Qin Yi immediately began to feel distressed and said: "There is no need to waste it so much. They are all members of our own family and there is no need for them."

Lin Weiguo also said: "Yes, it's too extravagant for a family that doesn't pay attention to ostentation."

At this moment, the Pig King walked in and said with a smile: "Old Master, Madam, you don't need to be nervous. Mr. Feng is the major shareholder here. All his consumption is free and will be directly deducted from the dividends."

Qin Yi and Lin Weiguo were both surprised. A restaurant of this level cannot be opened only by rich people. It requires a strong background.

Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said, "Okay, today I will bring out all your signature dishes and a few bottles of good wine."

The Pig King gave him the shares, and he did not refuse. After all, he would have to have a place where he could often eat in the future.

"That's natural. I don't know who these people are..." The Pig King looked at Qin Yi and others and said.

Since we had to deal with each other in the future, Ji Wufeng introduced them one by one and said, "This is my mother, my grandpa, my grandma..."

When he heard that all the elders of Ji Wufeng's family were here, Pig King's eyes suddenly lit up. He gave Ji Wufeng shares just to curry favor with him.

But in fact, the best way to curry favor is to please Ji Wufeng's family. .??.

"Don't worry, Mr. Feng, I'll go out and make arrangements myself right away."

After finishing speaking, the Pig King ran out and shouted: "Quick, quick, let everyone go to my office for a meeting."

After all the employees arrived, the Pig King shouted: "Remember, use the best ingredients and the best specifications to entertain me. I warn you, if anything goes wrong, I will skin you."

After making arrangements, the Pig King picked up his mobile phone and dialed Wu Youde's number, saying: "Master Wu, I think you'd better come over now..."

Not long after, Lu Shuangshuang arrived. When they saw her, Lin Yuantu and Huang Mingyue were stunned. Then they stood up and said, "Mr. Lu..."

"Do you know each other?" Qin Yi was stunned.

"Of course I know her. She is the boss of the company where we work now, Mr. Lu Shuangshuang." Lin Yuantu said.

Qin Yi immediately laughed and said: "Brother, that's really fate. In fact, this Tianxiang Group belongs to our family."


Maybe Lin Weiguo doesn't know, but Lin Yuantu and his wife have been in Tianxiang for such a long time and are very aware of its huge potential.

Although it is still in the development stage at present, it will not be long before Tianxiang will become a star enterprise in Yuzhou. It is not an extravagant hope to even go global and become a leading enterprise.

Lu Shuangshuang glanced at Ji Wufeng and said apologetically: "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hide it, but he didn't want me to explain."

Qin Yi glared at Ji Wufeng fiercely and said, "You brat, you are so brave. How dare you let your uncle and aunt work for you?"

Ji Wufeng smiled bitterly and said, "Mom, I'm also thinking about my uncle and aunt. They need a chance to practice. If I make it clear, they may have a psychological burden."

Lin Yuantu also said quickly: "Yes, Xiaofeng's arrangement is completely for our own good. Don't blame him."

After learning that it was Ji Wufeng who asked them to go to business school, and then arranged for them to join Tianxiang Group with good intentions, Qin Yi nodded with satisfaction and said: "This is a good job, I will give you credit!"

Just as Ji Wufeng was about to complain, Qin Yi took Lu Shuangshuang's hand and said, "Shuangshuang, you have worked really hard during this period. Yuzhou Tianxiang can develop so well, and you deserve the most credit."

Suddenly, Ji Wufeng almost spurted blood.

"Mr. Qin, you are serious. This is what I should do." Lu Shuangshuang said.

"Mr. Lu, please take a seat quickly..." Lin Yuantu and his wife said respectfully.

Qin Yi waved her hand and said, "You are elders, how can you give up your seat to your children?"

Lin Yuantu was about to say something when he saw Qin Yi asking Lin Weiguo

The couple said: "Mom and dad, you have been with me for many years and have helped me a lot. I treat her like a family member. Now I want to adopt her as my goddaughter. Do you have any objections?"

