Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 2059 Resetting the Master List

Ji Wufeng glanced at Qi Wenjie and sneered disdainfully: "It's only seventy-eighth. It's so low-class. It's not even worthy of carrying my shoes. Get out of here!"

It is not difficult to kill these people. Scarab can do it by himself, but what Ji Wufeng wants is the record of fighting against young strong men.

Sure enough, Qi Wenjie was angered and said with a ferocious smile: "Little beast, no matter who you are, your words have already committed a capital crime!"

Ji Wufeng said with an arrogant expression: "I haven't entered the world yet, can I count on this young master list? But that's fine, the list will be reset today. Do you have the guts to fight me?"

There is an unwritten rule, that is, anyone who is on the Young Experts List must accept the challenge unconditionally. For the sake of fairness, no one is allowed to interfere.

Qi Wenjie snorted coldly and said: "Huh, you little bastard who doesn't know the heights of the world, since you want to die, I will personally send you on your way."

Someone challenged Qi Wenjie, which immediately attracted the attention of many people. There are hundreds of millions of cultivators, and those who can be on the list are definitely rare and outstanding ones. For the vast world of cultivation, they are too rare to see.

Countless people came to watch, wanting to watch this young generation's exciting peak battle!

Qi Wenjie's face was full of contempt, and he suddenly burst out and rushed towards Ji Wufeng. During the fusion stage, he could kill him instantly with just one blow.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and he punched out in the air.


Qi Wenjie was sent flying, causing a wall on the street to collapse. He tilted his neck and fainted.

In an instant, all the onlookers were dumbfounded. Wasn't it supposed to be a fierce and exciting battle? Why is this over so soon?

And it's so fast that it can't be called a battle at all. It's like a dog pounces on you and then knocks you unconscious with a stick. It's completely incompatible with the excitement and excitement.


The strong man in the fusion stage rushed over, and then looked at Ji Wufeng with a murderous look on his face.

However, he did not take action, because there is a rule that if a challenger is defeated, a strong person is not allowed to retaliate afterwards. Otherwise, the young genius will have to be killed. How can the world of cultivation continue to be a hammer?

Ji Wufeng glanced at Ji Wufeng with contempt on his face and said: "What kind of rubbish young master list? It's too watery!"

Everyone was shocked, who is this kid? It's too crazy to talk, but he seems to have the capital to be crazy.

He could instantly kill Qi Wenjie with one punch. His strength was so terrifying that he would definitely be ranked in the top twenty, or even the top ten, of the young masters list.

After defeating Qi Wenjie, Ji Wufeng naturally replaced him at the 78th place on the Young Masters List. Immediately, a recorder came forward to ask for his identity information.

After Ji Wufeng pondered for a moment, he said: "My name is Long Aotian. As for my family background, I might as well not tell you, for fear that the elders in the family will not agree."

Hearing the name Long Aotian, Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong almost burst into tears. Why did they have such a different name?

However, for the world of cultivation, this name is novel and domineering, with the supreme temperament of a young supreme being.

As for Ji Wufeng's background, everyone can only rely on guessing. Ji Wufeng said it was so mysterious. Many people guessed that Ji Wufeng must come from a hidden family, and must have deep roots and strong strength. Otherwise, how could he cultivate someone like Ji Wufeng? Where is the genius?

Recently, the competition for the ranking of the Young Master List has been in full swing, and almost everyone is paying attention. Suddenly, Long Aotian suddenly appeared, which immediately attracted a lot of attention and was discussed a lot.

It can be said that Ji Wufeng has already become famous in the world of cultivation with just one punch.

Hai Lingfeng, Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong were jealous and jealous, but they were helpless. There was no other way. Hai Lingfeng was too old, and Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong were not strong enough, so they all missed this list.

Everyone continued to move forward, swaggering along the way, and when they saw those young people who seemed arrogant and domineering, they started to rub up.

But it's a pity that Qi Wenjie, a mere seventy-eight people, is nothing in their eyes, but they have to say that there are too few people who are qualified to be on the list. In a few months, they have traveled all over Tianlan. Xingdu never encountered a stepping stone, no, a decent opponent.

Ji Wufeng has not been able to protect him for several months, but the list of young masters is still changing. Two names appear on the list. These two names are extremely unfamiliar to the world of cultivation, but Ji Wufeng trembled with joy. extremely.

Qing Chen, a disciple of the Sword Sect, was recognized by Jianzhong, and learned the supreme swordsmanship of the Sword Sect, Wan Jian, and returned to the sect. On the day of success, he used a sword to challenge his fellow disciples who were using the seventh heaven of the Nascent Soul stage.

