Ji Wufeng turned his head and looked at the expressionless Ye Linglong again, resisting the severe pain in his heart and walked towards the gambling table!

The gambling game began, and the four people sat in four directions. This time the arbitrator was Mu Tianxiaoyu. Of course, he was only in name. The real arbitrator was a professional, and he was just responsible for announcing the results.

The croupier in charge of this gambling game came up. She was a gorgeous beauty, which made everyone stunned. However, everyone was quickly stunned because the croupier turned out to be Mu Tian Wanyu, the princess of the Dongyang royal family!

Her Majesty the Princess actually acted as the croupier for a gambling game. This has never happened before and has never been heard of before.

However, everyone who is familiar with Mu Tian Wanyu knows that she is best friends with Qianye Haruko, the former beauty gambling king of the Chiba family, and even once belonged to the same family. Even if her gambling skills are not as good as Qianye Haruko, she is probably not inferior. too much!

"What do you four want to bet on?" Mu Tian Wanyu asked very politely.

Usef smiled and said: "I think all three of you don't mind leaving this decision to the beautiful princess, right?"

The three of them nodded in agreement. The bet between them was no longer about gambling skills, but about strength, so it didn't matter what they bet on.

"Then let's play poker. Do you need me to explain the rules to you?" Mu Tian Wanyu said.

"No need."

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "We are all so familiar with each other, so don't make it so complicated. Keep it simple and just smoke the big and small!"

The simplest bet is that whoever draws the biggest card wins. The biggest card in a deck is the Ace of Spades.

Although this is the simplest gambling method, it tests the contestants' skills the most. If they are not quick-sighted, they will not have any chance of winning.

Since Ji Wufeng has already brought it up, others will naturally not object, and the gambling game officially begins.

A brand new deck of playing cards turned into a long dragon in Mu Tian Wanyu's hands, with different colors flashing in front of everyone's eyes. It was dazzling and exciting!

Suddenly, a long dragon of various colors leaped into the sky, exploded suddenly, and the playing card queen fell down like scattered flowers. Mu Tian Wanyu stood there like a fairy with hundreds of flowers.

Some people exclaimed that this is a gambling technique called Tiannv Sanhua, which is not unusual. However, it can be used in such a superb and dazzling way. Even some seniors in the gambling industry have seen it for the first time.

With the eyesight of Usef and the other four, they instantly locked onto the Ace of Spades. Chiba Yu was the first to take action and grabbed it in the air.


Gu Tianyang slapped the table, Qianye Yu missed the target, and the Ace of Spades instantly changed direction and flew in the direction of Gu Tianyang.

Usef also moved, and with a flick of his finger, the Ace of Spades flew over, and was about to fall into Usef's hands. Ji Wufeng also moved, and suddenly roared.

The strong airflow caused the Ace of Spades to change its direction again, but instead of flying towards Ji Wufeng, it flew towards Qianye Yu.

Everyone was stunned. Could it be that Ji Wufeng was inferior to Gu Tianyang and Usef?

Seeing the Ace of Spades flying towards him, Qianye Yu was overjoyed and opened his big hands to grab it, but Ji Wufeng's body also became violent and he also grabbed it.

A cold light flashed in Gu Tianyang's eyes, and his palms flew. The Ace of Spades flew out again. Qianye Yu missed it, and Ji Wufeng missed it too. However, he did not retract his stretched out palm, but still grabbed it. , but no matter how everyone looked at it, it didn't look like a death grip, but a slap.


Ji Wufeng slapped Qianye Yu hard on the face.

In an instant, the whole place fell silent!

A slap in the face or not, Ji Wufeng actually slapped Qianye Yu in front of so many people? This is a life-and-death feud!

Ji Wufeng stepped back and said apologetically: "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't hold back my strength for a moment, and your face was too close again. Didn't it hurt you?"

Can't hold it in? Can you hold back a poker card? Who are you trying to fool?

This bastard must have done it on purpose. This was the unanimous thought in everyone's mind. The two of them already had deep grudges, and because of Mingyue's incident, and Ji Wufeng's temper, it would be strange not to take the opportunity to deal with Qianye Yu.

Mingyue hated Qianye Yu so much at this time. When she saw him being slapped in the face by Ji Wufeng in public, she almost couldn't help laughing. What surprised her was that she actually felt a sense of being loved and protected. Happiness.

Everything was told to her by Gu Tianyang. She was looking carefully at Ji Wufeng. Was he really an inhumane and heinous devil?

