Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 2087: The brave one wins when we meet on a narrow road


Ji Wufeng didn't say any nonsense, raised the long knife in his hand and charged forward!

In an instant, the two people's bodies were filled with golden light, like two golden light groups, fighting together like lightning.

Jianfeng holds a long sword, and the dazzling sword light is dazzling. Ji Wufeng holds a sword, and the sword light reaches the sky like a long river running through the sun!


The sharp and ear-piercing sound of metal clashing made everyone within a radius of nearly a hundred miles feel a stinging pain in their ears. The nearby spectators, those with insufficient cultivation, were shocked back and forth, with blood flowing from their mouths.

In the first confrontation after each exerting their full strength, the two young supremes did not use any skills. They were completely domineering attacks. They wanted to crush the other party with absolute strength and create a certain psychological deterrent for the other party.



The lightsaber in Jianfeng's hand shattered and turned into thousands of rays of light that rushed in all directions!

The sword in Ji Wufeng's hand also shattered, and the golden light rushed high into the sky like stars all over the sky!


However, it didn't end there. After the sword shattered, a terrifying energy wave was formed.

The ground was trembling, the void was twisting, the two energies collided and entangled with each other, and finally raged crazily nearby, causing the earth to shake!

The place where the two people were standing was collapsing. Centered on their position, the collapse spread to all directions. The ground cracked and collapsed for dozens of miles, and a huge sinkhole appeared.

Boom boom boom!

The boulder deep in the ground was revealed. The two of them stomped on the ground. The boulder flew up and hit each other. Then they collided together and exploded.

The powder produced by the explosion rose into the air, covering the sky with sand and dust, making it dark, as if the end of the world was coming.

Deep in the sinkhole, the two people stood facing each other. Jianfeng said: "If you only have this ability, I'm afraid you will be doomed today."

Ji Wufeng said indifferently: "With this little ability, it's enough to kill you!"

So far, the two of them are still equally matched.

Want to psychologically overwhelm the opponent and gain the winning advantage!


Jian Feng gave a sharp shout, and both hands turned into lightsabers, rising up into the air. Golden light filled the sky, making it impossible to open one's eyes.

Ji Wufeng waved with one hand, and once again transformed into a sword, Ghost Cry, slashing towards the sword wind in the air!

The swords collided fiercely together again, and the sinkhole where the two of them were in was instantly destroyed and collapsed. Countless boulders mixed with sand were shaken into the sky, up to a hundred meters high, like a volcano erupting.

The two men held swords in hand and started to fight continuously, hitting from the bottom of the pit to the ground, and then from the ground to the sky. Neither of them used any body skills, they just used pure strength to jump to the sky, but they seemed to be able to fly.

The mighty air waves were like a river bursting its banks, rushing in all directions.

Suddenly, the earth was trembling, and the surface was overturned. The mud and sand were like huge waves in the ocean, centered on the two people, spreading to all directions. Large tracts of woods were crushed, and even several mountain peaks could not withstand this. The impact caused him to fall to the ground.

At this time in the live broadcast room, this kind of battle may be nothing to the cultivators.

But for all the geniuses in the illusion of heaven and man, they couldn't help but feel a sense of despair, because they were on the same starting line, but in such a short period of time, the power displayed by Ji Wufeng and Jianfeng could only make them... They look up.

This gap is really a huge blow!


There was another fierce exchange of blows, and the swords in both men's hands shattered. After landing, they both knelt on one knee, gasping for air. Horrible wounds appeared on their bodies, and bloodshot eyes overflowed from the corners of their mouths.

In the fight just now, both of them severely injured each other!

Jianfeng sneered: "Your talent is indeed amazing, but it's a pity that once you leave this illusion of heaven and man, it will be difficult to bloom like this again."

The glory of time! "

Yes, Ji Wufeng could compete with Jianfeng at this time, but after leaving here and everyone's cultivation levels recovered, he would no longer be as stunning as this.

Ji Wufeng knew that this was still Jianfeng's psychological attack on him, and sneered: "So what? At least I can beat you up here!"

Jianfeng said: "Do you only pursue this little thing? You have to know that you have offended many people. I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive after you go out."

"Haha, there are too many people who want to kill me, but I am still alive and well. You should know the consequences of those people."

Ji Wufeng laughed loudly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "You, on the other hand, are constantly attacking me psychologically. Are you not confident enough in yourself?"

"Hmph, I have never failed since the beginning of my self-cultivation. How could I not be confident?" Jianfeng snorted coldly.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Hey, I'm afraid that's why you're afraid of losing, right? And you're more afraid than anyone else, because you can't afford to lose!"

Jianfeng was stunned. He was right. Since he started practicing, he has never been defeated. He is an unparalleled genius in Jianzong for thousands of years. Everyone regards him as the future unparalleled powerhouse and the leader of Jianfeng!

However, Ji Wufeng was right. He was very confident in himself, but he was also burdened with too many expectations!

If he loses, will he still be so confident? Will those who have high hopes for him be disappointed?

He really can't afford to lose!

Ji Wufeng added: "But I can afford to lose. I can't help it, I'm thick-skinned!"


Jianfeng was immediately furious. He couldn't lose because he couldn't lose, but Ji Wufeng could lose because he didn't care!

Seeing this scene, the senior Jian Zong in the live broadcast room became impatient and shouted: "Don't be fooled, he is putting psychological pressure on you!"

Yes, Jian Feng kept putting psychological pressure on Ji Wufeng. Now Ji Wufeng responded in his own way.

To treat his body, he did not take the initiative to put pressure on him, but let Jianfeng put pressure on himself.

After all, Ji Wufeng is an old monster who has been practicing for thousands of years, while Jianfeng is only a few dozen years old at this time and is still young, so he fell into the trap unknowingly.

"Asshole, I will never lose!"

The sword storm roared, transformed into a long sword, and charged towards Ji Wufeng violently.

Ji Wufeng sneered: "There will never be anyone in the world who never loses. You are deceiving yourself!"


Jianfeng lost his mind for a while. Yes, there can be no one in the world who can't lose. Although he has never lost, he will definitely lose.

The seniors of the Sword Sect screamed anxiously and yelled: "Idiot, wake up quickly..."

The two have been in a stalemate, which makes Ji Wufeng's psychological offensive effective, which is very dangerous for Jianfeng.

However, just for this brief moment of confusion, Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed, his body suddenly jumped up, and the sword in his hand suddenly shot out with a sword light that reached the sky, and he slashed down with one strike.


The void seemed to be split open, mercilessly slashing towards the sword wind.


Jianfeng suddenly raised his head, looked at the sword light that was slashing towards him, and immediately started to retreat.

Ji Wufeng caught Jianfeng's fear and said, "Jianfeng, what are you hiding from? Are you afraid? What are you afraid of?"

Jianfeng said ferociously: "Hmph, why am I afraid of you?"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "It's not me you're afraid of, but the fear of losing. As I said before, you can't afford to lose!"

It's an extremely simple truth. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes, and porcelain is afraid of earthen pots. He really can't afford to lose.

A trace of fear flashed in Jianfeng's eyes, and Ji Wufeng laughed loudly: "The brave will win when we meet on a narrow road. No matter what you are afraid of, as long as you are afraid, you have actually lost!"

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