
There was an angry shout, and at this moment, a figure flashed in front of Ji Wufeng like an aurora and struck out.

Everyone looked sideways again. Ji Wufeng was destined to die. Who could save him at this time?

Yes, unless they are the most powerful people like Jian Feng and Zhan Wuji, and they are always paying attention to Ji Wufeng's situation, otherwise, even if they have such ability, they cannot have this reaction speed.

This person absolutely cannot be the above two people, but this person has the abilities of the two people, and he is always paying attention to Ji Wufeng and providing timely help.


The attacker blocked the attacker's fatal blow and successfully rescued Ji Wufeng.

At this time, everyone finally saw the appearance of the person clearly. It turned out to be a girl as beautiful as a fairy, Ye Liangchen, a genius disciple from Penglai Fairy Mountain!

Ye Liangchen's talent has been fully demonstrated. He is definitely not inferior to the likes of Zhan Wuji and Jianfeng, so he is naturally capable of saving Ji Wufeng.

However, some people couldn't figure out why Ye Liangchen paid so much attention to Ji Wufeng when it was just his first meeting.

The fact that she was able to save Ji Wufeng in time showed that she was always paying attention to Ji Wufeng's safety and was always ready to rescue him.

"elder brother!"

Ye Liangchen rushed over and supported Ji Wufeng, his eyes were red, obviously extremely concerned and worried.

At that moment, Ji Wufeng was extremely satisfied. It felt like his loved ones were sad to see him injured.

On the other hand, Ji Wufeng subconsciously regarded Ye Liangchen as his closest relative, and Ye Liangchen did the same, so he was extremely worried about him and took action in time.

"It's so dangerous. If it weren't for you, girl, I'm afraid I would be dead." Ji Wufeng touched his wound as he spoke, grinning in pain.

Ye Liangchen's eyes showed a trace of evil spirit, and he turned to look at

The attacker said angrily: "You are so despicable for attacking at this time. I will teach you a lesson!"

The person who attacked Ji Wufeng was a young man dressed in black. He had a handsome appearance, but his eyes were sinister, and his body exuded a vicious aura that smelled of blood.

Almost everyone was very unfamiliar with this person, and no one knew him. However, what shocked everyone was that this person actually had the cultivation level of the fourth level of Tianrenjue.

Then doesn't he have an amazing talent comparable to Zhan Wuji, Jianfeng and others?

It's really terrible that a person with such a strong talent was unknown before, and no one noticed him.

However, if you think about it carefully, if Long Aotian hadn't been too ostentatious, who would have noticed how amazing he was?

The young man grinned with a particularly ferocious expression. He stared at Ye Liangchen and said, "Yes, a beauty like you is qualified to be my slave!"

Yin slave?

The Gate of Hell has an extremely cruel method, which is to control a person's will and make him or her absolutely loyal to him, making him a slave for the rest of his life.

This young man knows how to refine Yin slaves, so his identity will be revealed, he is a disciple of the Hell Gate!

Although the Hell Sect is one of the five super sects, unlike the other four major sects, the Hell Sect rarely has disciples who join the world to practice, but they seem to have their own training system, and they never lack the best without joining the world. Strong.

This is the first time I saw the young disciple of Hell Sect appear. It seems that Hell Sect also attaches great importance to the opportunity of heavenly beings to choose disciples.

"What's your name?" Ye Liangchen asked.

The young man chuckled and said, "Remember, my name

The name is Yin Lianhai, because this name will become your master soon. "

Ye Liangchen's eyes showed a hint of evil, and he said: "The reason why I asked your name is because I not only want to kill you once in the illusion of heaven and man, but I will kill you again after leaving here!"

"Hehe, yes, I like your strong character, because the more powerful a woman is, the more she has a sense of conquest. The feeling of being submissive and obeying after being conquered by me makes me even more excited!"

Everyone felt a chill, this guy actually had such perverted hobbies.

However, the reason why Hell Gate calls itself hell is because the gatekeepers are vicious and cruel, and use all kinds of vicious methods in an endless stream. Once you fall into the hands of Hell Gate, it will be like falling into an endless hell!

"But I hate shameless and sinister villains like you. Go to hell!"

Ye Liangchen shouted loudly, his body suddenly jumped up, and he opened his jade hands. The void shook, and overwhelming energy rushed towards Yin Lianhai.

Everyone couldn't help but tremble. Ye Liangchen's power was no weaker than that of Jian Feng and Long Aotian before.

Seeing that a battle was about to begin, three figures rushed towards Ji Wufeng like lightning.

Everyone was shocked again, there was actually someone who wanted to kill Ji Wufeng at this time!


One of them slapped Ji Wufeng's body with his palm, sending him flying away. After he landed on the ground, blood spurted from his mouth.

"elder brother……"

Ye Liangchen was shocked and wanted to turn around to rescue him, but Yin Lianhai smiled and said: "Your opponent is me!"


Torrential energy shot up from Yin Lianhai into the sky, blocking Ye Liangchen's path.

The three people who attacked Ji Wufeng landed and everyone recognized them

He noticed them and said: "It's Ling Ziqi from Lingyuan Sect, your Wu Tianyuan from Wu Family and Qin Shan from Wanxian Palace!"

Ling Ziqi looked at Ji Wufeng and laughed ferociously: "Do you know why I didn't kill you just now? It's because I said, I won't take your life so soon, and I will torture you until the illusion ends."

I didn't succeed in killing Ji Wufeng before, but I didn't expect that I got a big deal now!

Ji Wufeng's mouth was filled with blood as he said in a cold voice: "As long as I don't die, I will one day defeat the Lingyuan Sect!"

The grudge between him and Lingyuan Sect can no longer be resolved. From now on, either you will die or I will die.

"Hey, is it still useful to say so much now?"

Wu Tianyuan stepped forward and stamped on Ji Wufeng's arm.



Ji Wufeng let out a scream, and his entire arm was trampled to pieces.

"Hehe, I'll do my part too."

Qin Shan rushed over and kicked Ji Wufeng again, and Ji Wufeng's second arm was crushed to pieces. The pain was so painful that he almost fainted.

Ling Ziqi laughed excitedly and said: "The two hands are gone, now it's time to have two legs. Then you can only crawl on the ground like a dog, hahaha..."

Wu Tianyuan and Qin Shan raised their feet again with ferocious smiles on their faces and stamped hard on Ji Wufeng's legs.

The onlookers at the scene and everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help shaking their heads, their faces full of regret.

Long Aotian originally had a talent that was on par with Jianfeng, and he had a great chance of making it to the end. Once he became a disciple of Heavenly Man, he would be an unparalleled powerhouse.

But now...what a pity!

Seeing that Ji Wufeng's legs were about to be destroyed, two figures suddenly rushed towards Wu Tianyuan and Qin Shan from the darkness like lightning.

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