"Nonsense, which couple didn't start out as friends? Don't you want to get married and have children?"

Mouse looked lonely for a while and said: "Forget it, the doctor said that my leg injury is very serious. Even if it is cured, it will be a miserable life in the future."

In order to retaliate against Ji Wufeng, Li Hongyu struck very hard. The stick not only broke the mouse's bones, but also damaged its meridians.

"Nonsense, there are only people in the world who are not worthy of my brother Ji Wufeng, and there is absolutely no one who is not worthy of my brother."

After Ji Wufeng scolded you for a while, he said: "What's more, with me here, who said you would be lame?"

He suddenly grabbed Mouse's broken leg and poured his true energy into it to repair his meridians and bones. Mouse suddenly screamed in intense pain.

Taking back his palm, Ji Wufeng asked: "Try again."

Mouse tried it and said with surprise on his face: "Boss, I feel that my legs are almost healed."

"It's not completely healed yet. It probably still needs a week of training." Ji Wufeng said.

"Boss, you..."

Moo Zi's face was full of shock. The two grew up together. Apart from Qin Yi, Moo Zi could be said to be the person who knew Ji Wufeng the best.

However, too many incredible things have happened to Ji Wufeng recently, as if he suddenly turned into an omnipotent superman, which is both familiar and strange to him.

"Don't ask. There are some things that are inconvenient to tell you, but you can remember that the two of us will always be good brothers." Ji Wufeng said, even if he told the story of the Immortal King's rebirth, no one would believe it.

"Well, I won't ask anymore." The mouse took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

He had absolute trust in Ji Wufeng. Since he was not allowed to ask, he would never ask again. No matter what Ji Wufeng became, it didn't matter as long as he was still his good brother.

At this moment, there was a sudden quarrel outside. The sound sounded like Su

Haiyue had a conflict with someone.

Ji Wufeng opened the door and walked out, and saw a young man tugging at Su Haiyue.

"Zhu Ming, please let go of me. I have already told you that I would never agree to your promise." Su Haiyue struggled.

"Huh, don't promise me? Now that you're the manager, you want to kick me, don't you?"

The young man snorted coldly and said, "Don't forget, it was me who introduced you to work in Mr. Gao's shop. Do you believe that I could ask him to drive you away with just one phone call?"

"Zhu Ming, I never said I wanted to be your girlfriend, so there is no question whether I will kick you or not. I am very grateful that you have helped me before, but I will never betray myself because of it."

Su Haiyue said sternly: "If you want Young Master Gao to fire me, I have no choice but to do whatever you want."

Ji Wufeng understood that this Zhu Ming should be Su Haiyue's suitor, and he introduced her to work in Gaoxinguo's store, but Su Haiyue didn't want to be his girlfriend, and now Zhu Ming came to threaten her.

"Haiyue!" Ji Wufeng shouted.

Seeing Ji Wufeng, Su Haiyue suddenly panicked, lowered her head and said, "Mr. Ji."

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "We are all on our own side, so there is no need to call me sir. Besides, I'm not that old."

Zhu Ming on the side suddenly became angry and rushed over: "Are you the bastard who seduced Haiyue?"

Ji Wufeng's eyes turned cold and he said: "Because you have helped Hai Yue before, I will spare you this time and get out of here immediately, or you will bear the consequences!"

"Okay, boy, you are looking for death. There are really not many people in Yuliu who dare to talk to Zhu Ming like this." Zhu Ming jumped angrily.

got up.

Su Haiyue quickly grabbed him and said, "Zhu Ming, please stop making trouble. He and I are just ordinary friends."

"Haiyue, you are wrong. You and I are not ordinary friends."

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "I am Mouse's eldest brother, and you are his girlfriend. Of course you have to call me eldest brother."

Zhu Ming immediately jumped up and cursed: "You bastard, you..."


Ji Wufeng slapped Zhu Ming with a big mouth with his backhand, causing Zhu Ming to fall to the ground with his mouth full of blood.

"Get out of here now, or I'm afraid you won't be able to get out later." Ji Wufeng said with a cold look.

Zhu Ming got up from the ground and was about to explode. When he saw Ji Wufeng's terrifying eyes, he was immediately frightened. He turned around and left, saying fiercely: "Just wait for me, I will make you regret it."

After driving Zhu Ming away, Su Haiyue felt a little nervous and said: "Mr. Ji, Zhu Ming and I..."

Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said, "You don't need to explain. I know you are a good girl, but I can guarantee that Mouse is the best man in the world and is definitely worthy of you."

"Don't get me wrong, Lin Hao and I have nothing to do, they are just ordinary friends."

Although Su Haiyue said she was refusing, her face turned red again. It was obvious that she didn't mean what she said, and she must have some interest in Mouse.

Just then Ji Wufeng received a call from Jin Yu. After hanging up, he said to Su Haiyue: "You go in first, I have something to deal with."

Arriving at the deserted floor at the back of the hospital, he saw Jin Yu waiting there with three men. From their special temperament and the infuriating energy flowing in their bodies, Ji Wufeng guessed that they should all be Jin Yu's companions and members of Long Feng. .

The strength of the three of them is not weak, and one of them is slightly

Wei is almost as old as Qi Teng and is facing a breakthrough.

"Master." Jin Yu greeted.


A strong young man was stunned for a moment, and then said disdainfully: "Jin Yu, I heard that you had a master. I thought you were so great, but I didn't expect that you turned out to be a young boy."

Another young man also had an angry face and said: "Jin Yu, it would be fine if you worship a real master as your teacher, but if you worship such a boy, how can we, Long Feng, lose face?"

Jin Yu got angry and said, "I'm telling you, those snake cave killers who made you disgraced were caught by this yellow-haired boy in front of you."

"What? It's actually this kid?"

"Impossible. How old is he? His fetal hair has not completely faded. How can he be capable of this?"

The two young men's faces were full of astonishment, and neither of them believed that the person who caught the Snake Cave Killer would be a boy of eighteen or nineteen.

"Xia Feng, Cheng Yang, shut up!"

The older young man scolded them, and the two immediately shut their mouths.

Jin Yu stepped forward and said, "Master, let me introduce you. This is our vice-captain Zhong Tianmin. These two are my companions."

Catching four killers from the Snake Cave in one go was a feat rarely achieved by even Long Feng, so Zhong Tianmin specifically asked Jin Yu to bring them to see Ji Wu Feng.

However, none of them expected that Ji Wufeng would be so young. He was still just a child. How could he be so powerful?

Zhong Tianmin cupped his fists at Ji Wufeng and said, "I'm sorry, they are a bit reckless in what they say. Please don't mind."

Ji Wufeng looked unconcerned and said, "It's okay. The child is just ignorant. Just educate him."

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