Ji Wufeng smiled at Mu Tian Wanyu and said, "Your Highness Wanyu, it's up to you to reveal it."

Mu Tian Wanyu was so frightened just now that her face turned pale. She forced herself to calm down and stepped forward to open the three dice cups.

Everyone's eyes immediately gathered together, staring directly at the three dice cups.

Mu Tian Wanyu opened Ji Wufeng's and Usef's dice cups in turn. Everyone was shocked. The collisions just now were three dice cups colliding. Such a terrifying impact force showed how terrible damage would be caused. force.

The dice in the dice cup have turned into a pile of powder, but the red numbers indicating the points are like stars in the sky. It is impossible to count them. If a little bit of red is counted as a little bit, it will be impossible to calculate.

When Mu Tian Wanyu was about to reach out and open Gu Tianyang's dice cup, there was a sudden bang, and the dice cup exploded. The dice inside and the entire dice cup were blown into powder, and nothing was left. .

Usef and Ji Wufeng had countless points, but Gu Tianyang had none. Gu Tianyang was eliminated in this round.

Although they knew that someone would definitely be eliminated, when the result was announced, everyone was still a little unbelievable, just because they knew how strong Gu Tianyang was from the moment they heard Gu Tianyang's name, and he actually lost.

"I lost, I'm willing to accept the defeat!" Gu Tianyang stood up, turned around and left with an indifferent expression.

Everyone was stunned. Did he admit defeat so readily and leave so easily?

After Gu Tianyang left, Qianye Yu also left, and Mingyue glanced at Ji Wufeng with a strange expression.


Ji Wufeng wanted to keep her, but he knew he couldn't do it yet.

Gu Tianyang and his party left, but Ye Linglong did not leave. This was a bet between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang. Ye Linglong was the bet. If Gu Tianyang lost, Ye Linglong would stay.

Two of the four contestants left at once, leaving only Usev and Ji Wufeng. The next step is the peak showdown, right?

Ji Wufeng looked at Usef and said, "Can you give me a reason?"

"My reason is very simple. As long as I like someone, life is my person and death is my dead person!" Usef said with a smile.

What a reason to be arrogant and domineering, but the conversation between the two made people confused. Could there be some hidden secret in it?

No one knew that when three dice cups collided in the sky, it was not that the three dice cups collided with each other, but that Usev and Ji Wufeng joined forces to collide with Gu Tianyang.

Otherwise, Ji Wufeng would not be able to easily destroy Gu Tianyang's cup and make him out.

There was an inextricable hatred between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang. No matter what his purpose was, Usef helped Ji Wufeng.

"Then do we still need to continue?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Usef shook his head and said: "There is no need for that. The gambling table can no longer satisfy the competition between you and me."

That's right, no matter what they bet on next, it means nothing to the two of them. Usef is right, the gambling table can no longer satisfy the competition between them. To distinguish between them, they must go through a game. A real life and death showdown!

Usef also left, and this huge gambling game of the century ended hastily. There were only two games, and the time was only a blink of an eye, but it was

Everyone present was shocked.

Ye Linglong was brought back, and everyone except Ji Wufeng left, leaving a separate space.

Feeling the cold murderous intent and indifference on Ye Linglong's body, Ji Wufeng felt as if a knife was cutting into his heart. He stepped forward and gently hugged Ye Linglong's shoulders, hugged her tightly and said, "I finally found you."

I still remember the first time the two met, Ye Linglong was just a minor girl, but at that time Ye Linglong had already shown her extraordinary and terrifying IQ.

From the beginning, Ji Wufeng knew Ye Linglong's thoughts, but he never cared about it. She was just a little girl, and her thoughts were always changeable. When she matured and met more boys, she would naturally find what she really liked. people.

But everything happened before Ye Linglong found the person she really liked.

During the Xiao Mingyu incident, Ye Linglong sided with Ji Wufeng without hesitation, even throwing the entire Ye family as a bargaining chip!

Ji Wufeng lost his memory and disappeared. Ye Linglong went to the east to build the Dragon Hall for him and a super energy empire for him!

During the battle with the Nine-Headed Insect, Ye Linglong flew away with Gu Yun without any hesitation. Everyone knew that it was an extremely dangerous road, but Ye Linglong has made it this far.

