"Okay, that's right. I am a Chinese man, and this is a real man!" A bald old man in military uniform shouted excitedly.

Except for him, almost all of the old men sitting next to him had hot faces and brilliant eyes.

"Hmph, you're so reckless, I want to see how the other side is going to explain it?" However, a skinny old man sitting opposite the bald old man snorted with a cold face.

The bald old man looked disdainful and said, "Explain? Why should we explain? When they founded the Shenwu Dojo, they injured many of our people during the competition. Why didn't they explain to us?"

"That's a formal challenge, life or death depends on fate!" said the skinny old man.

"A formal challenge? Didn't you just see that Ji Wufeng was also a challenge? Moreover, in the end, it was Fujita Takeshi who offered to fight to the death, but Ji Wufeng did not kill him in the end. What a kind-hearted boy, which shows the style of our great country."

"Can this be confused? Ji Wufeng is provoking trouble. If the Wushen Group is alerted, who will bear the responsibility?"

"Responsibility? You are responsible for opening and closing your mouth. Are you just trying to evade responsibility and even give up your face?"


The two of them were arguing so hard that their faces were red and their necks were red. They were spitting all over each other's face. They were about to fight each other. An old man wearing gold glasses couldn't stand it anymore and fiercely and fiercely. He slapped the table and shouted: "That's enough!"

The two of them immediately sat down obediently, glared at each other, snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

The old man said coldly: "Look at what you are like? This is a conference hall, not a vegetable market. How can you be so noisy and unbecoming?"

An old man with white hair said, "Okay, now is not the time to argue. Let's talk about how to solve this matter, shall we?"

The skinny old man sneered and said: "How else can we solve this problem? Whoever caused the trouble will wipe the bottom. I suggest that Ji Wufeng be handed over and we can appease that party first."

"You fart!"

The bald old man stood up and said angrily: "Take Ji Wu

Hand over? Why don't you hand your mother over? You can't afford to shame this person, but I can't afford to shame him. "

"Long Laosi, do you dare to scold me?"

"Tian Laoqi, why did I scold you? I still want to beat you."

"you dare?"

"Do you think I dare?"

Seeing the two people fighting again, everyone had a headache. Even the old man who just shouted to stop had a dark face and stopped talking. Unless these two old guys pulled out their tongues, there was no way they could let them go. Stop.

At this moment, someone came in and said: "Several leaders, the translator from Wushen Group is here."

Feeling that the old man snorted coldly and said: "Look, the troublemaker has already arrived. Let's see how you explain to them?"


After Ji Wufeng and the others returned to Jin's house, Jin Yu hung up the phone and said: "Hey, boss, you don't know, the boss is currently having a meeting to discuss the matter just now, and several old men are about to start fighting."

"Who's fighting whom?"

Jin Yu curled his lips and said, "Who else could it be? Of course our senior leader and the law enforcers are at odds with each other."

"Because of what?"

"You exclude the law enforcers from this operation, which may make the other party lose face. It is quite insidious to appease the other party first before handing you over." Jin Yu said angrily.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. It seemed that some of the big shots above had some disagreements.

"Master, the superiors are going to ask you to come over and talk." Jin Yu said.

"Then let's talk."

It has been a while since he joined Long Feng. Zhong Tianmin has always been in contact with him. It's time to meet Long Feng's leader.

"Your liaison officer will come and take you there in a moment." Jin

Yu Dao.

"What liaison officer?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"It's like this. The Longfeng Warrior has a special status, so the organization will arrange a liaison officer. This liaison is not only responsible for the communication between the Longfeng Warrior and the organization, but also responsible for the daily life of the Longfeng Warrior and the living conditions of his family."

When Long Feng Soldier is not in the organization, the liaison officer is responsible for conveying the organization's orders and arrangements. When Long Feng Soldier encounters trouble, the liaison officer is responsible for handling it. If Long Feng Soldier's family is in danger, the liaison officer is responsible for arranging protection.

To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to a personal assistant.

Jin Yu chuckled and said, "Master, your liaison officer is a beautiful woman."

"who is it?"

"Won't you know when we get here later? And you have already met."

We have met, and she is a beautiful woman. Who is she?

The story of Ji Wufeng's defeat of Takeshi Fujita in public spread at lightning speed throughout Yuzhou City.

The reporters did not dare to publish the video, but many people at the scene recorded the entire process with their smartphones and quickly uploaded it to the Internet, causing many people to repost it crazily. In just two hours, a clip was The best videos are all over the internet.

For a moment, the whole country was shocked by the scene in this video. Ji Wufeng's words "I am a Chinese man" were like a fuse, igniting the blood in the bones of many people and stimulating "I am a Chinese man". wave of oaths.

Some of the older generation used walking sticks to knock the floor loudly, and shouted through gritted teeth: "They should be punished severely!"

Some young people were also enthusiastic and shouted: "I am a Chinese man, show off the prestige of our country!"

Ji Wufeng and others were dumbfounded when they saw the news on the Internet. They did not expect that there would be such a big reaction in just a few hours.

"Oh no, master, you have become a celebrity!"

r\u003e Ji Wufeng suddenly slammed the table and cursed angrily: "I managed to put on such a magnificent look just to make myself angry. These bastards actually covered up my handsome face. Face!"

If you take a closer look, it's true that Ji Wufeng's words in the video are impassioned, and his appearance is truly stunning. The only thing is that his face has been mosaiced, and his name has been refused to be revealed.

So, now people only know that there is such a young hero, but they don’t know who he is?

At this moment, a dashing policewoman walked in, rolled her eyes and said, "I don't see how handsome you are."

Ji Wufeng was stunned and said, "Why are you here?"

"Don't you really want to see me?" Chen Tienan glared.

"Who wants to see you, a tigress?" Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes.

"Son of a bitch, you..."

Chen Tienan gasped angrily and said with a cold face: "The big boss wants to see you, come with me."

"Which big leader?"

Ji Wufeng was startled for a moment, then said blankly: "Are you my liaison?"

Thinking of the last time he snatched a bride at the Rong family, it was Chen Tienan who came forward to help him settle the matter. If he had a liaison, and he had met her a long time ago, it must be her.

"Hmph!" Chen Tienan snorted coldly, which was regarded as admission.

Ji Wufeng grinned for a while, pointed at Chen Tienan and said to Jin Yu: "I'm not satisfied with this liaison officer. Can you change it to another one?"

"Son of a bitch, what did you say?" Chen Tienan became angry on the spot.

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "Look, look, as my assistant, he gets angry at every turn, which is even worse than me, the boss."

"Asshole, I'll kill you!" Chen Tienan was about to go berserk.

Jin Yu hurriedly said: "No, don't do anything, let's leave quickly, otherwise the old leader will be anxious later."

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