Yu Tianming immediately said: "Boss, do you want me to contact the sect now and send experts to help?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "No need, we can still cope with it, and it is estimated that we may make a fortune again in the future. This Lingziyu is now the only seedling of Lingyuan Sect, and it should be more valuable than Lingzixu, right?" "

Hai Lingfeng's combat power is now equivalent to that of the combined stage. Together with Gui Haikui, he is fully capable of dealing with the former of the two combined stages.

As for the others, Yu Tianming and others are protected by their own masters. With a little bit of skill, they can catch these two groups in one fell swoop.

As night fell, the time came to strike. Ji Wufeng used the Sky Step and suddenly disappeared.

In the dark, the people from Lingyuan Sect and Qitian Sect immediately said: "Chase me!"

Ji Wufeng's figure loomed, causing the two groups to circle around, and finally gathered together. Just when the two groups were about to meet, Ji Wufeng, who was in the middle of the two groups, shouted in horror: "Master, someone wants to kill me, kill him quickly. them!"

The two groups rushed forward. From their respective angles, they saw that there was a master in front of Ji Wufeng. Coupled with the words he shouted, they immediately thought they were his reinforcements.

Without saying a word, the strong man in the integration stage waved his hand and ordered: "Kill me, no one will be spared!"

Being defeated by a challenger and retaliating afterwards will cause public outrage once exposed, so neither party intends to survive.

In an instant, the two groups of people rushed towards each other, fighting together, and everyone was ruthless. Some people kept falling to the ground and turned into corpses. In an instant, half of them were dead.

Seeing corpses falling down one after another, Yu Tianming and others were stunned. Even Ji Wufeng was stunned. He thought that the two groups would only have a little conflict, and then they would soon find out that they had been fooled. Unexpectedly, not only did they not stop This means that he kills even more vigorously, with a posture that he will not stop until he kills the opponent completely.

As everyone knows, this matter was disgraceful after all. In order to prevent their identity from being revealed, no one said anything and just kept killing. This led to no one knowing the true identity of the other person and thinking that he was really Ji Wufeng's rescuer.

Until the end, only one strong person in the integration stage was left dead on both sides, and it was a lose-lose situation. Each suffered heavy losses, their combat power was sharply reduced, and they had to temporarily stop fighting.

At this time, Ji Wufeng and others came out.

The two strong men in the combined stage were stunned and said angrily: "You little beast, you..."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "There is really nothing I can do against you. I originally just asked you to fight, but I didn't expect that you would actually be divided into life and death. There are extremely stupid people like you in Qitian Sect and Lingyuan Sect. So what’s the wonder if it doesn’t perish?”


Only then did the two of them understand that the person who had been killing the other party for a long time was not Ji Wufeng's at all. On the contrary, he was also here to kill Ji Wufeng. The two parties were basically on the same side.

"Little beast, I'll kill you!"

The two were furious and wanted to use their last strength to kill Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng's face was full of displeasure and he said: "What a pity. If you kill two combined stages in one go, you can probably rise directly to the first place on the list, but you can't publicize it. Forget it, scarab, get to work!"

The two of them were already heavily rewarded, and Scarab stepped forward and dealt with them neatly.

During the integration stage, he was considered a top master in the world of cultivation, yet he died so grievously and silently.


br\u003e Then Ji Wufeng found Ling Ziyu who was healing his wounds not far away. This kid was waiting for Ji Wufeng to be captured and tortured, but he didn't expect that he would fall into Ji Wufeng's hands in the end.

Of course Ji Wufeng was reluctant to kill him, but carefully put it into the Qiankun bag. As he said before, there was only a single seedling left in Lingyuan Sect, and he would have to buy it back if he lost all his money.

Yuan Dongdong said with some annoyance: "It's a pity that Qi Wenjie didn't come, otherwise he would have been captured and sold at a good price."

The corners of Yu Tianming and others' mouths twitched. Thinking of how they had sold so many people in one go before, why did they feel like they were buying goods this time?

Looking back at the beginning, it was a good thing that they did not have an enmity with Ji Wufeng, otherwise, I am afraid they would have been betrayed once.

Yulan Star is the residence of Yuxue Pavilion.

Yuxue Pavilion does not accept male disciples, so they are all female. In addition, the cultivation world can continuously improve the physical body. It can be imagined that Yuxue Pavilion is full of beauties.

Coupled with the unearthly temperament of the disciples of Yuxue Pavilion, all of them can be regarded as peerless beauties. There are too many people who want to marry the disciples of Yuxue Pavilion.

