A middle-aged man wearing Dongyang warrior uniform appeared in front of Ji Wufeng, exuding cold murderous aura, a standard Dongyang warrior.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed. It was no wonder that someone from Longfeng would die. This middle-aged warrior's strength had actually reached the third level of Xiantian. It was not surprising that ordinary Longfeng warriors would die.

"I'll do it!" Fang Tianhua immediately wanted to rush forward.

Wen Jingtao pulled him away and said, "Stay there, it's not your turn yet."

Fang Tian glared, but there was nothing he could do. None of these were the boss and he couldn't afford to offend him. Besides, he also felt that he was no match for this Dongyang warrior.

When Murong Wuji and Jin Yu saw it, they immediately became anxious and wanted to step forward, but they heard Ji Wufeng say: "Are you fighting over me? This big one belongs to me."

The three of them glanced at each other without saying much, but just chuckled sinisterly, looking at the Dongyang warrior as if he were looking at a dead person. .??.

"Takeshi Fujita, please give me your advice." Takeshi Fujita was full of murderous intent.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "Don't be so nervous. You are not the only ones who have the spirit of Bushido. We also have the spirit of Jingwu. We will never bully the minority. We will fight you fairly. Go out and clean up the place and take a good look. How Chinese warriors fought against Dongyang warriors."

The eyes of the others suddenly lit up, they all understood what Ji Wufeng meant, and they all rushed out.

At this time, there was an explosion outside. Captain Cao Hucao of the police force had just sat in his office today when he received news that someone had smashed into the Dongyang Martial Arts Gym and there were casualties.

When Captain Cao heard this, he felt happy at first. Recently, Dongyang Martial Arts Hall was showing off its power in Yuzhou, and he was holding back his anger. If there was no order from above, he would have chosen the scene as a private person.

But he was so happy that he still called the police force to the scene seriously. Dongyang Martial Arts School had an official background in Dongyang. If something happened, it would involve international disputes and should not be ignored.

When he arrived at the scene with a large number of police officers, he found that although the scene was crowded and noisy, it did not appear chaotic at all.

I saw a large area of ​​​​empty space in the center of the crowd. Several reporters carrying cameras were filming. A few guys danced in front of the camera and shouted: "Dear viewers in front of the TV, our current location is at the largest Dongyang Wuhan in Yuzhou. The gym, it is said here that no matter how weak a person is, he will become a martial arts master within three months of entering the martial arts gym."

"Viewers, do you think Dongyang is particularly powerful? Especially arrogant? Are you feeling particularly angry? Are you feeling particularly aggrieved? Do you particularly want to give them a good beating?"

"Now the opportunity has come. I have been arrogant for so long and finally angered us Chinese warriors. Now there is a young hero challenging the Dongyang warriors to vent this evil for everyone!"

Captain Cao suddenly felt dizzy. This kind of matter involved a dispute between the two countries. It was too late to cover it up. It was actually publicized by these bastards. Don't you think the matter was not big enough?

"Catch a few of them. I suspect they are creating public opinion and trying to undermine the diplomatic relations between the two countries!" Captain Cao pointed at Wen Jingtao and the others with a livid face.

Dozens of police officers rushed over immediately, trying to arrest him.

"Captain Cao!"

Captain Cao looked at the man who called him, and was immediately stunned and said: "Jin Yu, why are you here?"

Jin Yu chuckled and took out a small green notebook.

, said: "Old Cao, you can't control this matter. It's best if you don't get involved."

Captain Cao's expression suddenly changed, and he realized that Jin Yu's involvement in this matter was definitely not a personal act. He asked with a solemn expression: "What the hell are you doing? This matter is not trivial. If it gets bigger, it's very likely that It’s hard to end.”

Jin Yu chuckled and said, "I just make things worse."

Captain Cao was moved in his heart and said, "You kid, tell me honestly, is there any action from above?"

Jin Yu rolled his eyes at him and said, "As long as you understand, there is no need to say it out loud. We have discipline."

Captain Cao's eyes immediately lit up, he waved his hand and shouted excitedly: "Put away all the guns, everyone help maintain order!"

The policemen were immediately dumbfounded. What were they doing? Aren't you here to arrest someone? Why did it change to maintaining order again? But no one raised any questions and honestly put away their guns and maintained order.

When Ji Wufeng and the Dongyang warrior came out, the whole place immediately became excited. The younger generation didn't have much idea, but the older Chinese people were all indignant.

