Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1870 Dongyang Wulin is in chaos

Everyone was shocked. The temple was a holy place in their hearts. The tablets of the gods were all powerful men with great achievements in Dongyang Wulin. They were worshiped like gods. But now they were so desecrated.

Moreover, the Sakura Temple has great influence in Dongyang. Once word spreads about such humiliation, the Sakura Temple and even the entire Dongyang Wulin will become a laughing stock.

It was finally confirmed that the eight dark paladins brought by Catherine were indeed awesome and not fakes. They directly killed the head of the Yaki family, Yaki Gan, and more than half of the elders. Under strong pressure, they had to Come to an agreement.

But Nie Tianfeng was even more violent. He smashed the door of Cao Zhi's house with one punch and stamped on the ground with one foot. The meeting hall of Cao Zhi's house collapsed, causing heavy casualties.

Shangguan Yao raised his sword and charged in, causing the Cao Pheasant family to instantly flow into a river of blood!

"Those who surrender will be spared death!" Nie Tianfeng stared at Cao Pheasant, the head of the Cao Pheasant family, and said.


The two elders of the Cao Pheasant family came over to attack them. Nie Tianfeng punched out, and a dragon shadow came out and rushed away, directly blasting the two elders into pieces.

In the end, Cao Zhihuang was very spineless and chose to compromise, because if he didn't compromise, he would die!

The Sakura Temple was so desecrated, even Qianye Liu had to be punished. The entire Dongyang Wulin was mobilized to ask Qianye Liu to give an explanation.

Qianye Liu said helplessly: "I was just following orders!"

On whose orders are you acting?

The Sakura Temple belongs to Dongyang, but it belongs even more to the Sakura Temple. The only one who can order Qianye Liu is the Sakura Temple.

At this moment, the leaders of the three war god families came forward and exposed a shocking secret to the entire Dongyang Wulin. Just half a year ago, the Sakura Temple participated in the battle of Shenzhou Tongtian Peak and suffered a heavy defeat with countless casualties. The Sakura Temple is now His vitality was severely damaged and he was dead in name only!

Is this breaking news even more shocking to Dongyang Wulin than the temple humiliation incident?

The strong men of Sakura Temple who were as powerful as gods in their hearts were all killed or injured? Are the holy places among them already dead in name only?

Immediately, the three major families revealed something that the entire Dongyang Wulin could not accept. Now the Sakura Temple is controlled by a man named Gu Tianyang.

Who is Gu Tianyang?

He was once the prince of China. With Dongyang's attention to China, how could he not know who Gu Tianyang was? That was the most outstanding figure in China. He once swept through the young generation of the West and was revered as the God of War of the young generation!

The average Dongyang Wulin people don't know the existence of Nie Chongxiao. They only know that the Sakura Temple belongs to Dongyang and the Dongyang Wulin, but now it is controlled by a Chinese person.

Now the Sakura Temple has ordered the demolition of the Sakura Temple and insulted the worshipers. You don't need to guess to know that it must be the order given by Gu Tianyang.

why is that? the reason is simple.

Because Gu Tianyang is from Shenzhou, he hates Dongyang Wulin, and hates those Dongyang strongmen in the Cherry Blossom Temple who once slaughtered bloody people in Shenzhou Wulin!

The entire Dongyang Wulin was boiling instantly. They were extremely angry and could not tolerate the subversion of the mythical image of Sakura Temple in their minds.

"The temple belongs to our Dongyang Wulin, but it is controlled by a Chinese person. What a shame is this?"

"This is unacceptable. Seize Gu Tianyang and let him suffer the punishment of being cut into pieces by a thousand knives!"

r\u003e "How can you comfort the gods under the Nine Springs if you don't chop him into pieces, a lowly bastard?"

Even without deliberate incitement, some fanatical radicals took action on their own and gathered a large number of martial arts people to arrest Gu Tianyang and accept the most cruel punishment!

The whole Tianjing is in chaos, the whole Dongyang Wulin is in chaos!

Kagura Liuying was dumbfounded. Although he had been mentally prepared, he was still shocked by the chaotic situation in front of him. Ji Wufeng's move was so cruel. He directly pinned the temple incident on Gu Tianyang. , and because of Gu Tianyang’s identity, the yellow mud on his crotch was either shit or shit.

The income of the temple has been reduced, and the temple has been occupied by foreigners. The object of worship in the hearts of Dongyang Wulin people no longer belongs to them, and they feel that the faith in their hearts has collapsed.

More and more Dongyang martial arts people are gathering, demanding that the Sakura Temple be conquered and Gu Tianyang be severely punished!

In the hotel, Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Gu Tianyang must be feeling very happy now, right?"