Although Qingchen has no record of joining the WTO, he has already appeared on the waiting list of the young master list.

Although it could not be verified, Ji Wufeng could conclude that this Qingchen should be his closest sister Ji Qingchen.

At the same time, the Demon Sect, which had been hiding for many years, reappeared in the world. One of its disciples accidentally acquired the supreme demon skill, the Heavenly Demon God Art, and was about to enter the world!

Although the Demon Sect once declined and went into seclusion, the strength of the Demon Sect in its heyday could definitely be ranked among the super sects. Naturally, Wu Xin attracted much attention and appeared on the waiting list.

Similarly, Ji Wufeng felt that this Wuxin must be Tian Wuxin, the demon lord on earth. Although the two were once rivals, they were close friends.

His close relatives and close friends all had new news and had extraordinary achievements. How could he not be overjoyed?

"Is there still a waiting list?" Ji Wufeng asked Ji Wufeng.

"Of course there is, and the attention is no less than the ranking changes in the top twenty." Hai Lingfeng said.

The so-called waiting list is actually a group of people who are extremely talented, powerful, and have no record yet, but can definitely be on the list.

The unknown is always the most mysterious and the most curious. This waiting list attracts a lot of attention because no one knows what heights these people will reach once they have a record.

Ji Wufeng continued to pay attention, and soon he saw a familiar name on the waiting list - Kong Ming!

The Buddha Land is transcendent from the mortal world and is almost incompetent with the world. However, its strength cannot be underestimated by anyone. Even the five super sects must give way to it.

When the great catastrophe comes, Buddha Land also wants to help the world and save people, and sends a special disciple Kong Ming to join the world!

Everyone knows Kong Ming's strength, but the disciples sent by Fotu must be the most powerful and outstanding, and there is no doubt that they will be on the list.

Ji Wufeng was wondering, is this Kong Ming the hard-drinking monk Kong Ming on earth? Good brothers who have gone through life and death together and fought side by side!

But regardless of whether it is true or not, he still hopes to hear the names of more old friends, and he believes that they will be reunited one day!

However, Ji Wufeng did not forget one person, Gu Tianyang! Ji Wufeng glanced at Qi Wenjie and sneered disdainfully: "It's only seventy-eighth. It's so low-class. It's not even worthy of carrying my shoes. Get out of here!"

It is not difficult to kill these people. Scarab can do it by himself, but what Ji Wufeng wants is the record of fighting against young strong men.

Sure enough, Qi Wenjie was angered and said with a ferocious smile: "Little beast, no matter who you are, your words have already committed a capital crime!"

Ji Wufeng said with an arrogant expression: "I haven't entered the world yet, can I count on this young master list? But that's fine, the list will be reset today. Do you have the guts to fight me?"

There is an unwritten rule, that is, anyone who is on the Young Experts List must accept the challenge unconditionally. For the sake of fairness, no one is allowed to interfere.

Qi Wenjie snorted coldly and said: "Huh, you little bastard who doesn't know the heights of the world, since you want to die, I will personally send you on your way."

Someone challenged Qi Wenjie, which immediately attracted the attention of many people. There are hundreds of millions of cultivators, and those who can be on the list are definitely rare and outstanding ones. For the vast world of cultivation, they are too rare to see.

Countless people came to watch, wanting to watch this young generation's exciting peak battle! ??

Qi Wenjie's face was full of contempt, and he suddenly burst out and rushed towards Ji Wufeng. During the fusion stage, he could kill him instantly with just one blow.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed and he punched out in the air.


Qi Wenjie was sent flying, causing a wall on the street to collapse. He tilted his neck and fainted.

In an instant, all the onlookers were dumbfounded. Wasn't it supposed to be a fierce and exciting battle? Why is this over so soon?

And it's so fast that it can't be called a battle at all. It's like a dog pounces on you and then knocks you unconscious with a stick. It's completely incompatible with the excitement and excitement.


The strong man in the fusion stage rushed over, and then looked at Ji Wufeng with a murderous look on his face.

However, he did not take action, because there is a rule that if a challenger is defeated, a strong person is not allowed to retaliate afterwards. Otherwise, the young genius will have to be killed. How can the world of cultivation continue to be a hammer?

Ji Wufeng glanced at Ji Wufeng with contempt on his face and said: "What kind of rubbish young master list? It's too watery!"

