
There was a fierce blow, and the sky was covered with sand and dust. The attacker immediately retreated and said in a deep voice: "Little Qingyang, I will kill you, just wait."

Song Qingyang's face turned pale and he said, "Kill him!"

The strong man in the Fusion stage who rescued him immediately pursued him.

The two attackers ran at high speed, and the two strong men in the integration stage who protected Ling Zixu and Song Qingyang were chasing after them.

Unknowingly, the two attackers met. They turned around and said with a smile: "They are chasing us. We are done. Let's retreat!"

Immediately, the two people disappeared strangely out of thin air, and the two strong men in the integration stage also met. They both regarded each other as the attackers just now, and without saying a word, they launched a violent attack.

Boom boom boom!

A series of fierce attacks shook the ground and the mountains, and the sky became dark, while Ling Zixu, Song Qingyang and his party rushed over one after another.

At this time, both of them thought that the other party wanted to get rid of them just now, and their enemies were extremely jealous when they met!

The two pointed at each other and said fiercely to the guards around them: "Kill them!"

Both of them were protected by a group of masters. The master gave the order and immediately attacked each other, forming a fight.

Ji Wufeng knew that the opportunity had come. He took out Zhentianhuan's thigh bone and hit Ling Zixu on the head with a stick. He immediately knocked him straight and rolled his eyes. He pointed at Ji Wufeng and said, "You..."

Before he could say anything, he fell straight to the ground and passed out.

Ji Wufeng stepped forward and kicked him twice, and sneered: "You idiot who doesn't know how high the sky is, dares to go against Brother Qingyang, you are seeking death!"

Immediately, he grabbed Ling Zixu's foot with one hand and ran to Song Qingyang like a dead dog. He said with a flattering look on his face: "Brother Qingyang, this little bastard actually wanted to assassinate you. I took him down. No matter what, It’s at your disposal.”

Song Qingyang nodded and said, "Well done."


br\u003e But Ji Wufeng suddenly glared, and hit Song Qingyang's head hard with the Zhentianhu thigh bone in his hand.

Song Qingyang is not Ling Zixu after all. Although he is still young and not mature enough, he is still extremely cautious and sneered: "You really have a problem, but will this despicable little trick work on me..."

Indeed, how could he possibly be able to plot against him during his mere consecration period?


But before he finished speaking, the thigh bone fell on his head, his eyes rolled, and he fainted.

Ji Wufeng's consecration period is true, but it is not an ordinary consecration period. What he is holding is the leg bone of an eighth-level beast. Can he block it?

Finally, the two bodyguards of Ling Zixu and Song Qingyang realized that something was wrong. They were obviously being plotted. They turned around and said sternly: "You little beast, you are so brave!"

The two men immediately stopped and charged towards Ji Wufeng.

At this moment, three figures appeared and stood in front of Ji Wufeng. They were the three murderers.

"Hey, you two idiots, are you having fun?" Blood Buddha said with a smile.

The two of them were furious and said ferociously: "Blood Buddha, aren't you afraid of causing a huge disaster?"

"A huge disaster?"

The Living King of Hell sneered: "It seems that only those who provoke our three evils will cause catastrophic disasters, right?"

If the three of them could be easily intimidated, they would not be notorious in the world of cultivation.


Suddenly there was a sneer, and the void surged, and a skinny and wretched old man appeared. It was the old pervert Gui Haikui.

Gui Haikui glanced at Ji Wufeng's side Erina and Kagura Liuying greedily, and said to the three murderers: "The three of them are really going back more and more, and they were actually driven by a little beast to do such despicable despicable things."

"Despicable? No matter how bad our three villains are, we can't be as despicable as you, an old turtle, right?" Blackbeard said coldly.

Gui Haikui turned to the two strong men in the Fusion stage and said: "You two, I have been dissatisfied with the three of them for a long time, and now they have gone so far as to attack two juniors. I really can't stand it. I will help you today." How about you guys lend a hand? But after that, those two little girls will be mine."

This old guy is so lustful that he actually wants to take advantage of this opportunity to get Erina and Kagura Liuying. ??

Ji Wufeng was so angry that he wanted to chop off the head of this old bastard right away. However, in the next three versus three, the three villains had no time to clone themselves. Ling Zixu and Song Qingyang also had several masters in the distraction stage, so the situation was not good.

As for Gui Haikui's helping hand, the two strong men in the integration stage naturally wanted it, and immediately said: "You are just two lowly women, you can do whatever you want."

"Thank you very much."

Gui Haikui smiled at the third brother and said: "You three, I think you should evacuate on your own, so as not to look bad on your face."

Blood Buddha glared and said: "Old bastard, just let your horse come over here, what are you talking about?"

A strong man in the Fusion stage pointed at Ji Wufeng and said ferociously: "Kill this little beast first."

Immediately, the masters of Lingyuan Sect and Qingyang Sect charged towards Ji Wufeng.

"you dare!"

The three villains immediately wanted to step forward to rescue them, but were blocked by Gui Haikui and the others.

Ji Wufeng's face turned pale, he took out a knife, put it on the necks of Ling Zixu and Song Qingyang, and said coldly: "Damn it, I don't think any of you dare to come here? Come on again?"

I took one step forward and chopped off their heads! "

A group of masters stopped instantly. Both of them were the lifeblood of their respective sects. If their heads were chopped off, they would definitely die after they returned!

"How dare you!" A strong man in the integration stage shouted sternly.

"What am I afraid of?"

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said, "I won't survive anyway. If I don't use these two bastards as my backers, wouldn't I be in a big loss?"

"Okay, as long as you are willing to let them go, I will let you leave safely." A strong man in the integration stage said.

"Damn it, do you think I am a three-year-old child? What if I let them go and you don't admit it and hunt me down?" Ji Wufeng said.

"Then what do you want?"

The faces of the two strong men in the Fusion Stage were ashen. They really had this idea in mind. After rescuing the people, they would kill Ji Wufeng.

"It's very simple. I'll let them go after I enter the teleportation array and it's absolutely safe." Ji Wufeng said.

"Hmph, how can we trust that you won't kill someone once you're safe?"

It is true that neither side believes the other, but the stalemate cannot continue like this.

Ji Wufeng said: "How about this? I make a blood oath that as long as I leave safely, I will let them go. How about this?"

Blood oaths are absolutely impossible for cultivators to break, otherwise the consequences will be extremely miserable.

The two strong men in the integration stage pondered for a moment and then said: "Then you make an oath."

Although he was unwilling to do so, the most important thing was to save the lives of Ling Zixu and Song Qingyang.

"I, Wu Feng, made a blood oath to let Ling Zixu and Song Qingyang leave once it is safe. If they disobey, they will be destroyed by heaven and earth, and their souls will be scattered!"

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