Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1878 Everyone’s Attention

Ji Wufeng's heart was trembling. Is it true? Are they also willing to pay for themselves without any regrets?

Alina knew that Ji Wufeng was not sure, so she said: "At least I am absolutely sure!"

Ji Wufeng didn't know if Tong Xin and Mingyue would be angry with him. He only knew that he owed them too much. He had no way to turn back. The only thing he could do was to move forward without hesitation!

"Where is Linglong?" Ji Wufeng stared at Gu Tianyang and asked coldly.

Gu Tianyang laughed and said: "I heard that you and Usef will have a bet? I think you won't mind having one more opponent. I lost in your hands last time. As a winner, I should Give the loser a chance to turn defeat into victory!"

That gambling king competition is already a thing of the past, but it was Gu Tianyang who was defeated by Ji Wufeng that time. This time he wanted to intervene in the bet between Ji Wufeng and Usev as a third party.

"How about taking Ye Linglong as a bet?" Gu Tianyang said with a smile.

Ji Wufeng's expression changed and he said, "What do you want?"

"I don't want anything. If you win, Ye Linglong will hand it over to you intact. If you lose, what I want will naturally fall into my bag!"

Gu Tianyang was smiling, and Ji Wufeng strangely discovered that his aura had changed. It was much stronger than before. It was not comparable to what he could compare with during the battle at Tongtian Peak. What made his heart palpitate even more was that he felt The familiar blood restlessness in Gu Tianyang's body was felt!

That was the power of the Nie family's bloodline. Gu Tianyang actually had the power of the Nie family's bloodline!

However, the difference is that this blood has an extremely strong violent aura and is full of evil!

Gu Tianyang left, but Ji Wufeng didn't take action because he couldn't. The three women who were important to him were all in Gu Tianyang's hands, and he couldn't take action!

The news soon spread that Usev, the previous gambling king Ji Wufeng, and the once most dazzling young god of war in China, Gu Tianyang, would hold a gambling game of the century at the most luxurious hotel in Dongyang!

After the news spread, it immediately caused a global sensation. These three people are all radiant characters. It is difficult for them to engage in a gambling game without attracting everyone's attention.

The news also spread in China, and Ji Wufeng began to worry. He came to Dongyang without saying hello to anyone. Once the gambling was exposed, how could the family sit still?

He was not allowed to call back one by one with his phone, and no one was allowed to come to Dongyang. He was very aware of the current danger. The more people who came, it would only add more constraints to him.

Gambling has always been one of the most instinctive desires of human nature. There are always many good gamblers in the world, and even those who are crazy about it. From the time the news spread to the official start of the gambling game, there was less than twelve hours, but in In half the time, the planes and ferries heading to Dongyang Shenjing were all full, and a large number of people poured into Dongyang Shenjing, wanting to witness this amazing gamble with their own eyes!

Tourism is an important industry in Dongyang. The foreign exchange brought by tourists every year is one of the main incomes. But this time it is abnormal. Any tourists entering Dongyang must go through extremely strict inspections. This is obviously to restrict large numbers of tourists from entering Dongyang. rhythm.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Now that they know the identities of the three people in the bet, they have already foreseen that the three people's bet is not just a simple bet. Once a war breaks out, it will be devastating.

Although Dongyang is trying its best to control the flow of people entering Shenjing, the number of people entering Shenjing is still very large.

Amazingly, everyone had a legitimate reason or a powerful background that they couldn't say no to.

Ji Wufeng's order was very clear, no one was allowed to come, but people came anyway.

Not many people came, including Li Yunxiao, Rongrong and his wife, Duan Qingxun, Murong Wuji and Wu Chang. Needless to say, Li Yunxiao, Rongrong came from the same school as him and ran the largest casino in Mingzhu, and so did Duan Qingxun. Born into a gambling family, Ji Wufeng represented the Duan family in the Gambling King Competition.

As for Murong Wuji and Wu Chang, they are undoubtedly the two sharpest killing gods and can increase Ji Wufeng's combat power.

Now that they were here, Ji Wufeng had no choice but to let them stay.

"Why are you here too?" Ji Wufeng asked Duan Qingxun.

Duan Qingxun smiled and said: "When you fought for the Duan family, how could I not repay this favor?"

Ji Wufeng said speechlessly: "Is it necessary for you and me to talk about human relations?"

Although they don't get along very much, the friendship between the two parties is by no means as simple as it was at first, and they can be called confidants.

