seduce him are usually not simple women."

"Do you think I am not a simple woman?" Catherine asked.

"Big breasts, big butt." Shangguan Yao said.

Catherine has a proud face and standard big breasts and wide butt. Isn’t this the most fascinating figure for men?

"You are dissolute!" Shangguan Yao said again.

Ji Wufeng, who was drinking tea, squirted out the tea in one gulp, but not a drop was wasted. It all sprayed on An Jiling's face. The corners of Nie Tianfeng's mouth twitched non-stop. People who knew him well knew that he was laughing now, but But he endured it.

To say so bluntly that a woman is very loose, Nie Tianfeng

I feel that Shangguan Yao is usually cold, but speaks very straightforwardly.

Catherine didn't take it seriously and said: "What's wrong with being dissolute? If you don't be dissolute, how can you seduce a man?"

Shangguan Yao thought for a while and said: "But as long as I am willing, between the two of us, he will only choose to sleep with me!"

When Ji Wufeng heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "Really?"

After being together with Guan Yao for so long, the two of them have never had anything to do with each other, and they are almost trying to hold him back.


Ji Wufeng flew out and howled: "Why are you so angry?"

After the fuss, everyone calmed down, and Catherine's face turned cold as she said, "Jackson is dead!"

Jackson is dead?

Ji Wufeng was suddenly shocked. Jackson and Catherine were both the strongest disciples of the Dark Vatican. Although they were not as stunning as Yun Shang and others, they were absolutely invincible among young people. They were actually dead?

"I need you to help me!"

In the battle of Shenzhou Tongtian Peak, the Holy Court suffered heavy casualties and its vitality was severely damaged. This was a God-given opportunity for the Dark Holy See. However, just when the Dark Holy See was about to take action, Gabriel led a group of masters directly into the Dark Holy See. 's headquarters.

Nearly half of the elder masters of the Dark Holy See were slaughtered, and Jackson was cut into two pieces by Gabriel's sword.

Because the Holy Court knew that its vitality was seriously damaged and knew that the Dark Holy See was ready to make a move, it actually struck first and killed nearly half of the Dark Holy See's masters with the power of thunder.

As a result, the Dark Holy See is also unable to suppress the Holy Court.

"Give me a reason." Ji Wufeng stared at Catherine, his eyes cold and ruthless.

In the battle of Tongtian Peak, the Dark Holy See, as an ally, did not participate in the war, but chose to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. The purpose was to wait for the Holy Court's strength to be damaged and then want to reap the benefits. It is so unethical and so destructive. After a big loss, he came to Ji Wufeng for help again. Did he really lose his face?

Catherine knew that Ji Wufeng had resentment in his heart, and lowered his head and said: "I know that the Dark Holy See has no regard for morality and it is difficult for people to accept it. No amount of explanations are meaningful, but as long as you are willing to help me this time, I am willing to pay any price!"

"At all costs?"

Ji Wufeng sneered and said: "Do you think you have a price to pay attention to me? If you are talking about yourself, what Shangguan Yao said just now is right. If you two take off your clothes and lie on the bed at the same time, then I will definitely By choosing her, do you think you have the leverage to let me take action?"

"Now that I have entered the holy realm, I am willing to make a blood oath to you. As long as you are willing to help me avenge my brother, I am willing to be a slave for life!"

Who would trust any oath these days? Will there really be a thunderstorm after breaking the oath? That's all nonsense. The oath is just an insurance policy against a lie. But since it's already a lie, what's the point of adding insurance?

However, the oath has extraordinary significance to cultivators. What is a cultivator?

By cultivating one's own body, obtaining or utilizing the power between heaven and earth, and moving from a mortal body to a divine body, this is an act that defies nature. Such a person must have a strong mind and a rock-solid belief!

If a powerful cultivator violates his oath, although he will not be struck by lightning, his belief will definitely be affected. At least he will not be able to take a step forward in this life, or at worst he will plant the seeds of inner demons in his heart. If he breaks out, , the consequences will be disastrous!

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