Ranked 31st on the Young Experts List, he is already a peerless genius.

Ji Wufeng suddenly opened his palm and struck Wu Qingfeng with a palm from the air!

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that Ji Wufeng would dare to attack the Wuji Sect people at this time.

"The mantis is using his arms as a chariot, seeking death!"

Wu Qingfeng smiled coldly with disdain and struck Ji Wufeng's head with a backhand punch.

Some people shook their heads. Although Ji Wufeng defeated Qi Wenjie and ranked among the young masters, and could be called a genius, Qi Wenjie was far behind Wu Qingfeng.

Zhan Wuji had already let him go, and he came to provoke Wu Qingfeng again. He was just looking for death!

However, the next scene made everyone dumbfounded.


Although the two of them took action almost at the same time, there was a huge difference in speed. As soon as Wu Qingfeng raised his fist, Ji Wufeng's palm had already slapped him in the face.

Wu Qingfeng was whipped and flew out, and a rain of blood fell in the air.

After landing, Wu Qingfeng jumped up violently, and half of his cheek was beaten to pieces, exposing his white bones and teeth.

Everyone was shocked, it was so fast and so terrifying!

"Bastard, I want your life!"

Wu Qingfeng was like a mad beast, suddenly rising up and rushing toward Ji Wufeng like lightning.

Ji Wufeng stepped on Tianbu, and his figure disappeared instantly. Wu Qingfeng's attack was missed. Ji Wufeng flashed to his side, opened his hand and pinched his neck to lift him off the ground.

Everyone was stunned. They never thought that Wu Qingfeng, who was ranked 31st, would be so vulnerable. At this time, he was like a little chicken being pinched by Ji Wufeng's neck. This was an absolute crushing.

The reason why Ji Wufeng lost to Zhan Wuji was because there was indeed a gap in strength.

However, facing Wu Qingfeng, Ji Wufeng was absolutely invincible.

In addition to Ji Wufeng's own strength, his physical strength is even more terrifying. You must know that his physical body at this time is the tenth son of the Dragon God, and he is a natural fighting body!


br\u003e “Seeking death!”

Zhan Wuji's eyes showed murderous intent, and he stretched out his hand to attack Ji Wufeng.

"Zhan Wuji, your opponent is me!"

Zhou Xingkong snorted coldly, raised his foot and stomped over.


The attacks of the two collided with each other, and their strength was equal. Their attacks canceled each other out, and they collapsed in an instant!


Ji Wufeng pinched Wu Qingfeng's neck with his palm and continued to apply force. Everyone heard the sound of bones breaking. Wu Qingfeng's face was full of horror, feeling the threat of death, and his legs kicked off the ground like crazy.

"Brother Long!"

Yu Miaoyi stepped forward and said: "These days are a grand gathering for the young generation. We should be drinking and chatting, but please give Miaoyi some face and stop fighting for the time being!"

Ji Wufeng turned his head and looked at Yu Miaoyi with squinted eyes, pointed at Zhan Wuji and said, "He wanted to kill me just now, did you ask him to give you a face and stop fighting for the time being?"

That's right, Zhan Wuji attacked Ji Wufeng just now. If Zhou Xingkong hadn't arrived in time, he might have been killed by now, and Yu Miaoyi didn't come out to smooth things over.

Someone immediately stood up and scolded disdainfully: "Humph, who do you think you are? How dare you talk to Fairy Miaoyi like that."

"Fairy Miaoyi asked you to stop because she didn't want you to offend Wuji Sect to death. She was trying to save your life!"

"What a ignorant thing!"

Kong Ming, Tian Wuxin and Ye Liangchen suddenly focused their gazes, and their figures suddenly disappeared from the place. When they reappeared, they were already among the crowd.

boom! boom! boom!

The three young men flew out. After landing, before they could get up, Kong Ming and the others stepped on their foreheads with their feet. They said with murderous intent on their faces: "Who do you think you are?"