Catherine was shocked. At first, when Ji Wufeng wanted to attack the three major families, she just thought it was Ji Wufeng's counterattack against Gu Tianyang. The temple incident was just Ji Wufeng's anger as a Chinese martial arts person. .

But he did not expect that such a large-scale impact would occur in the follow-up, and the consequences would be unimaginable, almost subverting the entire Dongyang Wulin.

Dongyang is the home ground of Sakura Temple, and Ji Wufeng is simply outnumbered when fighting Gu Tianyang here.

However, the temple incident ignited the anger of the entire Dongyang Wulin, and controlled the three major families. With the influence of the three families on the Dongyang Wulin, they burned this anger on Gu Tianyang's head, without giving him any chance to reverse it. Opportunity.

Now Gu Tianyang has been completely isolated, and even stands on the opposite side of the entire Dongyang Wulin. The possibility of relying on the power of Dongyang Wulin is too low.

Dongyang Wulin would not like Ji Wufeng, but now they hate Gu Tianyang even more. Gu Tianyang's advantage no longer exists.

This move was too damaging, it directly hit Gu Tianyang's vital point. Gu Tianyang must be very happy now, so happy that his orifices are filled with smoke, right?

Catherine broke out in a cold sweat. She was extremely glad that the Dark Holy See did not collude with the Sakura Temple. Otherwise, with Ji Wufeng's methods, she might not know how he would die by then.

"It seems it's time for us to take action." Catherine looked excited.

She felt that the time had come. Gu Tianyang was now the target of public criticism. With a little more lobbying, it would not be difficult for the conservatives in the Sakura Temple to rebel. If they gathered the three major families and entered the Sakura Temple in one fell swoop, they could easily kill them. Gu Tianyang.

Gu Tianyang was eliminated, and the Sakura Temple was bound to die. Then Ji Wufeng turned his head and rushed into the west, and then destroyed the Holy Court to avenge her brother's murder!

"Is Gu Tianyang taking any action now?" Ji Wufeng asked.

An Jiling shook his head and said, "Gu Tianyang didn't make any move."

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and he said, "Then we can't act rashly now."

Catherine said impatiently: "What are you waiting for for such a good opportunity?"

"I'm waiting for Gu Tianyang to take action."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I know Gu Tianyang too well. The reason why he didn't move is because he doesn't need to move yet. Everything is still under his control. The trump card in his hand can suppress everything!" They were shocked. The temple was a holy place in their hearts. The tablets of the gods were all powerful men with great achievements in Dongyang Wulin. They were worshiped like gods. But now they were so desecrated.

Moreover, the Sakura Temple has great influence in Dongyang. Once word spreads about such humiliation, the Sakura Temple and even the entire Dongyang Wulin will become a laughing stock.

It was finally confirmed that the eight dark paladins brought by Catherine were indeed awesome and not fakes. They directly killed the head of the Yaki family, Yaki Gan, and more than half of the elders. Under strong pressure, they had to Come to an agreement.

But Nie Tianfeng was even more violent. He smashed the door of Cao Zhi's house with one punch and stamped on the ground with one foot. The meeting hall of Cao Zhi's house collapsed, causing heavy casualties.

Shangguan Yao raised his sword and charged in, causing the Cao Pheasant family to instantly flow into a river of blood!

"Those who surrender will be spared death!" Nie Tianfeng stared at Cao Pheasant, the head of the Cao Pheasant family, and said.


The two elders of the Cao Pheasant family came over to attack them. Nie Tianfeng punched out, and a dragon shadow came out and rushed away, directly blasting the two elders into pieces.

In the end, Cao Zhihuang was very spineless and chose to compromise, because if he didn't compromise, he would die!

The Sakura Temple was so desecrated, even Qianye Liu had to be punished. The entire Dongyang Wulin was mobilized to ask Qianye Liu to give an explanation.

Qianye Liu said helplessly: "I was just following orders!"

On whose orders are you acting?

The Sakura Temple belongs to Dongyang, but it belongs even more to the Sakura Temple. The only one who can order Qianye Liu is the Sakura Temple.

At this moment, the leaders of the three war god families came forward and exposed a shocking secret to the entire Dongyang Wulin. Just half a year ago, the Sakura Temple participated in the battle of Shenzhou Tongtian Peak and suffered a heavy defeat with countless casualties. The Sakura Temple is now His vitality was severely damaged and he was dead in name only!

Is this breaking news even more shocking to Dongyang Wulin than the temple humiliation incident?

The strong men of Sakura Temple who were as powerful as gods in their hearts were all killed or injured? Are the holy places among them already dead in name only?

Immediately, the three major families revealed something that the entire Dongyang Wulin could not accept. Now the Sakura Temple is controlled by a man named Gu Tianyang.

