At this moment, the door to the ward was pushed open, and a handsome young man wearing a green shirt walked in.

The young man looked at Zhuang Zhiling with loving eyes, caressed her shoulder and said, "Zhiling, it's time for us to go."

"You go first, I won't leave Yuzhou for the time being." Zhuang Zhiling said.

The young man frowned and said, "The matter in Yuzhou is over. Leave the rest to Long Feng. We law enforcers don't need to interfere anymore."

"The enforcer's matter is over, but mine is not over yet."

Zhuang Zhiling pointed at Ji Wufeng and said, "If it weren't for him, I might have died, but I caused him to be like this. I have the responsibility to take care of him."

A trace of gloom immediately flashed in the young man's eyes, and he said: "This is just the result of his arrogance. If we law enforcers had taken action, such a thing would not have happened at all. This is entirely his own fault, and no one can blame him."

Zhuang Zhiling sneered and said, "But do you know that it was because a traitor appeared among the law enforcers that our whereabouts were exposed?"

"Are you talking about Murong Xiong?" .???.

The young man said: "If Ji Wufeng hadn't offended Murong Xiong, would Murong Xiong have done such a thing? In the end, this is still a personal grudge between them, and it has nothing to do with the law enforcers and no one else!"

Zhuang Zhiling showed anger on her face and said: "Mu Feng, I didn't expect you to say such a thing? No matter what kind of personal grudges they have, Murong Xiong is a law enforcer. Isn't this the responsibility of the law enforcer? ?”

Seeing that Zhuang Zhiling was angry, Mu Feng immediately smiled and said: "Zhiling, I said the wrong thing. I apologize to you, but there is no need for us to be angry because of an insignificant person, right?"

However, Zhuang Zhiling's face was full of disappointment and she said: "I have just said that if it weren't for him, I would be dead. He is my savior. If you really love me, you should be grateful to him. But you treat him as an insignificant person, you really disappoint me!"

Mu Feng's expression stiffened for a while, and he said: "Zhiling, don't you understand my friendship with you? Are you blaming me for an outsider?"

"You don't need to say anything anymore. I will be responsible for him to the end. If he doesn't wake up for a day, I won't leave Yuzhou. You can go." Zhuang Zhiling said.

It was obvious that Zhuang Zhiling was really angry. Mu Feng immediately smiled and said, "Zhiling, it was my fault. Don't be angry. Since you don't want to leave, let's stay here for the time being."

Seeing what Mu Feng said, Zhuang Zhiling's expression softened. After all, the two had been childhood sweethearts for so many years, and their relationship could not break up easily.

"You look so haggard, why don't you come with me to have something to eat? If you can't even take care of yourself, how can you take care of others?" Mu Feng said.

After Zhuang Zhiling hesitated for a while, she nodded.

The two of them walked out of the ward, and Mu Feng cast his eyes at Ji Wufeng at the door, his eyes filled with fierceness and murderous intent.

At this time, Ji Wufeng's spirit, which had left his physical body, felt that the mysterious yin energy had disappeared, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed. If he could absorb this mysterious yin energy for a long time, he would be able to unite his spirit and form.

Not long after Zhuang Zhiling left, the door to the ward was pushed open, and a young man with a sinister face walked in. He stared at Ji Wufeng with murderous intent and said: "Little bastard, since you can't wake up, you will be here for the rest of your life." No need to wake up.”

Murong Xiong, the person who came in was actually Murong Xiong!

The five fingers turned into claws, and with a burst of sound, they clawed at Ji Wufeng's throat. With the strength of this claw, an ordinary person's throat would be scratched to pieces.

Ji Wufeng, who was in the state of Yuan Shen, suddenly felt a strong crisis. If he didn't do anything at this time, he would definitely die!

Ji Wu Feng Xin

He kept yelling and scolding, and it had only been a few days since he was reborn, and he died again like this?

No, even if you take the risk, you have to give it a try!

Without enough Xuanyin Qi, Ji Wufeng's rash combination of spirit and form would be very dangerous, but if he didn't take the risk, he might just die.


Murong Xiong's claws were about to catch Ji Wufeng's throat, but suddenly, Ji Wufeng opened his eyes. ??

However, Ji Wufeng was obviously a little abnormal. His eyes were red and his face was full of rage, as if he had no clear consciousness at all.

This was the result of Ji Wufeng's adventure of unifying the spirit and form. The imbalance of yin and yang in his body caused his physical body to be unable to carry his soul, and his consciousness was confused and he fell into a state of madness and rage.

"You..." Murong Xiong was shocked.

In his madness, Ji Wufeng was too violent. He didn't know Murong Xiong, but anyone in front of him was his target.


Ji Wufeng flew up and kicked him away, causing Murong Xiong to spit out blood and fly away. After landing, his face was full of panic, he got up and ran away.

He knew that if he didn't leave, he would definitely die in Ji Wufeng's hands.


Ji Wufeng's only desire at this time was to attack. He let out a violent roar, his eyes were as red as blood, and he was panting heavily as he chased after Murong Xiong.

"problem occurs!"

In the restaurant not far from the hospital, hearing Ji Wufeng's roar, Zhuang Zhiling stood up and rushed towards the hospital.

"Huh, trash!" Mu Feng stood up and rushed to the hospital with a stern look.

The two rushed to the corridor of the ward, only to see Murong Xiong running wildly with blood on his face, and the unconscious Ji Wufeng chased behind him.

"Murong Xiong?" Zhuang Zhiling was shocked.

"go to hell!"

Murong Xiong suddenly slapped Zhuang Zhiling with his palm

, slapping her towards Ji Wufeng behind him, trying to use her to block Ji Wufeng.

Zhuang Zhiling successfully blocked Ji Wufeng, and Murong Xiong took the opportunity to leave violently. Mu Feng chased after him with a cold light in his eyes, and the two of them rushed out of the hospital in an instant.

Zhuang Zhiling was slapped towards Ji Wufeng, but he had completely lost his mind. He punched Zhuang Zhiling in the chest with his backhand. His thin body was sent flying out, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on Ji Wufeng's face.

However, blood splashed into Ji Wufeng's mouth, which aroused his ferocity even more, and he lunged at Zhuang Zhiling with a roar.


Zhuang Zhiling was beaten away again, and her blood spilled in the air like a rain of blood.

"Ji Wufeng, what's wrong with you?" Zhuang Zhiling asked in shock.

Ji Wufeng roared and rushed to Zhuang Zhiling like lightning. He grabbed her throat with his hands and lifted her off the ground.

Zhuang Zhiling felt the threat of death. Seeing the despair on Ji Wufeng's face, she murmured: "That's fine, I owe you. Now I die in your hands. From now on, we will not owe each other anything."

"Xuanyin Qi?" The crazy Ji Wufeng made a dry voice.

Zhuang Zhiling closed her eyes and prepared to die in Ji Wufeng's hands, but Ji Wufeng grabbed her and rushed her into a ward.


Ji Wufeng did not kill Zhuang Zhiling, but tore her clothes to pieces.

"Ji Wufeng, what are you doing? Let me go!"

Zhuang Zhiling was shocked and wanted to break free, but Ji Wufeng roared at her and tore her clothes crazily.

At the same time, Mu Feng caught up with Murong Xiong, but the two did not fight. Murong Xiong lowered his head and said, "Master Mu Feng, Ji Wufeng suddenly woke up, so I couldn't kill him."


Mu Feng's face was full of violence, and he said: "Do you know that if he doesn't die, your entire Murong family will face disaster?"

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