Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 2091 You have to take it easy

This time Ji Wufeng didn't use any cover, he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Long Aotian is here!"

There was no trace of him for three months. Many people had forgotten about him, and his voice couldn't help but become the focus again.

Since his disappearance, Zhan Wuji finally took action, four times in total. Each time, he killed his opponent with one blow. He was so powerful that it made people despair.

The appearance of Ji Wufeng has rekindled the hope of many people. As long as they catch him, they can avoid fighting Zhan Wuji.

"Hey, it's really hard to find anything even if you try hard to find it. It doesn't take any effort to get here."

Two young men who were nearby rushed over, their faces full of excitement, feeling that they had gotten a big deal.

Ji Wufeng suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already standing behind the two of them and kicked them out. ??


One of the young men suddenly felt that he was a lot shorter. When he looked down, he found that his waist was bloody and bloody, and even his intestines were leaking out. Ji Wufeng's kick actually cut him in half.

The other young man's hair stood up instantly. He immediately realized that Ji Wufeng was too powerful and ran away.

Ji Wufeng stepped forward and slashed out with his sword. The young man was cut in half from his shoulders to his waist, like tofu!


The two young men let out extremely sad howls. They had already reached the fifth level of Tianren Art. This kind of injury could not kill them, but it made them more painful and frightened.

Ji Wufeng broke a tree with one punch, broke off a branch as thick as an arm, penetrated directly into the chests of the two people, strung them together, carried them on his shoulders and strode forward.

After he appeared in front of everyone, it immediately caused a shock. This guy didn't show up for three months. Many people suspected that he had been secretly killed and was out of the game. They didn't expect that he was still alive and still so rampant.

"Long Aotian is here

So, if you want to deal with me, come here! "

Ji Wufeng grabbed the branch on his shoulder, suddenly lifted it, and waved his arms.

boom! boom!

The branches were skewered, and the bodies of the two people who were still howling miserably exploded instantly, sprinkling two pieces of blood, and then disappeared.

"court death!"

A young man with the fifth level of perfection in the art of heaven and man flew forward, opened his big hand and took a picture.


Ji Wufeng snorted coldly, stamped one foot on the ground, and jumped into the sky like a cannonball. He grabbed the young man's arm and pulled hard.



With a shrill scream, one of the young man's arms was ripped off by him, and blood spurted out.

"You are too noisy, shut up!"

Ji Wufeng shouted angrily and kicked the young man.


The young man's body exploded into a shower of blood.

Everyone present was instantly frightened. Isn't this too scary? That was a peak expert at the fifth level of Heaven and Man Art, and he was torn alive by him as if he was papered!

But some people were still angry and said sternly: "Long Aotian, since you survived, you should shrink down. Are you deliberately seeking death by jumping out now?"

Ji Wufeng turned around and sneered: "You should talk to me like this, I think you are looking for death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure came behind the man, stretched out his hand and patted the man's head.


blood splattered

, the man’s head was beaten to pieces and he was sent back to his hometown.

In an instant, everyone present had their hair on end. This guy was so cruel. He immediately turned around and ran away, shouting as he ran: "Come quickly, someone, Long Aotian is still alive, he is still alive..."

Ji Wufeng did not chase, but shouted loudly: "Zhan Wuji, I am still alive, if you have the guts to fight me, Yin Lianhai, despicable dead kid, wash your neck and wait, grandpa will come to take your dog head!" "

The reason why he acted so brutally and in such a high-profile manner was because he wanted to attract attention.

If nothing unexpected happened, Zhou Xingkong and Ye Liangchen were being hunted, and he wanted to attract their opponents to relieve their pressure.

Sure enough, Zhou Xingkong, Ye Liangchen, Kong Ming and Tian Wuxin were being chased by a group of people at this time. They were all seriously injured and in a state of embarrassment. When Ji Wufeng's roar was heard, at least half of the people turned around and ran away.

In their opinion, Ji Wufeng's head was worth much more than them.

Besides, Long Aotian has no roots and no bounds, so even if he is killed, it won't matter. And there is a sect behind Zhou Xingkong and others. If they offend someone, they will inevitably be retaliated against in the future.

The enemy was reduced sharply, and Zhou Xingkong and the four men immediately launched a counterattack, killing all the remaining pursuers forcefully, and then fell to the ground one by one covered in blood and gasping for breath. ??

But soon Ye Liangchen climbed up stubbornly and said with firm eyes: "Brother is covering us and attracting the enemy alone. We must go and help him immediately."

Even though they were hurt all over, the other three gritted their teeth and stood up, stumbling on their way.

At this time, Ji Wufeng seemed to be crazy, killing everyone he saw, whether it was the fourth level or the fifth level of Tianrenjue, either punching them to death or kicking them until their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

There is no strong man at the youth supreme level who can block it at all.

Unable to resist his move, those who finally came were stunned.

Damn it, they were here to pick up a bargain, but what the heck are they doing now? If you don't pick up the bargain, you may risk your life.

Finally, when they saw Ji Wufeng approaching, they all immediately retreated. When they saw Ji Wufeng moving away, they immediately chased after him. It was like this.

Ji Wufeng was depressed, knowing that he had exerted too much force and frightened these people.

No, it seems that I have to take it easy and hang these people up.

"Long Aotian, watch me kill you!"

Finally, someone took action against him. This was a genius who had broken through to the sixth level of Tianrenjue and was confident that he could kill Ji Wufeng.

"Well done!"

Ji Wufeng's face turned pale, and his body suddenly jumped into the sky, and the two of them collided fiercely.

boom! boom! boom!

After a series of violent exchanges, the prodigy was sent flying away by Ji Wufeng's punch. After landing, his body exploded and he was sent back to his hometown.


Ji Wufeng was also hit by a domineering punch. After he landed, he was spitting out blood. His face was as pale as paper. He was obviously seriously injured.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that Long Aotian was still so strong. Even the sixth level of heaven was no match for him.

Ji Wufeng turned around and walked away, his steps staggering. Immediately, someone shouted excitedly: "He has been seriously injured and can no longer bear it. Kill him!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly turned his head and said fiercely: "Even if I am seriously injured, I still have the strength to fight. Which of you wants to come and die?"

Everyone immediately retreated, but then quickly said: "Huh, he is just bluffing. If he really still has fighting power, with his cruel character, in order to hide his traces, I am afraid he would have taken action against us long ago."

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