Yu Qingxuan's master is an elder of Yuxue Pavilion. He originally had an average status, but after earning a large amount of spirit stones from Ji Wufeng, his status immediately rose, which made Yu Qingxuan's cultivation resources richer.

Before, this girl only knew how to play around and had no intention of practicing. I don't know what happened recently, but she actually calmed down and started practicing hard.

This effort was incredible. This girl's cultivation suddenly skyrocketed, revealing her astonishing talent. The elders in the school were immediately alarmed, and they decided to focus on training her, and even found a good match for her.

After learning about this situation, Ji Wufeng felt strange and said: "Since that girl is very talented, her training should be the first priority. Why are we looking for a Taoist companion for her at this time?"

Although the disciples of Yuxue Pavilion are free to marry out, they will not let go of outstanding disciples easily.

At any time, strong strength is the foundation for settling down and establishing a life. Outstanding disciples are the future strength of the sect. Even if they are not stopped, they will never take the initiative to marry. What is the difference between this and destroying the Great Wall?

When everyone arrived at Yuxue Pavilion, they looked around and saw that they were all extremely beautiful women who looked as if they were immortals. Hai Lingfeng, Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong had their eyes wide open, and they almost cried out.

"Hi, beauty, since we are destined to meet each other, let's make friends."

"The vast world, the vast sea of ​​people, actually allowed me to meet you. Is this the guidance of God?"

"Beauty... Hey, don't leave... Why are you scolding someone? No matter how good-looking a person is, he cannot be without quality..."


There was a green light in the eyes of the three of them, and they would strike up a conversation with whomever they caught. They were still so obscene. If those disciples of Yuxue Pavilion hadn't seen that they were following Yu Tianming and others, they would have made a big mouth. It slapped them in the face.

Everyone was taken to a private courtyard, but the door of the courtyard was locked and guarded by several people.

Ji Wufeng frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

A Jade Snow Pavilion disciple said: "Junior Sister Qingxuan is concentrating on her practice recently, and Master has specifically asked not to disturb her."

Concentrate on practicing?

No matter how you look at it, Yu Qingxuan doesn't look like she's practicing, but more like she's under house arrest here. Yu Tianming immediately said: "Boss, do you want me to contact the sect now and send experts to help?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "No need, we can still cope with it, and it is estimated that we may make a fortune again in the future. This Lingziyu is now the only seedling of Lingyuan Sect, and it should be more valuable than Lingzixu, right?" "

Hai Lingfeng's combat power is now equivalent to that of the combined stage. Together with Gui Haikui, he is fully capable of dealing with the former of the two combined stages.

As for the others, Yu Tianming and others are protected by their own masters. With a little bit of skill, they can catch these two groups in one fell swoop.

As night fell, the time came to strike. Ji Wufeng used the Sky Step and suddenly disappeared. .??.

In the dark, the people from Lingyuan Sect and Qitian Sect immediately said: "Chase me!"

Ji Wufeng's figure loomed, causing the two groups to circle around, and finally gathered together. Just when the two groups were about to meet, Ji Wufeng, who was in the middle of the two groups, shouted in horror: "Master, someone wants to kill me, kill him quickly. them!"

The two groups rushed forward. From their respective angles, they saw that there was a master in front of Ji Wufeng. Coupled with the words he shouted, they immediately thought they were his reinforcements.

Without saying a word, the strong man in the integration stage waved his hand and ordered: "Kill me, no one will be spared!"

Being defeated by a challenger and retaliating afterwards will cause public outrage once exposed, so neither party intends to survive.

In an instant, the two groups of people rushed towards each other, fighting together, and everyone was ruthless. Some people kept falling to the ground and turned into corpses. In an instant, half of them were dead.

Seeing corpses falling down one after another, Yu Tianming and others were stunned. Even Ji Wufeng was stunned. He thought that the two groups would only have a little conflict, and then they would soon find out that they had been fooled. Unexpectedly, not only did they not stop This means that he kills even more vigorously, with a posture that he will not stop until he kills the opponent completely.

As everyone knows, this matter was disgraceful after all. In order to prevent their identity from being revealed, no one said anything and just kept killing. This led to no one knowing the true identity of the other person and thinking that he was really Ji Wufeng's rescuer.

Until the end, only one strong person in the integration stage was left dead on both sides, and it was a lose-lose situation. Each suffered heavy losses, their combat power was sharply reduced, and they had to temporarily stop fighting.

