Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1918 I am not the bright moon

However, Gu Tianyang actually used his bare hands to catch Yun Shang's sword light with a claw in the air, and the sword light instantly disintegrated!

The sharp-edged sword energy came from all over the sky, like a large invisible net rushing towards Gu Tianyang, it was Wuchen!


Gu Tianyang looked up to the sky and roared. The demonic power was mighty and the tyrannical power surged up. The sword net woven by the sword energy was directly disintegrated.

Back then, any one of the three could compete with Gu Tianyang, but now Gu Tianyang has devoured Gu Yunfei, and his combat power has increased dramatically. The three of them can no longer compete with him.

"I am the strongest in heaven and on earth. No matter who dares to block my way, they will die!" Gu Tianyang's eyes flashed with cold light, and his tone was cold and ruthless!

The hostility on his body was no longer concealed at all, and the Yun Danfengqing he once was was no longer seen. The person in front of him had turned into an unparalleled demon god!

Tian Wuxin and the other three looked at each other. If they wanted to stop Gu Tianyang, the only way for the three of them to work together was to fend off the enemy.

The former Young Supreme, now the Holy Lord, has three people working together to fight one person alone, which is shocking to the world, but Gu Tianyang is worthy of their attack together!


Tian Wuxin's arrogant demonic body rose up again, crushing towards Gu Tianyang mercilessly. The swords of Yun Shang and Wu Chen combined, with the momentum of splitting the heaven and earth, they beheaded towards Gu Tianyang!


The devil's body shattered, Tian Wuxin vomited blood, and two sword beams struck Gu Tianyang's body, twisting his clothes into pieces, revealing his strong body.

However, such a sharp sword light could not cut off Gu Tianyang's body, leaving only a few faint scars, which healed instantly.

Gu Tianyang's eyes widened, and two rays of light directly hit Wuchen's sword. He slapped Yun Shang with his backhand, and the two of them immediately flew out. Although they were not seriously injured after landing, they looked solemn.

Ancient days

Yang is really too strong!

No one else intervened. In a duel of this level, no one else could participate at all.

"Xia Luofeng, you shameless villain, I will kill you today!"

Kong Ming joined forces with Shi Yiren to kill Xia Luofeng with crazy anger. The others turned their targets to the iron corpse army and started a crazy killing.

The Ji Wufeng brothers were entangled by eight dark paladins. The strength of these eight dark paladins was not weaker than the dozen or so young warriors, and it was difficult to escape for a while.

Catherine raised her head to look at the bright moon still in mid-air, a fierce look flashed in her eyes, and she raised the sharp sword in her hand.

A figure stood in front of Catherine. It was Ye Linglong. She knew that Mingyue was very important to Ji Wufeng and would never allow anything to happen to her.

"Get out of my way, I don't want to kill you!" Catherine said coldly.

"Then take action!" Ye Linglong said solemnly.


Ye Linglong was slashed away by a sword, sprinkling a rain of blood in the air, but Ye Linglong had already transformed herself, healed quickly from her injuries, and stood firmly in front of Mingyue.

Catherine was furious and said with murderous intent: "Since you are deliberately seeking death, then I will give you a ride!"


Ye Linglong was knocked away again, but stood up again.

boom! boom! boom!

Ye Linglong couldn't even remember how many times she had been slashed away. The injuries on her body healed again and again, but the speed of recovery was slowing down. Even if she had been transformed, she was still a human being after all, not a real god. It was impossible not to die. Destroy!

However, most of the blood mist in the sky had been absorbed by the bright moon. Catherine was already a little anxious and said: "Let's cut off your head and see if you can recover!"

The sword struck directly at Ye Linglong's head. Ye Linglong tilted her head and the sword hit her chest. Her body flew away, blood splashed out, and she slowly collapsed to the ground. Finally, she no longer had the strength to get up. .

"Humph, I just said that you are seeking death yourself, you can't blame me!" Catherine strode forward and raised the sword in her hand.

Suddenly, Mingyue experienced another change, her mouth suddenly opened, and the remaining blood mist quickly poured into her body along her mouth and the wound on her chest.

In an instant, Mingyue's aura exploded with a bang. It was a vast and boundless power, mixed with a trace of dragon roar!

Mingyue finally completely absorbed the power of those bloodlines!

Gu Tianyang was furious and said sternly: "Kill her!"

Catherine could only let Ye Linglong go for the time being, raised her sharp sword and charged towards the bright moon in mid-air!


Ji Wufeng shouted loudly.

Seeing that Catherine's sword was about to hit Ming Yue's body, she suddenly opened her eyes, and with a clang, the sword in Catherine's hand was blocked, and it was actually caught by Ming Yue's bare hands!

That sword was a sacred weapon of the Dark Holy See. It was by no means as sharp as the Archangel Sword, but it was actually caught by Mingyue with her bare hands!

"You want to kill me?" Mingyue's eyes were so cold that it actually made Catherine retreat a little, not daring to look at her.


The next scene shocked Catherine. Mingyue waved her hand, as if breaking a dead branch, and the sword in her hand was easily broken. It was a dark sacred weapon that had been passed down for thousands of years!


"Who are you?" Catherine asked with a shocked look on her face. She felt that this person was not Mingyue.

"Who am I? I am Mingyue, but I am not Mingyue, but that doesn't seem to matter!"

Mingyue said calmly: "Now that the questions have been answered, you can die in peace!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ming Yue's body moved. Her movements were so fast that Catherine couldn't see clearly at all. Poof, she just felt a pain in her chest. Catherine looked down and saw a palm piercing her body. That is Mingyue's palm.

Catherine's body slowly fell to the ground. Before the last light in her eyes dissipated, she looked at Ji Wufeng. There was complexity in her eyes, including attachment, guilt, and relief!

Maybe Catherine didn't want to be Ji Wufeng's enemy, or she might have developed some feelings for him, but in order to take revenge, she chose Gu Tianyang. No matter how reluctant she was, she couldn't help it.

Death is a kind of relief for her, the best destination!

Ji Wufeng suddenly had a look of surprise on his face. It was so unexpected that Mingyue would become so tyrannical!

But Ye Linglong suddenly said: "You are not Mingyue, who are you?"

Ji Wufeng also felt something was wrong. Although the moon was still bright, the aura exuding from his body was completely different, especially his eyes, which were full of endless sadness and unwillingness!

"Yes, I am indeed not Mingyue."

Mingyue said calmly: "But don't be nervous, I won't exist for long, Mingyue is still there, she will come back after I disappear."

Although he couldn't explain it, Ji Wufeng already understood that she was indeed not Mingyue, she was the willpower of a dozen young strong men such as Ah Jiu. They were unwilling because their wishes had not been fulfilled and their obsessions did not allow them to dissipate.

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