Rong Tianlin's face suddenly turned red with anger, he gently touched Mei Yingxue's pink face with his hand, and said with a ferocious expression: "Boy, you are so beautiful. You can get your hands on such a beautiful woman, but I don't know if you are feminine." , verify it in public?”

"You can tell she's a bitch just by looking at her figure. How about we all come together later?"

Hu Jiwen, who was sitting in a wheelchair, grabbed Yu Jingtong's hair and burst into tears in pain, but he bit his lip to keep from screaming.

Murong Jie on the side had murderous intent in his eyes, and he said to Ji Wufeng impatiently: "Now I'll give you a chance. Kneel down and kowtow, and I can keep your body intact!"

"Hahahahaha..." Ji Wufeng suddenly laughed wildly.

His face suddenly turned cold, a cold and bloody smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said lightly: "If you dare to say such things to me, you will have to die!"


Suddenly Ji Wufeng puffed up his chest, raised his arms and roared, his body danced wildly, turning into several afterimages and pounced on the men in black. .??.??

Bang bang bang!

Those men in black suddenly felt as if they were hit by high-voltage electricity. They all spurted blood and flew backwards, falling to the ground like kites with broken strings, lifeless!

"court death!"

Murong Jie's expression immediately changed, and with a loud roar, his body rose into the air and struck Ji Wufeng with a punch. The powerful punch brought out the sound of breaking wind.


Ji Wufeng met him with a punch, and Murong Jie was immediately knocked backwards by a strong impact. After landing, he continued to fall back, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He knew that Ji Wufeng killed the half-step master Yuan Kun, but he thought that Ji Wufeng was too young and must have used tricks, and he was not convinced.

At this time he felt that he was wrong.

Ji Wufeng pointed and said contemptuously: "I won't kill you now, because I will personally go to Murong's house to settle this debt!"

Mom wants it soon

When he came to Yuzhou, he wanted to establish his authority, so killing Murong Jie alone was not enough.

He wants to board the Murong family and make the entire Murong family pay the price!

"Kill him, shoot him quickly!" Rong Tianlin shouted.

Bang bang bang...

The men in black all rushed out immediately, took out their guns and fired wildly at Ji Wufeng.

We have long known that Ji Wufeng's strength is terrifying. In the hail of bullets, unless he is a superman, he will be beaten into a hornet's nest!

Ji Wufeng's eyes were cold, and his figure suddenly disappeared in front of him. He was seen rising into the sky like a big eagle, his fingers flying, and sharp energy shooting out.

Puff puff……

The bodies of those men in black were pierced by Qi Jin, and their blood spattered, and then they fell to the ground lifeless.

Rong Tianlin and Hu Jiwen were immediately stunned. Nearly a hundred people were killed by Ji Wufeng in the blink of an eye.

"Two losers, it would be a shame not to die!"

Ji Wufeng snorted coldly, flicked his fingers, and four more qi energies shot out, like four sharp swords stabbing Rong Tianlin and Hu Jiwen.


The energy was like a steel knife passing through the wrists and ankles of the two people like lightning. It was like being stabbed by a real sharp sword. A blood hole appeared in the hands and feet and blood gushed out. The two people screamed in agony. Lying on the ground and rolling around.

Murong Jie was dumbfounded when he saw the dead bodies all over the ground. These men in black were all trained cruelly and systematically by their families since they were young. They were all top-notch masters, but these people turned into a pile of dead bodies in an instant. This is called How could he accept it?

hung in

Air Mouse, Zhao Jiaolong and others' eyes were bigger than the eyes of a cow, and their mouths could probably be opened wide enough to stuff a big watermelon.

As for the girls in the corner. Then they screamed, when had they ever seen such a bloody scene? He has never seen anyone die in front of his eyes.

Ji Wufeng waved his hand, and Rong Tianlin and Hu Jiwen, who were crying and wailing on the ground, flew up to Ji Wufeng as if they were caught by an invisible hand.

Ji Wufeng strangled the two men's necks and said expressionlessly: "Trash like you are not worthy of me at all, but you make me feel so disgusting that you are willing to die in my hands. This is a great honor."

Click, click!

With two crisp sounds, the necks of Rong Tianlin and Hu Jiwen were crushed, turning into corpses and paralyzing on the ground.

At this time, Murong Jie was so frightened that his face turned pale.

Ji Wufeng glanced at him contemptuously and said, "Go away, I will settle this account with you at the Murong Family."

A trace of resentment flashed in Murong Jie's eyes and he left quickly.

Ji Wufeng ran to the shocked beauties and said with a smile: "Hi, beauties, everything is fine now. Didn't I look particularly handsome when I was fighting just now? Do I have the potential to be a martial arts star?"

"Damn it, I'm still hanging here. How on earth are you still in the mood to pick up girls?"

Zhao Jiaolong and the others were still hanging. When they saw that Ji Wufeng did not let them down immediately, but went to pick up girls, they immediately cursed in anger.

Ji Wufeng immediately grinned and ran over to put them down and apologized: "Brothers, I'm really sorry. It was my negligence. I will make amends tomorrow. I will make amends."

"This kid almost caused us to die. Please tell me here, give me a beating!"

Zhao Jiaolong was so angry that he kicked Ji Wufeng to the ground. The others rushed in and kicked and punched Ji Wufeng.

"That's enough for you. If you hit me again, you'll fall out. Are you going to hit me again? Oh, I was wrong. Please spare your lives, heroes."

Seeing Ji Wufeng lying on the ground with one hand covering his head and the other covering his crotch, begging for mercy, everyone was stunned, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

Damn it, just now Ji Wufeng killed people with a wave of his hand, killing people as fast as a living killer, and in the blink of an eye he was smiling playfully and being beaten to pieces. Is this change too big?

The last few people felt that their anger had calmed down a little, so they let Ji Wufeng off and said fiercely: "I'll spare you for today. I'll wash my underwear tomorrow. It's been soaking for a week. If I don't wash it, it will smell."

Ji Wufeng had just gotten up from the ground, and when he heard this, he fell to the ground with a plop. Your uncle's have been soaked in water for a week, can you still have your underwear?

Ji Wufeng looked at the beauties and said, "It's okay now. I'll take you back."

But the girls all stepped back in horror, looking at Ji Wufeng with fear in their eyes.

Ji Wufeng looked at the corpses on the ground and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Maybe they thought he was a murderous demon at this time, right?

That's right, in the eyes of these girls, ordinary murderers are considered extremely evil. Ji Wufeng killed so many people in one go, and he was like a devil.

He took out his phone and called Zhong Tianmin. With so many people dead here, someone had to deal with it.

After hanging up the phone, Ji Wufeng said to the girls: "Sorry, I scared you, but don't worry, someone will come to deal with the scene later, and they will send you back then."

After saying that, he turned around and left, his back looking extremely lonely.

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