Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 2073 The body is too fragile to withstand a beating

Listening to the meaning of this, the reason why He Pengfei hasn't taken action yet is to give Yu Miaoyi face, otherwise he would have dealt with them long ago.

Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said: "It seems that you are quite flattering to Yu Miaoyi, but it's a pity. For a guy like you, I'm afraid even drinking Yu Miaoyi's bath water can't keep up with the heat."


As soon as these words came out, some people couldn't help laughing. Isn't this guy's words too damaging?

He Pengfei's face instantly turned livid. Logically speaking, based on his ranking, he was regarded as a genius, with a halo attached to him.

But it's a pity that Yu Miaoyi's side is basically ranked in the top 20, and he is too embarrassed to move forward. His ranking of just over 50 is really not good enough.

The most hurtful thing is always the truth. He Pengfei's eyes already showed murderous intent, and he said with a ferocious face: "If you have the guts, do you dare to go out with me and make a declaration of life and death?"

Kong Ming squinted his eyes and said, "Whether Buddha has a seed or not, you can find out if you go to the palace and transform into a woman and try it."

Tian Wuxin snorted coldly and said: "Living in the state of life and death? Are you worthy?"

Ji Wufeng even shook his head and said: "If you want to do it, do it. Why do you have to go out? Are you afraid that Yu Miaoyi will pursue you? You are a grown man who is so afraid of a woman. You are such a bitch!"


He Pengfei was completely excited, with veins popping out on his forehead and his facial features almost distorted.

The words of these three bastards were worse than each other. Each one of them could hit three times in a row, and it was a critical hit. Even if He Pengfei was a fool, he couldn't control his anger at this moment.

"go to hell!"

He Pengfei roared and pounced on the three of them. He knew a little about all the geniuses on the list, but he had never seen these three. Their rankings were definitely not as good as his, and their strength was naturally not as good as his.

He Pengfei was furious in his heart and attacked the three of them with the force of thunder. Since he was ranked among the young masters, he naturally had extraordinary combat power.

, the powerful power made everyone watching couldn't help but admire.

"Brother He is indeed strong. The combat power of this attack is comparable to that of an ordinary out-of-body attack."

"That's natural. Brother He is ranked fifty-third after all, and he is among the top among the younger generation."

"I have never seen these three people before. They are probably just starting out and on the waiting list. I don't know how powerful Brother He is. They are dead now..."


Seeing He Pengfei coming to kill him, Kong Ming immediately shouted: "It's been a long time since we had a fight. Let me come, let me come..."

I saw him hurriedly put down the leg of lamb and the wine bottle in his hand, not forgetting to wipe his greasy mouth with his monk's robe, and punched him out.

"The black tiger takes out the heart!"


The next scene made everyone dumbfounded. He Pengfei's thunderous momentum was really domineering. However, with Kong Ming's punch, He Pengfei actually flew out.

what's the situation?

Was He Pengfei knocked away with a punch?

The direction He Pengfei flew out was the direction of Tian Wuxin. He climbed up from the ground and shouted: "It's my turn, it's my turn, the black tiger takes out the heart..."


He punched out with exactly the same punch as Kong Ming. Before He Pengfei could even hit the ground, he was sent flying again.

Ji Wufeng directly held the leg of lamb in his mouth, rolled up his sleeves and said: "It's my turn, Black Tiger will take out the heart..."


After pasting and copying the punch, He Pengfei received another punch from Ji Wufeng, and once again changed direction and flew out.

Kong Ming and Tian Wuxin both clenched their fists and waited eagerly, but they didn't know whether Ji Wufeng's punch was too hard or missed.


He Pengfei hit a wall directly, punching a hole in the wall, tilted his neck, and fainted.

The whole audience was shocked. What are the origins of these three people? He was so strong that He Pengfei couldn't even withstand one of their punches.

And it would be fine if it was a superb combat skill, but what the three of them used was nothing more than a black tiger that even a three-year-old child could use without even basic skills.

It is said that one force can defeat all magic. The combat power of these three people is astonishing and terrifying, and they are definitely far above He Pengfei.

Kong Ming and Tian Wuxin suddenly looked unhappy. They glared at Ji Wufeng and said, "You prodigal son, how can we have fun after you knock him out? We haven't had a good time yet."

Ji Wufeng smiled coquettishly and said: "Sorry, sorry, it's my fault. I just woke him up if I didn't enjoy it."

I saw him rushing to the wall, grabbing He Pengfei's neck, twisting him up, and saying with two big mouths: "Wake up, hey, wake up, we haven't had a good time yet. , wake up quickly..."

Everyone present had their mouths twitching. Are these three guys demons? He was already unconscious, but he still had to wake him up and beat him again. It was so cruel!

In the end, He Pengfei didn't wake up, so Ji Wufeng threw him to the ground like a torn sack, cursing: "Damn it, this kid's body is too fragile to withstand a beating."

Then he saw the resentful looks in Kong Ming and Tian Wuxin's eyes, and said with a smile, "It's okay. There are many opportunities like this. I'll treat you next time."

The two of them let him go and said, "As you said, next time you treat him, don't punch him until he's knocked unconscious."

Everyone hates the cold, and there is even a treat for such a thing


Then the waiter came and dragged He Pengfei away, and quickly cleaned up the messy scene. The storm came to an end, and more people came one after another, but no one knew what happened before.

Ji Wufeng and the other three were still sitting on the floor, holding the legs of lamb and wine bottles and feasting, which became a different kind of scenery.

At this moment, a young man with an arrogant expression walked in. Ji Wufeng felt that the auras on Kong Ming and Tian Wuxin instantly turned cold, and there was a trace of murderous intent in their eyes.

"Who is he?" Ji Wufeng asked curiously.

Kong Ming said: "Ling Ziqi, a genius disciple of Lingyuan Sect."


Lingyuan Sect is now the only one on the young master list, ranking 36th!

Tian Wuxin smiled coldly and said: "Genius disciple? He will soon become a useless disciple!"

Ji Wufeng understood that when the world of cultivation first came and the native people of the earth were enslaved and massacred, the Lingyuan Sect was the most active and the one that persecuted the earth the most. Now that he saw the disciples of the Lingyuan Sect, it was like seeing an enemy, and he immediately started murderous intentions.

Kong Ming suddenly drank the wine in the pot in one gulp and said sadly: "Do you have any information on the whereabouts of Ji's family?"

Tian Wuxin sighed in a low voice: "No..."


The wine bottle exploded in Kong Ming's hand, and the fragments scratched his palm, and blood dripped down. Kong Ming said with a ferocious expression: "We don't know whether the Ji family is alive or dead, so how can we have the face to see Ji Wufeng?"

The sharp light in Tian Wuxin's eyes was like a cold blade, and he said: "One day we will defeat the Lingyuan Sect!"

Ji Wufeng understood that the reason why the two of them hated Lingyuan Sect so much was probably related to the Lingyuan Sect's attack on Ji Gongguan. They felt guilty for failing to protect the people of Ji Gongguan!

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