Everyone was shocked, who is this kid? It's too crazy to talk, but he seems to have the capital to be crazy.

He could instantly kill Qi Wenjie with one punch. His strength was so terrifying that he would definitely be ranked in the top twenty, or even the top ten, of the young masters list.

After defeating Qi Wenjie, Ji Wufeng naturally replaced him at the 78th place on the Young Masters List. Immediately, a recorder came forward to ask for his identity information.

After Ji Wufeng pondered for a moment, he said: "My name is Long Aotian. As for my family background, I might as well not tell you, for fear that the elders in the family will not agree."

Hearing the name Long Aotian, Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong almost burst into tears. Why did they have such a different name?

However, for the world of cultivation, this name is novel and domineering, with the supreme temperament of a young supreme being.

As for Ji Wufeng's background, everyone can only rely on guessing. Ji Wufeng said it was so mysterious. Many people guessed that Ji Wufeng must come from a hidden family, and must have deep roots and strong strength. Otherwise, how could he cultivate someone like Ji Wufeng? Where is the genius?

Recently, the competition for the ranking of the Young Master List has been in full swing, and almost everyone is paying attention. Suddenly, Long Aotian suddenly appeared, which immediately attracted a lot of attention and was discussed a lot.

It can be said that Ji Wufeng has already become famous in the world of cultivation with just one punch.

Hai Lingfeng, Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong were jealous and jealous, but they were helpless. There was no other way. Hai Lingfeng was too old, and Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong were not strong enough, so they all missed this list.

Everyone continued to move forward, swaggering along the way, and when they saw those young people who seemed arrogant and domineering, they started to rub up.

But it's a pity that Qi Wenjie, a mere seventy-eight people, is nothing in their eyes, but they have to say that there are too few people who are qualified to be on the list. In a few months, they have traveled all over Tianlan. Xingdu never encountered a stepping stone, no, a decent opponent.

Ji Wufeng has not been able to protect him for several months, but the list of young masters is still changing. Two names appear on the list. These two names are extremely unfamiliar to the world of cultivation, but Ji Wufeng trembled with joy. extremely.

Qing Chen, a disciple of the Sword Sect, was recognized by Jianzhong, and learned the supreme swordsmanship of the Sword Sect, Wan Jian, and returned to the sect. On the day of success, he used a sword to challenge his fellow disciples who were using the seventh heaven of the Nascent Soul stage.

Although Qingchen has no record of joining the WTO, he has already appeared on the waiting list of the young master list.

Although it could not be verified, Ji Wufeng could conclude that this Qingchen should be his closest sister Ji Qingchen.

At the same time, the Demon Sect, which had been hiding for many years, reappeared in the world. One of its disciples accidentally acquired the supreme demon skill, the Heavenly Demon God Art, and was about to enter the world!

Although the Demon Sect once declined and went into seclusion, the strength of the Demon Sect in its heyday could definitely be ranked among the super sects. Naturally, Wu Xin attracted much attention and appeared on the waiting list.

Similarly, Ji Wufeng felt that this Wuxin must be Tian Wuxin, the demon lord on earth. Although the two were once rivals, they were close friends.

His close relatives and close friends all had new news and had extraordinary achievements. How could he not be overjoyed?

"Is there still a waiting list?" Ji Wufeng asked Ji Wufeng.

"Of course there is, and the attention is no less than the ranking changes in the top twenty." Hai Lingfeng said.

The so-called waiting list is actually a group of people who are extremely talented, powerful, and have no record yet, but can definitely be on the list.

The unknown is always the most mysterious and the most curious. This waiting list attracts a lot of attention because no one knows what heights these people will reach once they have a record.

Ji Wufeng continued to pay attention, and soon he saw a familiar name on the waiting list - Kong Ming!

The Buddha Land is transcendent from the mortal world and is almost incompetent with the world. However, its strength cannot be underestimated by anyone. Even the five super sects must give way to it.

When the great catastrophe comes, Buddha Land also wants to help the world and save people, and sends a special disciple Kong Ming to join the world!

Everyone knows Kong Ming's strength, but the disciples sent by Fotu must be the most powerful and outstanding, and there is no doubt that they will be on the list.

Ji Wufeng was wondering, is this Kong Ming the hard-drinking monk Kong Ming on earth? Good brothers who have gone through life and death together and fought side by side!

But regardless of whether it is true or not, he still hopes to hear the names of more old friends, and he believes that they will be reunited one day!

However, Ji Wufeng did not forget one person, Gu Tianyang!

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