But why am I so kind to him subconsciously, and why do I feel a sense of security in him that I have never felt before?

Is he really an important person to me?

An extremely absurd idea suddenly popped into Mingyue's heart!

But this is absolutely impossible. My eldest brother will not lie to me, and I have never met him. He must have some intention in approaching me. He is my eldest brother's enemy, and I absolutely cannot trust him.


Qianye Yu was so angry that he almost went crazy. He didn't even take revenge for being bullied by Ji Wufeng five years ago. Today, he was slapped loudly in front of so many people. He was going crazy.


He slapped Ji Wufeng with his backhand and wanted to fight back on the spot, but when Ji Wufeng moved away with a swipe of his head, he grinned and said, "I didn't hit you, you didn't hit me!"

Everyone was instantly confused. Why was this bastard fighting like a kindergarten kid? After taking advantage, he was almost dancing for joy.

The more than 500 guests, most of whom were from Dongyang, were furious when they saw Qianye Yu being humiliated. They wished they could eat Ji Wufeng alive on the spot.

Qianye Yu is the face of Dongyang people, and that big mouth slap not only slaps Qianye Yu in the face, but also slaps them in the face.

Qianye Yu is self-aware and knows that he cannot defeat others. If he continues to entangle, he will only end up humiliating himself.

The gambling game is still going on. The Ace of Spades flies towards Gu Tianyang. Usef's domineering momentum suppresses him. An ordinary playing card is filled with unparalleled power. It lies between the two of them. Give in.

Ji Wufeng and Qianye Yu took action again, opening their hands in the air to grab the playing cards!

The joining of the two people made Gu Tianyang and Usef's momentum become more domineering. Qianye Yu arrived first and caught the playing cards, but then saw Ji Wufeng's claws suddenly turned into hand knives, with sharp power. Hit it directly on the playing card!


The playing cards were filled with the infinite energy of Gu Tianyang and Usef. Ji Wufeng's attack was like a fuse, directly detonating the power contained in the playing cards and exploding.

Since he knew that these people were all perverts, Mu Tianxiaoyu had already anticipated that there would be an emergency, and immediately several royal masters rushed out and surrounded the gambling table to prevent the energy from the explosion from dispersing. Ji Wufeng turned his head and looked at the expressionless Ye Linglong again, resisting the severe pain in his heart and walked towards the gambling table!

The gambling game began, and the four people sat in four directions. This time the arbitrator was Mu Tianxiaoyu. Of course, he was only in name. The real arbitrator was a professional, and he was just responsible for announcing the results.

The croupier in charge of this gambling game came up. She was a gorgeous beauty, which made everyone stunned. However, everyone was quickly stunned because the croupier turned out to be Mu Tian Wanyu, the princess of the Dongyang royal family!

Her Majesty the Princess actually acted as the croupier for a gambling game. This has never happened before and has never been heard of before.

However, everyone who is familiar with Mu Tian Wanyu knows that she is best friends with Qianye Haruko, the former beauty gambling king of the Chiba family, and even once belonged to the same family. Even if her gambling skills are not as good as Qianye Haruko, she is probably not inferior. too much!

"What do you four want to bet on?" Mu Tian Wanyu asked very politely.

Usef smiled and said: "I think all three of you don't mind leaving this decision to the beautiful princess, right?"

The three of them nodded in agreement. The bet between them was no longer about gambling skills, but about strength, so it didn't matter what they bet on.

"Then let's play poker. Do you need me to explain the rules to you?" Mu Tian Wanyu said.

"No need."

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "We are all so familiar with each other, so don't make it so complicated. Keep it simple and just smoke the big and small!"

The simplest bet is that whoever draws the biggest card wins. The biggest card in a deck is the Ace of Spades.

Although this is the simplest gambling method, it tests the contestants' skills the most. If they are not quick-sighted, they will not have any chance of winning.

Since Ji Wufeng has already brought it up, others will naturally not object, and the gambling game officially begins.

A brand new deck of playing cards turned into a long dragon in Mu Tian Wanyu's hands, with different colors flashing in front of everyone's eyes. It was dazzling and exciting!

Suddenly, a long dragon of various colors leaped into the sky, exploded suddenly, and the playing card queen fell down like scattered flowers. Mu Tian Wanyu stood there like a fairy with hundreds of flowers.

Some people exclaimed that this is a gambling technique called Tiannv Sanhua, which is not unusual. However, it can be used in such a superb and dazzling way. Even some seniors in the gambling industry have seen it for the first time.