Ji Wufeng didn't know if Ye Linglong had ever regretted it, but he knew that he owed her so much.

He jumped out of the window with Ye Linglong in his arms and landed under a cherry blossom tree. He accompanied Shangguan Yao to see the cherry blossoms. He danced with Alina, but he never saw any flowers with Ye Linglong.

Ye Linglong has grown up, and she is still the little witch sister that Ji Wufeng loves and hates in his heart, but she is also a woman who can give everything for him and make it difficult for him to let go!

"Look how beautiful these cherry blossoms are? I don't know if you will like them!"

"The eastern region is developing very well. Your dream of an energy empire has been realized. As for Expedition International, not even the scum is left."

"From now on, let's settle in the eastern region, okay? You founded it yourself and it belongs entirely to you. I am willing to accompany you there until you grow old!"

Ji Wufeng kept talking to Ye Linglong as if they were chatting. However, unfortunately, the cold evil aura on Ye Linglong's body did not diminish at all. He was still cold and unfriendly to strangers, and his mood did not show any fluctuations.

"Don't worry, I will take you home when I finish my work!" Ji Wufeng hugged Ye Linglong tightly, for fear that she would disappear if he let go.


Ji Wufeng's brows suddenly furrowed and his expression turned painful. Looking down, he saw that his abdomen was pierced by a palm, and that palm belonged to Ye Linglong.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter. I know this is not your own wish at all. You just can't control yourself, right?" A smile appeared on Ji Wufeng's face, and wisps of blood spilled from his mouth.

He was in pain, but it was not the pain in the wound, but the pain in his heart, for Ye Linglong.

Ye Linglong took out her palm, and the blood on it was shocking. There was confusion in her eyes. Suddenly, a gloomy and biting evil aura spread throughout her body, and a fierce cold light shot out from her eyes. She stretched out her palm to grab Ji Wufeng's hand. Neck, she wants to kill someone!

A tall and tall body rushed over and punched Ye Linglong violently, sending Ye Linglong flying away. It was Nie Tianfeng who arrived. Ji Wufeng smiled at Mu Tian Wanyu and said, "Your Highness Wanyu, it's up to you to reveal it."

Mu Tian Wanyu was so frightened just now that her face turned pale. She forced herself to calm down and stepped forward to open the three dice cups.

Everyone's eyes immediately gathered together, staring directly at the three dice cups.

Mu Tian Wanyu opened Ji Wufeng's and Usef's dice cups in turn. Everyone was shocked. The collisions just now were three dice cups colliding. Such a terrifying impact force showed how terrible damage would be caused. force.

The dice in the dice cup have turned into a pile of powder, but the red numbers indicating the points are like stars in the sky. It is impossible to count them. If a little bit of red is counted as a little bit, it will be impossible to calculate.

When Mu Tian Wanyu was about to reach out and open Gu Tianyang's dice cup, there was a sudden bang, and the dice cup exploded. The dice inside and the entire dice cup were blown into powder, and nothing was left. .

Usef and Ji Wufeng had countless points, but Gu Tianyang had none. Gu Tianyang was eliminated in this round.

Although they knew that someone would definitely be eliminated, when the result was announced, everyone was still a little unbelievable, just because they knew how strong Gu Tianyang was from the moment they heard Gu Tianyang's name, and he actually lost.

"I lost, I'm willing to accept the defeat!" Gu Tianyang stood up, turned around and left with an indifferent expression.

Everyone was stunned. Did he admit defeat so readily and leave so easily?

After Gu Tianyang left, Qianye Yu also left, and Mingyue glanced at Ji Wufeng with a strange expression.


Ji Wufeng wanted to keep her, but he knew he couldn't do it yet.

Gu Tianyang and his party left, but Ye Linglong did not leave. This was a bet between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang. Ye Linglong was the bet. If Gu Tianyang lost, Ye Linglong would stay.

Two of the four contestants left at once, leaving only Usev and Ji Wufeng. The next step is the peak showdown, right?

Ji Wufeng looked at Usef and said, "Can you give me a reason?"

"My reason is very simple. As long as I like someone, life is my person and death is my dead person!" Usef said with a smile.

