Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1930 Opening the Heavenly Gate

Wan Jinglei's face was calm, but his eyes were as sharp as a knife. Qin Hongming immediately retreated in horror.


The guards of the Ji family were furious, and four of them suddenly jumped up and rushed toward Wan Jinglei.

Wan Jing Lei did not move at all, his palms flew, and four qi energy shot out quickly.

boom! boom! boom!

A horrifying scene appeared. The bodies of the four guards suddenly exploded in mid-air and turned directly into blood mist, with no bones left.

The expressions of Wu Chang and Xiao Feng changed drastically in an instant. These four people were already at the peak of the royal realm and would step into the holy realm at any time and become half-step saint realm experts.

But he was killed instantly by Wan Jinglei so lightly.

They had to admit the fact that Wan Jinglei was not lying. He was fully capable of blocking the two of them. As long as the two of them took action, the remaining Qin Hongming and others would start a bloody massacre in Ji Gongguan. ??

Ji Wufeng is not here, and he has also taken away a large number of masters. It is not difficult to imagine that Ji Mansion will become a Shura field next.

"Put down my brother!"

With a violent roar, a tall and tall young man flew through the air. It was Ji Tianlin, and he was furious.

In front of him was a young disciple from the Immortal King Palace, holding Ji Tianqi and Ji Chenghuan in his hands!

Wan Jinglei's eyes flickered and he said, "You came just in time."

With a wave of his hand, Ji Tianlin stumbled in mid-air, and then his body flew in front of Wan Jinglei.

"Asshole, let me go, I'm going to be angry!"

Ji Tianlin roared. Although he was still, it could be seen from his expression that he was struggling desperately, but it was just in vain.

Wan Jinglei smiled slightly and said to Wu Chang and Xiao Feng: "Thank you both for your support. I will also keep my promise and never touch anyone in the Ji family again."

Then Wan Jinglei waved his hand, and all the disciples of the Immortal King Palace left one after another.


Wu Chang and Xiao Feng had cold eyes and distorted facial features. At this time, they were almost mad with anger, but they knew that they could not act rashly.

Otherwise, not only will they not be able to save the Ji Tianlin brothers and sisters, they will also cause the entire Ji Mansion to suffer disaster!

"Hahaha...Brother Wuchang, Brother Xiao Feng, there is no need to panic. The thunder will definitely not harm the Ji brothers and sisters. In three days, Brother Ji Wufeng can go to Mount Tai to climb the ladder to retrieve his children!"


At the same time, Ji Wufeng had arrived at the Heavenly Palace. As expected, as the intelligence said, there were numerous casualties among the disciples in the palace, Yun Shang was injured, and several ancestors of the Yun family who were in retreat were missing!

"what's going on?"

Ji Wufeng asked after helping Yun Shang heal his injuries.

Yun Shang took a long breath and said sharply: "The other party's target should be my master and a few elders, not the entire Tiangong. Otherwise, there will be no living person in the Yun family at this time."

Yunshang was injured by two young men jointly. She was invincible. If the other party wanted to kill her, she would probably be a corpse by now.

The masters brought by the two young men were also extremely powerful and could not be resisted by the disciples of the Yun family. If the two young men had not walked away in the end, all the disciples of Tiangong would have been killed.

Ji Wufeng also believed that Yun Shang was right. The purpose of coming to Tiangong should be the senior masters of the Yun family. The reason why he retreated was because he had already succeeded.

But he couldn't understand why the other party did this.

Although the seniors of the Yun family were once peak experts, they are on the verge of decay and their combat power has been greatly reduced. They are not a greater threat than Yun Shang. What does the other party want to do?

Immediately, people who went to Jinlong Temple, Shennong Valley, Demon Sect and Taoist Sect came to report, and Wuchen who rushed back to Jialuo Temple received news. The situation was the same as that of the Heavenly Palace, Kong Ming, Shi Yiren, Tian Wuxin, Ma Tianlin and others. Wuchen was injured by a team of people, and numerous disciples were killed or injured.

Moreover, some of the elders of these sects who were once peak experts were kidnapped.

At the same time, please leave a message. In three days, you can go to the Mount Tai Ladder to pick up the elders from your master!

Ji Wufeng's heart sank. He thought that Nie Changkong, Yun Zhen and others were also missing. There is no information about them now. They were probably kidnapped by the people from the Immortal King Palace.

There is undoubtedly a shocking conspiracy behind this!

Immediately, Ji Wufeng received a call from Wu Chang, and Ji Tianlin's three siblings were kidnapped by Wan Jinglei!

"you wanna die!" ??

The Golden Dragon Temple, which was originally a pure place for Buddhism, suddenly became filled with murderous aura!

The news spread quickly, and the world was shocked. Who on earth has such courage? He actually dared to provoke the Chinese martial arts community at the same time. He was trying to break the news!

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on the Mount Tai Ladder to Heaven three days later. The strong men from the Chinese martial arts world came out in full force. They were bound to unravel the mystery of the Immortal King Palace and welcome back their elders!

Ji Wufeng immediately rushed back to Ji Mansion and found that except for Ji Tianlin's three brothers and sisters who were kidnapped, the Ji family was not harmed, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

But he did not dare to take it lightly and arranged for the Ji family to be transferred.

Ji Hongtu is back, not only him, but also an extremely beautiful young woman.

"elder brother!"

Seeing Ji Wufeng, the young woman immediately threw herself into his arms.

"Qingchen!" Ji Wufeng also touched the woman's head emotionally.


It was none other than Ji Qingchen, Ji Wufeng's biological half-sister.

Although they haven't seen each other for many years, the two have experienced too much together. Now that they meet each other, their relationship is not weak, but even deeper.

"Brother, I haven't come to you for so many years, do you blame me?" Ji Qingchen said with red eyes.

"Silly girl, how can I blame you? You are so smart, you must be afraid that being around me will distract me." Ji Wufeng said.

That's right, the reason Ji Qingchen didn't meet Ji Wufeng was because he was afraid that he would become a burden to him.

After all, the two are siblings, and Ji Wufeng's enemies will not let her use her against Ji Wufeng, so it is safest for her to stay in the Ji family, which is a disguised support for Ji Wufeng.

Nearly six years have passed, and Ji Qingchen is no longer the innocent and innocent girl she was back then, but has become a peerless beauty!

"How did you come?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Ji Qingchen looked at Ji Hongtu and said, "Dad said that this time it may be a catastrophe for the earth. He hopes that our family can be together."

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and he said, "Did you notice anything?"

Ji Hongtu said with a solemn expression: "Although it is not certain, according to the records of the Nie family, the Immortal King Palace most likely wants to open the Heavenly Gate!"

"Open the Tianmen?"

"That is what is called opening the passage to the world of cultivation!"

Ji Wufeng looked shocked and said, "What?"

"When a cultivator's cultivation reaches a certain level, he will experience a heavenly tribulation. I don't need to say more. The earth is now full of vitality. If he is suddenly exposed to the world of cultivation, he will also suffer a heavenly tribulation!"

"I'm afraid the Immortal King Palace captured your grandfather and the others with the purpose of using their bodies to divert the catastrophe!"

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