Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 2093 This is my return to the past


The young man's head was smashed to pieces by his palm, and after a shower of blood burst out, he disappeared back to his hometown.

Zhou Xingkong and others were stunned. Aren't they already seriously injured? Why are you so fierce?

Yang Hui also realized that something was wrong, but it was too late. Ji Wufeng's body suddenly exploded and he punched him hard. In an instant, there was a series of explosions in the air. This punch was so terrifying.

Yang Hui's expression changed, and he grabbed the young man next to him and held it in front of his chest.


Ji Wufeng punched the young man's chest, and his body exploded directly. Not to mention, the remaining force of the punch hit Yang Hui's body.



Yang Hui spit out blood and flew out. After landing, he rolled several times before getting up from the ground. His chest collapsed, sticky blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of panic.

It was so terrifying. He could blast one person with one punch, and the remaining energy could seriously injure Yang Hui.

"'re not injured?" Yang Hui said.


Ji Wufeng spurted out another mouthful of blood, collapsed on the ground, and said, "He was injured, very seriously. It was just a flashback, a powerful blow that overstretched the potential. You are unlucky to have encountered it!"

Yang Hui wanted to die. He was indeed very unlucky, and not just ordinary unlucky. Looking at Ji Wufeng like this, he was about to die. He had just fought back on the verge of death, but he had just happened to him.


Zhou Xingkong snorted coldly and stepped forward, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Yang Hui's eyes were full of resentment and he said: "Zhou Xingkong, sooner or later the Immortal King Palace will come to dominate the world, and when the time comes, I will conquer the Dengfeng Zuoji Pavilion. Everything you gave me in the past, I will definitely return to you a hundredfold."

Zhou Xingkong didn't bother to pay attention to him, raised his foot and stamped on his head.

And Ji Wufeng

But his eyes narrowed and he said: "Wait a minute!"

Zhou Xingkong said: "Brother, this kid is extremely sinister and vicious. If we don't kill him, he will be a serious problem."

"I know, but I have something to ask him."

Ji Wufeng asked Yang Hui: "Are you a disciple of the Immortal King Palace?"

It can be said that the earth has reached this stage because of the Immortal King Palace. He wants to know why the Immortal King Palace did this, why Mingyue is involved with the Immortal King Palace, and why Gu Tianyang was led by the Immortal King Palace. He left and his whereabouts are still unknown.

There are too many questions about the Immortal King's Palace. However, after coming to the world of cultivation, the Immortal King's Palace has almost no trace, revealing too much mystery.

Now he finally met a disciple of the Immortal King Palace, and he didn't want to miss the opportunity to get to know him.

"That's right, I'm a disciple of the Immortal King's Palace. Hehe, are you scared now?" Yang Hui laughed ferociously.


Ji Wufeng's face turned pale, and he slapped Yang Hui with a big mouth. Half of Yang Hui's face was so bloody that it turned into a pulp. He said in a cold voice: "Remember, you are my prisoner now. Don't be crazy about me. I have nothing to do with you." benefit."

Yang Hui suddenly became furious and said with a ferocious expression: "You dare to humiliate me?"

"Humiliate you? I can kill you or not. Don't forget, this place is similar to the real world. I have many ways to make your life worse than death!" Ji Wufeng said.


Yang Hui gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "What do you want?"

"I'll ask you a few questions. If you answer them to my satisfaction, I'll let you go." Ji Wufeng said.

"Why should I trust you?"

"You have no choice."

Yang Hui hesitated for a while and said, "Okay, you can ask."

Although, even if he was killed here, the soul would only return to its original form without any damage, but he would also lose the opportunity to become a disciple of heavenly beings, and he did not want to give up yet.

"Where is the bright moon?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Yang Hui shook his head and said, "I don't know, I've never even heard of this name." .??.

"Where is Gu Tianyang?"

"I only know that he has been in seclusion in the Immortal King Palace."

"Where is the Immortal King's Palace?"

"I don't know. We have to go through the barrier when entering and exiting. With my ability, it is impossible to pass through the barrier. Someone will lead me every time."

"What is Chen Feng's status in the Immortal King's Palace?"

"He is the seventeenth elder of the Immortal King Palace!"


Although the three consecutive questions did not seem to ask anything of value, careful analysis did not reveal anything. Since Chen Feng does exist in the Immortal King Palace, Mingyue must have an extremely close relationship with the Immortal King Palace.

Chen Feng is an elder of the Immortal King Palace, which proves that Mingyue's identity is either very mysterious or extremely high, and Yang Hui is not qualified to know it.

Gu Tianyang has been in retreat, which proves that the Immortal King Palace attaches great importance to him and is doing its best to train him.

The need to pass through the barrier to enter and exit the Immortal King's Palace means that the Immortal King's Palace is in a semi-reclusive state at this time and will not interfere with the affairs of the world of cultivation for the time being.

"Okay, you can go." Ji Wufeng said.

Yang Hui was stunned and said, "Are you really willing to let me go?"

"Of course, I promised that I would let you go as long as you answer a few questions from me. Pfft... leave quickly. If you don't leave, I will regret it."

As he spoke, Ji Wufeng spat out a large mouthful of blood again and sat down paralyzed.

On the ground.

Yang Hui's face turned pale, he got up from the ground and ran away.

Zhou Xingkong looked puzzled and said: "Brother, why do you let him go? Based on my understanding of Yang Hui, he will never give up. Once he recovers from his injuries, he will definitely take revenge on us."

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Let him go. I, Long Aotianyi and Bo Yuntian, have kept my word and promised to let him go. How can I break my promise?"

Tian Wuxin, with a face full of disbelief, said: "You smile so sinisterly, why do I feel like you are tricking him?"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "How is that possible? I am an upright person, and I am least good at such conspiracies."

Tian Wuxin curled his lips and said: "Believe me, I think you are becoming more and more like that bastard. You are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but full of bad intentions."

Ji Wufeng was not angry, was he that bad? But he had nothing to say. After all, it was his old friends who understood him. Tian Wuxin was absolutely right.

"Okay, let's leave quickly. Now we are all seriously injured. If anyone comes again, they will be dead."

Speaking of which, Ji Wufeng picked up the unconscious Kong Ming on his shoulders and ran away.

Tian Wuxin was carried on Zhou Xingkong's back, and he said to Ji Wufeng, "Aren't you seriously injured? Why are your legs and feet so nimble?"

"Ahem, this is my return to the past."

Yang Hui escaped, but just as Zhou Xingkong said, he could not give up. He gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Long Aotian, Zhou Xingkong, I will make you pay a hundred times the price."

A piece of news spread quickly in the illusion of heaven and man. Long Aotian appeared again. Although he was strong, he had been seriously injured after repeated battles. He was exhausted and was not far from death.

In an instant, the illusion of heaven and man became lively again. Many people who were fighting stopped temporarily and searched for Long Aotian and his party.

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