Duan Qingxun looked solemn and said: "This time I am here to be the Infernal Affairs."

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said, "Wan Jinglei can't sit still?"

"You know everything?" Duan Qingxun was stunned.

Wan Jinglei's hidden power was too deep. No one would have thought before that that he would be so powerful now, definitely not inferior to Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang back then.

"I knew he had a problem a long time ago, but I didn't expect him to be so tolerant."

"Then what do you want to do?" Duan Qingxun asked.

Ji Wufeng's face was full of disdain, and he said: "He was a coward back then, so he is destined not to have much future. Let him hang for now, and one day we will settle this account with him!"

Duan Qingxun's expression remained solemn and he said: "But it's best not to underestimate him."

"Of course, the fact that he can endure it till today is considered a sign of his ability."

Yingtianxia is the most luxurious and top-notch hotel in Dongyang. It is said to be a joint-stock system. Anyone with some power in Dongyang will almost have a certain share in it. The level of luxury is not even lower than that of Dongyang Palace.

This time the gambling game is set up in the reception hall of Yingtianxia. Prince Mu Tianxiaoyu of Dongyang personally announced that this time Yingtianxia will receive nearly 500 guests to watch the gambling game.

Of course, there is also a real-time live broadcast on site, and the entire gambling process will be broadcast live, so that those who cannot enter Yingtianxia can watch the entire gambling process through the big screen outside the hotel and the TV inside the hotel.

After the news spread, everyone tried their best to get the tickets, but unfortunately, this time it was an invitation system, and you could only enter with an invitation letter, and everyone who got the invitation letter had a high position and authority. People with strong backgrounds are at a higher level than those who cannot enter.

Mu Tian Xiaoyu was the first to show up, holding Mu Tian Wanyu's arm and appearing in the middle of the hall. He was the host and the arbiter of the bet.

It was undoubtedly a very grand event for His Highness the Prince to attend in person, but considering the identities and status of the three people involved in the gambling game, they also deserved Mu Tianxiaoyu to attend in person.

"Dear guests, I am Mu Tianxiaoyu. I am very honored to be the host and arbitrator of today's gambling. This will be my lifelong honor!" Mu Tianxiaoyu greeted all the guests humbly and politely. Ji Wufeng's heart was trembling. Is it true? Are they also willing to pay for themselves without any regrets?

Alina knew that Ji Wufeng was not sure, so she said: "At least I am absolutely sure!"

Ji Wufeng didn't know if Tong Xin and Mingyue would be angry with him. He only knew that he owed them too much. He had no way to turn back. The only thing he could do was to move forward without hesitation!

"Where is Linglong?" Ji Wufeng stared at Gu Tianyang and asked coldly.

Gu Tianyang laughed and said: "I heard that you and Usef will have a bet? I think you won't mind having one more opponent. I lost in your hands last time. As a winner, I should Give the loser a chance to turn defeat into victory!"

That gambling king competition is already a thing of the past, but it was Gu Tianyang who was defeated by Ji Wufeng that time. This time he wanted to intervene in the bet between Ji Wufeng and Usev as a third party.

"How about taking Ye Linglong as a bet?" Gu Tianyang said with a smile.

Ji Wufeng's expression changed and he said, "What do you want?" ??

"I don't want anything. If you win, Ye Linglong will hand it over to you intact. If you lose, what I want will naturally fall into my bag!"

Gu Tianyang was smiling, and Ji Wufeng strangely discovered that his aura had changed. It was much stronger than before. It was not comparable to what he could compare with during the battle at Tongtian Peak. What made his heart palpitate even more was that he felt The familiar blood restlessness in Gu Tianyang's body was felt!

That was the power of the Nie family's bloodline. Gu Tianyang actually had the power of the Nie family's bloodline!

However, the difference is that this blood has an extremely strong violent aura and is full of evil!

Gu Tianyang left, but Ji Wufeng didn't take action because he couldn't. The three women who were important to him were all in Gu Tianyang's hands, and he couldn't take action!

The news soon spread that Usev, the previous gambling king Ji Wufeng, and Gu Tianyang, once the most dazzling young god of war in China, would hold a gambling game of the century at the most luxurious hotel in Dongyang!

After the news spread, it immediately caused a global sensation. These three people are all radiant characters. It is difficult for them to engage in a gambling game without attracting everyone's attention.

The news also spread in China, and Ji Wufeng began to worry. He came to Dongyang without saying hello to anyone. Once the gambling was exposed, how could the family sit still?

