Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 2234 I’ll save you after I make a fortune

These three people were unparalleled a hundred years ago and were invincible among their peers. They were well-deserved youth supremes and their reputations spread far and wide.

It was not until they reached the age of one hundred that the three of them retired and returned to their sect to concentrate on cultivation, and this cultivation lasted for a hundred years.

With the talents of the three people and the sect's efforts to cultivate them, it is conceivable that today, a hundred years later, they must be many times stronger than they were back then.

I saw the auras of the three people soaring to the sky, bombarding the Demon City at the same time.


The Demonic City was immediately bombarded and flew away, breaking several mountain peaks in succession before falling heavily to the ground.

However, the Demonic City was not damaged at all. Everyone was stunned, including Niu Er and others. The Demonic City did not seem to be so strong.

At the same time, everyone finally understood why the three people came, to deal with Ji Wufeng!

Since Ji Wufeng's debut, he has developed quite a lot of grudges with the three major sects. Countless talented disciples were either killed by Ji Wufeng or betrayed by him. This is definitely a never-ending festival.

Because of the protection of the woman in black, the elders of the three major sects did not dare to take action, but at this time, they finally used their trump card.

The three of them were no less stunning than Ji Wu Feng back then, but now a hundred years have passed, and the three of them have grown extraordinary and are by no means invincible to Ji Wu Feng.

After failing to defeat the Demonic City with one blow, the three of them saw even more murderous intent in their eyes, and they charged at them again.


In an instant, a bright edge shot up into the sky, like an aurora striking at Wu Xuan among the three.

That sharp edge was a blade, like a rainbow piercing the sun, splitting the sky!

Someone shouted: "It's Ji Wufeng!"

That's right, the person who came was none other than Ji Wufeng. He was holding a ghost in his hand and crying, like a god descending from the earth!

"What's going on? Isn't he in the Demon City?"

"It's fake. He should have guessed that someone was ambushing him. The Demonic City is just an illusion to confuse the enemy!"


That's right, Ji Wufeng was indeed not above the Demonic City. His voice was just what he heard coming from the stereo.

He placed the Wutian Mirror on top of the Demonic City and asked Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong to activate it. The powerful power created the illusion that he was in the city.

In fact, he had been lurking aside, waiting for Wu Xuan and others to show up, and then burst out from the side, taking them by surprise.


Wu Xuan's attention was all on Tianmo City, and he failed to dodge the sudden knife. He was immediately thrown away and hit the ground, stirring up thousands of dust.

Everyone was stunned. Could it be that Wu Xuan had been in seclusion for hundreds of years and just showed up and was killed like this?

However, Ling Zifeng and Qin Ba looked at Ji Wufeng with playful expressions on their faces, and there was no change in their expressions as if their companions were killed like this.

Everyone looked into the dust and saw a tall body strolling out. Although the clothes were a little messy, they could tell that he had not suffered any injuries. It was Wu Xuan.

Obviously, although Ji Wufeng's sword was powerful, it could not hurt Wu Xuan, which also proved that his strength was also superior to Ji Wufeng's.

Wu Xuan's face was grim and he said: "A bunch of losers can't even deal with someone like you."

The losers in his words not only refer to the people in the Wu family who have suffered at the hands of Ji Wufeng, but also refer to all the people who have suffered at the hands of Ji Wufeng.

Qin Ba narrowed his eyes and said, "I thought you were qualified to be my opponent, but I didn't expect you to be so weak. It's really disappointing."

Ling Zifeng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he said: "Hand over your Qiankun bag, and then commit suicide by committing suicide. I can make the decision and no longer pursue this matter."

The three of them were invincible in their generation a hundred years ago, so they were naturally extremely arrogant. This time, after leaving seclusion, the elders of the three major sects asked the three of them to join forces to get rid of Ji Wufeng.

However, the result was that Ji Wufeng's performance disappointed them and he was not qualified to let them

The three of them join forces and one person at will is enough to kill him in an instant.