During this time, the Dongyang Martial Arts School was showing off its power in Beijing, and many Chinese people were holding back their anger, expecting the legendary Huang Feihong, Fearless, and Chen Zhen to come and vent their anger on their behalf. Now someone finally issued a challenge. How could you not be excited?

When he saw Ji Wufeng coming out, Captain Cao's eyes almost narrowed down. Who is this kid?

Back then, Ji Wufeng disrupted the Rong family's wedding and stole the bride. It was such a big deal. Even if Ji Wufeng had a big backing, he would have to be punished to some extent. But now he arrogantly came out to compete with others, and nothing happened.

The two of them walked to the center of the field. Ji Wufeng took a step forward, took a posture, and said slowly: "Ji Wufeng, Chinese."

"Takeshi Fujita, Iga-ryu samurai of the Daitoyo Empire." Takeshi Fujita slowly took a step forward with a cold look on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense and watch the moves!"

Ji Wufeng shouted loudly and stamped the ground with one foot. The stone slabs on the ground were suddenly cracked, and the gravel flew up and rushed towards Takeshi Fujita.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Takeshi Fujita made full use of Dongyang's quick steps. Seeing his legs double up like a phantom, he rushed in front of Ji Wufeng and slashed diagonally with his sword.


Ji Wufeng's body did not move, but he stretched out his arm to meet the knife. The powerful repulsive force made both of them take more than ten steps back before they stabilized themselves.

The whole audience was petrified immediately, and someone said in a daze: "My dear mother, she is carrying someone else's knife with her arm. Is she still a human being?"

"Is it the Golden Bell? Chinese martial arts actually has such awesome martial arts."

"It's too fierce, Chinese martial arts is too fierce!"

Suddenly, all the Chinese people in the audience were excited. Although Chinese martial arts have been passed down for thousands of years, with the development of science and technology, martial arts has gradually declined. It is difficult to see real martial artists again, and many people have even died. I doubt the real existence of Chinese martial arts and think it is made up by martial arts.

The recent arrogance and domineering behavior of Dongyang Martial Arts School has caused many Chinese to lose confidence in Chinese martial arts.

"Your Excellency is the strongest person I have ever met in my life."

Fujita Takeshi's face became more and more solemn. After coming to China, he had not met an opponent yet, and his self-confidence gradually increased, thinking that he could not learn Chinese martial arts. A middle-aged man wearing Dongyang warrior uniform appeared in front of Ji Wufeng, exuding cold murderous aura, a standard Dongyang warrior.

Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed. It was no wonder that someone from Longfeng would die. This middle-aged warrior's strength had actually reached the third level of Xiantian. It was not surprising that ordinary Longfeng warriors would die.

"I'll do it!" Fang Tianhua immediately wanted to rush forward.

Wen Jingtao pulled him away and said, "Just stay there, it's not your turn yet." ??

Fang Tian glared, but there was nothing he could do. None of these were the boss and he couldn't afford to offend him. Besides, he also felt that he was no match for this Dongyang warrior.

When Murong Wuji and Jin Yu saw it, they immediately became anxious and wanted to step forward, but they heard Ji Wufeng say: "Are you fighting over me? This big one belongs to me."

The three of them glanced at each other without saying much, but just chuckled sinisterly, looking at the Dongyang warrior as if he were looking at a dead person.

"Takeshi Fujita, please give me your advice." Takeshi Fujita was full of murderous intent.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "Don't be so nervous. You are not the only ones who have the spirit of Bushido. We also have the spirit of Jingwu. We will never bully the minority. We will fight you fairly. Go out and clean up the place and take a good look. How Chinese warriors fought against Dongyang warriors."

The eyes of the others suddenly lit up, they all understood what Ji Wufeng meant, and they all rushed out.

At this time, there was an explosion outside. Captain Cao Hucao of the police force had just sat in his office today when he received news that someone had smashed into the Dongyang Martial Arts Gym and there were casualties.

When Captain Cao heard this, he felt happy at first. Recently, Dongyang Martial Arts Hall was showing off its power in Yuzhou, and he was holding back his anger. If there was no order from above, he would have chosen the scene as a private person.

But he was so happy that he still called the police force to the scene seriously. Dongyang Martial Arts School had an official background in Dongyang. If something happened, it would involve international disputes and should not be ignored.

When he arrived at the scene with a large number of police officers, he found that although the scene was crowded and noisy, it did not appear chaotic at all.

I saw a large area of ​​​​empty space in the center of the crowd. Several reporters carrying cameras were filming. A few guys danced in front of the camera and shouted: "Dear viewers in front of the TV, our current location is at the largest Dongyang Wuhan in Yuzhou. The gym, it is said here that no matter how weak a person is, he will become a martial arts master within three months of entering the martial arts gym."