With the eyesight of Usef and the other four, they instantly locked onto the Ace of Spades. Chiba Yu was the first to take action and grabbed it in the air.


Gu Tianyang slapped the table, Qianye Yu missed the target, and the Ace of Spades instantly changed direction and flew in the direction of Gu Tianyang.

Usef also moved, and with a flick of his finger, the Ace of Spades flew over, and was about to fall into Usef's hands. Ji Wufeng also moved, and suddenly roared.

The strong airflow caused the Ace of Spades to change its direction again, but instead of flying towards Ji Wufeng, it flew towards Qianye Yu.

Everyone was stunned. Could it be that Ji Wufeng was inferior to Gu Tianyang and Usef?

Seeing the Ace of Spades flying towards him, Qianye Yu was overjoyed and opened his big hands to grab it, but Ji Wufeng's body also became violent and he also grabbed it.

A cold light flashed in Gu Tianyang's eyes, and his palms flew. The Ace of Spades flew out again. Qianye Yu missed it, and Ji Wufeng missed it too. However, he did not retract his stretched out palm, but still grabbed it. , but no matter how everyone looked at it, it didn't look like a death grip, but a slap.


Ji Wufeng slapped Qianye Yu hard on the face.

In an instant, the whole place fell silent!

A slap in the face or not, Ji Wufeng actually slapped Qianye Yu in front of so many people? This is a life-and-death feud!

Ji Wufeng stepped back and said apologetically: "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't hold back my strength for a moment, and your face was too close again. Didn't it hurt you?"

Can't hold it in? Can you hold back a poker card? Who are you trying to fool?

This bastard must have done it on purpose. This was the unanimous thought in everyone's mind. The two of them already had deep grudges, and because of Mingyue's incident, and Ji Wufeng's temper, it would be strange not to take the opportunity to deal with Qianye Yu.

Mingyue hated Qianye Yu so much at this time. When she saw him being slapped in the face by Ji Wufeng in public, she almost couldn't help laughing. What surprised her was that she actually felt a sense of being loved and protected. Happiness.

Everything was told to her by Gu Tianyang. She was looking carefully at Ji Wufeng. Was he really an inhumane and heinous devil?

But why am I so kind to him subconsciously, and why do I feel a sense of security in him that I have never felt before?

Is he really an important person to me?

An extremely absurd idea suddenly popped into Mingyue's heart!

But this is absolutely impossible. My eldest brother will not lie to me, and I have never met him. He must have some intention in approaching me. He is my eldest brother's enemy, and I absolutely cannot trust him.


Qianye Yu was so angry that he almost went crazy. He didn't even take revenge for being bullied by Ji Wufeng five years ago. Today, he was slapped loudly in front of so many people. He was going crazy.


He slapped Ji Wufeng with his backhand and wanted to fight back on the spot, but when Ji Wufeng moved away with a swipe of his head, he grinned and said, "I didn't hit you, you didn't hit me!"

Everyone was instantly confused. Why was this bastard fighting like a kindergarten kid? After taking advantage, he was almost dancing for joy.

The more than 500 guests, most of whom were from Dongyang, were furious when they saw Qianye Yu being humiliated. They wished they could eat Ji Wufeng alive on the spot.

Qianye Yu is the face of Dongyang people, and that big mouth slap not only slaps Qianye Yu in the face, but also slaps them in the face.

Qianye Yu is self-aware and knows that he cannot defeat others. If he continues to entangle, he will only end up humiliating himself.

The gambling game is still going on. The Ace of Spades flies towards Gu Tianyang. Usef's domineering momentum suppresses him. An ordinary playing card is filled with unparalleled power. It lies between the two of them. Give in.

Ji Wufeng and Qianye Yu took action again, opening their hands in the air to grab the playing cards!

The joining of the two people made Gu Tianyang and Usef's momentum become more domineering. Qianye Yu arrived first and caught the playing cards, but then saw Ji Wufeng's claws suddenly turned into hand knives, with sharp power. Hit it directly on the playing card!


The playing cards were filled with the infinite energy of Gu Tianyang and Usef. Ji Wufeng's attack was like a fuse, directly detonating the power contained in the playing cards and exploding.

Since he knew that these people were all perverts, Mu Tianxiaoyu had already anticipated that there would be an emergency, and immediately several royal masters rushed out and surrounded the gambling table to prevent the energy from the explosion from dispersing.

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