"Hmph, let them come here." Ji Wufeng sneered.

Before he broke through, he might still be afraid. Now that he is not afraid of the Grand Master, will he still care about their revenge?

"Are you really sure?" Ye Chongtian asked.

"If you're afraid, it's still too late to turn back now." Ji Wufeng said.

Ye Chongtian said with a dark face: "Damn it, I have put all my treasure on you now, and I can't get away even if I want to."

Ji Wufeng grinned and said, "In that case, just follow me all the way to the dark side."

"I don't care, but remember, you said that even if the sky falls, you must keep Xixi safe."

Ye Chongtian stood up and turned away, saying, "Let's have a good chat with Old Man Liu in a few days. There are only benefits, no harm."

Just when Ji Wufeng was curious about why the Liu family paid so much attention to Ye Chongtian, a piece of news spread.

The old man of the Liu family is celebrating his eightieth birthday and is preparing to host a banquet for guests. The birthday banquet will be held in five days.

As soon as the news spread, the whole Yuzhou was in a state of excitement, as if something big had happened. After learning that the birthday banquet was to invite guests in the form of invitations, it was said that each invitation was copied for hundreds of thousands, and some even Even heads were broken in the fight for invitations.

Ji Wufeng was even more surprised. Did the Liu family really have such great influence?

After arriving at the training ground, they saw that Zhao Jiaolong and others had been tortured to a terrible state, and each of them looked like a living ghost when they saw Ye Linglong.

When Ji Wufeng was away, Ye Linglong was the instructor, and her methods were much more terrifying than Ji Wufeng's.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Ye Linglong is a harmless and scary little fairy, but in the eyes of Zhao Jiaolong and others, Ye Linglong is the most terrifying devil in the world.

However, Ji Wufeng believes in the effectiveness of special training and can fully unleash their potential.

After you come out, if you continue to practice, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

"How are the preparations going?" Ji Wufeng asked Ye Linglong.

"It's ready, you can start at any time." Ye Linglong said.

Originally, the insight required to prepare for the surgery would take at least a few days, but after learning that Ye Linglong was going to treat Lin Xiaomeng's leg, Long Si decided to use Long Feng's medical room to treat Lin Xiaomeng.

"Okay, let's start today." Ji Wufeng said.

"But Long Feng's medical room is not as good as Long Group's. I'm afraid I can't treat two people at the same time." Ye Linglong said.

After Ji Wufeng pondered for a moment, he said: "Then let's heal Mengmeng first."

Lin Xiaomeng's treatment was successful, and there would be a chance to treat Huang Mingyue again.

Just when the two were about to leave, Jin Yu came over with a sneer on his face and said, "Master, do I want to discuss something with you?"


Jin Yu was kicked out. After getting up from the ground, he howled like a ghost: "Master, don't hit me. I know I was wrong and I will never dare to do it again..."

Even Old Man Liu and Ye Chongtian knew about the matter between Ji Wufeng and Liu Qingqing, and it was all the fault of Jin Yu's big mouth.

"Master, look what this is?" Jin Yu ran over and took out something.


"Yes, it's Grandpa Liu's birthday party invitation." Jin Yu grinned.

"I'm not familiar with him, why did you give me an invitation?" Ji Wufeng said.

"If you're not familiar with me now, won't you be familiar with me in the future? Anyway, you will be my uncle in a short time." Jin Yu said with a smile.

"Go to hell!"


Jin Yu was kicked out again, his body pressed against the wall, and it took him a long time to slide down.

Ji Wufeng threw the invitation on the ground angrily, but Ye Linglong said: "I think you need to meet Liu Tianlong."

Liu Tianlong is the name of Mr. Liu.

"Is he great?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"At least he will be a powerful helper for you in the future." Ye Linglong said.

"Okay, let's go and meet him." Ji Wufeng nodded.

At this moment, a violent aura hit him, and a strong body rushed into the room.

"I'm going to ask for leave in five days." Liu Qing said.

In just a few days, Liu Qingqing's changes have already been astonishing. She has mastered the skills that Ji Wufeng passed on to her, and she has been able to use the skills freely through constant battles with Jin Yu and the others in the past few days.

Ji Wufeng can be sure that Liu Qingqing definitely has combat power comparable to that of a ninth-level warrior.

If those who practice martial arts know this, they will have to faint from anger. Even if a genius has practiced since childhood, it will take more than ten years to reach the ninth level of martial arts, but Liu Qingqing can do it in just a few days. Here we are, the speed is almost like riding a rocket.

Not only that, Liu Qingqing's body has also become much thinner. This is because the strong and yang energy in her body is transformed into success power.

At this rate, it won't be long before Liu Qingqing turns into a tall and well-proportioned beauty.

Ji Wufeng knew that she was asking for leave for Liu Tianlong's birthday banquet, so he nodded and said, "I've approved the leave. Let's go together then."

"Are you going too?" Liu Qing was stunned.


br\u003e Jin Yu got up from the ground and ran over, saying, "Grandpa Liu wants to meet his grandson-in-law. Look, he even sent an invitation."

"go to hell!"

Jin Yu was kicked out again, but this time it was not Ji Wufeng who made the move, but Liu Qingqing.

That night, Ji Wufeng returned to Longtan Township and asked Lin Yuantu and his wife to take Lin Xiaomeng out for two days, saying that he had signed up for some kind of training class.

Lin Yuantu and his wife agreed immediately, and they were 100% assured of Ji Wufeng.

The next day, Ji Wufeng took Lin Xiaomeng to Long Feng's medical room.

"Brother, where are we going?" Lin Xiaomeng asked.

Ji Wufeng asked: "If I said that my birthday gift to you is to let you walk like a normal person, would you be happy?"


Lin Xiaomeng was immediately pleasantly surprised, but soon she said with a drooped face: "It's impossible, my leg is congenital and it can't be cured at all."

"Have you forgotten? Brother, I am a miracle doctor. If others can't cure it, I can." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

When they arrived at the medical room, Zhong Tianmin and Ye Linglong were already waiting there.

Although it is a medical room, the medical equipment inside is definitely the best and most advanced in the world. Each of the Longfeng soldiers are the most powerful guards of the country. The value of each person is not measured by money. Of course, it must be measured by money. Best medical conditions.

Lin Xiaomeng originally believed it, but now she finally knew that Ji Wufeng had indeed brought her to treat her leg.

"Brother, can I really be cured?" Lin Xiaomeng said excitedly.

Ye Linglong immediately patted her chest and said, "Of course. As long as I'm here, even if your legs are looked at, I can still connect them for you, and I guarantee that they will work better than before."

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