Who is Gu Tianyang?

He was once the prince of China. With Dongyang's attention to China, how could he not know who Gu Tianyang was? That was the most outstanding figure in China. He once swept through the young generation of the West and was revered as the God of War of the young generation!

The average Dongyang Wulin people don't know the existence of Nie Chongxiao. They only know that the Sakura Temple belongs to Dongyang and the Dongyang Wulin, but now it is controlled by a Chinese person.

Now the Sakura Temple has ordered the demolition of the Sakura Temple and insulted the worshipers. You don't need to guess to know that it must be the order given by Gu Tianyang.

why is that? the reason is simple.

Because Gu Tianyang is from Shenzhou, he hates Dongyang Wulin, and hates those Dongyang strongmen in the Cherry Blossom Temple who once slaughtered bloody people in Shenzhou Wulin!

The entire Dongyang Wulin was boiling instantly. They were extremely angry and could not tolerate the subversion of the mythical image of Sakura Temple in their minds.

"The temple belongs to our Dongyang Wulin, but it is controlled by a Chinese person. What a shame is this?"

"This is unacceptable. Seize Gu Tianyang and let him suffer the punishment of being cut into pieces by a thousand knives!"

r\u003e "How can you comfort the gods under the Nine Springs if you don't chop him into pieces, a lowly bastard?"

Even without deliberate incitement, some fanatical radicals took action on their own and gathered a large number of martial arts people to arrest Gu Tianyang and accept the most cruel punishment!

The whole Tianjing is in chaos, the whole Dongyang Wulin is in chaos!

Kagura Liuying was dumbfounded. Although he had been mentally prepared, he was still shocked by the chaotic situation in front of him. Ji Wufeng's move was so cruel. He directly pinned the temple incident on Gu Tianyang. , and because of Gu Tianyang’s identity, the yellow mud on his crotch was either shit or shit.

The income of the temple has been reduced, and the temple has been occupied by foreigners. The object of worship in the hearts of Dongyang Wulin people no longer belongs to them, and they feel that the faith in their hearts has collapsed.

More and more Dongyang martial arts people are gathering, demanding that the Sakura Temple be conquered and Gu Tianyang be severely punished!

In the hotel, Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Gu Tianyang must be feeling very happy now, right?"

Catherine was shocked. At first, when Ji Wufeng wanted to attack the three major families, she just thought it was Ji Wufeng's counterattack against Gu Tianyang. The temple incident was just Ji Wufeng's anger as a Chinese martial arts person. .

But he did not expect that such a large-scale impact would occur in the follow-up, and the consequences would be unimaginable, almost subverting the entire Dongyang Wulin.

Dongyang is the home ground of Sakura Temple, and Ji Wufeng is simply outnumbered when fighting Gu Tianyang here.

However, the temple incident ignited the anger of the entire Dongyang Wulin, and controlled the three major families. With the influence of the three families on the Dongyang Wulin, they burned this anger on Gu Tianyang's head, without giving him any chance to reverse it. Opportunity.

Now Gu Tianyang has been completely isolated, and even stands on the opposite side of the entire Dongyang Wulin. The possibility of relying on the power of Dongyang Wulin is too low.

Dongyang Wulin would not like Ji Wufeng, but now they hate Gu Tianyang even more. Gu Tianyang's advantage no longer exists.

This move was too damaging, it directly hit Gu Tianyang's vital point. Gu Tianyang must be very happy now, so happy that his orifices are filled with smoke, right?

Catherine broke out in a cold sweat. She was extremely glad that the Dark Holy See did not collude with the Sakura Temple. Otherwise, with Ji Wufeng's methods, she might not know how he would die by then.

"It seems it's time for us to take action." Catherine looked excited.

She felt that the time had come. Gu Tianyang was now the target of public criticism. With a little more lobbying, it would not be difficult for the conservatives in the Sakura Temple to rebel. If they gathered the three major families and entered the Sakura Temple in one fell swoop, they could easily kill them. Gu Tianyang.

Gu Tianyang was eliminated, and the Sakura Temple was bound to die. Then Ji Wufeng turned his head and rushed into the west, and then destroyed the Holy Court to avenge her brother's murder!

"Is Gu Tianyang taking any action now?" Ji Wufeng asked.

An Jiling shook his head and said, "Gu Tianyang didn't make any move."

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and he said, "Then we can't act rashly now."

Catherine said impatiently: "What are you waiting for for such a good opportunity?"

"I'm waiting for Gu Tianyang to take action."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I know Gu Tianyang too well. The reason why he doesn't move is because he doesn't need to move yet. Everything is still under his control. The trump card in his hand can suppress everything!"

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