Everyone knows that although Yue Mei'er is naturally charming and a fierce bandit, and she doesn't hold back her words, she is actually not a lewd person. She threatened to buy Lingzi and pretend to be a man's favorite. This is clearly giving Lingzi a favor. Yuan Zong applied eye drops.

"Five hundred thousand!" The people from Lingyuan Sect gritted their teeth.

"one million!"

"Two million!"

"five million!"

"Ten million!"

The people of Lingyuan Sect were going crazy and directly raised the price to 10 million. There was no other way. The sect’s reputation was as heavy as a mountain, so they had to pay even 20 million.

"Okay, since he is so valuable, you can keep it to yourself." Yue Meier said with a smile.

The people from Lingyuan Sect were very straightforward and paid for the spirit stones directly. Ji Wufeng curled his lips at Ling Zixu and said, "I didn't expect your kid to be so valuable. It's good to be white. Get out of here."

Ling Zixu was thrown out and was picked up immediately.

"Ji Wufeng, from now on the Lingyuan Sect will fight you until death. Even if you run to the ends of the earth, your life will be worse than death?" the Lingyuan Sect said with overwhelming hatred.


Ji Wufeng didn't take it seriously. Even if Ling Zixu didn't happen, he and Lingyuan Sect would still be in a fight to the death.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh. If Ling Zixu could grow up smoothly, he would definitely become a strong man. However, now he is so useless. He is doomed to live a mediocre life, and there is no possibility of competing with other geniuses.

But secretly, many people cried with joy and covered their faces in tears.

These people are all people who have been persecuted by Ling Zixu. Most of their wives and daughters were kidnapped by Ling Zixu and turned into living things. They have a bloody hatred for Ling Zixu.

Ling Zixu ended up like this, and Ji Wufeng avenged them.

After receiving 10 million spiritual stones, there were still 8 million after excluding the commission from the Trading Association. Ji Wufeng gave Yue Meier 4 million with a wave of his hand, half for each person.

Hai Lingfeng suddenly became jealous. He got four million spiritual stones so easily. He said impatiently: "Quick, quick, quick, I know you also kidnapped many people and sold them all."

\u003e Next was Song Qingyang. After it was released, everyone was in an uproar again.

This was the strong man who was ranked seventh on the young master list before. The absolute pride of heaven, the youth supreme, was actually captured by the big devil Ji Wufeng.

People from the Qingyang Sect were also there and said: "Our Qingyang Sect is willing to pay 10 million to buy Song Qingyang."

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Why are you so anxious? You have to inspect the goods before buying them, just like Ling Zixu before. If he doesn't let everyone see how white he looks, how can he sell it for so much money?"

Song Qingyang had a murderous hatred for him, how could he let him go so easily?

The people of the Qingyang Sect became anxious upon hearing this. They had just seen Ling Zixu's fate, and they did not want Song Qingyang to follow in his footsteps.

Lingyuan Sect itself is a first-rate sect, while Qingyang Sect is only a second-rate sect, so they are counting on the rise of Song Qingyang so that Qingyang Sect can become a first-rate sect. If Song Qingyang is abolished, it will be a widow with a dead son, and there is no hope.

"I am willing to pay 20 million to buy Song Qingyang." The Qingyang Sect gritted their teeth and said, this opportunity is the property of the entire Qingyang Sect.

Ji Wufeng was too lazy to pay attention to him, and yelled with a bewildering look on his face: "Everyone, this Song Qingyang is ranked in the top ten of the youth master list. The youth supreme is the idol of men of his generation and the god of women. Just imagine, stripping him naked and whipping him A few whips, a drop of chili oil... tsk tsk, isn't it very pleasurable?"

In an instant, many people started to get excited.

Envy, jealousy and hatred are the original sins of human beings. For people who are too high and too high to be reached, what they are most happy to see is how unlucky this person is.

Aren’t you, Song Qingyang, the Youth Supreme? I just want to see you make a fool of yourself like this.

