Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 430: Can your body cope with so many sisters-in-law?

After knowing that the miserable howling was over, Ye Linglong clapped her hands and walked out in a big way. Through the door behind her, she saw the mess inside. Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao were lying there in ragged clothes, their whole bodies were charred and almost burnt. No more anger.

If it weren't for the fact that their arms and legs were still twitching, and black smoke was still coming out of their noses when they breathed, I would have thought they had been killed.

Ji Wufeng's expression changed drastically. This ghost girl was definitely the most dangerous person of the year. It would be best to stay away from her in the future.

Linglong came to Ji Wufeng and said, "Let's go."

"where to?" ??

"Go to your house!"

Ji Wufeng jumped up immediately and said, "Why are you going to my place?"

If such a little witch was brought home, the house would probably be demolished tomorrow.

Linglong curled her lips and said, "Sister Zhiling doesn't have a place to live yet, so we will stay at your house until the mission is over."

"No, I don't agree, I firmly disagree!" Ji Wufeng howled.

"I didn't ask for your consent. If you don't take us there, we will go by ourselves. Anyway, I know where you live." Linglong said with a smile.

Ji Wufeng's face immediately turned green. If she were allowed to touch it by herself, who knows what would happen?

But there was no other way. After all, he was sent by the organization, and he knew Ji Qingchen, and seemed to have a good relationship. He couldn't be beaten or scolded!

"You're cruel." Ji Wufeng glared and had to compromise.

Back in Longtan Township, due to the reactivation of the Spirit Gathering Array, the environment on the island was very comfortable. Linglong was very excited. She stared at the little animals with bright eyes and said, "This little animal is so cute."

Ji Wufeng was relieved for a while. After all, she was still a little girl and quite caring.

But Linglong then added: "In this way

, in the future I won’t be afraid that there will be no small animals for me to do live experiments on. "

Ji Wufeng almost fell to the ground when he couldn't stand still. They say women are the most poisonous people, and that's true at all, regardless of age.

When I got home, I went to work and went to school. There were only mother and daughter Qin Yi and Lin Weiguo at home.

Seeing Zhuang Zhiling and Ye Linglong, Lin Weiguo and his wife asked, "Xiao Feng, who are these two little girls?"

"Come to stay overnight." Ji Wufeng said angrily.

Zhuang Zhiling immediately said in a friendly manner: "Grandpa Lin, Grandma Lin, hello, my name is Zhuang Zhiling, I am Ji Wufeng's friend, and I will stay here for the next two days."

Zhou Lan said with a smile: "Okay, okay, there are a lot of empty rooms here anyway, and the more people there are, the more lively it will be."

Ye Linglong stepped forward and hugged Zhou Lan's arm and said sweetly: "Grandma, my name is Linglong. You look so young and beautiful!"

Zhou Lan was so amused that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear and said, "This kid talks nicely."

Ye Linglong said to Lin Weiguo again: "Grandpa, you should be forty this year, right?"

"Where is it? I'm almost eighty." Lin Weiguo said.

"It doesn't look like him at all. Grandpa, you must have been a handsome guy when you were young." Ye Linglong said.

"Hahaha, that's true, otherwise how could I have attracted our old lady at that time." Lin Weiguo laughed happily.

Ji Wufeng's eyes widened. Why did this little witch seem to be a different person?

She was fierce and fierce before, but in front of Lin Weiguo and his wife, it was like having honey on her lips. It was so sweet that people who coaxed her didn't like her.

Will not work.

At this moment, Qin Yi and Ji Yanran also walked out.

Knowing that Zhuang Zhiling and Ye Linglong would live here next, Qin Yi immediately glared and said, "You bastard, you already have so many girlfriends, and you want to provoke two more?"

Ji Wufeng said hurriedly: "Mom, don't talk nonsense, they have nothing to do with me."

"You took them home and you still said it's okay?"

Qin Yi was furious for a while, but then she looked at Zhuang Zhiling again and said: "The front is convex and the back is curved. This figure is a standard for childbearing. It's also good. I won't worry about not being able to have grandchildren in the future." .??.


Fortunately, Ji Wufeng was in good health, otherwise he would have had to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Zhuang Zhiling's face turned red, but she still politely came forward to say hello. As for Ye Linglong, she hugged Qin Yi's arm, saying "Auntie" and "You are so beautiful" that Qin Yi almost stood up.

Ji Yanran sighed suddenly, and Ji Wufeng asked: "Girl, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

"I'm not unhappy, I'm just worried." Ji Yanran said like a little adult.

"worry about what?"

"I'm worried about my sister-in-law. Brother, will you be busy in the future? Are you feeling well?" Ji Yanran asked.

Ji Wufeng's eyes darkened and he almost fainted. This girl was becoming more and more ghostly. It must have been caused by that dead girl Ye Xixi.

Ye Linglong ran over and said to Ji Yanran, "You must be Yanran. Come and see, sister, there is something fun here."

"What's so fun?"

Ye Linglong took out a lollipop, and Ji Yanran asked strangely: "It's just a lollipop, what's so fun about it?"

"Follow me and let my sister show you."

Ye Linglong takes Ji

Yanran went to the garden and suddenly heard a bang. Ji Wufeng immediately ran out and saw that the garden was in a mess.

"Did you see it? This is a mechanism. As soon as you press it, it's guaranteed to blow the person into eight pieces!" Ye Linglong said, holding the lollipop.

"Let me try it, let me try it."

Ji Yanran took the lollipop and pressed it somewhere, and the lollipop suddenly emitted a ray of light.


The beautiful flower bed was blown to pieces. Ji Yanran jumped up excitedly and said, "It's so fun!"

"Hey, let's hang out with my sister from now on. My sister has more fun." Ye Linglong said.

"Well, okay!" Ji Yanran nodded heavily.

The expression on Ji Wufeng's face was as if he had been painted with green paint. Having Ye Xixi in the house was already noisy enough, but now there was actually another Ye Linglong.

Oh my god, this life is so unbearable!

At the same time, in the dark room, Tian Laoqi knelt on one knee and said, "Master An, the situation has changed. Because of Ji Wufeng and Zhuang Zhiling, the law enforcement officers will most likely not be able to participate in their plan."

An Jiling's eyes were filled with coldness and he said, "You mean they have already noticed it?"

"It's not clear yet, but it's very possible."

After An Jiling pondered for a while, he said: "Throw Murong Xiong out."


After Tian Laoqi left, An Jiling said to a secret door: "Master Qianye, the Wushen Group's base was finally completed, are you just giving up?"

Qianye Ming showed a sneer on his face and said: "What does one base mean? Without one, I can build ten more. Besides, if there is no bait, how can we catch big fish?"

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