Moreover, the woman in black specifically told him to fight without reservation. Although the woman in black seemed a little out of control, the final result of every step she took seemed to be her own gain.

If that's the case, then he has no worries anymore.


A long groan came from Ji Wufeng's body and went straight through the sky.

Although this long chant seemed peaceful, it was so powerful that it spread across the sky and earth and reached everyone's ears. At that moment, everyone's minds were shaking.

It is a kind of supreme majesty, vast and unbridled, shocking everyone's heart! ??

In an instant, everyone was shocked and their faces were filled with astonishment.

" this dragon's roar?"

That's right, it's the dragon's roar, the long roar of the Dragon God, one of the four gods in ancient times!

What are gods? It is a kind of creature that is superior to all living beings. Even if it is just a long chant, it is enough to form an irresistible and powerful pressure on the life level.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Someone's face was full of unwillingness and he roared in anger.

"It's a dragon's roar. It's really a dragon's roar. How pitiful..."

Some people were so excited that they could not help but kneel down and worship, with tears streaming down their faces.

Ji Wufeng was seen slowly rising into the air at this moment, his body as tall and straight as a mountain, bursts of dragon roars emitted from his body, and the vast and majestic aura spread out in all directions.

In order to conceal his identity, Ji Wufeng never tried his best to activate the Qianlong Ascension Technique from the beginning to the end.

At this time, Ji Wufeng will no longer hold back, mobilizing the Qianlong Ascension Technique, and the power of the Nie family bloodline in his body is boiling crazily!

Everyone in the live broadcast room stared straight-eyed. Some young people could feel the irresistible pressure coming from Ji Wufeng even through the screen. Some even trembled all over and couldn't help but want to kneel down and worship.

The reaction of the powerful elders was even stronger. Some people howled like ghosts: "Long Wei, he is really the Dragon Guard!"

Some people laughed wildly and excitedly: "Hahaha, Dragon Guard, the Dragon Guard lineage actually has a heritage, it's really

That's great! "


Dragon Guard reappeared, and the entire world of cultivation was shocked.

Even though tens of millions of years have passed, the legend of the Eight Guards is still deeply rooted in people's hearts, because they were once the most powerful eight tribes of the human race, and they shed their blood to protect the human race and had unparalleled achievements.

The Dragon Guard, which has disappeared or even been rumored to be extinct, has reappeared. How can it not cause shock?


The roar of the dragon suddenly turned into a thundering roar. At that moment, the earth shook. Some young people with insufficient cultivation in the live broadcast room were hit hard, their bodies retreated suddenly, and bloodshot eyes overflowed from the corners of their mouths.


Countless people were terrified. It was not the dragon's roar that was attacking them, but the suppression of their blood, which frustrated them and hurt themselves.

In the void, the woman in black sat cross-legged, stared at Ji Wufeng, and murmured to herself: "What exactly have you done? And what can I do for you?"

The figure of the heavenly man appeared and said indifferently: "Why should the Nine Lords have a headache? In any case, the Dragon Guard is a thing of the past, the dragon soul will be destroyed, and the best ending is to rest in peace in Jiuquan!"

The woman in black focused her gaze and said: "How dare you, a loser like you, dare to say what will happen to the Dragon God?"

Such contemptuous words did not make the heavenly being angry, but he smiled lightly and said: "Ashes return to dust, soil returns to earth, heaven has reincarnation, no one can live forever like this world, only a steady stream of descendants will succeed."


The nine clones behind the woman in black rose into the sky and said in a cold voice: "Following one after another? I'm not dead yet."

The heavenly man shook his head and said: "So what? If you, Jiu Zun, still have the same style, you could return to heaven back then, and you can return to heaven today!"

"You are wrong. When I return to heaven, I will definitely not return, but seek justice!"

The woman in black had a domineering and explosive aura all over her body and said: "If what you say is the attitude of Heaven, then you can get out."

"Nine Lords have misunderstood. I am here to promulgate heavenly decrees!"


The changes in Ji Wufeng's body made the third prince Dawei's golden body tremble, and his steps retreated unconsciously.

This made the murderous intent in the eyes of the Third Prince Dawei even more intense. He never expected that he would reach this point. If Ji Wufeng could not be killed today, he would not only be left with a knot in his heart, but would also become a laughing stock.


The overbearing aura soared into the sky from the Third Prince Dawei again, blocking the pressure from Ji Wufeng.

As expected, he is worthy of being a genius. He is extremely tenacious. Even if he is intimidated by his opponent's pressure, he can still break free with his strong willpower.


Ji Wufeng didn't say too much nonsense, and rushed towards the third prince Dawei while writhing.

"Go to hell, ant!"

The Third Prince Dawei roared violently, and his body and Huangji Golden Body pounced on Xiang Ji Wufeng.

The identity of Ji Wufeng Long Wei was revealed, and the entire cultivation world was shocked. However, in the decisive battle between him and the third prince Dawei, many people still looked down upon him.

There is no way, the strong is respected, or it is because the gap in strength is too big!


Ji Wufeng slashed the Emperor's Golden Body backwards, then slashed at the third prince Dawei with his backhand, saying: "What Emperor's Golden Body? It's a fancy thing. This is equivalent to taking away half of your skill. You will definitely lose." !”


The third prince, Dawei, was struck back violently by the sword, and said with a cold laugh: "You are so brazen, do you really think you have seen the flaw in Huangji's golden body? Huangji has become a body!"

I saw the huge golden body of Emperor Ji coming across the sky, turning into golden light and pouring into the body of the third prince Dawei.

The golden light fell on the third prince Dawei and did not dissipate. It actually turned into armor and wrapped him up. \u003c


In an instant, a fierce and domineering aura burst out from the third prince Dawei, and the terrifying power rose up, shocking the world!

The Third Prince Dawei sneered: "Ji Wufeng, you should feel honored to die under the true golden body of the Emperor!"

Ji Wufeng understood that this was the real way to use Huangji's golden body. Huangji added his body and merged into one. At this moment, the aura of the third prince Dawei was more than twice as powerful as before.

"Hmph, do you think wearing a turtle shell will make you powerful? Watch me break it!"

Ji Wufeng twisted Gui Cry and struck at him, and the third prince Dawei with Huang Ji on his body also flew towards him and killed him.


The sword light struck the golden body, and two bright rays of light bloomed at the same time, intertwined, and inspired terrifying energy fluctuations.


There was an astonishing explosion sound for hundreds of miles below the two people. The ground was overturned and criss-crossed. Cracks appeared one after another, densely packed, and each crack was several meters wide.

It is not difficult to imagine how terrifying the power inspired by the two people is.

At the same time, the battle between the two became even more gimmick-Long Wei battled against the genius of the Dawei Dynasty. A steady stream of people poured into the live broadcast room and placed bets crazily.

Seeing the bets soaring, exceeding 100 million in the blink of an eye, Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong's faces turned green, and their blood pressure became abnormal. Oh my god, if they lose this battle, they can't afford to sell their waists.

At this moment, the void surged, and two figures, a man and a woman, appeared out of thin air.

Seeing the two people appear, no matter whether it was on site or in the live broadcast room, everyone was stunned for a while, and then became excited.

It turned out to be the heavenly being and the woman in black.

There is no need to mention the heavenly beings, but the woman in black has repeatedly refuted the heavenly beings, and her identity is equally terrifying.

Why did these two big guys come to the scene in person?

The woman in black pointed at Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong and said domineeringly: "Bet me 100 million!"

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