Ji Wufeng was shocked. Lu Shuangshuang usually suppressed him. If his mother took it away again, would he refuse to eat it in the future?

"Mom, do you need to think about this?" Ji Wufeng shouted.

"What are you considering? Do you have any opinions?"

Qin Yi glared and said, "Let me tell you, not only will I accept her as my goddaughter today, but I will also have her share in Yuzhou Tianxiang International in the future."

Lu Shuangshuang was immediately shocked and said: "Mr. Qin, this is not allowed..."

"There's nothing wrong with it, you deserve it." Qin Yi said.

Lin Weiguo and his wife looked at Lu Shuangshuang, nodded with smiles on their faces and said, "Of course I have no objection. Such a good girl, that's your blessing."

Qin Yi said to Lu Shuangshuang: "Come Shuangshuang, these are my parents, this is my eldest brother and sister-in-law, call someone quickly."

Lu Shuang's eyes turned red, and his voice was choked as he said, "Grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt."

Although her parents were still alive, the family's concept of favoring sons over daughters was too strong, and all the love was given to her younger brother. When she was only twelve years old after graduating from elementary school, the family did not provide tuition fees, and wanted her to drop out of school and work to support the family. In the end, because of her grades, The excellent school waived her tuition fees and allowed her to continue her studies, but she was also looked down upon at home and could not feel the warmth of her family.

But after she entered Tianxiang, although she was only an assistant, Qin Yi cared for her very much. She was not a mother and daughter, but she felt maternal love. This is why she has always been loyal to Qin Yi and never left her.

Then, Qin Yi introduced Lu Shuangshuang to other people. Everyone liked her very much, and soon the atmosphere became extremely harmonious.

Not long after, Hua Yuzhen arrived. After sitting down, she asked strangely: "Old Qin, hasn't Old Wu arrived yet?"

The two are friends, so Hua Yuzhen and Aunt Wu are also very close.


"Should be arriving soon?"

Ji Wufeng stood up and said, "Let me go out and take a look. If she hasn't arrived yet, I'll call her again."

He walked out of the box and came to the door. He saw a car stopped, the door opened and Aunt Wu walked out with a tired face.

The window glass slid down, and Liu Fuyuan's big pig head stuck out, smiling and saying: "Min Jie, I'll pick you up when you're done."

"No, no, no," Aunt Wu said hurriedly.

"Look, we're seeing each other again, isn't it...little bastard, is it you?" Liu Fuyuan saw Ji Wufeng midway through his words.

Ji Wufeng naturally saw him as well. This pig head had long been on his must-kill list, but he hadn't thought about it yet. He didn't expect to meet him here.

"Wait for me!" Liu Fuyuan said harshly before stepping on the accelerator and leaving.

Ji Wufeng knew that he was going to bring in reinforcements, so he could deliver them to his door himself, so he wouldn't have to look for them.

"Xiao Feng, do you know Mr. Liu?" Aunt Wu said blankly.

"Yes, Aunt Wu, how do you know him?" Ji Wufeng frowned.

"He is my classmate, and now he is also my boss." Aunt Wu said.

Since Liu Fuyuan and Qin Yi are classmates, he and Liu Fuyuan are also classmates.

Nodding, Ji Wufeng said: "Then let's go in first, my mother and the others are already here."

When they arrived in the box, the good sisters were naturally very happy to meet each other. Aunt Wu was really happy for Qin Yi.

Everyone has arrived, the dishes have been served, everyone is sitting together and enjoying themselves, and the atmosphere is very high.

At this moment, seven or eight cars drove quickly to Yuehai Restaurant. A fat, pig-like woman with a yellow face got out of the car with a group of fat and strong men, and asked: "Where are the people?"

Liu Fuyuan, who was following behind, said: "It's right inside."

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