Murong Wuji added: "It is said that above the Martial Saint, there is a strong Martial God. At this level, he can break through the void and escape the three realms. However, it is just a legend and no one has ever seen it."

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed, is it a legend? Many times legends are real, but they are just too rare and too old to be true enough.

If there really was Wu Po Kong, then where did they go?

The three realms of freedom, are the so-called three realms the realm of cultivation?

This made Ji Wufeng a little excited. If his strength surpassed that of the Martial Saint, would he be able to break through the void and return to the world of cultivation?

When he returned to Longtan Township, it was almost dawn, and Lin Weiguo and his wife got up early because they had the habit of doing morning exercises.

"Grandma, an important guest is coming today, so please cook more dishes." Ji Wufeng said. ??

The family will be reunited today. If Zhou Lan can cook with her own hands for her long-lost daughter, it may be the greatest happiness in her life.

"Okay, I'll go buy groceries later." Zhou Land said.

At this time, Lin Yuantu and his wife also got up and asked with a smile: "Xiao Feng, are there any guests coming today?"

During this period, Lin Yuantu and his wife went to the company very early and came home very late.

The two believed that it was too late to start and that they could learn more by working more in the company. Although it was a bit harder, both of them worked very hard.

"Yes, we have important guests today. Uncle and aunt, please don't go to work. Just rest at home for a day." Ji Wufeng said.

"How is that possible? There are still things that Mr. Lu has explained that must be completed today, and the leave must be requested in advance." Huang Mingyue said.

The couple were serious and responsible, and they had to complete the work at hand even if it was a big task. Moreover, the company stipulated that leave must be requested in advance, and it was impossible for Lu Shuangshuang, who was always strict, to approve it.


"It doesn't matter, I'll ask for leave for you."

After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he took out his phone and called Lu Shuangshuang.

"What's up?"

"I'll take a day off for my uncle and aunt," Ji Wufeng said.

"Okay." After Lu Shuangshuang said that, he hung up the phone without even asking why.

"Okay, I've asked for leave for you." Ji Wufeng said.

Lin Yuantu and his wife looked at each other. How could such a strict person like Lu Shuangshuang approve a fake just because of Ji Wufeng's phone call?

"Xiao Feng, what's your relationship with Mr. Lu?" Huang Mingyue asked in a low voice.

After they entered Tianxiang, they discovered that they were all elites. Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for them to get in with their qualifications and abilities. They obviously used the back door.

Now Ji Wufeng called Lu Shuangshuang in front of them, which made them feel that the relationship between the two was not simple.

"Well, it's actually nothing. We are all a family." Ji Wufeng said.

Huang Mingyue frowned when she heard this and said, "Xiao Feng, I know you are very good and very popular with girls, but you can't fall in love with everyone..."

During this time, she often heard the girls in Tianxiang mention Ji Wufeng, making her think that he was a playboy.

"Auntie, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person." Ji Wufeng said.

But Zhou Lan said: "I don't care what kind of person you are. Anyway, whoever gives me a great-grandson first will be my grandson's wife."

This is how old people regard their descendants' getting married and starting a business as their own happiness.

Lam Wai National Road

: "How old is Xiaofeng? You should put your studies and career first. Why should a man worry about not having a wife? When he becomes successful, are he still worried about not being able to find a wife?"

Zhou Lan immediately glared and said: "Academics and career are important? Family property is not important? If I hadn't been deceived by your smooth talk and gave birth to a long-distance child, would you still be an old bachelor now?"

Lin Yuantu's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Dad, you must have been very romantic back then, right? Otherwise, how could you have deceived my mother?"

Lin Weiguo immediately puffed up his chest and said proudly: "What you said is wrong. How can you call it a lie? I was a serious and elegant person back then, and your mother was completely attracted by my charm."

"Hmph, it's not like who was chasing me so shamelessly back then?" Zhou Lan snorted coldly.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, it's obviously you who is chasing me, okay?" Lin Weiguo shouted.

"You chased me!"

Seeing that both of them were blushing and getting thick-necked, Ji Wufeng hurriedly shouted: "Grandpa, grandma, stop arguing. Today's guests are very important. Go buy groceries quickly."

When Zhou Lan heard this, she quickly said: "Yes, yes, you have to go earlier. If you go late, the food will not be fresh. Come with me, old man!"

Not long after, Lin Xiaomeng and Ye Xixi also got up. At this time, it was time to have breakfast and then go to class.

"Mengmeng, you don't have to go to class today. There will be guests at home. You want to meet them." Ji Wufeng said.

Mom is waiting, how can she be without her niece?

Before Lin Xiaomeng could agree, Ye Xixi said excitedly: "Okay, I don't have to go to class today and just have a lot of fun."

Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said, "Mengmeng is a top student. He can get the first place in the exam without going to school. What qualifications do you, a scumbag, have to not go to class?"

"Son of a bitch, you said

Who is the scumbag? Please explain it clearly to me! "Ye Xixi suddenly bared her teeth and claws.

Ji Wufeng raised his head and said, "I am ranked second in the national college entrance examination, and Mengmeng is ranked first in the school. Who do you think is a scumbag?"

Ye Xixi immediately wilted and gritted her teeth and said, "Just wait, I will definitely test a national champion for you."

After saying that, I went to class angrily!

The Lin family didn't know who was coming today, but since Ji Wufeng was said to be an important guest, it must be very important, and he must not neglect it. The whole family got busy.

Near noon, Qin Yi calculated the time for her plane to land and drove to the airport.

After waiting for a while, I saw a little girl running out first. She looked around with big watery eyes. When she found Ji Wufeng, she immediately ran over excitedly.

"elder brother!"

After not seeing each other for a few months, the girl grew taller and suddenly jumped on Ji Wufeng's body, hugging his neck with her hands and pinching his waist with her legs.

"Hey, why have you become so fat? We haven't seen each other for just a few days, and you're already like a little chubby girl?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Ji Yanran was immediately unhappy when she heard this, and said with a sad face: "I miss you so much, but you call me fat when we meet."

"Okay, okay, our girl is not fat, she is the most beautiful!" Ji Wufeng said quickly.

"Hehe, brother, I miss you so much. Do you miss me?" Ji Yanran said with a smile.

"Thinking about it, I almost want to die."

Ji Wufeng kissed her hard on her little face, and then asked, "Where's mom?"

Ji Yanran immediately curled her lips and said with a look of displeasure on her face: "We met a fat pig on the plane. He always pestered mom. He was so annoying."

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