At this time, Ji Wufeng and others came out.

The two strong men in the combined stage were stunned and said angrily: "You little beast, you..."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "There is really nothing I can do against you. I originally just asked you to fight, but I didn't expect that you would actually be divided into life and death. There are extremely stupid people like you in Qitian Sect and Lingyuan Sect. So what’s the wonder if it doesn’t perish?”


Only then did the two of them understand that the person who had been killing the other party for a long time was not Ji Wufeng's at all. On the contrary, he was also here to kill Ji Wufeng. The two parties were basically on the same side.

"Little beast, I'll kill you!"

The two were furious and wanted to use their last strength to kill Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng's face was full of displeasure and he said: "What a pity. If you kill two combined stages in one go, you can probably rise directly to the first place on the list, but you can't publicize it. Forget it, scarab, get to work!"

The two of them were already heavily rewarded, and Scarab stepped forward and dealt with them neatly.

During the integration stage, he was considered a top master in the world of cultivation, yet he died so grievously and silently.


br\u003e Then Ji Wufeng found Ling Ziyu who was healing his wounds not far away. This kid was waiting for Ji Wufeng to be captured and tortured, but he didn't expect that he would fall into Ji Wufeng's hands in the end.

Of course Ji Wufeng was reluctant to kill him, but carefully put it into the Qiankun bag. As he said before, there was only a single seedling left in Lingyuan Sect, and he would have to buy it back if he lost all his money.

Yuan Dongdong said with some annoyance: "It's a pity that Qi Wenjie didn't come, otherwise he would have been captured and sold at a good price."

The corners of Yu Tianming and others' mouths twitched. Thinking of how they had sold so many people in one go before, why did they feel like they were buying goods this time?

Looking back at the beginning, it was a good thing that they did not have an enmity with Ji Wufeng, otherwise, I am afraid they would have been betrayed once.

Yulan Star is the residence of Yuxue Pavilion.

Yuxue Pavilion does not accept male disciples, so they are all female. In addition, the cultivation world can continuously improve the physical body. It can be imagined that Yuxue Pavilion is full of beauties.

Coupled with the unearthly temperament of the disciples of Yuxue Pavilion, all of them can be regarded as peerless beauties. There are too many people who want to marry the disciples of Yuxue Pavilion.

Yu Qingxuan's master is an elder of Yuxue Pavilion. He originally had an average status, but after earning a large amount of spirit stones from Ji Wufeng, his status immediately rose, which made Yu Qingxuan's cultivation resources richer.

Before, this girl only knew how to play around and had no intention of practicing. I don't know what happened recently, but she actually calmed down and started practicing hard.

This effort was incredible. This girl's cultivation suddenly skyrocketed, revealing her astonishing talent. The elders in the school were immediately alarmed, and they decided to focus on training her, and even found a good match for her.

After learning about this situation, Ji Wufeng felt strange and said: "Since that girl is very talented, her training should be the first priority. Why are we looking for a Taoist companion for her at this time?"

Although the disciples of Yuxue Pavilion are free to marry out, they will not let go of outstanding disciples easily.

At any time, strong strength is the foundation for settling down and establishing a life. Outstanding disciples are the future strength of the sect. Even if they are not stopped, they will never take the initiative to marry. What is the difference between this and destroying the Great Wall?

When everyone arrived at Yuxue Pavilion, they looked around and saw that they were all extremely beautiful women who looked as if they were immortals. Hai Lingfeng, Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong had their eyes wide open, and they almost cried out.

"Hi, beauty, since we are destined to meet each other, let's make friends."

"The vast world, the vast sea of ​​people, actually allowed me to meet you. Is this the guidance of God?"

"Beauty... Hey, don't leave... Why are you scolding someone? No matter how good-looking a person is, he cannot be without quality..."


There was a green light in the eyes of the three of them, and they would strike up a conversation with whomever they caught. They were still so obscene. If those disciples of Yuxue Pavilion hadn't seen that they were following Yu Tianming and others, they would have made a big mouth. It slapped them in the face.

Everyone was taken to a private courtyard, but the door of the courtyard was locked and guarded by several people.

Ji Wufeng frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

A Jade Snow Pavilion disciple said: "Junior Sister Qingxuan is concentrating on her practice recently, and Master has specifically asked not to disturb her."

Concentrate on practicing?

No matter how you look at it, Yu Qingxuan doesn't look like she's practicing, but more like she's under house arrest here.

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