What a reason to be arrogant and domineering, but the conversation between the two made people confused. Could there be some hidden secret in it?

No one knew that when three dice cups collided in the sky, it was not that the three dice cups collided with each other, but that Usev and Ji Wufeng joined forces to collide with Gu Tianyang.

Otherwise, Ji Wufeng would not be able to easily destroy Gu Tianyang's cup and make him out.

There was an inextricable hatred between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang. No matter what his purpose was, Usef helped Ji Wufeng.

"Then do we still need to continue?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Usef shook his head and said: "There is no need for that. The gambling table can no longer satisfy the competition between you and me."

That's right, no matter what they bet on next, it means nothing to the two of them. Usef is right, the gambling table can no longer satisfy the competition between them. To distinguish between them, they must go through a game. A real life and death showdown!

Usef also left, and this huge gambling game of the century ended hastily. There were only two games, and the time was only a blink of an eye, but it was

Everyone present was shocked.

Ye Linglong was brought back, and everyone except Ji Wufeng left, leaving a separate space.

Feeling the cold murderous intent and indifference on Ye Linglong's body, Ji Wufeng felt as if a knife was cutting into his heart. He stepped forward and gently hugged Ye Linglong's shoulders, hugged her tightly and said, "I finally found you."

I still remember the first time the two met, Ye Linglong was just a minor girl, but at that time Ye Linglong had already shown her extraordinary and terrifying IQ.

From the beginning, Ji Wufeng knew Ye Linglong's thoughts, but he never cared about it. She was just a little girl, and her thoughts were always changeable. When she matured and met more boys, she would naturally find what she really liked. people.

But everything happened before Ye Linglong found the person she really liked.

During the Xiao Mingyu incident, Ye Linglong sided with Ji Wufeng without hesitation, even throwing the entire Ye family as a bargaining chip!

Ji Wufeng lost his memory and disappeared. Ye Linglong went to the east to build the Dragon Hall for him and a super energy empire for him!

During the battle with the Nine-Headed Insect, Ye Linglong flew away with Gu Yun without any hesitation. Everyone knew that it was an extremely dangerous road, but Ye Linglong has made it this far.

Ji Wufeng didn't know if Ye Linglong had ever regretted it, but he knew that he owed her so much.

He jumped out of the window with Ye Linglong in his arms and landed under a cherry blossom tree. He accompanied Shangguan Yao to see the cherry blossoms. He danced with Alina, but he never saw any flowers with Ye Linglong.

Ye Linglong has grown up, and she is still the little witch sister that Ji Wufeng loves and hates in his heart, but she is also a woman who can give everything for him and make it difficult for him to let go!

"Look how beautiful these cherry blossoms are? I don't know if you will like them!"

"The eastern region is developing very well. Your dream of an energy empire has been realized. As for Expedition International, not even the scum is left."

"From now on, let's settle in the eastern region, okay? You founded it yourself and it belongs entirely to you. I am willing to accompany you there until you grow old!"

Ji Wufeng kept talking to Ye Linglong as if they were chatting. However, unfortunately, the cold evil aura on Ye Linglong's body did not diminish at all. He was still cold and unfriendly to strangers, and his mood did not show any fluctuations.

"Don't worry, I will take you home when I finish my work!" Ji Wufeng hugged Ye Linglong tightly, for fear that she would disappear if he let go.


Ji Wufeng's brows suddenly furrowed and his expression turned painful. Looking down, he saw that his abdomen was pierced by a palm, and that palm belonged to Ye Linglong.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter. I know this is not your own wish at all. You just can't control yourself, right?" A smile appeared on Ji Wufeng's face, and wisps of blood spilled from his mouth.

He was in pain, but it was not the pain in the wound, but the pain in his heart, for Ye Linglong.

Ye Linglong took out her palm, and the blood on it was shocking. There was confusion in her eyes. Suddenly, a gloomy and biting evil aura spread throughout her body, and a fierce cold light shot out from her eyes. She stretched out her palm to grab Ji Wufeng's hand. Neck, she wants to kill someone!

A tall and tall body rushed over and punched Ye Linglong violently, sending Ye Linglong flying away. It was Nie Tianfeng who arrived.

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