Ji Wufeng also focused his gaze, because these three people are indeed very strong, and their combat power is even higher than that of the alien king. Even if he attacks with all his strength, he can only match one of them at most, but one against three, he can only run away.


Ji Wufeng waved Guiwei and rushed towards Wu Xuan and the others again.

The second-class Niu is anxious. Isn't this a deliberate attempt to die? Immediately shouted: "Boss, we are coming!"

Suddenly, Tianmo City soared into the sky again, speeding over and sweeping all the demon kings into the city. Zhao Jiaolong cursed: "Come on, uncle, hurry up and work!"

The demon kings were stunned and said: "What kind of work are you doing?"

"Nonsense, of course they are these strange beasts, but they are all just free money."

Yuan Dongdong pointed at the carcasses of the alien beasts on the ground and cried out: "Pick it up quickly, pick up as much as you can. Who is that? Your intestines are leaking out. Don't make the alien beasts dirty. They won't be worth anything if they are dirty..." "

When everyone heard this, they no longer hesitated and frantically picked up the corpses of the strange beasts on the ground.


Wu Xuan punched him from the air, Ji Wufeng's sword was shattered, and Gui Cail almost escaped.

Wu Xuan said coldly: "Give you a chance, hand over the Qiankun Bag, kneel down to apologize, and then commit suicide. I will not target your family and friends in the future!"

Ji Wufeng had brought shame to the Wu family. If he just killed him like this, he would not be able to regain his face at all. He also wanted Ji Wufeng to kneel down and apologize before he died.

Ji Wufeng snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, I'll give you a chance too. Now kneel down and sing Conquer. Next time I won't kill you, I'll just sell you!"

"Since you are deliberately seeking death, then I will help you!"

Wu Xuan's eyes condensed, his figure moved, and he rushed toward Ji Wufeng like an aurora, and Ji Wufeng slashed out with his sword.


Wu Xuan didn't move at all, but Ji Wufeng flew straight away.

go out.

He is no match for Wu Xuan!

Wu Xuan jumped up and arrived behind Ji Wufeng like lightning. He punched the air with a tyrannical punch. Ji Wufeng stepped on the sky step to avoid it as fast as he could!

At that moment, Ling Zifeng and Qin Ba moved, rushing toward Ji Wufeng like thunder.


Ji Wufeng flew out and rolled on the ground a few times. The corners of his mouth were bloodshot. He pointed at the three of them and cursed: "Damn it, you bully the minority with the advantage of many, and you have no martial ethics!"

The murderous intent on the three of them was even greater, and they said, "Does it make sense to still show off your rhetoric at this time?"

Everyone shook their heads and regretted that talent was just the basis of strength. So what if Ji Wufeng was amazing?

Naihe has not yet grown up, and when he encounters three powerful enemies who can kill him, he has no chance of survival.

At this moment, Ji Wufeng suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "Damn, are you okay? Come and save me!"

Zhao Jiaolong and Yuan Dongdong were controlling the Demonic City to sweep away the corpses of alien beasts. When they heard Ji Wufeng's words, they quickly said: "It's coming, it's coming... I won't save you until I make a fortune, don't worry."

Ji Wufeng shouted angrily: "Fuck you, uncle, I'm going to die soon..."

Everyone was speechless. Ji Wufeng was almost killed, but these guys were still busy picking up the corpse.

"You expect those losers to save you? That's nonsense!"

Wu Xuan sneered and slapped Ji Wufeng with his palm. In his opinion, everyone in Tianmo City was as weak as ants, and it was impossible to stop him from killing Ji Wufeng.


Suddenly, a loud roar of a dragon sounded, and Ji Wufeng's eyes burst with golden light as he slashed out with his sword in the air.


Wu Xuan was slashed and flew out. At random, Ji Wufeng's figure rose up in the sky. At the same time, the Demonic City finally came flying towards him.

Ji Wufeng climbed to the top of Tianmo City and slashed out with his backhand.

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