But suddenly, a fierce cold light flashed in Xia Luofeng's eyes, and he slapped Lin Tiannan on the back with a fierce palm. Lin Tiannan made a "poof" sound, blood spurted out from his mouth, and his body flew out and was hit. Heavy damage!

Everyone was shocked. Kong Ming shouted in disbelief: "Xia Luofeng, are you crazy?"

Xia Luofeng smiled coldly, stepped forward and stomped on Lin Tiannan's chest, exuding this cold and terrifying murderous intent.

Gu Tianyang said calmly to Ji Wufeng: "He is not crazy, on the contrary, he is very sober. Ji Wufeng, you are not the only one who knows how to place people around your opponent, I will do the same!"

What? .??.

Xia Luofeng, the most powerful person of his generation in the Zhengqi Sect, who was regarded as a brother by Ji Wufeng, was actually Gu Tianyang's secret agent around Ji Wufeng all along?

Everyone recalled that Ning Tianyu, the former top master of Taiji Sect, was from Gu Tianyang. However, he was exposed during the battle on the coast of the East China Sea. It would be easy to break up. Even masters of this level surrendered to Gu Tianyang. , then why can’t others?

It's just that Xia Luofeng's hiding was too deep. He didn't show the slightest trace for so many years, and he even became close with Ji Wufeng and was regarded as a life-and-death brother!

Ji Wufeng had always believed that there must be someone from Gu Tianyang around him, just like Ning Tianyu. He had thought more than once that that person should be Nie Canglong, because Nie Canglong's strength had grown too fast.

However, during the battle at Tongtian Peak, he gave up his doubts about Nie Zanglong, thinking that he was just being suspicious. He didn't expect that there was still a culprit, but he never expected that it was Xia Luofeng who was usually laughing and joking and seemed to have the least scheming.

"Xia Luofeng, you shameless thief, I still treat you as my brother in vain!" Kong Ming, who had the best relationship with Xia Luofeng, said angrily.

Xia Luofeng snorted coldly: "If I were just a nobody, would you still regard me as your brother? Everything I have is given by the Lord, and no matter what I do, there is nothing wrong with me."

Shi Yiren also had a look of hatred on her face and said, "No matter what, it can't change the fact that you are a traitor."

"I am originally from the Lord, there is no such thing as a traitor." Xia Luofeng said disdainfully.

It was difficult for everyone to accept it, but the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect who were least willing to accept the reality at this time shouted: "Senior Brother Luo Feng, I didn't expect you to be a traitor. Today I am going to clean up the door for the Zhengqi Sect!"

The Zhengqi Sect has always been the upright martial arts sect in the world, but there is a traitor like Xia Luofeng. How can they not be extremely sad and angry?

"Hmph, you are a bunch of trash and you are worthy of cleaning up the house? You don't know how to live or die!" Xia Luofeng said with disdain on his face.

"Kill Xia Luofeng and defend Zhengqi Sect's thousand-year reputation!"

A Zhengqi Sect disciple roared fiercely, raised his weapon and charged at Xia Luofeng, but saw a ray of light suddenly appear in Xia Luofeng's eyes, and the Zhengqi Sect disciple's body suddenly exploded with a bang, and he died. No whole body!

Everyone was shocked, how could this happen?

Tian Wuxin said coldly: "Xia Luofeng has already practiced demonic skills, and he has already planted demonic root seeds in the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect!"

Hearing Tian Wuxin's words, everyone's expressions suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, Xia Luofeng fell into the devil's path, and was so vicious that he planted a devil's root seed in his fellow apprentices.

Xia Luofeng hehe

He smiled and said: "Yes, I have indeed been granted demonic powers by the Lord a long time ago. Not only did I plant demonic root seeds in him, but I also planted demonic root seeds in all the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect."

It can be said that all the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect are now controlled by Xia Luofeng. As long as he wants, he can kill the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect anytime and anywhere.

"Senior Brother Luo Feng, why, why do you do this to us?" A female disciple from the Zhengqi Sect had tears on her face. She was Xia Luofeng's junior sister and Xia Luofeng's admirer.

A junior brother who admired Xia Luofeng shouted: "Senior Brother Luo Feng, this is not true. You must have been forced, right? You can't help yourself!"

All the Zhengqi Sect disciples looked at Xia Luofeng expectantly. They did not want to believe that their beloved and respected senior brother would treat them so viciously.

They lived together in Zhengqimen and grew up together, just like brothers and sisters. They should be the closest people to each other!

"Gu Tianyang, you must have coerced Senior Brother Luo Feng, I want to kill you!"

