boom! boom!

The two stepped on the ground and rushed towards each other. The ground exploded with terrifying force, raising dust all over the sky. Two figures rushed out and collided together!


The energy burst out from the two attacks impacted all around, and there was a rumble in the air. The power was too strong, and the air began to explode! ??

The two people moved faster and faster, and finally their figures became blurrier and blurrier. Everyone could only see the two shadows colliding with each other!


Both the fantasy realm and the live broadcast room were quiet. Everyone knew that Jianfeng was so powerful.

However, no one thought that Long Aotian was so terrifying, that he could collide with the sword wind for so long without falling behind at all.

This undoubtedly proves that Long Aotian's talent is definitely inferior to that of Jian Feng. Although he is not as good as Jian Feng outside the illusion, if he is given the same opportunity and training resources, he will definitely be at the same level as Xuan Ming, Zhan Wuji and Jian Feng. The Youth Supreme!


The dust on the ground was rolled up and exploded continuously under the fierce attack of the two people. As the two people's speed became faster and faster, the dust was rolled up into a giant dragon in the sky.


After a fierce exchange of blows, the two men retreated at the same time, and their body movements stopped.


Suddenly, the sword wind roared to the sky, and the aura on his body was rising crazily, reaching its peak in an instant.

In an instant, everyone's eyes widened. This was a sign of breakthrough. Isn't Jianfeng's talent too terrifying? He actually broke through during the battle!


The violent airflow exploded in Jianfeng's body and spread all over his body. He successfully broke through to the fourth level of Tianrenjue!

The path of cultivation is one step at a time. The difference is only one realm, but there is a huge difference in combat power.

, Ji Wufeng has no chance.


There was a sharp sound of a sword being unsheathed, and a sharp lightsaber appeared in Jianfeng's hand. After cultivating to the fourth level of Tianrenjue, the true energy can be transformed into a shape, and the energy can be condensed into a weapon!

Jianfeng gently stroked the sword's edge and said: "The sword is the true love in my heart, and it is also my weapon to kill people. Long Aotian, you have lost!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes were focused and he said: "Not necessarily, I haven't fallen down yet!"


Before he finished speaking, the lightsaber in Jianfeng's hand buzzed, and then the figure disappeared from the spot.

Ji Wufeng's expression changed and he immediately retreated, but it was already too late.

The sword wind appeared in the sky above him, and the lightsaber in his hand slashed down across the air. A ray of sword light that was more than ten meters long rose into the sky and slashed straight towards Ji Wufeng.

Although Ji Wufeng was already trying his best to retreat, without stepping on the sky, his speed was still too late to escape the attack range of the sword wind, and he was hit in the chest by the tip of the sword light.


Ji Wufeng was sent flying horizontally, a rain of blood fell in the air, and his body hit the boulder behind him hard, smashing the boulder into pieces!


Ji Wufeng stood up quickly, but then his body shook, and he knelt on one knee on the ground. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and a terrible wound appeared on his chest. The skin and flesh turned outwards, revealing the white bones inside.

If Ji Wufeng had retreated just one centimeter less, this sword would have disemboweled him!

"Hahaha... Did you see that? He is dead. He can't even withstand the sword wind!" Someone laughed happily.

Indeed, the difference in cultivation level widened the gap between the two men's combat power. Ji Wufeng was seriously injured with one strike from Jianfeng, and he would definitely die with another strike!

However, there was a hint of coldness in Jianfeng's eyes, and he said: "This is the first sword I used in the illusion of heaven, but I failed to kill you. I am very disappointed!"

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with his failure to kill Ji Wufeng with one sword!

Ji Wufeng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "I'm also very disappointed. You can't kill me if I'm on a different level. So what can you do to me on the same level? Ah..."

Suddenly, Ji Wufeng looked up to the sky and roared!

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned. What was he doing? Did he know that he was about to die, couldn't bear it mentally, and was going crazy?

But soon, they were all confused!

I saw that the aura on Ji Wufeng's body was rising crazily, just like the situation with Jianfeng before. This was about to break through from the third level of Tianrenjue to the fourth level!


The aura on Ji Wufeng's body exploded, roaring in the sky, and then transferred into his body. The wound on his chest was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He had already reached the perfection of the third level of Tianrenjue. He was severely injured by Jianfeng's sword. A strong desire to become stronger ignited in his heart, and the opportunity for a breakthrough also appeared.

Those who had previously said that Ji Wufeng was bound to die instantly shut their mouths, because no matter how much they rejected him or how much they wanted him to die, they could not change that this guy was a young supreme who could rival Jian Feng.


True energy transforms into form, condenses energy into a weapon!

A long knife appeared in his hand, and it looked the same as the sword Gui Cry in his hand before!

The cold sword light is looming on the blade, showing

The sharpness that came was as if it could split the sky!

The smile on Jianfeng's face has disappeared, and he said with indifference in his eyes: "Although I think you are not simple, I never thought that you are really qualified to fight with me, but now you have it, and you You can also die!"

At the end of the sentence, Jianfeng's voice was filled with icy coldness and exuded endless murderous intent. Everyone around him couldn't help but feel a chill running down their spines, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar!


Ji Wufeng laughed wildly and said, "Let's see what you can do to me!"

Jianfeng said coldly: "So what if the cultivation levels are the same? There are strengths and weaknesses in the same realm. You are far from my opponent!"

"You talk too much!"

Ji Wufeng roared violently, and his body suddenly rose into the air, standing above the sword wind. He held the knife in both hands and slashed downwards!

The dazzling sword light, like a rainbow filling the sun, pierced the sky. The materialized sword light was more than ten meters long. The cold and sharp sword energy was powerful among the mountains and forests, and many towering trees were cut in half. , fell to the ground with a bang, piles of boulders were attacked by the sword energy, and exploded...

The power of the sword is so terrifying!

However, Jianfeng was worthy of being the strongest disciple of Jianzong. His body immediately retreated violently, and the long sword in his hand shot out of the air and slashed towards the sword light!

Sonorous, sonorous…


Accompanied by the sharp sound of metal colliding, lightning flashed across the void, and the burning sword light and sword energy surged wildly in the mountains and forests, producing a series of explosions.

Ji Wufeng's sword attack returned in vain. Before he could land, the sword wind rose into the sky at extremely high speed and chopped him down with one sword strike.

Thousands of sword energy rose across the sky, enveloping Ji Wufeng like a big net, leaving him with no way to escape!

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