"What is the Wuji Sect? I think

The one who needs help is you! "

"Who do you think doesn't know what's good and what's good!"

The three men were boiling with murderous intent, and there was no doubt that if they stepped down, the heads of the three young men would be crushed to pieces.

Everyone was stunned. What kind of relationship do these three people have with Long Aotian?

Their move not only offended Wuji Sect, but also Yu Miaoyi.

At the same time, he offended a super sect and a heavenly disciple. Will he still have a foothold in the world of cultivation in the future? .??.

They are completely crazy!

Song Qingyang's expression also changed, and he stepped forward and said, "Three of you, you should have a bright future, why should you destroy your future?"

Tian Wuxin sneered and said: "Self-destruction? His Wuji Sect doesn't have that much energy, right? Although my Demon Sect has been hiding from the world for many years, I'm not so cowardly and incompetent!"

Demon Sect?

Everyone was shocked. It was rumored that the Demon Sect had reappeared and that there was a genius disciple who had no intention of joining the world. He was extremely talented and stunning. This person should be it!

Although the Demon Sect has been in hiding for many years, it was one of the absolute superpowers in ancient times. If its strength is preserved, it is fully qualified to challenge the Wuji Sect.


Kong Ming loudly announced the Buddha's name and said with a solemn expression: "Although the poor monk is an outsider, he is a disciple of the Buddha who has never cut off his compassion for all sentient beings!"

Buddha land?

Everyone's expressions changed. Could this person be Kong Ming, the genius disciple who recently reappeared in the Buddha Land?

Although Buddha Land has never participated in disputes, its status is so transcendent that even the five super sects have to give it three points.

And Ye Liangchen, needless to say, comes from Penglai Fairy Mountain and is not even looked down upon by heaven and man!

Not to mention the strength of these three people, the sect forces behind them are enough to make any force in the world of cultivation fear them.

Coupled with the addition of Zhou Xingkong, who had reached the pinnacle of the Supreme Pavilion, everyone realized that although Long Aotian was just a fledgling, seemingly rootless and boundless, he was actually

Unknowingly, he already had such a strong background.

However, Yu Miaoyi suddenly sighed and said: "Whether it is the Buddha Land, the Demon Sect, or the Penglai Immortal Mountain, in the war between the worlds, the losses were heavy, the vitality was severely damaged, and the strength was not even ten, but now there are three amazing talents. Yan’s disciple, it’s just around the corner to regain his former glory, so I’m really happy and congratulated!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Although the Great War of All Worlds only existed in the classics to everyone present, no one questioned its brutality.

Countless superpowers fell apart, and countless powerful men spilled their blood and died. The world of cultivation was once barren, and it took hundreds of years for mountains of corpses and seas of blood to turn into loess.

Penglai Immortal Mountain, Buddha Land and Demon Sect also participated in the war. Could it be that they were not simply reclusive, but that they had to retreat to recuperate because they lost all their masters and their vitality was severely damaged?

If this is the case, have the three major sects now returned to their peak?

Apparently not.

Although Ye Liangchen, Kong Ming and Tian Wuxin are amazing enough, their strength is still far behind that of Zhan Wuji and others.

This alone is enough to prove that even if the strength of the three major sects recovers, it will still be far from the peak state of the year.

Since the three people entered the world on behalf of the sect, it means that they are the strongest disciples in the sect.

Their loss to Zhan Wuji proved that their sect was inferior to Wuji Sect in terms of strength!

Ji Wufeng's eyes gradually turned cold. It is said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. If the three of them move out of the school, they will definitely be feared. Even if they are enemies, no one will dare to take action easily.

However, Yu Miaoyi pointed out that the strength of the three major sects has long been inferior to before. This is tantamount to telling everyone that if you want to target the three of them, you can easily do it, and there is no need to be afraid of the three major sects!

What a poisonous thought!

With murderous intent rising in his heart, Ji Wufeng kicked Wu Qingfeng's sea of ​​​​qi hard, causing blood to spurt from his mouth, and he flew out like a torn sack.

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