The junior brother was filled with grief and anger, and rushed towards Gu Tianyang. A faint light flashed in Xia Luofeng's eyes, and the junior brother was shattered into pieces with a "boom" before he even touched Gu Tianyang.

All the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect had dull faces, and the little junior brother died like this, his body shattered into pieces.

"Humph, you stubborn loser deserves to die!"

Xia Luofeng said coldly: "Since you still recognize me as senior brother, then I will naturally miss a trace of friendship and surrender to the Lord with me now. There is still a way to survive. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

This is an undisguised threat. If the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect do not choose to betray with him, they will die.

Ji Wufeng was angry, stared at Gu Tianyang, and said, "Gu Tianyang, you only know these despicable tricks? Don't you dare to fight me openly?"

Gu Tianyang said coldly: "Are you qualified to say that to me? Don't forget, you have many people around me, I'm just retaliating with tooth!"

"You can't turn things around even if you do this?" Nie Tianfeng said angrily.

"But I don't think so."

A figure suddenly shot out from the side and ran towards the direction that everyone ignored, Mingyue!

A long black sword was pressed against Mingyue's neck. Ji Wufeng recognized the sword as a dark sacred weapon of the Dark Vatican. The one who took action was Catherine, who was also a traitor arranged by Gu Tianyang.

Seeing the surprise on Ji Wufeng's face, Catherine said coldly: "You didn't expect that I am also a member of the Lord, did you?"

"Does it make sense for you to do this? Don't forget that you swore a blood oath to me." Ji Wufeng said.

Gu Tianyang said: "But she had already found me before she swore a blood oath to you, and I had already destroyed the Holy Court and avenged her."

Ji Wufeng was immediately shocked. Gu Tianyang had actually destroyed the Holy Court, the Holy Land that had been passed down for thousands of years!

It turned out that before Jackson was killed, Catherine thought about asking Ji Wufeng to help her avenge her, but she met Gu Tianyang first. Gu Tianyang did not hesitate to travel to the west. Without the old Holy Lord, no one in the Holy Court could devour Gu Yunfei. Gu Tianyang's subsequent opponents, almost all the people in the Holy Court were killed by Gu Tianyang and a dozen young strong men.

Catherine discovered the bloody oath to Gu Tianyang and became a slave for life, and Gu Tianyang's task for her was to get close to Ji Wufeng. But suddenly, a fierce cold light flashed in Xia Luofeng's eyes, and he slapped Lin Tiannan on the back with a fierce palm. Lin Tiannan made a "poof" sound, blood spurted out from his mouth, and his body flew out and was hit by Heavy damage!

Everyone was shocked. Kong Ming shouted in disbelief: "Xia Luofeng, are you crazy?"

Xia Luofeng smiled coldly, stepped forward and stomped on Lin Tiannan's chest, exuding this cold and terrifying murderous intent.

Gu Tianyang said calmly to Ji Wufeng: "He is not crazy, on the contrary, he is very sober. Ji Wufeng, you are not the only one who knows how to place people around your opponent, I will do the same!"


Xia Luofeng, the most powerful person of his generation in the Zhengqi Sect, who was regarded as a brother by Ji Wufeng, was actually the secret agent placed by Gu Tianyang around Ji Wufeng?

Everyone recalled that Ning Tianyu, the former top master of Tai Chi Sect, was from Gu Tianyang. However, he was exposed during the battle on the coast of the East China Sea. It would be easy to break up. Even masters of this level surrendered to Gu Tianyang. , then why can’t others?

It's just that Xia Luofeng's hiding was too deep. He didn't show the slightest trace for so many years, and he even became close with Ji Wufeng and was regarded as a life-and-death brother!

Ji Wufeng had always believed that there must be someone from Gu Tianyang around him, just like Ning Tianyu. He had thought more than once that that person should be Nie Canglong, because Nie Canglong's strength had grown too fast.

However, during the battle at Tongtian Peak, he gave up his doubts about Nie Zanglong, thinking that he was the culprit of suspicion. He didn't expect that there was still a culprit, but he never expected that it was Xia Luofeng who was usually laughing and joking and seemed to have the least scheming. ??

"Xia Luofeng, you shameless thief, I still treat you as my brother in vain!" Kong Ming, who had the best relationship with Xia Luofeng, said angrily.

Xia Luofeng snorted coldly: "If I were just a nobody, would you still regard me as your brother? Everything I have is given by the Lord, and no matter what I do, there is nothing wrong with me."

Shi Yiren also had a look of hatred on her face and said, "No matter what, it can't change the fact that you are a traitor."

"I am originally from the Lord, there is no such thing as a traitor." Xia Luofeng said disdainfully.