"Wake up, are you still fucking sleeping?"

Zhao Jiaolong twisted the unconscious Song Qingyang up, stretched out his hand and slapped him with two big mouths.

Song Qingyang woke up and said calmly: "Brother Wu Feng, there is no deep hatred between us. As long as you are willing to let me go, I can satisfy any request."

At this time, he didn't know the current situation and thought that Ji Wufeng just wanted to deal with him.

"Okay, all I ask is that you cooperate with me." Ji Wufeng chuckled.

"No problem, I will definitely cooperate." Song Qingyang agreed immediately.

"That's right. Cooperate well and be sensible to avoid suffering any physical pain."

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong smiled and stepped forward to take off his clothes.

"What are you doing?" Song Qingyang was shocked.

Ji Wufeng said: "It's like this. Ling Zixu was sold to me for a good price just now. I see that you are quite dewy-looking. Let's see if you are as white as him. If you are as white, I promise to give you the same amount of money." Overwhelm him."

Song Qingyang immediately understood what was going on and said ferociously: "Wufeng, do you really want to get things done?"

"Are you qualified to say such things to me?" Ji Wufeng said coldly.

He could never forget the situation when Mingyue died in his arms. It was because of Song Qingyang's insidious blow.

"I promise, as long as I don't die, I will repay you a hundred times." Song Qingyang's eyes were full of resentment.

"I'm afraid you won't have this chance." Ji Wufeng said.

Ling Zixu had already crippled him, so how could he favor one over the other and let Song Qingyang leave unharmed?

"What the hell, what nonsense are you talking about? Kill him!" Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong stepped forward roughly and prepared to take action.

At this moment, a strange fragrance came, brilliance flashed in the void, and a beautiful woman who looked like a fairy and was covered in radiance appeared.

"Ah...it's Yu Miaoyi!"

"It's so beautiful. Yu Miaoyi is like a fairy on earth."

"Goddess, apart from her, there is no other goddess in my heart!"

r\u003e ………

I have to say that Yu Miaoyi is indeed extremely beautiful, so beautiful that it makes men crazy and makes women envious, but there is no jealousy or hatred.

However, this beauty is terrifying.

Because this kind of beauty can make anyone fall deeply into it and be unable to extricate themselves, even if they are swung at the butcher knife without realizing it!

Yu Miaoyi faced Ji Wufeng and said, "Brother Ji, we meet again."

Her charming smile and generous manner really made it impossible for anyone to feel wary or repulsive. Even Ji Wufeng would have a hard time feeling bad about her if he didn't know her vicious heart.

Ji Wufeng suppressed the hatred in his heart and said with a smile, "I wonder why the fairy came here?"

"Song Qingyang has won the favor of my master and will be accepted as his direct disciple soon. Miaoyi is here hoping that Brother Ji can show mercy." Yu Miaoyi bowed.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, including Ji Wufeng. The heavenly being took a fancy to Song Qingyang and wanted to accept him as his disciple?

The people of Qingyang Sect were filled with ecstasy for a moment. Disciples of Heaven, it is almost certain that they will become an unparalleled powerhouse.

Not only that, one person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!

With the emergence of a Celestial Being disciple, Qingyang Sect is equivalent to having a Celestial Being as its backer. At that time, even the five super sects may have to give way to him.

At this moment, the people of Qingyang Sect felt that they could do it. They pointed at Ji Wufeng arrogantly and shouted: "Ji Wufeng, kid, release Qingyang immediately, or else we will destroy all nine of your clans!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed, and he slapped Song Qingyang in the face with a big mouth.


Song Qingyang was whipped away and his mouth was filled with blood.

Ji Wufeng sneered and said: "Destroy our nine clans? I want to see who will destroy who first, godfather!"

"What's the matter?"

The giant dragon's huge body stood high in the sky, and its voice resounded throughout the world.

"If anyone from the Qingyang Sect dares to step onto the earth, they will be killed without mercy!"

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