"Immortal King Palace...what does it mean?"

Ji Wufeng thought about it for a while, then his expression changed and he said sternly: "Quickly retreat!"

He quickly rushed forward and slapped Wu Hao with a palm, but instead of attacking him, a vast force emerged and enveloped Wu Hao.


Wu Hao's body suddenly exploded, and Ye Linglong and others felt a violent vibration under their feet.


Ji Wufeng was thrown away by a huge force, and his body hit the wall hard. His face turned pale for a while, and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot.

"What's going on?" Ye Linglong and others were shocked.

At this time, Ji Wufeng's strength was absolutely invincible. It would be difficult to find an opponent in the world, but to be injured by Wu Hao's self-detonation was incredible.

And Ji Wufeng's face was extremely gloomy, because what shocked him was not the power of the earth's warriors at all, but the true power, the power of the cultivator!

And Wu Hao's self-destruction was not voluntary, but was restricted by someone in the sea of ​​consciousness!

All living beings, as long as they have autonomous consciousness, will have their own sea of ​​consciousness. They can set up untouchable restrictions in the sea of ​​consciousness. Once touched, the sea of ​​consciousness will disintegrate, and the power in the body will be uncontrolled, and it will self-destruct.

However, this kind of method cannot be accomplished by earthly warriors. It is a method used by cultivators!

The reason why Wu Hao became a strong man in such a short period of time must have been cultivated by cultivators. At the same time, he was also prohibited from mentioning the Immortal King Palace in his consciousness, so he exploded and died.

How can it be?

After his rebirth, although Ji Wufeng did not deliberately search for them, he had traveled half the world, and there was no trace of cultivators at all.

But what happened to Wu Hao must have been the work of a cultivator.

This made Ji Wufeng's heart sink suddenly. The existence of repair on earth

The real one, and also deliberately avoided himself, otherwise it would be impossible not to encounter him for so many years.

Just the nine-headed worm has already caused the earth to be in catastrophe. Once the cultivators take action, the world will probably change.

Because Ji Wufeng knew very well how powerful a cultivator was, a cultivator with a high level of cultivation could even blow up a planet with one blow.

In an instant, Ji Wufeng felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy and shouted in a deep voice: "Here comes someone!"

Sisters Shangguan Yao, Bai Xinyu and Bai Xinxin rushed in.

"Trace the Immortal King's Palace to me immediately, and report any clues immediately."

With the power of cultivators, it is too easy to rule the earth. If preparations are not made early, I am afraid that all life on the earth will be robbed by then.

After Shangguan Yao and others left, Ye Linglong said solemnly: "What happened?"

Ji Wufeng let out a long breath and said, "Aren't you very curious about divine warriors? In fact, that is just a name for people on earth. These people also have another name, and that is cultivators. The world where they exist is called the world of cultivation!"

He told Ye Linglong about cultivators and the world of cultivators!

After hearing this, Ye Linglong's expression changed drastically and she said, "I didn't expect that the ancient legends are all true!"

Many ancient myths are recorded in ancient classics, such as Hou Yi shooting the sun, Huang Di and Chi You fighting...

What ordinary people know are just myths and legends, which were fabricated by the ancients and do not exist at all. These ancient gods are just a way for mortals to worship the powerful power of heaven.

But what Ye Linglong understands is that these myths and legends can be traced in deeper classics, although they have never been

People have seen them, but all kinds of clues show that these ancient gods did exist.

These ancient gods are called divine warriors!

After the power of the divine warrior reaches a certain level, he will break through the void and travel to the void, which is the so-called becoming an immortal!

Now Ji Wufeng has confirmed to her that the divine warriors are cultivators, and becoming immortals should be heading to the world of cultivation!

"No, this matter must be reported immediately!" Ye Linglong said with an extremely solemn expression.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I don't think we should do it for the time being. If cultivators really come, the power of the earth will not be able to resist it. Once they are involved, it will only poison more living beings."

In the world of cultivation, there are also mortals who cannot cultivate. In the eyes of cultivators, these mortals are just a group of ants, and they will not attack them easily. However, if they are provoked, the only outcome is that they can be destroyed with a snap of their fingers!

With the current power of the earth, except for nuclear weapons, ordinary weapons cannot harm cultivators at all. However, once nuclear weapons are used, the damage caused may be greater than that of cultivators.

If the matter is revealed now, if some second-rate country gets mad and throws an atomic bomb, there will be no need for cultivators to take action, and they will kill themselves first.

"Then what should we do now?" Ye Linglong said.

"Let's investigate the matter clearly first and then talk about it."

Nothing can be done now except investigation, otherwise, once the cultivator is exposed and takes action directly, there will be no room for turning around.

However, three months later, Shangguan Yao and the Bai sisters found nothing.

Except that there are more and more young people like Wu Hao, and they know the name of "Immortal King Palace", they know nothing!

Mount Tai, Ladder to Heaven!

On top of the peak, a young man wearing a white gown and a long bun sat upright, with a face like a crown of jade and sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. This was an extremely handsome young man.

A gust of breeze blew by, and the mist came out of the dust, just like the immortal king from the sky descending to the mortal world!

Four figures flew through the air like lightning and landed in front of the young man in white.

Those were eight young people, all of them were as handsome as jade and extraordinary in bearing. They were the best among men. One of them was an acquaintance of Ji Wufeng, none other than Wan Jinglei!

I saw eight people with fanatical eyes, kneeling on one knee with admiring expressions, and respectfully said: "Greetings to the Lord of Heaven!"

The young man in white opened his eyes, his sharp gaze piercing the void like a divine punishment.

"How did things go?" the young man in white asked.

The tone was very soft and easy-going, but in the ears of the four people, it was like thunder from the sky, making people tremble all over.

Wan Jinglei lowered his head and said: "To report to Heavenly Lord, the disciples of the Immortal King Palace have spread all over the country. We only need to wait for Heavenly Lord's order to act."

"very good!"

The young man in white nodded with satisfaction, and then asked, "Is Ji Wufeng doing anything?"

"Yes, Ji Wufeng once captured a disciple of the Immortal King Palace, but due to Tianjun's prohibition, he probably didn't ask anything. He has been tracking down the Immortal King Palace during this period, but found nothing. It is difficult to measure him."

Seeing the contempt on Wan Jinglei's face, the young man in white narrowed his eyes and said, "Huh, idiot, if Ji Wufeng is really so useless, does he still need to come in person?"

Wan Jinglei suddenly looked horrified and said: "My Lord, please forgive me, I will never dare to do it again!"

"Give me the order and act accordingly!"

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