It was difficult for everyone to accept it, but the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect who were least willing to accept the reality at this time shouted: "Senior Brother Luo Feng, I didn't expect you to be a traitor. Today I am going to clean up the door for the Zhengqi Sect!"

The Zhengqi Sect has always been the upright martial arts sect in the world, but there is a traitor like Xia Luofeng. How can they not be extremely sad and angry?

"Hmph, you are a bunch of trash and you are worthy of cleaning up the house? You don't know how to live or die!" Xia Luofeng said with disdain on his face.

"Kill Xia Luofeng and defend Zhengqi Sect's thousand-year reputation!"

A Zhengqi Sect disciple roared fiercely, raised his weapon and charged at Xia Luofeng, but saw a ray of light suddenly appear in Xia Luofeng's eyes, and the Zhengqi Sect disciple's body suddenly exploded with a bang, and he died. No whole body!

Everyone was shocked, how could this happen?

Tian Wuxin said coldly: "Xia Luofeng has already practiced demonic skills, and he has already planted demonic root seeds in the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect!"

Hearing Tian Wuxin's words, everyone's expressions suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, Xia Luofeng fell into the devil's path, and was so vicious that he planted a devil's root seed on his fellow apprentices.

Xia Luofeng hehe

He smiled and said: "Yes, I have indeed been granted demonic powers by the Lord a long time ago. Not only did I plant demonic root seeds in him, but I also planted demonic root seeds in all the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect."

It can be said that all the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect are now controlled by Xia Luofeng with the power of life and death. As long as he wants, he can kill the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect anytime and anywhere.

"Senior Brother Luo Feng, why, why do you do this to us?" A female disciple from the Zhengqi Sect had tears on her face. She was Xia Luofeng's junior sister and Xia Luofeng's admirer.

A junior brother who admired Xia Luofeng shouted: "Senior Brother Luo Feng, this is not true. You must have been forced, right? You can't help yourself!"

All the Zhengqi Sect disciples looked at Xia Luofeng expectantly. They did not want to believe that their beloved and respected senior brother would treat them so viciously.

They lived together in Zhengqimen and grew up together, just like brothers and sisters. They should be the closest people to each other!

"Gu Tianyang, you must have coerced Senior Brother Luo Feng, I want to kill you!"

The junior brother was filled with grief and anger, and rushed towards Gu Tianyang. A faint light flashed in Xia Luofeng's eyes, and the junior brother was shattered into pieces with a "boom" before he even touched Gu Tianyang.

All the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect had dull faces, and the little junior brother died like this, his body shattered into pieces.

"Humph, you stubborn loser deserves to die!"

Xia Luofeng said coldly: "Since you still recognize me as senior brother, then I will naturally miss a trace of friendship and surrender to the Lord with me now. There is still a way to survive. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

This is an undisguised threat. If the disciples of the Zhengqi Sect do not choose to betray with him, they will die.

Ji Wufeng was angry, stared at Gu Tianyang, and said, "Gu Tianyang, you only know these despicable tricks? Don't you dare to fight me openly?"

Gu Tianyang said coldly: "Are you qualified to say that to me? Don't forget, you have many people around me, I'm just retaliating with tooth!"

"You can't turn things around even if you do this?" Nie Tianfeng said angrily.

"But I don't think so."

A figure suddenly shot out from the side and ran towards the direction that everyone ignored, Mingyue!

A long black sword was pressed against Mingyue's neck. Ji Wufeng recognized the sword as a dark sacred weapon of the Dark Vatican. The one who took action was Catherine, who was also a traitor arranged by Gu Tianyang.

Seeing the surprise on Ji Wufeng's face, Catherine said coldly: "You didn't expect that I am also a member of the Lord, did you?"

"Does it make sense for you to do this? Don't forget that you swore a blood oath to me." Ji Wufeng said.

Gu Tianyang said: "But she had already found me before she swore a blood oath to you, and I had already destroyed the Holy Court and avenged her."

Ji Wufeng was immediately shocked. Gu Tianyang had actually destroyed the Holy Court, the Holy Land that had been passed down for thousands of years!

It turned out that before Jackson was killed, Catherine thought about asking Ji Wufeng to help her avenge her, but she met Gu Tianyang first. Gu Tianyang did not hesitate to travel to the west. Without the old Holy Lord, no one in the Holy Court could devour Gu Yunfei. Gu Tianyang's subsequent opponents, almost all the people in the Holy Court were killed by Gu Tianyang and a dozen young strong men.

Catherine discovered the bloody oath to Gu Tianyang and became a slave for life, and Gu Tianyang's task for her was to get close to Ji Wufeng.

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