Tian Wuxin told what happened, and the eyes of Hai Lingfeng and the other three people almost dropped. Ji Wufeng, that bastard, is so bold. Even the gods dare to refute him. Isn't this a deliberate attempt to seek death?

Yuan Dongdong said: "Why don't we go to the Heavenly Being to subdue him now? If you become his disciple, no one will dare to touch you."

Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said, "Do you think it's possible? Let's not talk about whether they are willing or not. Even Sister Hei will definitely not agree."

He knew that the woman in black had deliberately interfered, and her intention was very obvious, that is, she did not want him to become a disciple of heavenly beings.

Hai Lingfeng pondered: "What do you mean, Sister Hei? It doesn't make sense."

Becoming a disciple of a heavenly being is a good thing no matter how you look at it, why should the woman in black stop it?

"I think she must have a deep meaning." Ji Wufeng said.

No matter why the woman in black did this, one thing is certain, that is, the woman in black is definitely one of her own.

"Then what should we do next?" Kong Ming asked.

"Of course you two are going to become apprentices. Such a good opportunity should not be missed." Ji Wufeng said.

Tian Wuxin shook his head and said: "I want to be a master of Hammer. I don't think that person is a good person. Besides, I don't necessarily think that the Demon Sect is worse than the Heavenly Sect."

Because of Ji Wufeng, the two of them were also very disgusted with Tianren and wanted to give up the opportunity to become Tianren's disciples.


Ji Wufeng immediately said: "Although Tianren is not a good bird, I am sure that Tianrenjue is a good thing. I have no chance. You must get it."

Although it was just a basic skill, Ji Wufeng had already realized how powerful the Heavenly Skill was. The real Heavenly Skill was definitely a unique skill. It would be a pity not to get it.

Ji Wufeng said: "Also, if there is really a problem in the Heavenly Court, if you go in, you can be regarded as an internal response, which will be beneficial and harmless."

Heaven is mysterious and powerful. If you are hostile,

relationship, if you don’t understand anything, you will suffer a big loss when the time comes!

After understanding the key, Tian Wuxin and Kong Mingxin reluctantly agreed, preparing to return to the master first, and then go to find Tianren to become their disciple!

After getting together for a few days, Tian Wuxin and Kong Ming left.

Ji Wufeng and his group are hiding their whereabouts. At this time, almost the entire cultivation world is targeting him, so they can only avoid the spotlight temporarily.

A month later, the promise made by Zhan Wuji and others to kill Ji Wufeng was not fulfilled because the time had come and they had to leave to become their disciples.

Tianren promised ten disciples, but Ji Wufeng refused. Ye Liangchen never showed up again, obviously giving up, and the remaining two places were filled by others.

These two people are Ling Ziqi from Lingyuan Sect and Qingchen, a genius disciple from Jian Sect!

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong were so angry that they complained to Ji Wufeng: "You should kill that kid Lingziqi in the illusion. It's better now, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with him in the future!"

The people on earth hate the Lingyuan Sect with all their hearts, and wish that the Lingyuan Sect would perish. But now that Ling Ziqi has become a disciple of Heavenly Man, it gives the Lingyuan Sect another chance to turn around.

Ji Wufeng sneered, "I don't even care about heavenly beings, so why would I still be afraid of a mere disciple of his?"

The Lingyuan Sect is destined to be destroyed, let alone the gods, even if the king of heaven comes, I can't save it.

He had some regrets about Qingchen. He wanted to go to meet him and confirm his identity, but it seemed that he could only continue to delay.

After everyone becomes a disciple, they should be taken back to heaven to practice. It may take a long time to see them again.

It was at this time that the whereabouts of Ji Wufeng and his party were exposed, and they began to face an endless pursuit.


However, Xuan Ming, Zhan Wuji and others left, but no one thought that Ji Wufeng could act recklessly. On the contrary, his situation would be even more dangerous.

The geniuses who participated in the Heavenly Trial before were all under a hundred years old, and there were countless young and powerful men over a hundred years old. As long as their cultivation level had not reached the Mahayana stage, they could attack Ji Wufeng at will.

After being attacked and killed by more than ten consecutive groups, everyone fled to a place in embarrassment. Hai Lingfeng was murderous and said: "Damn it, I will contact the boss immediately and ask the brothers to come over and kill these sons of bitches!"

If the fourteen great bandits come, holding the Wutian Mirror, they will be able to sweep across all directions! .??.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and refused, saying: "No, Sister Hei just does this because she doesn't want me to be too comfortable, and wants me to temper myself in the fight. If Big Brother and the others come, although it is safe, it will not be conducive to my growth! "

Zhao Jiaolong said angrily: "My life is almost gone, and I'm still growing up. Sister Hei, it's true. There are many opportunities for training, why do you have to be so stubborn?"

Ji Wufeng didn't take it seriously. A truly strong man must grow up in the struggle between life and death. Invincible people cannot be raised in a greenhouse!

"No need to say any more, I decided that we should split up. You go and meet your eldest brother. I will go alone. If necessary, you can come and help me." Ji Wufeng said.

Now that he has come this far, Ji Wufeng decided to hone himself and give it a try.

Although it is dangerous, if he cannot grow up quickly, he will still be unable to escape death if he faces a catastrophe in the future!

Everyone wanted to persuade him, but Ji Wufeng was resolute and decided to leave alone!

Ji Wufeng did not show off to the public, but concealed his whereabouts, walking through the deep mountains and dense forests. He felt that his cultivation level was not enough and needed to be improved.

He found a small mountain village that was almost isolated from the world. There were less than a hundred villagers in the village, and the atmosphere here was incompatible with the world of cultivation.

Except for the village chief, who is a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, all the other villagers are ordinary people, living a leisurely life in the village where men farm and women weave.

This reminded him of the ordinary world on earth, which was too rare in the world of cultivation.

Perhaps out of his attachment to life on earth, he decided to temporarily live in the village for silent cultivation.

"Brother, are you from outside?" A little girl of seven or eight years old came forward and stared at him with big watery eyes. Her round face was full of curiosity. It was obvious that few people Will come here.

Seeing the little girl Ji Wufeng thought of Ji Yanran, picked her up and said with a smile: "Brother is from outside, do you welcome him?"

"Welcome, of course you are welcome, few of us will come here."

The little girl suddenly shouted excitedly: "Come on, come on, someone, there is a big brother outside coming to our village."

The villagers ran out one after another. After a while of curiosity, they warmly received Ji Wufeng, which made him feel very good.

However, unlike the enthusiasm of the villagers, two hostile eyes stared at him.

Ji Wufeng turned around and found that it was a middle-aged man, the village leader Lei Yao, the only cultivator in the village!

At night, after the villagers went to sleep, Lei Yao found Ji Wufeng and said in a deep voice: "This is not the place you should be, leave."


Just as Ji Wufeng was about to say something, a violent and chilling aura rose up from Lei Yao's body and pressed towards him. This made his heart skip a beat and he felt the threat of death.

This Lei Yao is not a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage at all. His true combat power can definitely kill Ji Wufeng in an instant.

No wonder, this village is full of mortals, but it can be so peaceful and peaceful, not because it is isolated from the world, but because there is a terrifying strong man like Lei Yao guarding it.

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