"Viewers, do you think Dongyang is particularly powerful? Especially arrogant? Are you feeling particularly angry? Are you feeling particularly aggrieved? Do you particularly want to give them a good beating?"

"Now the opportunity has come. I have been arrogant for so long and finally angered us Chinese warriors. Now there is a young hero challenging the Dongyang warriors to vent this evil for everyone!"

Captain Cao suddenly felt dizzy. This kind of matter involved a dispute between the two countries. It was too late to cover it up. It was actually publicized by these bastards. Don't you think the matter was not big enough?

"Catch a few of them. I suspect they are creating public opinion and trying to undermine the diplomatic relations between the two countries!" Captain Cao pointed at Wen Jingtao and the others with a livid face.

Dozens of police officers rushed over immediately, trying to arrest him.

"Captain Cao!"

Captain Cao looked at the man who called him, and was immediately stunned and said: "Jin Yu, why are you here?"

Jin Yu chuckled and took out a small green notebook.

, said: "Old Cao, you can't control this matter. It's best if you don't get involved."

Captain Cao's expression suddenly changed, and he realized that Jin Yu's involvement in this matter was definitely not a personal act. He asked solemnly: "What the hell are you doing? This matter is not trivial. If it gets bigger, it's very likely that It’s hard to end.”

Jin Yu chuckled and said, "I just make things worse."

Captain Cao was moved in his heart and said, "You kid, tell me honestly, is there any action from above?"

Jin Yu rolled his eyes at him and said, "As long as you understand, there is no need to say it out loud. We have discipline."

Captain Cao's eyes immediately lit up, he waved his hand and shouted excitedly: "Put away all the guns, everyone help maintain order!"

The policemen were immediately dumbfounded. What were they doing? Aren't you here to arrest someone? Why did it change to maintaining order again? But no one raised any questions and honestly put away their guns and maintained order.

When Ji Wufeng and the Dongyang warrior came out, the whole place immediately became excited. The younger generation didn't have much idea, but the older Chinese people were all indignant.

During this time, the Dongyang Martial Arts School was showing off its power in Beijing, and many Chinese people were holding back their anger, expecting the legendary Huang Feihong, Fearless, and Chen Zhen to come and vent their anger on their behalf. Now someone finally issued a challenge. How could you not be excited?

When he saw Ji Wufeng coming out, Captain Cao's eyes almost narrowed down. Who is this kid?

Back then, Ji Wufeng disrupted the Rong family's wedding and stole the bride. It was such a big deal. Even if Ji Wufeng had a big backing, he would have to be punished to some extent. But now he arrogantly came out to compete with others, and nothing happened.

The two of them walked to the center of the field. Ji Wufeng took a step forward, took a posture, and said slowly: "Ji Wufeng, Chinese."

"Takeshi Fujita, Iga-ryu samurai of the Daitoyo Empire." Takeshi Fujita slowly took a step forward with a cold look on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense and watch the moves!"

Ji Wufeng shouted loudly and stamped the ground with one foot. The stone slabs on the ground were suddenly cracked, and the gravel flew up and rushed towards Takeshi Fujita.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Takeshi Fujita made full use of Dongyang's quick steps. Seeing his legs double up like a phantom, he rushed in front of Ji Wufeng and slashed diagonally with his sword.


Ji Wufeng's body did not move, but he stretched out his arm to meet the knife. The powerful repulsive force made both of them take more than ten steps back before they stabilized themselves.

The whole audience was petrified immediately, and someone said in a daze: "My dear mother, she is carrying someone else's knife with her arm. Is she still a human being?"

"Is it the Golden Bell? Chinese martial arts actually has such awesome martial arts."

"It's too fierce, Chinese martial arts is too fierce!"

Suddenly, all the Chinese people in the audience were excited. Although Chinese martial arts have been passed down for thousands of years, with the development of science and technology, martial arts has gradually declined. It is difficult to see real martial artists again, and many people have even died. I doubt the real existence of Chinese martial arts and think it is made up by martial arts.

The recent arrogance and domineering behavior of Dongyang Martial Arts School has caused many Chinese to lose confidence in Chinese martial arts.

"Your Excellency is the strongest person I have ever met in my life."

Fujita Takeshi's face became more and more solemn. After coming to China, he had not met an opponent yet, and his self-confidence gradually increased, thinking that he could not learn Chinese martial arts.

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