The crowd dispersed, and Ji Wufeng walked over, followed by Jin Yu, Wen Jingtao, Murong Wuji, and a group of strong men wearing black vests.

"Welcome everyone to the Devil's Camp." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.


Zhao Jiaolong said with a confused look on his face: "Fengzi, what is...hiss!"

But before he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng suddenly kicked him in the stomach, knocking him to his knees and gasping in pain.

"I forgot to remind you one thing. You can only call me instructor here." Ji Wufeng had a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of coldness.

"Now, in my eyes, you are all the same kind of people, that is, trash, trash, and vulnerable trash!"

"Of course, you are a little stronger than the trash outside. Because you want to become stronger, so I gave you a chance to become stronger, so you came here."

The smile on Ji Wufeng's face gradually disappeared and became colder and colder. His eyes when he looked at the others were filled with disdain, ridicule, and murderous intent. Yes, real murderous intent.

At this time, a truck drove next to it and dumped a pile of fir trees that were two meters long, nearly a person thick, and covered with thorns.

Ji Wufeng pointed to the fir trees on the ground and said sternly: "Now everyone, pick up one for me and go cross-country for five kilometers."

Everyone's eyes widened immediately. Damn it, such a thick fir tree weighs at least a hundred pounds and has thorns on it. If you have to carry it and run for five kilometers, wouldn't it cost someone's life?


Suddenly Yuan Dongdong screamed, clutched his thigh and jumped up. He pointed at the strong man in black vest who whipped him with a whip and cursed: "You are crazy!"


The strong man in the black vest smiled coldly and whipped the whip in his hand again. Yuan Dongdong immediately started crying and screaming.

Liu Qingqing was furious and said: "Ji Wufeng, what do you want to do?"

"Since you are a girl, I won't punish you this time, but it won't happen next time!"


Wu Feng said solemnly: "Don't you want to be a normal woman? Now I will give you a chance. If you don't want this opportunity, you can leave immediately."


Liu Qingqing was startled. She didn't know what Ji Wufeng wanted to do, but it was definitely not a bad thing.

Seeing that Liu Qingqing stopped talking, Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "You have three choices now."

Pointing to the fir tree on the ground, he said, "Pick it up and run five kilometers."

Then he pointed at the strong man in a black vest holding a whip and said, "You can also be beaten to death by them."

Finally, he pointed at the group of soldiers holding guns and said, "Of course, you can even choose to run away, otherwise you will be shot to death by them!"

Ji Wufeng turned around and left, and shouted loudly: "The special training has begun. This is the devil's camp. Your special training is devilish training. If you don't want to die, your only choice is to complete the training."

Bang bang bang bang!

The group of strong men in black vests were like crazy. They whipped several people with whips and shouted loudly: "Pick them all up, you losers!"

Although Fang Tianhua has rough skin and thick flesh, the whip is made of who knows what kind of animal skin. The pain on his body is excruciating, let alone other people, especially Xu Yang and Yuan Dongdong, who have thin skin and tender flesh. , after a few whips, he started to roll his eyes.

"Hurry up, or they will really beat them to death!"

The only short young man who was unknown to everyone shouted loudly, then rushed over and picked up a piece of fir. The heavy fir immediately bent his back, and the thorns on it directly pierced his shoulder, drawing a drop of blood. It dripped down.

But he just bent his legs, straightened his back, and ran forward with long strides. His face was in pain, but his eyes were full of perseverance.

Lin Tianzhao

As he said, his life belongs to Ji Wufeng. If Ji Wufeng asks him to live, he will live. If Ji Wufeng asks him to die, he will not hesitate. What does this little pain mean?

Liu Qing gritted his teeth, stepped forward and carried the fir on his shoulders. Due to the system, he was carrying the fir, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, just for fun.

Ji Wufeng frowned, pointed at a big man in black and said, "She, give me extra training."

"Yes, pick up two of them for me." The big man in black said to Liu Qing.

Liu Qingqing became angry and said: "Ji Wufeng, don't go too far."

Ji Wufeng said indifferently: "As I said, if you want to leave now, you can leave at any time."

It's not that he wants to deliberately train Liu Qingqing, it's just because Liu Qingqing's physique is too strong. If the training intensity is not doubled, it will not be effective at all.

Liu Qing gritted her teeth and glared at Ji Wufeng, then picked up one again. This time she finally felt the pressure.

"What are you waiting for? Pick it up and run!"

Bang bang bang!

A strong man in black pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger.

Everyone was frightened and carried the fir trees one after another. If they didn't carry it, these bastards would really beat them to death.

As soon as he picked it up, Wu Youde started howling miserably. How could he have suffered such a crime in his life? Just as he was about to put down the fir tree, he received a whip on his butt. A strong man in a black vest yelled: "Trash, run away!"

Seeing a group of people running with fir trees on their shoulders and crying, Jin Yu said: "Master, is this okay? The intensity is too low. I'm afraid it won't have any effect."

Ji Wufeng lit a cigarette and said: "Don't worry, this is just the beginning. Except for Fang Tianhua and Liu Qingqing who are in good physical condition and have good foundation, and Zhao Jiaolong and the others have only undergone preliminary training during military training, everyone else is too If they are weak, the intensity is just right. If they are stronger, I'm afraid they really won't be able to complete the training."

The three of them looked over. Indeed, Wu Youde, Luo Hui and others were too bad. This was already the limit. If they were any stronger, something might happen.

Wen Jingtao said: "Master, is this necessary?"

Ji Wufeng said with a solemn expression: "I'm afraid my details have been revealed in my previous fight with Songdao Quan. It won't be long before they take action. They can't do anything to me. There's no guarantee they won't take action against those around me."

Learning from the past, Murong Jie had previously attacked the people around him in order to deal with him. The Lin family was protected by Long Feng, but Zhao Jiaolong and others had no one to protect them. If they wanted to be safe, they had to be able to protect themselves.

When they saw Lin Tianzhao, their eyes lit up and they pointed at him and said, "Master, who is that boy? He's pretty good."

"What I picked up is a good seedling, so I brought it here."

Ji Wufeng smiled and found that Lin Tianzhao was indeed similar to the one he picked up.

They all agreed that Lin Tianzhao was good, not because they thought he was very strong. He was only a little better than a pampered young man like Wu Youde, who was shaking the fir tree as if he would fall at any time.

But from the beginning to the end, his face was twisted in pain, but he never said a word, and there was a cruel coldness in his eyes, just like a wolf.

Have you ever seen a wolf? Do you know what kind of character a wolf is?

If a tiger and a wolf are trapped by a hunter at the same time and their legs are pinched, the tiger will die, but the wolf will survive, because the wolf will bite off its own leg, but the tiger will not.

The tiger is very ferocious, but it is not as cruel to itself as the wolf. Because the wolf is cruel enough to itself, it survives.

In their eyes, Lin Tianzhao is a wolf, a wolf that is cruel to himself. Only in this way can he get rid of physical pain.

This kind of person has a very strong will. If you give him a goal, he will not stop fighting. If he is cultivated correctly, he will become a great person.

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