He was not allowed to call back one by one with his phone, and no one was allowed to come to Dongyang. He was very aware of the current danger. The more people who came, it would only add more constraints to him.

Gambling has always been one of the most instinctive desires of human nature. There are always many good gamblers in the world, and even those who are crazy about it. From the time the news spread to the official start of the gambling game, there was less than twelve hours, but in In half the time, the planes and ferries heading to Dongyang Shenjing were all full, and a large number of people poured into Dongyang Shenjing, wanting to witness this amazing gamble with their own eyes!

Tourism is an important industry in Dongyang. The foreign exchange brought by tourists every year is one of the main incomes. But this time it is abnormal. Any tourists entering Dongyang must go through extremely strict inspections. This is obviously to restrict large numbers of tourists from entering Dongyang. rhythm.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Now that they know the identities of the three people in the bet, they have already foreseen that the three people's bet is not just a simple bet. Once a war breaks out, it will be devastating.

Although Dongyang is trying its best to control the flow of people entering Shenjing, the number of people entering Shenjing is still very large.

Amazingly, everyone had a legitimate reason or a powerful background that they couldn't say no to.

Ji Wufeng's order was very clear, no one was allowed to come, but people came anyway.

Not many people came, including Li Yunxiao, Rongrong and his wife, Duan Qingxun, Murong Wuji and Wu Chang. Needless to say, Li Yunxiao, Rongrong came from the same school as him and ran the largest casino in Mingzhu, and so did Duan Qingxun. Born into a gambling family, Ji Wufeng represented the Duan family in the Gambling King Competition.

As for Murong Wuji and Wu Chang, they are undoubtedly the two sharpest killing gods and can increase Ji Wufeng's combat power.

Now that they were here, Ji Wufeng had no choice but to let them stay.

"Why are you here too?" Ji Wufeng asked Duan Qingxun.

Duan Qingxun smiled and said: "When you fought for the Duan family, how could I not repay this favor?"

Ji Wufeng said speechlessly: "Is it necessary for you and me to talk about human relations?"

Although they don't get along very much, the friendship between the two parties is by no means as simple as it was at first, and they can be called confidants.

Duan Qingxun looked solemn and said: "This time I am here to be the Infernal Affairs."

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said, "Wan Jinglei can't sit still?"

"You know everything?" Duan Qingxun was stunned.

Wan Jinglei's hidden power was too deep. No one would have thought before that that he would be so powerful now, definitely not inferior to Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang back then.

"I knew he had a problem a long time ago, but I didn't expect him to be so tolerant."

"Then what do you want to do?" Duan Qingxun asked.

Ji Wufeng's face was full of disdain, and he said: "He was a coward back then, so he is destined not to have much future. Let him hang for now, and one day we will settle this account with him!"

Duan Qingxun's expression remained solemn and he said: "But it's best not to underestimate him."

"Of course, the fact that he can endure it till today is considered a sign of his ability."

Yingtianxia is the most luxurious and top-notch hotel in Dongyang. It is said to be a joint-stock system. Anyone with some power in Dongyang will almost have a certain share in it. The level of luxury is not even lower than that of Dongyang Palace.

This time the gambling game is set up in the reception hall of Yingtianxia. Prince Mu Tianxiaoyu of Dongyang personally announced that this time Yingtianxia will receive nearly 500 guests to watch the gambling game.

Of course, there is also a real-time live broadcast on site, and the entire gambling process will be broadcast live, so that those who cannot enter Yingtianxia can watch the entire gambling process through the big screen outside the hotel and the TV inside the hotel.

After the news spread, everyone tried their best to get the tickets, but unfortunately, this time it was an invitation system, and you could only enter with an invitation letter, and everyone who got the invitation letter had a high position and authority. People with strong backgrounds are at a higher level than those who cannot enter.

Mu Tian Xiaoyu was the first to show up, holding Mu Tian Wanyu's arm and appearing in the middle of the hall. He was the host and the arbiter of the bet.

It was undoubtedly a very grand event for His Highness the Prince to attend in person, but considering the identities and status of the three people involved in the gambling game, they also deserved Mu Tianxiaoyu to attend in person.

"Dear guests, I am Mu Tianxiaoyu. I am very honored to be the host and arbitrator of today's gambling. This will be my lifelong honor!" Mu Tianxiaoyu greeted all the guests humbly and politely.

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